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Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a key pest of fruit and vegetable crops, forages, and cotton (Gossypium spp.) in the western United States. Accurate models describing relationships between temperature and L. hesperus development are critical to the study of seasonal L. hesperus population dynamics. Development of L. hesperus nymphs was assessed at nine constant temperatures from 10 to 37.8 degrees C. The relationships between temperature and development for each L. hesperus instar, and for the entire nymphal stage, were best described by six-parameter biophysical models indicating both low- and high-temperature inhibition of development. Development rates asymptotically approached zero with decreasing temperature in the lower thermal range, and decreased with increasing temperatures above 32.2 degrees C. Nymphs did not survive from egg hatch to adulthood at either 10 or 37.8 degrees C, and nymph mortality was > 90% at both 12.8 and 35.0 degrees C. The fifth instar exhibited the longest stadium, whereas the shortest stadia were associated with the second and third instars. Development rates of males and females did not differ, and the ratio of males to females was not different from 1:1 at any temperature. Our temperature-dependent development rate models for L. hesperus nymphs will facilitate control of insect physiological age in controlled laboratory experiments, and should be useful in planning and interpreting field studies on L. hesperus population dynamics.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the basic biology of the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight, are poorly known despite the economic importance of this species. Among these are the factors regulating the adult diapause. Reports of recent studies questioned the validity of earlier reports of diapause in L. hesperus, in part because of the demonstrated loss of diapause response in insects obtained from long-standing laboratory colonies. However, use of laboratory reared insects would facilitate additional diapause research, so long as those insects exhibit a diapause response similar to that of the field population. L. hesperus, originating as eggs from field-collected insects, were reared in the laboratory for four generations to examine corresponding changes in selected biological characteristics. Over the course of the four generations, incidence of diapause in both L. hesperus genders decreased whereas the frequency of oviposition by virgin females increased. Measurable changes were not observed in frequency of occurrence of a specific fat body type (glass bead fat) or nymphal development time. These results suggest L. hesperus used in diapause research should be as close to the field population as possible, but no further removed than three generations. Results further demonstrate variability among different biological characteristics in their responses to selection from laboratory rearing. Collectively, these findings demonstrate the importance of understanding the influences of rearing on specific biological characteristics under study, and the need to verify the similarity of laboratory-reared insects to their native counterparts in studies used to draw inferences regarding the field population.  相似文献   

The tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight, is a pest that causes considerable economic losses to vegetables, cotton, canola, and alfalfa. Detailed knowledge of its digestive physiology will provide new opportunities for a sustainable pest management approach to control this insect. Little is known about the different protease class contributions to the overall digestion of a specific protein. To this end, the proteolytic activities in female adult L. hesperus salivary gland and midgut homogenates were quantified over a range of pH's and time points, and the contribution of different classes of proteases to the degradation of FITC-casein was determined. In the salivary gland, serine proteases were the predominant class responsible for caseinolytic activity, with the rate of activity increasing with increasing pH. In contrast, both aspartic and serine proteases contributed to caseinolytic activity in the midgut. Aspartic protease activity predominated at pH 5.0 and occurred immediately after incubation, whereas serine protease activity predominated at pH 7.5 after a 9h delay and was resistant to aprotinin. The salivary serine proteases were distinctly different from midgut serine proteases, based on the tissue-specific differential susceptibility to aprotinin and differing pH optima. Collectively, the caseinolytic activities complement one another, expanding the location and pH range over which digestion can occur.  相似文献   

Based on substrate specificity, an alkaline pH optimum, sensitivity to selected proteinase inhibitors, and molecular analysis, we provide evidence for the presence of a trypsin-like serine proteinase in the salivary gland complex (SGC) of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Heteroptera: Miridae). The predominant activity in extracts of the SGC against N(2)-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (L-BApNA) was at pH 10, but a minor peak of activity also occurred at pH 5. The major BApNAase activity focused at 10.4 during preparative isoelectric focusing and was eluted with an apparent molecular weight of 23,000 from a calibrated gel filtration column. The BApNAase fraction gave a single major band when analyzed on a casein zymogram. The activity was completely suppressed by the serine protease inhibitors, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and lima bean trypsin inhibitor. A cDNA coding for a trypsin-like protein in the salivary glands of L. lineolaris was cloned and sequenced. The 971bp cDNA contained an 873-nucleotide open reading frame encoding a 291-amino acid trypsin precursor. The encoded protein included amino acid sequence motifs that are conserved with four homologous serine proteases from other insects. Typical features of the putative trypsin-like protein from L. lineolaris included the serine protease active site (His(89), Asp(139), Ser(229)), conserved cysteine residues for disulfide bridges, the residues (Asp(223), Gly(252), Gly(262)) that determine trypsin specificity, and both zymogen signal and activation peptides. Cloning and sequencing of a trypsin-like precursor cDNA provided additional direct evidence for trypsin like enzymes in the salivary glands of L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

Using specific proteinase inhibitors, we demonstrated that serine proteinases in the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, are major proteinases in both salivary glands and gut tissues. Gut proteinases were less sensitive to inhibition than proteinases from the salivary glands. Up to 80% azocaseinase and 90% of BApNAse activities in the salivary glands were inhibited by aprotinin, benzamidine, and PMSF, whereas only 46% azocaseinase and 60% BApNAse activities in the gut were suppressed by benzamidine, leupeptin, and TLCK. The pH optima for azocaseinase activity in salivary glands ranged from 6.2 to 10.6, whereas the pH optima for gut proteinases was acidic for general and alkaline for tryptic proteinases. Zymogram analysis demonstrated that approximately 26-kDa proteinases from salivary glands were active against both gelatin and casein substrates. Three trypsin-like cDNAs, LlSgP2-4, and one trypsin-like cDNA, L1GtP1, were cloned from salivary glands and gut, respectively. Putative trypsin precursors from all cloned cDNAs contained a signal peptide, activation peptide, and conserved N-termini (IVGG). Other structural features included His, Asp, and Ser residues for the catalytic amino acid triad of serine proteinase active sites, residues for the binding pocket, and four pairs of cysteine residues for disulfide bridges. Deduced trypsin-like proteins from LlSgP2, LlSgP3, and LlGtP1 cDNAs shared 98-99% sequence identity with a previously reported trypsin-like precursor, whereas the trypsin-like protein of LlSgP4 shared only 44% sequence identity with all other trypsin-like proteins, indicating multi-trypsin forms are present in L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

The sweep net is a standard sampling method for adults of the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae), in cotton (Gossypium spp.). However, factors that influence the relationship between true population levels and population estimates obtained using the sweep net are poorly documented. Improved understanding of these factors is needed for the development and application of refined treatment thresholds. Recent reports of significant among-sampler differences in sweep net-based population estimates of the adult tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), seem to preclude meaningful comparisons of population estimates collected by different samplers. We used a mark-release-recapture method and the standard sweep net to evaluate among-sampler differences in population estimates of L. hesperus adults. Adult lygus, marked with fingernail polish to facilitate identification and prevent flight, were released into 10-m sample rows on the evening before 10-sweep samples were collected the following morning. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications of three treatments (sampler). Separate experiments were conducted in two plantings each of Pima (Gossypium barbadense L.) and Acala (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cotton. Collections of marked bugs from each study were evaluated for effects of sampler, sample date, and their interaction. Although differences in lygus collections were observed among sample dates in some tests, no differences were detected in the population estimates by different samplers. These results demonstrate that the sweep net technique can be sufficiently standardized to allow direct comparison of population estimates obtained by different samplers.  相似文献   

Abstract Information on host plant preference of agriculturally important insect pests, such as Lygus hesperus (Knight), can be helpful in predicting its occurrence and future movement among crop and non-crop host plants. A field study was conducted during 2005 and 2006 to evaluate the host preference of Lygus to cotton and four other host plants in the Texas High Plains, including alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), wild sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Russian thistle (Salsola iberica L.) and pigweed (Amaranthus palmeri L.). Sampling for both nymphs and adults during 2005 (July to November) and 2006 (June to November) showed that alfalfa and Russian thistle were the two most preferred hosts out of the five hosts evaluated. Abundance of nymphs (numbers per 50 sweeps per host plant) during the sampling period also indicated the superior reproductive suitability of alfalfa and Russian thistle. Cotton appeared to be the least attractive host plant for Lygus when Russian thistle and alfalfa were available in the host mosaic. Seasonal abundance of Lygus was found to be lower during 2006 compared to 2005, which may be explained by the difference in rainfall patterns during these two years. In terms of species dominance, L. hesperus was the most dominant species in the sampled population followed by an inconsiderable fraction of L. elisus and L. lineolaris.  相似文献   

Polygalacturonase (PG) activity found in the salivary gland apparatus of the western tarnished plant bug (WTPB, Lygus hesperus Knight) has been thought to be the main chemical cause of the damage inflicted by this mirid when feeding on its plant hosts. Early viscosity and thermal stability studies of the PG activity in L. hesperus protein extracts were difficult to interpret. Thus, it has been suggested that one or more PG protein(s) with different hydrolytic modes of action are produced by this mirid. In order to understand the quantitative complexity of the WTPB salivary PG activity, PG purification from a protein extract from salivary glands excised from L. hesperus insects was performed using affinity and ion exchange chromatography. To elucidate the qualitative complexity of the purified PGs, the digestion products generated by the PGs were separated using high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. At least five PG proteins were detected; these differing in terms of their glycosylation, mass-to-charge ratios, and/or molecular mass. The characterization of the products generated by these PGs showed that endo- and exo-acting PGs are produced by WTPB. Although none of the PGs was purified to homogeneity, the present work provides biochemical evidence of a multiplicity of PGs that degrade the pectin component of the plant tissue in different fashions. The implications of these findings affect the understanding of WTPB feeding damage and, potentially, help identify ways to control this important crop pest. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a key pest of cotton (Gossypium spp.) in the western United States that injures floral buds (squares) and developing fruit (bolls). However, no clear relationship between Lygus population level and plant injury has been established. Age-dependent feeding activity by L. hesperus is a possible source of variation that has not been examined for its influence in studies of the impact of Lygus on cotton. Recent video-based laboratory studies indicated that feeding behaviors and trivial movement varied among L. hesperus adults of different gender and reproductive states (prereproductive; reproductive and unmated; and reproductive and mated). We compared within-plant distributions and accumulations of feeding injury to intact cotton plants corresponding to adult L. hesperus of different gender and reproductive states. Adult females, regardless of reproductive state, were observed on squares and axillary buds more often than were males. Additionally, prereproductive adults were observed on squares and axillary buds more often than were mated or unmated reproductive adults, regardless of gender. Plants that were exposed to prereproductive adults exhibited more abscised squares and more squares with injured anthers compared with plants exposed to reproductive adults. However, feeding injury did not differ by insect mating status or gender. These results are consistent with results of our previous video-based assays, and indicate adult reproductive state represents a source of variation that should be controlled in studies to evaluate Lygus-induced injury to cotton and other crop plants.  相似文献   

The plant bugs Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) and L. lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) have emerged as economic pests of cotton in the United States. These hemipteran species are refractory to the insect control traits found in genetically modified commercial varieties of cotton. In this article, we report the isolation and characterization of a 35 kDa crystal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis, designated TIC807, which causes reduced mass gain and mortality of L. hesperus and L. lineolaris nymphs when presented in an artificial diet feeding assay. Cotton plants expressing the TIC807 protein were observed to impact the survival and development of L. hesperus nymphs in a concentration-dependent manner. These results, demonstrating in planta activity of a Lygus insecticidal protein, represent an important milestone in the development of cotton varieties protected from Lygus feeding damage.  相似文献   

A microsatellite‐enriched partial genomic DNA library of Lygus hesperus was generated and screened by sequencing. Ten polymorphic microsatellite marker loci were characterized by genotyping 92 insect samples. The observed number of alleles ranged from three to seven with an average of 4.5 (SE ± 0.45), while the effective number of alleles ranged from 1.21 to 3.02 with an average of 2.14 (SE ± 0.20). Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations were detected at three loci. Significant linkage disequilibrium was also detected between the loci LhMS2‐54 and LhMS3‐32. Seven of the L. hesperus markers could be transferred to Lygus lineolaris.  相似文献   

The alpha-amylases in the salivary glands of Lygus hesperus Knight and L. lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) were isolated and purified by ion exchange chromatography, and by isoelectric focusing, respectively. The alpha-amylase from L. hesperus had an isoelectric point (pI) of 6.25, and a pH optimum of 6.5. The specific activity of alpha-amylases in the salivary glands of L. hesperus was 1.2 U/mg/ml. The alpha-amylase from L. lineolaris had a pI of 6.54, and a pH optimum of 6.5. The specific activity of alpha-amylase from L. lineolaris was 1.7 U/mg/ml. The activity of alpha-amylase in both species was significantly inhibited by alpha-amylase inhibitor from wheat and also by EDTA and SDS. Sodium chloride enhanced alpha-amylase activity for both species. The enzyme characteristics and relative activities are discussed in the context of differences phytophagous versus zoophagous habits in these two congeneric species.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The major form of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Lygus hesperus demonstrated a greater affinity to selected substrates than unresolved AChE.
  • 2.2. The turnover numbers of the native AChE were 7000 min−1 for acetylthiocoline, 4800 for acetyl-(β-methyl) thiocholine, 3000 for propionylthiocholine, and 390 for S-butyrylthiocholine.
  • 3.3. Each molecule of the major form had two active sites and each subunit had one active site.
  • 4.4. Paraoxon or dichlorvos had a higher affinity to the major AChE form than to the unresolved AChE, resulting in a higher potency for the inhibition.
  • 5.5. Some references of comparison are also made with AChE from other animal species.

Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an economically important insect pest controlled primarily by chemical pesticides. Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner is a gram-positive bacterium that has been developed for the control of some insect pests in the orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera. In this study, whole culture extracts of 94 B. thuringiensis strains from 83 serovars were added to an artificial diet and assayed against L. hesperus first and second instars. A total of five B. thuringiensis strains, B. thuringiensis variety thuringiensis, thuringiensis exotoxin +, morrisoni, tolworthi, and darmstadiensis generated > 98% mortality after 7 d of incubation. The screening was repeated with 117 alkali-solubilized trypsin-digested B. thuringiensis cultures and the same five B. thuringiensis strains showed nearly identical results. All five strains produce beta-exotoxin, which exhibits a wide host spectrum activity. No beta-exotoxin-minus B. thuringiensis strains showed significant toxicity against L. hesperus nymphs. The present work is one of the first thorough screenings of the wide diversity of the B. thuringiensis varieties for the control of L. hesperus nymphal populations.  相似文献   

Nickel hyperaccumulator plants contain unusually elevated levels of Ni (〉 1 000 μg Ni/g). Some insect herbivores, including Lygus hesperus (Western tarnished plant bug), have been observed feeding on the California Ni hyperaccumulator Streptanthus polygaloides. This bug may be able to utilize S. polygaloides as a host either through its feeding behavior or by physiological tolerance of Ni. This experiment determined the Ni tolerance of L hesperus by offering insects artificial diet amended with 0, 0.4, 1, 2, 4.5, 10, 20 and 40 mmol Ni/L and recording survival. Survival varied due to Ni concentration, with diets containing 10 mmol Ni/L and greater resulting in significantly lower survival compared to the control (0 mmol Ni/L) treatment. Insects tolerated diet containing as much as 4.5 mmol Ni/L, a relatively elevated Ni concentration. I conclude that L hesperus can feed on S. polygaloides because it is Ni-tolerant, probably due to physiological mechanisms that provide it with resistance to plant chemical defenses including elemental defenses such as hyperaccumulated Ni.  相似文献   

Artificial diets have become important components of rearing systems for insects that are used for research purposes and in commercial production. Because the rearing conditions for insects also provide ideal settings for mold growth, antifungal additives are often used to reduce diet contamination. However, the antifungal agents must not only be effective in mold suppression, they must also be safe to the target insects of the rearing programs. The toxicity of five commonly used antifungal agents (benzoic acid, formalin, methyl paraben, propionic acid, and sorbic acid) was tested using diet bioassays on Lygus hesperus Knight, and the effect on biological fitness was measured. Biological fitness was defined as total number of survivors, mean biomass (dry weight) accumulated per cage over the total treatment period, egg production, time to adult emergence, and time to start of egg laying. Methyl paraben and formalin were found to have significant negative effects on these measurements of biological fitness. Challenge tests to determine the ability of the antifungal agents to suppress mold growth when inoculated into the diet medium are currently in progress.  相似文献   

A key economic pest of strawberries in California is the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera:Miridae). Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is a highly attractive plant host to western tarnished plant bug, and we hypothesized that it can be successfully managed as a trap crop for pest suppression in strawberries. Completely randomized design trap cropping experiments were established on an organic strawberry farm from 2002 to 2004. Western tarnished plant bug adults and nymphs were significantly more abundant in alfalfa trap crops than in comparable edge strawberry rows. Over 3 experimental yr, twice-weekly summer vacuuming of alfalfa trap crops with a tractor-mounted vacuuming device reduced adult and nymph abundance by 72 and 90%, respectively, in trap crops. This summer vacuuming of alfalfa trap crops also significantly reduced damage caused by western tarnished plant bug in associated unvacuumed organic strawberries (June and July 2002, June 2003, and June and July 2004) compared with either an untreated control (2003) or the organic strawberry grower's standard whole field vacuuming treatment. Vacuuming of alfalfa trap crops reduces an organic grower's costs (tractor, tractor fuel, and driver time) by 78% compared with current whole field vacuuming practices. An economic analysis of a whole hectare model indicates that a positive return from the use of vacuumed trap crops could be realized in 2004. The overall potential positive net return for the 3 mo of vacuumed alfalfa trap crop treatments in 2004 was calculated at +$1,829/ha.  相似文献   

The effects of daylength on induction of reproductive diapause were investigated in two populations of Dicyphus hesperus to determine which was more suitable as a biological control in greenhouses without supplemental light. A population from British Columbia Canada (49°36' N Lat.) had a critical daylength of about 15.5 h, whereas that of a population from California, USA (35°43' N Lat.) was between 14.0 and 13.5 h. Under natural daylengths in greenhouses at 49°N Lat., females of both populations exhibited reproductive diapause at a daylength that was consistent with their respective critical daylengths. In spring, a lower proportion of both populations diapaused when exposed to diapause-inducing conditions than in autumn. Reproductive diapause of the females of the BC population was 100% in autumn, but half of those females laid eggs when held in the greenhouse for 6 weeks. A maximum of 63% of females of the California population diapaused in autumn, and most began to lay eggs after 2 weeks. The differences in response to daylength presumably reflect differences between the two localities in the reliability of the critical daylength as a predictor of conditions unsuitable for growth and reproduction. Under greenhouse conditions the California population is essentially non-diapausing, and would be the more suitable of the two populations for use as a biological control agent.  相似文献   

A consistent supply of healthy tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hemiptera: Miridae), is necessary for the development of novel management strategies targeting this pest. After being in culture for several years, a substantial portion of a tarnished plant bug colony was found to be infected with a Nosema (Microsporidia) species. Studies were subsequently undertaken to evaluate the impact of Nosema infection on tarnished plant bug productivity and to test the efficacy of fumagillin to treat this infection. Using buffalo black stain, infections could not be reliably detected in adult tarnished plant bugs until adults were 6-8days post eclosion. Nosema infections reduced adult longevity and fecundity. Maximum fecundity was restored using a concentration of 16.8ppm fumagillin while maximum longevity for females was at a concentration of 33.6ppm fumagillin incorporated into the tarnished plant bug diet. Minimum infection scores were obtained at 67.2ppm, the highest concentration tested. A field survey of tarnished plant bugs in Mississippi found Nosema infections in 3% of wild tarnished plant bugs.  相似文献   

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