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Mutations impacting specific stages of cell growth and division have provided a foundation for dissecting mechanisms that underlie cell cycle progression. We have undertaken an objective examination of the yeast cell cycle through flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in TetO(7) promoter mutant strains representing 75% of all essential yeast genes. More than 65% of the strains displayed specific alterations in DNA content, suggesting that reduced function of an essential gene in most cases impairs progression through a specific stage of the cell cycle. Because of the large number of essential genes required for protein biosynthesis, G1 accumulation was the most common phenotype observed in our analysis. In contrast, relatively few mutants displayed S-phase delay, and most of these were defective in genes required for DNA replication or nucleotide metabolism. G2 accumulation appeared to arise from a variety of defects. In addition to providing a global view of the diversity of essential cellular processes that influence cell cycle progression, these data also provided predictions regarding the functions of individual genes: we identified four new genes involved in protein trafficking (NUS1, PHS1, PGA2, PGA3), and we found that CSE1 and SMC4 are important for DNA replication.  相似文献   

CDC6 mRNA fluctuates periodically in the yeast cell cycle   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The CDC28 gene was subcloned from a plasmid containing a 6.5-kilobase-pair segment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA YRp7(CDC28-3) by partial digestion with Sau3A and insertion of the resulting fragments into the BamHI sites of YRp7 and pRC1. Recombinant plasmids were obtained containing inserts of 4.4 and 3.1 kilobase pairs which were capable of complementing a cdc28(ts) mutation. R-loop analysis indicated that each yeast insert contained two RNA coding regions of about 0.8 and 1.0 kilobase pairs, respectively. In vitro mutagenesis experiments suggested that the smaller coding region corresponded to the CDC28 gene. When cellular polyadenylic acid-containing RNA, separated by agarose gel electrophoresis after denaturation with glyoxal and transferred to nitrocellulose membrane, was reacted with labeled DNA from the smaller coding region, and RNA species of about 1 kilobase in length was detected. Presumably, the discrepancy in size between the R-loop and electrophoretic determinations is due to a segment of polyadenylic acid which is excluded from the R-loops. By using hybridization of the histone H2B mRNAs to an appropriate probe as a previously determined standards, it was possible to estimate the number of CDC28 mRNA copies per haploid cell as between 6 and 12 molecules. Hybrid release translation performed on the CDC29 mRNA directed the synthesis of a polypeptide of 27,000 daltons, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. This polypeptide was not synthesized when mRNA prepared from a cdc28 nonsense mutant was translated in a parallel fashion. However, if the RNA from a cell containing the CDC28 gene on a plasmid maintained at a high copy number was translated, the amount of in vitro product was amplified fivefold.  相似文献   

The gene for human C-reactive protein (CRP) is mapped within a 34-kilobase pair genomic DNA segment identified by chromosome walking through overlapping DNA fragments cloned into a lambda phage library. Within 16 kilobase pairs upstream and downstream of the locus for the authentic CRP gene, only one other sequence homologous to that for CRP could be found. Sequencing analysis indicates this sequence to be a pseudogene with 50-80% region-specific homology. Comparison of the authentic CRP gene cloned from genomic DNA libraries independently prepared from three patients indicates no difference in the 5' and 3' flanking region, promoter region, or coding sequence. Only a polymorphism in the length of the poly(GT) stretch located in the intron is observed. There appears to be only one gene locus and copy per haploid chromosome for the authentic CRP gene and its pseudogene.  相似文献   

G25K is a low-molecular-mass GTP-binding protein with a broad distribution in mammalian tissues. A cDNA clone was isolated by using oligonucleotides corresponding to the partial amino acid sequence of purified human G25K. The cDNA encodes an 191-amino-acid polypeptide containing GTP-binding consensus sequences and a putative farnesylation site at the C terminus. The sequence exhibits 50 and 70% identities to the mammalian rho and rac proteins, respectively, and an 80% identity to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC42 gene product. Insect Sf9 cells infected with recombinant baculovirus vectors expressing the G25K cDNA produced a 25-kDa protein that bound GTP and was recognized by antibodies specifically reactive to G25K. G25K appears to be the human homolog of the CDC42 gene product, since expression of the G25K cDNA in S. cerevisiae suppressed both cdc42-1 and cdc24-4 temperature-sensitive lethal mutations.  相似文献   

Conditional mutations in the genes CDC36 and CDC39 cause arrest in the G1 phase of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle at the restrictive temperature. We present evidence that this arrest is a consequence of a mutational activation of the mating pheromone response. cdc36 and cdc39 mutants expressed pheromone-inducible genes in the absence of pheromone and conjugated in the absence of a mating pheromone receptor. On the other hand, cells lacking the G beta subunit or overproducing the G alpha subunit of the transducing G protein that couples the receptor to the pheromone response pathway prevented constitutive activation of the pathway in cdc36 and cdc39 mutants. These epistasis relationships imply that the CDC36 and CDC39 gene products act at the level of the transducing G protein. The CDC36 and CDC39 gene products have a role in cellular processes other than the mating pheromone response. A mating-type heterozygous diploid cell, homozygous for either the cdc36 or cdc39 mutation, does not exhibit the G1 arrest phenotype but arrests asynchronously with respect to the cell cycle. A similar asynchronous arrest was observed in cdc36 and cdc39 cells where the pheromone response pathway had been inactivated by mutations in the transducing G protein. Furthermore, cdc36 and cdc39 mutants, when grown on carbon catabolite-derepressing medium, did not arrest in G1 and did not induce pheromone-specific genes at the restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant, cdc16-116, has been isolated which undergoes uncontrolled septation during its cell division cycle. The mutant accumulates two types of cells after 3 h of growth at the restrictive temperature: (i) type I cells (85% of the population), which complete nuclear division and then form up to five septa between the divided nuclei; and (ii) type II cells (15% of the population), which form an asymmetrically situated septum in the absence of any nuclear division. cdc16-116 is a monogenic recessive mutation unlinked to any previously known cdc gene of S. pombe. It is not affected in a previously reported control by which septation is dependent upon completion of nuclear division. We propose the cdc16-116 is unable to complete septum formation and proceed to cell separation and is also defective in a control which prevents the manufacture of more than one septum in each cell cycle.  相似文献   

The CDC4 gene product is associated with the yeast nuclear skeleton   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The CDC4 gene product of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required at the late G1/S phase boundary of the cell cycle. In an attempt to better understand the function of CDC4, we performed experiments to localize this protein in the yeast cell. Using antisera, directed against a TrpE-CDC4 fusion protein, to analyze immuno-blots of different subcellular fractions from yeast, we demonstrated that the CDC4 gene product localizes in the nucleus by two different biochemical preparations of the yeast nucleoskeletal proteins. Immunofluorescence microscopy further confirmed its nuclear localization. These data support a model that includes the CDC4 gene product as a component of the yeast nuclear skeleton. The significance of this association in relationship to the biological role of CDC4 is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the steady-state responses to changes in growth rate of yeast when ethanol is the sole source of carbon and energy. Analysis of these data, together with data from studies where glucose was the carbon source, allowed us to distinguish a "universal" growth rate response (GRR) common to all media studied from a GRR specific to the carbon source. Genes with positive universal GRR include ribosomal, translation, and mitochondrial genes, and those with negative GRR include autophagy, vacuolar, and stress response genes. The carbon source-specific GRR genes control mitochondrial function, peroxisomes, and synthesis of vitamins and cofactors, suggesting this response may reflect the intensity of oxidative metabolism. All genes with universal GRR, which comprise 25% of the genome, are expressed periodically in the yeast metabolic cycle (YMC). We propose that the universal GRR may be accounted for by changes in the relative durations of the YMC phases. This idea is supported by oxygen consumption data from metabolically synchronized cultures with doubling times ranging from 5 to 14 h. We found that the high oxygen consumption phase of the YMC can coincide exactly with the S phase of the cell division cycle, suggesting that oxidative metabolism and DNA replication are not incompatible.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty seven recessive temperature sensitive mutants have been isolated in Schizosaccharomyces pombe which are unable to complete the cell division cycle at the restrictive temperature. These mutants define 14 unlinked genes which are involved in DNA synthesis, nuclear division and cell plate formation. The products from most of these genes complete their function just before the cell cycle event in which they are involved. Physiological characterisation of the mutants has shown that DNA synthesis and nuclear division form a cycle of mutually dependent events which can operate in the absence of cell plate formation. Cell plate formation itself is usually dependent upon the completion of nuclear division.  相似文献   

The distribution of actin and tubulin during the cell cycle of the budding yeast Saccharomyces was mapped by immunofluorescence using fixed cells from which the walls had been removed by digestion. The intranuclear mitotic spindle was shown clearly by staining with a monoclonal antitubulin; the presence of extensive bundles of cytoplasmic microtubules is reported. In cells containing short spindles still entirely within the mother cells, one of the bundles of cytoplasmic microtubules nearly always extended to (or into) the bud. Two independent reagents (anti-yeast actin and fluorescent phalloidin) revealed an unusual distribution of actin: it was present as a set of cortical dots or patches and also as distinct fibers that were presumably bundles of actin filaments. Double labeling showed that at no stage in the cell cycle do the distributions of actin and tubulin coincide for any significant length, and, in particular, that the mitotic spindle did not stain detectably for actin. However, both microtubule and actin staining patterns change in a characteristic way during the cell cycle. In particular, the actin dots clustered in rings about the bases of very small buds and at the sites on unbudded cells at which bud emergence was apparently imminent. Later in the budding cycle, the actin dots were present largely in the buds and, in many strains, primarily at the tips of these buds. At about the time of cytokinesis the actin dots clustered in the neck region between the separating cells. These aspects of actin distribution suggest that it may have a role in the localized deposition of new cell wall material.  相似文献   

The stochastic model of cell division formulated by Alt and Tyson is generalized to the case of imprecise binary fission. Closed-form expressions are derived for the generation-time distribution, the birth-size and division-size distributions, the beta curve, and the correlation coefficient of generation times of sister cells. The theoretical results are compared to observations of cell division statistics in a culture of fission yeast.  相似文献   

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