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Cadmium uptake by growing cells of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study evaluates the effect of the cadmium (Cd2+) on the growth and protein synthesis of some Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcus faecium) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria and the cadmium uptake by the same micro-organisms. The Gram-negative bacteria tested were less sensitive to metal ions than the Gram-positive, and P. aeruginosa was the most resistant. The Gram-negative bacteria were also able to accumulate higher amounts of cadmium during growth than the Gram-positive bacteria. The maximum values of specific metal uptake (microgram of Cd2+ incorporated per mg of protein) were: 0.52 for S. aureus, 0.65 for S. faecium, 0.79 for B. subtilis, 2.79 for E. coli and 24.15 for P. aeruginosa, respectively. The differences in the ability to accumulate metal found between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria seems to account for different mechanisms of metal resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of some milk components on the cellular uptake of cadmium has been studied using a human intestinal cell line (Caco-2). Cadmium uptake by Caco-2 cells increased with the concentration of this metal in the culture medium, in a saturable way. These cells were exposed to different concentrations of cadmium and the synthesis of metallothionein was studied by a cadmium-saturation method. The levels of metallothionein increased with the cadmium concentration in the medium up to 20 μM of metal. Supplementation of the culture medium with 10% bovine milk caused a 25% decrease in the uptake of cadmium with respect to that internalized by the cells maintained in the culture medium alone. However, the uptake of cadmium from the medium supplemented with 10% human milk was similar to that with serum-free medium. β-Lactoglobulin interacted with cadmium when studied by equilibrium dialysis, showing a stoichiometric binding constant of 5 × 104l/mol. Interaction of lactoferrin with cadmium, however, was negligible. When Caco-2 cells were incubated in culture medium containing lactoferrin, cadmium uptake decreased with respect to that observed incubating the cells in a medium containing β-lactoglobulin or in the free-protein medium. The inhibitory effect of lactoferrin on the uptake of cadmium might be due to a reduction of the cell surface charge, through its binding to the membrane.  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake by crops from the subsoil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
van Lune  P.  Zwart  K.B. 《Plant and Soil》1997,189(2):231-237
Plant roots penetrate into the subsoil from which they may take up heavy metals, resulting in accumulation in the plant. The subsoil may contain heavy metals, possibly as a result of ploughing down contaminated topsoil. This is why the effect of Cd in the subsoil on Cd plant uptake was studied in outdoor miniplots in eight consecutive years. Cd (as Cd(NO3)2.4H2O) was added to four different layers of two soils (a sand and a sandy loam) at the start of the experiment. Nine arable and vegetable crops were grown and analysed for Cd. For most investigated crops Cd uptake increased linearly with increasing depth of Cd addition to the soils and for some crops (spinach and potato) the increase was exponential (decreasing increase). Cd uptake by crops on sand was higher than on sandy loam. As most investigated crops accumulated Cd from the subsoil, ploughing down a Cd-contaminated topsoil into the subsoil is a risk for the safe production of food and feed crops. It is concluded that acceptable Cd concentration levels in soils should not only be based an the Cd concentration in the topsoil but also on that in the rooted subsoil.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Considering the importance of acidic conditions and Al toxicity in arable soils of Chile, 2 field experiments were conducted in the 2005-06 and 2006-07 growing seasons in Valdivia...  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake by Spirulina maxima: toxicity and mechanism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cadmium uptake by Spirulina maxima cells was more pronounced in living than in dead cells, with a maximum recovery of 47.63mg Cd/g cells for living cells and 37.00mg Cd/g cells for inactivated cells. When in the medium at 1.2mg/l, cadmium affected cell growth and diminished cell productivity. Cadmium was detected in the outer and inner faces of the external membrane, essentially in the lipid layer.  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake was studied in isolated adrenocortical cells of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) to test the hypothesis that the greater sensitivity of trout cells to Cd-induced disruption of cortisol secretion observed in previous studies is correlated to higher level of metal accumulation. There was no evidence for interspecies differences in accumulation level, and a specific transport mechanism of similar affinity has been characterized in both fish species. However, inhibition of Cd uptake by calcium was observed in rainbow trout exclusively. The free metal ion Cd(2+) and chlorocomplexes CdCl(n)(2-n) both contribute to Cd accumulation with different level of contribution between fish species. We conclude that interspecies differences in sensitivity to Cd endocrine disrupting effect are not necessarily related to different levels of metal accumulation but would rather be linked to transport pathways and metal speciation. Cadmium/calcium competition for uptake could be a determinant of the early Cd-induced impaired cortisol secretion in trout but not perch cells.  相似文献   

When grown in monolayer culture, OK cells display endocytic uptake of soluble fluid-phase markers such as lucifer yellow (LY) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The response of this process to metabolic inhibitors was characterized in the present study. Inhibition of cell metabolism by cyanide produced a decrease in cell ATP content which was accompanied by a decrease in uptake of both LY and HRP, confirming the energy-dependence of fluid-phase endocytosis in OK cells. Use of iodoacetate also decreased cell ATP content but its action on endocytosis was unexpected. Cell uptake of HRP was decreased by iodoacetate, similar to the effect of cyanide, but there was a marked increase in LY uptake. Additional studies showed that cyanide did not change intracellular Na+ or intracellular K+ and did not interfere with the Na(+)-dependency of Pi uptake. In contrast, iodoacetate produced a marked increase in Na+, a decrease in K+, and abolished the Na(+)-dependency of Pi transport. The latter was due primarily to a 10-fold increase in Na(+)-independent uptake of Pi. These findings suggest, indirectly, that plasma membrane permeability to Na+, K+, Pi, and small molecules such as LY, may be increased by iodoacetate, possibly through its action as an alkylating agent. This mechanism may allow increased cell uptake of LY through a non-endocytic pathway, and may mask the inhibitory action of iodoacetate on endocytic uptake of LY. These additional effects complicate the use of iodoacetate to interrupt endocytosis.  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake kinetics in human erythrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cross-membrane transport of cadmium in human erythrocytes was studied using 109Cd+(+) and liquid scintillation counting. Uptake rates were determined by depletion of radioactivity in the incubation medium and the amount of hemolyzate radioactivity taken up by the erythrocytes. Both saturable and nonsaturable components for cadmium transport were observed. The mean maximum uptake rate (Jmax) of the saturable component was 4.9 X 10(-6) mol/L/h. The transport constant (Kt) was estimated at 6.9 X 10(-5) mol/L. The diffusion constant (Kd) of the non-saturable component was 1.4 X 10(-2)/h. Both Jmax and Kt of cadmium generally decreased when Zn+(+) was present, with a biphasic response in the presence of Cu+(+). Kd of cadmium increased as Zn+(+) or Cu+(+) levels were increased. It is suggested that cadmium may penetrate human red cells via cation transport sites owing to its behavior as an analog of one or more nutrient species.  相似文献   

Summary Protocols were developed for the immobilisation of Rhizopus arrhizus biomass using alginate, polyacrylamide, epoxy resin and polyvinylformal materials and the resulting biosorbents were tested for the removal of cadmium from solution. Polyvinyl formal immobilisation produced the optimal biosorbent with cell loadings of up to 80% and metal adsorption capacities of 84% of that of free biomass.  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake by rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri eggs and alevins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The uptake of cadmium by eggs and alevins of rainbow trout from water concentrations of between 0.01 and 50.0 mg Cd 1−1 was investigated. The cadmium content of eggs and alevins increased with time and with exposure concentration. Lower cadmium levels were detected in alevins than in eggs. Most of the cadmium (98%) in the eggs was found to be associated with the egg membrane or chorion. This explains the considerable reduction in cadmium concentration observed in alevins after hatching. Alevins hatching from eggs which had been exposed to cadmium survived longer in cadmium than alevins not exposed as eggs. This suggests that the pretreatment of eggs with cadmium serves some protective function. Behavioural and pathological signs of cadmium poisoning such as erratic swimming and blood clotting in alevins were observed.  相似文献   

Dynamic studies of iron metabolism in brain are generally unavailable despite the fact that a number of neurologic conditions are associated with excessive accumulation of iron in central nervous tissue. Cortical non-neuronal (glial) cultures were prepared from fetal mouse brain. After 13 days the cultures were exposed to radiolabeled iron. Brisk and linear total iron uptake and ferritin iron uptake occurred over 4 hours. When methylamine or ammonium chloride was added, (both known inhibitors of transferrin iron release because of their lysosomotropic properties), total iron uptake was diminished. Further studies indicated that meth-ylamine inhibits glial cell ferritin iron incorporation. Glial cell iron transport is similar to previously reported neuronal cell iron transport (1) but glial cell iron uptake proceeds at a faster rate and is more susceptible to the inhibition of certain lysosomotropic agents. The data reinforces the likelihood that iron uptake by nervous tissues is transferrin-mediated.  相似文献   

During incubation with vanadyl, Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells were able to accumulate millimolar concentrations of this divalent cation within an intracellular compartment. The intracellular vanadyl ions were bound to low molecular weight substances. This was indicated by the isotropic nature of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of the respective samples. Accumulation of intracellular vanadyl was dependent on presence of glucose during incubation. It could be inhibited by various di- and trivalent metal cations. Of these cations lanthanum displayed the strongest inhibitory action. If yeast cells were exposed to more than 50 microM vanadyl sulfate at a pH higher than 4.0, a potassium loss into the medium was detected. The magnitude of this potassium loss suggests a damage of the plasma membrane caused by vanadyl. Upon addition of vanadate to yeast cells surface-bound vanadyl was detectable after several minutes by EPR. This could be the consequence of extracellular reduction of vanadate to vanadyl. The reduction was followed by a slow accumulation of intracellular vanadium, which could be inhibited by lanthanum or phosphate. Therefore, permeation of vanadyl into the cells can be assumed as one mechanism of vanadium accumulation by yeast during incubation with vanadate.  相似文献   

Cadmium uptake kinetics in intact soybean plants   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
The absorption characteristics of Cd2+ by 10- to 12-day-old soybean plants (Glycine max cv Williams) were investigated with respect to influence of Cd concentration on adsorption to root surfaces, root absorption, transport kinetics and interaction with the nutrient cations Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+. The fraction of nonexchangeable Cd bound to roots remained relatively constant at 20 to 25% of the absorbed fraction at solution concentration of 0.0025 to 0.5 micromolar, and increased to 45% at solution concentration in excess of 0.5 micromolar. The exchangeable fraction represented 1.4 to 32% of the absorbed fraction, and was concentration dependent. Using dinitrophenol as a metabolic inhibitor, the `metabolically absorbed' fraction was shown to represent 75 to 80% of the absorbed fraction at concentration less than 0.5 micromolar, and decreased to 55% at 5 micromolar. At comparatively low Cd concentrations, 0.0025 to micromolar 0.3, root absorption exhibited two isotherms with K2 values of 0.08 and 1.2 micromolar. Root absorption and transfer from root to shoot of Cd2+ was inhibited by Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+. Analyses of kinetic interaction of these nutrient cations with Cd2+ indicated that Cu2+, Fe2+, Zn2+, and possibly Mn2+ inhibited Cd absorption competitively suggesting an involvement of a common transport site or process.  相似文献   

The presence of a sodium-dependent, saturable uptake process is described in basolateral membranes of rat renal cortex for L-glutamine. Concentration-dependence studies indicate the presence of multiple transport systems withK m 1 of 0.032 mM and V1 of 0.028 nmol/mg of protein per min, andK m 2 of 17.6 mM and V2 of 17.6 nmol/mg of protein per min. Lysine completely inhibits the high-affinity, low-capacityK m system and partially inhibits the low-affinity, high-capacity system. Cystine and other dibasic amino acids also affect glutamine uptake.  相似文献   

Organic cation uptake by a cultured renal epithelium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several organic cations are actively transported by proximal renal tubules by mediated processes across both the apical and basolateral cell membranes. In order to evaluate this transport system in a cultured renal epithelium, uptake of 3H-tetraethylammonium (TEA) across the apical membrane was measured in LLCPK1 cells, a cell line with several characteristics of proximal tubules. 3H-TEA progressively entered these cells and reached a near-steady state by 30 min. Three-minute uptake was saturable with an apparent Vmax of 1,669 +/- 129 fmoles/micrograms DNA and apparent Km of 34.0 +/- 3.4 microM. 3H-TEA uptake was inhibited by an excess of nonradioactive TEA, other organic cations, sodium azide, and hypothermia. An alkaline external pH was associated with greater 3H-TEA uptake than an acid pH. However, efflux of 3H-TEA from cells was not appreciably affected by changes in external pH. Preincubation of cells in acid or alkaline media did not affect uptake. Alteration of cell pH by ammonium chloride addition or removal had little effect on 3H-TEA uptake. Finally, uptake of 3H-TEA was not accelerated by preloading cells with an excess of nonradioactive TEA. These results indicate that intact LLCPK1 cells possess a mechanism(s) in their apical membranes for the mediated transport of a prototypic organic cation. The mechanism(s) involved in this transport is uncertain. However, neither organic cation/proton nor organic cation/organic cation exchange appears to be the predominant process.  相似文献   

Biomass of non-viable and dried brown marine algaeEcklonia radiata Turn. was used to examine its cadmium uptake capability. Twelve different pretreatments on the algal biomass were prepared. Among these pretreatments, the algal biomass, which treated with 0.1 M NaOH and kept in water bath (100°C, 18 h) followed by washing with distilled water and squeezing, showed the highest amount of cadmium uptake as 1634±195 mg/g dry biomass at pH 4.0 and 50°C. Adsorption temperatures and pH levels played some important role in cadmium uptake. However, cadmium uptake decreased dramatically at a lower pH than 4.0. Freundlich adsorption isotherm showed potent cadmium uptake capacity of the non-viable biomass. Pretreatments on the nonviable algal biomass shown in this study may enhance the cadmium removal in the industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

Effect of epinephrine on alpha-methyl-D-glucopyranoside uptake in renal proximal tubule cells. Epinephrine has known to be a very important factor in the regulation of renal sodium excretion. However, the effect of epinephrine on Na+/glucose cotransporter was not fully elucidated. Thus, we examined effect of epinephrine on alpha-methyl-D-glucopyranoside (alpha-MG) uptake and its related signal pathways in the primary cultured rabbit renal proximal tubule cells (PTCs). Epinephrine inhibited alpha-MG uptake in a time- and dose-dependent manner and also decreased SGLT1 and SGLT2 protein level. Both phentolamine and propranolol completely prevented epinephrine-induced inhibition of alpha-MG uptake. The epinephrine-induced inhibition of alpha-MG uptake was blocked by SQ-22536 or myristoylated PKA inhibitor amide 14-22 and epinephrine increased the intracellular cAMP content. In western blotting analysis, epinephrine increases phosphorylation of p44/42 and p38 MAPKs and PD 98059 or SB 203580 blocked the effect of epinephrine. In addition, epinephrine increased AA release and PGE2 production and effects of epinephrine on alpha-MG uptake and AA release were blocked by staurosporine and bisindolylmaleimide I or mepacrine and AACOCF3. Indeed, epinephrine translocated PKC or cPLA2 from cytosol to membrane fraction. In conclusion, epinephrine partially inhibits the alpha-MG uptake through PKA, PKC, p44/42, p38 MAPK, and cPLA2 pathways in the PTCs.  相似文献   

Uptake of triphenylmethylphosphonium cation (TPMP+) was studied in pancreatic islet cells. Islets rich in β-cells were prepared from non-inbred ob/ob-mice and incubated with [3H]TPMP+ and l-[1-14C]glucose. Conjoined with the Nernst equation, the values for TPMP+ uptake in excess of the extracellular (l-glucose) space predicted membrane electric potentials far from those previously recorded with intracellular electrodes. Improved agreement with the electrode data was achieved by correcting for assumed voltage-independent binding of TPMP+; plausible correction terms were derived from the kinetics of TPMP+ efflux and from the uptake of [3H]TPMP+ in islets treated with non-radioactive TPMP+ at such a high concentration (50 μM) as to abolish the glucose oxidation. In whole islets the magnitude of the TPMP+-derived potentials decreased with increasing extracellular K+ in the range 5.9–130 mM, and was diminished by 20 mM d-glucose or 0.5 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol, but not by 20 mM 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, 20 mM d-mannoheptulose alone, or 10 μM chlorotetracycline. The effect of d-glucose was not observed in the presence of d-mannoheptulose and was diminished when 130 mM NaCl in the medium was replaced by sodium isethionate. The magnitude of TPMP+ uptake and the effects of K+ and dinitrophenol were reproduced with dispersed islet cells from ob/ob-mice and with whole islets of normal inbred NMRI-mice; the d-glucose effect was reproduced with NMRI-mouse islets. The results support our previous hypotheses that the depolarizing and insulin-releasing actions of d-glucose are in part mediated by electrodiffusion mechanisms involving K+ and Cl?.  相似文献   

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