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Genetic mutations in H-Ras cause Costello syndrome (CS), a complex developmental disorder associated with cortical abnormalities and profound mental retardation. Here, we have asked whether there are perturbations in precursor cell proliferation, differentiation, or survival as a consequence of expressing CS H-Ras alleles that could explain the cognitive deficits seen in this disorder. Two different H-Ras alleles encoding mutations present in CS patients, H-RasG12V and H-RasG12S were expressed in cortical progenitors in culture and in vivo by in utero electroporation and their effects on cortical precursor cell fate examined. Expression of both mutants in cultured precursors inhibited neurogenesis and promoted proliferation and astrogenesis. In vivo, expression of either form of CS H-Ras promoted cell proliferation and inhibited neurogenesis. Moreover, these H-Ras mutants promoted premature gliogenesis, causing formation of astrocytes at a time when normal gliogenesis has not yet begun, ultimately leading to an increase in the number of astrocytes postnatally. Thus, aberrant H-Ras activation enhances neural precursor cell proliferation, and perturbs the normal genesis of neurons and glial cells, effects that likely contribute to the cortical abnormalities and cognitive dysfunction seen in CS.  相似文献   

A nonhuman primate on a periodic ethanol dosing schedule should provide a model of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) most relevant to the majority of pregnant women who are “social drinkers” and can exercise reasonable control over their ethanol intake. In this pilot study, four pregnant pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) received ethanol once a week from 40 days' gestation. Doses were 2.5 gm/kg for three moderate-dose animals (MDAs) and 4.1 gm/kg for one high-dose animal (HDA). Peak blood ethanol levels reached a mean of 240–256 mg/dl for the MDAs and averaged 379 mg/dl for the HDA. Peak acetaldehyde did not vary with dose. One MDA aborted after the first dose. The other three pregnancies were compared with eight to ten control pregnancies, and the infants' development over the first six months was compared with that of the control offspring. Nutritional status of the pregnant females was normal. The fetal heart rate response to maternal restraint was absent in the HDA. Gestational duration and simian Apgar scores were normal. All three infants were abnormally large, and two were also abnormally heavy, with body weight appropriate to skeletal size. Skeletal maturation, judged by ossification and tooth eruption, was not accelerated. The high-dose infant (HDI) was scaphocephalic, with an underdeveloped cranial base and midface, and its brain was small and dysplastic; its reflex, motor, and cognitive development were retarded. One moderate-dose infant (MDI) had some brain abnormalities; it was hyperkinetic and showed developmental retardation on several behavioral measures. The other MDI was normal. We conclude that the periodic model offers an effective means of investigating FAS in M. nemestrina. Furthermore, when nutrition is maintained, intermittent intake of ethanol by the pregnant primate does not necessarily reatard fetal growth.  相似文献   

Mental retardation is the main clinical manifestation of Down syndrome (DS), and neural abnormalities occur during the early embryonic period and continue throughout life. Tc1, a model mouse for DS, carries the majority part of the human chromosome 21 and has multiple neuropathy phenotypes similar to patients with DS. To explore the mechanism of early neural abnormalities of Tc1 mouse, induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from Tc1 mice were obtained, and genome-wide gene expression and methylation analysis were performed for Tc1 and wild-type iPS cells. Our results showed hypermethylation profiles for Tc1 iPS cells, and the abnormal genes were shown to be related to neurodevelopment and distributed on multiple chromosomes. In addition, important genes involved in neurogenesis and neurodevelopment were shown to be downregulated in Tc1 iPS cells. In short, our study indicated that genome-wide hypermethylation leads to the disordered expression of genes associated with neurodevelopment in Tc1 mice during early development. Overall, our work provided a useful reference for the study of the molecular mechanism of nervous system abnormalities in DS.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1795-1801
Distinct mutations in the gap junction protein connexin30 (Cx30) can cause the ectodermal dysplasia Clouston syndrome in humans. We have generated a new mouse line expressing the Clouston syndrome mutation Cx30A88V under the control of the endogenous Cx30 promoter. Our results show that the mutated Cx30A88V protein is incorporated in gap junctional plaques of the epidermis. Homozygous Cx30A88V mice reveal hyperproliferative and enlarged sebaceous glands as well as a mild palmoplantar hyperkeratosis. Additionally, homozygous mutant mice show an altered hearing profile compared to control mice. We conclude that the Cx30A88V mutation triggers hyperproliferation in the skin and changes the cochlear homeostasis in mice.  相似文献   

Increased aerobic glycolysis and oxidative stress are important features of cancer cell metabolism, but the underlying biochemical and molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Using a tetracycline inducible model, we show that activation of K-ras(G12V) causes mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to decreased respiration, elevated glycolysis, and increased generation of reactive oxygen species. The K-RAS protein is associated with mitochondria, and induces a rapid suppression of respiratory chain complex-I and a decrease in mitochondrial transmembrane potential by affecting the cyclosporin-sensitive permeability transition pore. Furthermore, pre-induction of K-ras(G12V) expression in vitro to allow metabolic adaptation to high glycolytic metabolism enhances the ability of the transformed cells to form tumor in vivo. Our study suggests that induction of mitochondrial dysfunction is an important mechanism by which K-ras(G12V) causes metabolic changes and ROS stress in cancer cells, and promotes tumor development.  相似文献   

FMRP, a RNA-binding protein, was shown in association with polyribosomes in every cell types studied so far, suggesting a ubiquitous role as a translational regulator. Platelets are known for their limited protein synthesis potential. However, current investigations put forward that RNA metabolism is more developed than previously thought. Unexpectedly, our results provide evidence that FMRP, in platelets, is not constitutively associated with heavy particles, such as polyribosomes, and possesses a sedimentation coefficient of less than 10S contrasting with values of 150 to 500S as reported in other cell types. In summary, this report brings to light platelets as a simple human biological system to delineate novel FMRP functions as well as strengthening our comprehension of the pathophysiology of the fragile X syndrome which results from the absence of FMRP.  相似文献   

Inability to respond to the circulating androgens is named as androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). Mutations in the androgen receptor (AR) gene are the most common cause of AIS. A cause and effect relationship between some of these mutations and the AIS phenotype has been proven by in vitro studies. Several other mutations have been identified, but need to be functionally validated for pathogenicity. Screening of the AR mutations upon presumptive diagnosis of AIS is recommended. We analyzed a case of complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) for mutations in the AR gene. Sequencing of the entire coding region revealed C > G mutation (CTT–GTT) at codon 712 (position according to the NCBI database) in exon 4 of the gene, resulting in replacement of leucine with valine in the ligand-binding domain of the AR protein. No incidence of this mutation was observed in 230 normal male individuals analyzed for comparison. In vitro androgen binding and transactivation assays using mutant clone showed approximately 71% loss of ligand binding and about 76% loss of transactivation function. We conclude that CAIS in this individual was due to L712V substitution in the androgen receptor protein.  相似文献   

About 1 in 650 boys are born with an extra X chromosome (47,XXY or Klinefelter syndrome). 47,XXY is associated with vulnerabilities in socio‐emotional development. This study was designed to assess types of cognitive deficits in individuals with 47,XXY that may contribute to social‐emotional dysfunction, and to evaluate the nature of such deficits at various levels: ranging from basic visuospatial processing deficits, impairments in face recognition (FR), to emotion expression impairments. A total of 70 boys and men with 47,XXY, aged 8 to 60 years old, participated in the study. The subtests feature identification, FR and identification of facial emotions of the Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks were used. Level of intellectual functioning was assessed with the child and adult versions of the Wechsler Intelligence Scales. Reaction time data showed that in the 47,XXY group, 17% had difficulties in visuospatial processing (no social load), 26% had difficulties with FR (medium social load) and an even higher number of 33% had difficulties with facial expressions of emotions (high‐social load). Information processing impairments increased as a function of “social load” of the stimuli, independent of intellectual functioning. Taken together, our data suggest that on average individuals with XXY may have more difficulties in information processing when “social load” increases, suggesting a specific difficulty in the higher‐order labeling and interpretation of social cues, which cannot be explained by more basic visuospatial perceptual skills. Considering the increased risk for social cognitive impairments, routine assessment of social cognitive functioning as part of neuropsychological screening is warranted.  相似文献   

 Animal models of autoimmune diseases have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of autoimmunity in humans. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice is an autoimmune disease model of rheumatoid arthritis. Susceptibility to CIA in mice is linked to genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). CD4+ T cells that express the T-cell receptor (TCR) Tcra-V11.1 and/or Tcrb-V8.2 play a key role in the pathogenesis of arthritis in the DBA/1 mouse (H2 q ). We identified an inbred mouse strain, FVB/NJ (H2 q ), that is resistant to arthritis induction and exhibits a genomic deletion of certain Tcrb-V gene segments. We report a novel polymerase chain reaction-based method for the rapid identification of new mouse strains that exhibit germline Tcrb-V gene deletions. We mapped for the first time both the 5′ and 3′ breakpoints of the Tcrb-V deletion in the FVB/NJ, SWR, SJL, C57L, and C57BR strains to within 1.1 kilobases. Since there is an association between a particular Tcra-V allele (Tcra-V11.1 d ) and arthritis susceptibility in H2 q mouse strains, we examined the allelic polymorphisms of the Tcra-V11 gene subfamily members between the arthritis-susceptible DBA/1 mouse and the arthritis-resistant FVB/NJ mouse strain. The amino acid sequences of the Tcra-V11.1 alleles differ at two positions (codons 18 and 68). Therefore, the resistance of FVB/NJ mouse to arthritis induction may be due in part to Tcra-V11.1 coding sequence polymorphism and Tcrb-V8.2 gene segment deletion, as we have recently demonstrated in the case of SWR mouse strain. Received: 12 January 1999 / Revised: 17 March 1999  相似文献   

The liver kinase B1 (LKB1) is encoded by LKB1 gene. Several pathogenic mutations of LKB1 causing Peutz–Jeghers syndrome and also cancers in breast, gastric, pancreas, and colon have been reported. The present study is focused to analyze the effects on the structural dynamics of LKB1 caused by the 4 pathogenic missense mutations (L67P, L182P, G242V, and R297S), which are reported to reduce the catalytic activity. In this study, the structural changes of LKB1 in apo- and in heterotrimeric complex (LKB1–STRADα–MO25α) form with wild and mutated LKB1 are investigated using all atomistic molecular dynamic simulation. The present study reveals that these four mutations initiate local structural distortions and the solvent accessibility of the surrounding regions of ATP-binding pocket such as glycine-rich loop, αB and αC loop, activation and catalytic loops. The mutations of L67P, L182P, and G242 V induce distortions of the secondary structure of β1–β3 sheets, π – π interaction (observed between Phe204 of LKB1 and Phe243 of MO25α), and increase the helical properties (both helical twist and length) of the adjacent αH-helix, respectively. The active kinase features like the conformation of catalytic and activation loops, salt bridge and, finally, the formation of stable R- and C-hydrophobic spines are also found to be perturbed by these mutations. Hence, the observed mutation-induced structural distortions fail to coordinate the essential binding nature of LKB1 with STRADα and MO25α, which eventually affects the native function of LKB1. These observations are in line with the experimentally reported reduced kinase activity of LKB1.  相似文献   

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) is an autosomal recessive, multiple malformation/mental retardation syndrome with an estimated incidence among individuals of European ancestry of 1 in 20000 to 1 in 30000. It is caused by inactivity of the enzyme 7-dehydrosterol-delta(7)-reductase, which catalyses the terminal transformation in cholesterol synthesis. Patients show not only an increased level of 7-dehydrocholesterol in blood and tissues, but also increased 8-dehydrocholesterol because of the presence of an active delta(8)-delta(7) isomerase. A major consequence of these biochemical abnormalities is the alteration of normal embryonic and fetal somatic development causing postnatal abnormalities of growth, learning, language and behavior. While deficient cholesterol during early development is the primary cause of central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities and retardation, we questioned whether neurosteroids could also be involved since they can have a profound influence on behavioral characteristics. Disordered neurosteroidogenesis would be expected in SLOS and could be caused by a deficiency in classical neurosteroid synthesis secondary to cholesterol deficiency, or by synthesis from 7- and 8-dehydrocholesterol of novel neurosteroids with delta(7) or delta(8) unsaturation which may have altered activity compared with conventional neurosteroids. In particular we sought analogues of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, pregnenolone sulfate and the pregnanolone epimers. We targeted urine from post-pubertal females, as this type of sample would be most likely to yield identifiable amounts of the pregnanolone metabolites of progesterone. Analysis by GC/MS of urinary steroids excreted by post-pubertal females confirmed the presence of neurosteroid-like compounds in SLOS patient's urine. Even though the new neuroactive steroids identified were unlikely to have been formed in the brain, it is likely that mechanisms for their synthesis are operable in this organ.  相似文献   

【目的】研究对虾白斑综合征病毒(White spot syndrome virus,WSSV)囊膜蛋白sVP53B克隆、表达、纯化及抗血清制备。【方法】根据WSSV囊膜蛋白基因序列,设计引物,PCR扩增出功能序列(Svp53B),构建到pET-16b载体后,转化至大肠杆菌Rosetta 2诱导表达,用SDS-PAGE、Western blotting检测优化表达。表达产物采用Ni-NTA琼脂糖磁珠进行纯化、割胶回收融合蛋白,以纯化的Svp53B-his为抗原,免疫兔子获得多克隆抗体,通过间接ELISA检测抗体的效价。【结果】构建重组质粒pET-16b-Svp53B,在大肠杆菌Rosetta 2中以1 mmol/L IPTG诱导表达量最高,主要以包涵体形式表达。纯化包涵体蛋白免疫兔子,获得多克隆血清,效价达到1:150 000。【结论】原核表达并纯化得到高纯度的WSSV囊膜蛋白sVP53B,制备的兔源多克隆血清亲和力高、特异性好,这对后期进一步研究VP53B与经口侵染相关功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Peptidylarginine deiminase IV (PADI4) posttranslationally converts peptidylarginine to citrulline. It plays an essential role in immune cell differentiation and apoptosis. A haplotype of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in PADI4 is functionally relevant as a rheumatoid arthritis (RA) gene. It could increase enzyme activity leading to raised levels of citrullinated protein and stimulating autoantibody. Previously, our study showed that inducible PADI4 causes haematopoietic cell death. Herein, we further investigate whether RA risk PADI4 haplotype (SNP PADI4; S55G, A82V and A112G) and the increase of its enzymatic activity induce apoptosis. In the tetracycline (Tet)-On Jurkat T cells, ionomycin (Ion) only treatment didn't induce apoptosis however it promoted inducible PADI4-decreased cell viability and -enhanced apoptosis. Through in vitro and in vivo PADI enzyme activity assay, we demonstrated that PADI4 enzyme activity of SNP PADI4 was higher than RA non-risk PADI4 haplotype (WT PADI4). The effect of SNP PADI4-induced apoptosis was superior to WT PADI4. In addition, both Ion and SNP PADI4 synergistically provoked apoptosis were compared with both Ion and WT PADI4. Concurrently, in the conditionally inducible SNP PADI4 cells of Ion treatment-induced apoptosis, not only the expression of Bcl-xL was down-regulated and Bax up-regulated, but also cytochrome c was released from mitochondria to cytoplasm in significant amounts. Western blotting data showed the increase in apoptosomal caspase activation during programmed cell death in the inducible SNP PADI4 cells subsequent to Ion treatment. These data demonstrated that both SNP PADI4 increasing their enzyme activity could enhance apoptosis through the mitochondrial pathway and further provide a conceivable explanation in the pathogenesis of RA following the upregulation of PADI4 activity in its SNPs. The authors (H.-C. Hung and C.-Y. Lin) contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

There is evidence that inflammatory responses have been induced in the tissues and body fluids of many SIDS infants. We suggested that some of these deaths are due to uncontrolled inflammatory responses to infectious agents and possibly cigarette smoke. The majority of SIDS deaths occur during the 2-4 month age range when infants have decreasing levels of maternal antibodies to infectious agents. Most deaths occur during the early hours of the morning. Adults are more susceptible to inflammatory responses at night due to lower levels of cortisol associated with circadian rhythm patterns. Infants develop these patterns between the ages of 7 weeks and 4 months, at which time their night-time cortisol levels drop dramatically. The objective of this study was to use an in vitro model system to assess the effects of different cortisol levels on proinflammatory cytokine production in response to the staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) which has been identified in a significant number of SIDS infants. Levels of cortisol present in infants at night and during the day before and after the development of the circadian rhythm pattern were examined. Human buffy coats (n = 9) were stimulated with TSST-1 and responses assessed over 72 hours by a bioassay for tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for interleukin-6 (IL-6). Cortisol levels present in an infant at night after development of circadian rhythm (< or = 5 microg dl(-1)), did not significantly increase or decrease production of either TNF-alpha or IL-6. Concentrations of cortisol greater than 5 microg dl(-1) usually found in infants during the day or at night prior to the physiological change significantly decreased production of TNF-alpha at 12 hours and of IL-6 at 12 and 16 hours. Only cortisol levels greater than 5 microg dl(-1) significantly decreased production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines by human buffy coats stimulated with TSST-1. If the switch to the circadian rhythm pattern occurs in an infant when maternal antibodies are still present or after they have developed their own active immunity, the infant could neutralise common viruses, toxins or bacteria: however, if this switch occurs in an infant when antibody levels are low, this could be a window of vulnerability during which infants are at an increased risk of death if uncontrolled inflammatory responses are induced by infectious agents or their products.  相似文献   

This study proposes a kinetic model that accounts for the toxicity of both arsenate and arsenite and characterizes the arsenate reduction ability of a dissimilatory arsenate-reducing bacterium, Bacillus sp. SF-1 as a bioremediation agent. The model results correlated well with a series of batch reduction experiments conducted anaerobically in serum bottles with initial arsenate concentrations of 360, 735, and 1,500 mg-As/L. The reduction rate was expressed by the Haldane equation that describes the inhibitory effect of high concentrations of arsenate. The reduction rate constant k(r), half saturation constant K(S), and inhibition constant K(I) were estimated respectively as 1.2 x 10(9) mg-As/cells/h, 1.5 x 10(2) mg-As/L, and 4.2 x 10(2) mg-As/L. Lethal effects of arsenite that is accumulated as the end-product of arsenate reduction were expressed by the first-order term with a lethal constant of 2.7 x 10(-4) L/mg-As/h. The yield for the bacterial cells by arsenate respiration was estimated at 4.0 x 10(8) cells/mg-As.  相似文献   

The mutation G1691A (R506Q) in the human factor V gene is associated with the resistance to activated protein C (APC) that represents a major risk of development of venous thrombosis. A population study of 180 unrelated individuals from south Germany was performed. Examination of the allelic frequencies revealed a high prevalence of this disease-related mutation (Q506, FV Leiden). The heterozygosity rate was 7.8% with a confidence interval between 4% and 11%.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) involves the rapid degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons leading to weakening and paralysis of voluntary movements. Mutations in copper‐zinc superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) are a known genetic cause of ALS, and the SOD1 G93A mouse has been used extensively to investigate molecular mechanisms in ALS. In recent years, evidence suggests that ALS and frontotemporal dementia form a spectrum disorder ranging from motor to cognitive dysfunctions. Thus, we tested male and female SOD1 G93A mice for the first time before the onset of debilitating motor impairments in behavioural domains relevant to both ALS and frontotemporal dementia. SOD1 G93A males displayed reduced locomotion, exploration and increased anxiety‐like behaviours compared with control males. Intermediate‐term spatial memory was impaired in SOD1 G93A females, whereas long‐term spatial memory deficits as well as lower acoustic startle response, and prepulse inhibition were identified in SOD1 G93A mice of both sexes compared with respective controls. Interestingly, SOD1 G93A males exhibited an increased conditioned cue freezing response. Nosing behaviours were also elevated in both male and female SOD1 G93A when assessed in social paradigms. In conclusion, SOD1 G93A mice exhibit a variety of sex‐specific behavioural deficits beyond motor impairments supporting the notion of an ALS‐frontotemporal spectrum disorder. Thus, SOD1 G93A mice may represent a useful model to test the efficacy of therapeutic interventions on clinical symptoms in addition to declining motor abilities.  相似文献   

Withdrawal of a single amino acid (arginine) from freely cycling early passage primary human fibroblasts caused a halt to proliferation, characterized by an accumulation of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. This arrest was accompanied by the suppression of cyclin D1- and cyclin E-associated kinase activities and the appearance of hypophosphorylated retinoblastoma protein. Arginine-deprived cells remained viable for in excess of 4 days and could be made to synchronously reenter the cell cycle by restoration of the amino acid, with kinetics characteristic of exit from a quiescent state. Stimulation of cells arrested by serum withdrawal did not result in S-phase entry when arginine was omitted from the culture medium. Although cyclin D1 accumulated on normal schedule, cdk4, which increased following restimulation in amino acid-replete medium, was not induced when arginine was absent. These results suggest that arginine deprivation-in common with other "suboptimal" conditions-inhibits the passage of normal human cells through the restriction point and implicate cdk4 as the key regulatory element in amino acid-sensitive cell cycle control.  相似文献   

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