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The strength and specificity of attraction between mated pairs of red-bellied tamarins (Saguinus labiatus) were tested in the laboratory. Test individuals were placed in a choice situation in which they could indicate their preference, by proximity and quality of behavior measures, to either their pair mate in an adjoining cage or an alternative in a second adjoining cage (same-sex animal, opposite-sex animal, or an empty cage). The test animals showed a significant preference to be in visual contact and proximity with their pair mates instead of the alternative when it was an animal of the same sex as the test individual or an empty cage. However, when the choice was between their pair mate and an animal of the opposite sex, no preference for their pair mate was apparent. No sex differences were found. It is concluded that attraction to a pair mate is not sufficient to maintain a pair bond, and when pairs ofS. labiatus breed monogamously, the pair relationship is likely to be maintained, at least in part, through aggression between same-sex individuals.  相似文献   

The influence of various social environments on estrogen excretion, scent marking, and the expression of sociosexual behavior was examined in cotton-top tamarins (Sanguinus o. oedipus). Behavioral observations and urine collections were conducted on five females while first housed in their natal family group or in the presence of another cycling adult female and then while housed with an unrelated adult male in a separate cage. Behavioral observations only were conducted on males in natal family groups and while housed with an unrelated adult female. Levels of urinary estrone and estradiol for females were measured by specific radioimmunoassays. Females housed in family groups or in the presence of an adult cycling female showed low and noncyclic patterns of estrogen excretion. Removal from these environments resulted in a rapid increase in urinary estrone and estradiol and three of five females demonstrated cyclic patterns of estrone excretion. Rates of anogenital marking in females were elevated after the social change, and sexual interactions, virtually absent in the original environments, were observed in all five females. In males, similar manipulations of the social environment affected the expression of sexual behavior, but not scent marking. The social environment, therefore has a profound impact on fertility and sociosexual behavior in cotton-top tamarin groups, with implications for callitrichid social structure and behavior.  相似文献   

A 5-month field study was conducted on red-bellied tamarins,Saguinus labiatus labiatus, in the Pando Department of northern Bolivia. Group sizes ranged from 5 to 10 animals, and each group associated with a group of saddle-backed tamarins,Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli. Members of three groups were trapped and marked and data were collected by radiolocation. The average range size used over 10 days was 19 ha. On average the groups entered about 29% of their range each day and had a mean daily path length of about 1487 m. The groups used a number of different sleeping sites within their ranges. They fed on a variety of different fruits and also on nectar from flowers, resin, and insects. Areas within the home range which were used significantly more than expected were generally those in which one or more of the following existed: a sleeping site, an intergroup encounter site, or a site where the group took shelter during an extended period of heavy rain.  相似文献   

The effect of the mother's absence on the fertility status and expression of scent marking behavior was examined in 12 sexually mature female cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) living in four motherless families. Behavioral data and urine samples were collected on an average of five times per week and levels of estrone-glucuronide (E1G) were quantified directly by radioimmunoassay to establish whether the females showed ovarian cyclicity. Of the 12 females investigated only the dominant female in each motherless group exhibited regular E1G cycles. By contrast, low and acyclic hormonal profiles were found for subordinate sisters. In addition to differences in the patterns and levels of E1G, scent gland morphology and rates of scent marking differed between females: dominant, cycling females had elaborate glands and significantly higher rates of scent marking than subordinates. These results indicate that the presence of the mother (breeding female) is one important factor regulating ovarian function in cotton-top tamarin daughters. The findings also show that dominance status is a vital determinant of each female's subsequent physiological reproductive competence, with only the dominant female obtaining complete fertility and probably inhibiting ovulatory activity in her subordinate sisters. Scent marking behavior seems to be involved in the regulation of this phenomenon of intrasexual reproductive competition.  相似文献   

Polyspecific associations (PSA) occur when 2 or more species maintain proximity or coordinate activities. PSA may provide ecological benefits similar to those of monospecific groups, i.e., protection against predation and improved foraging efficiency, but may also impart costs, such as feeding competition. I studied 3 New World Callitrichidae—Callimico goeldii, Saguinus fuscicollis, and S. labiatus—in northwestern Brazil over 18 mo between April 1999 and August 2003, during which single primary study groups of C. goeldii, S. labiatus, and S. fuscicollis consistently associated with one another. I compared patterns of PSA participation to variation in plant diets during wet and dry seasons. All 3 species associated an average 61% of observation time, but with significant seasonal variation in PSA. During the dry season, April–September, PSA occurred significantly less frequently than during the wet season, October–March (37% vs. 88%). The variation in PSA corresponded with seasonal shifts in plant food diets, resulting in less dietary overlap among all 3 species during the dry season, particularly between Callimico goeldii and Saguinus labiatus. Dietary richness, diversity, and evenness were also lower in the dry compared to the wet season for each species. The results suggest a link between PSA participation and diet among the taxa; foraging-related costs or feeding competition may constrain PSA during the dry season.  相似文献   

Frequent references are made to presumed antipredator adaptations exhibited by callitrichids, but there are very few systematic investigations of these behaviors. One set of untested presumptions stems from observations that callitrichids become especially vigilant and cryptic prior to retirement each evening. This hypothesis was tested in the current study by quantifying the rates of vocalizations and extragroup behavior at various times of the day. Using two groups of captive red-bellied tamarins, it was demonstrated that these primates do become relatively more quiet and more attentive to the nonsocial environment prior to retirement each evening, culminating in virtual silence once the nest box has been entered. While the adaptive significance of these phenomena has not yet been tested, it is likely that the behaviors reduce vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

Agonistic behavior was studied longitudinally for 16 months in an intact family groups of captive emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator subgrisescens) using methods from quantitative ethology and social network analysis. A motivational analysis of the components of agonistic display revealed the relative strength of each component along a continuum from strongly dominant to strongly subordinate. Tabulations of exchanges of strongly dominant and strongly subordinate components in interactions among the tamarins revealed an agonistic network (“dominance hierarchy”) that approached, but did not quite reach, the ideal state of a transitive order (“linear dominance hierarchy”). The frequency with which individual tamarins long called and scent marked was not closely correlated with their position (“dominance rank”) in the agonistic network. Instead, individuals undergoing change in status long called and scent marked frequently, irrespective of their rank.  相似文献   

Different species of Callitrichidae show a consistent pattern in intragroup aggression. Aggression is more frequent between same-sex individuals, with males and older siblings being more aggressive. These findings have been associated with reproductive competition and dispersal events. However, the few studies dealing with intragroup aggression have not fully explored the effects of food availability on aggression or the relationship between age and aggression. I observed 3 family groups of Saguinus midas for 50 weeks and recorded all occurrences of aggression. A total of 138 agonistic events occurred at an average of 1.16 aggressive acts/hour per group, and 52.2% of aggressive acts occurred during a food shortage condition, which accounted for about 12% of all meals in the groups. During the food shortage, aggression was significantly higher, which suggests that food competition promoted an increase in aggression levels. Aggression amongst siblings accounted for 65.2% of all aggressive acts. Aggression from brothers to sisters was significantly more frequent than aggression between brothers. Aggression rates were significantly different between age classes. Young siblings were significantly more aggressive toward old ones than the reverse. Age and aggression received followed a linear relationship, while age and aggression initiated tended to follow a curvilinear relationship. Higher rates of aggression in young siblings probably were prompted by puberty and associated hormonal changes.  相似文献   

For social species, being a member of a cohesive group and performing activities as a coordinated unit appear to provide a mechanism for the efficient transmission of information about food. Social learning about food palatability was investigated in two captive primates, Saguinus fuscicollis and S. labiatus, which form stable and cohesive mixed-species groups in the wild. We explored whether an induced food aversion toward a preferred food is modified during and after social interaction with non-averse conspecifics or congeners. Sets of intra- and interspecific pairs were presented with two foods, one of which was considered distasteful by one of the pairs (the other was palatable), and their behavior was compared pre-interaction, during interaction, and post-interaction. For the aversely-conditioned individuals of both species, the change in social context corresponded to a change in their preference for the food that they considered unpalatable, regardless of whether they had interacted with a conspecific or congeneric pair, and the change in food preference was maintained post-interaction. In a control condition, in which averse individuals did not have the opportunity to interact with non-averse animals, S. fuscicollis sampled the preferred food, but not as quickly as when given the opportunity to interact. We conclude that the social learning demonstrated here may allow individual tamarins to track environmental change, such as fruit ripening, more efficiently than asocial learning alone, because social learners can more quickly and safely focus on appropriate behavior by sharing up-to-date foraging information. Furthermore, since the behavior of congeners, as well as conspecifics, acts to influence food choice in a more adaptive direction, social learning about food palatability may be an advantage of mixed-species group formation to tamarins of both species.  相似文献   

Marmosets and tamarins are characterized by a reproductive strategy that includes twinning, and a communal rearing system in which infant care is shared among all group members, both breeders and nonbreeding helpers (often older offspring). In order to test some predictions about the extent to which different age-sex classes should invest in infants, contributions to infant carrying and food-sharing by all family members were measured in captive groups of cotton-top tamarins (Saquinus oedipus) ranging in size from 2 to 12 independent individuals. Fourteen litters were observed from birth to 12 weeks. Carrying by mothers decreased steadily over the study period, while carrying by fathers and other offspring increased for 3–5 weeks, then declined. Infants spent more time carried by siblings than by either parent, but parents did more carrying than individual siblings and, also, shared more food with infants. Older siblings contributed more care than younger siblings did. Adult sons carried infants more than adult daughters did, but immature daughters carried more than immature sons did. However, adult daughters actively offered food to infants more than any other class of helper did. These results were interpreted in the light of hypotheses concerning the reproductive and dispersal strategies of callitrichid species.  相似文献   

By forming larger sizes of groups, individuals benefit from a decrease in vigilance, but the collective vigilance of the group as a whole is not compromised. We examined whether this group size effect is apparent in mixed-species groups of red-bellied tamarins (S. labiatus) and saddleback tamarins (S. fuscicollis) which form stable and permanent associations in the wild. We studied general vigilance and responses to hidden threatening stimuli in five captive groups of each species, while they were housed in single- and mixed-species groups. For vigilance, the individual rate was lower in the larger mixed-species groups than in the smaller single-species groups. In addition, the amount of time when at least one individual was vigilant was higher in mixed-species groups. This suggests that the tamarins alter their vigilance behavior in the presence of the other species. In response to hidden threats, both species performed brief vigilance checks and frequencies of checking did not differ in single- and mixed-species groups. However, both species had a significant reduction in the mean duration per check, and there was a reduced total amount of time spent vigilance checking in the mixed-species groups compared to the single-species groups, demonstrating the group size effect. Overall the mixed-species groups had a higher number and mean duration of checking than the smaller single-species groups. Given that the two species share a common set of predators, and respond to each other's alarm calls, these findings provide strong evidence that individuals of both tamarin species may be able to benefit from forming mixed-species groups via improved vigilance and monitoring of threats.  相似文献   

Saguinus fuscicollisproduces scent marks which consist mainly of a mixture of urine and the secretions of circumgenital scent glands. The present study investigates the ability of saddle-back tamarins to discriminate between scent material from conspecifics and corresponding material from other species and to differentiate material from two subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis.When choices between urine samples from conspecifics and from guinea pigs and choices between urine samples from conspecifics and from common marmosets were offered, the tamarins investigated samples from conspecifics more frequently. Similar responses were obtained when choices between scent marks from saddle-back tamarins and from common marmosets and between scent marks from saddle-back and red-chested moustached tamarins were offered. The tamarins also discriminated between scent marks and between extracts of scent marks from Saguinus f. fuscicollisand Saguinus f. illigeri.In these choice tests, subjects of both subspecies tended preferentially to investigate material from Saguinus f. fuscicollis.The results of these studies show that urine and scent marks contain chemical cues on which recognition of conspecifics can be based. Moreover, the scent marks of closely related subspecies also offer cues which could enable the tamarins to discriminate between them.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of cage design in the expression of play in a group of red-bellied tamarins (Saguinus labiatus). For each of the four play behaviors that were measured in this study (wrestle, pounce, grasp, and chase), significant differences in frequency appeared as a function of substrate. When playing on broad, flat, horizontal substrates, the tamarins primarily wrestled with one another. When playing on branches and vines, the tamarins wrestled less but chased and grasped more. Play sequences were less varied in terms of inclusion and order of play behaviors when they occurred on flat, horizontal substrates. To the extent that zoo or laboratory enclosures are outfitted with substrates, whose size and physical orientation are at odds with a species' natural habitat, the validity of play data and the educational value of an exhibit are compromised. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of sympatric species can provide important data to define how dietary and habitat requirements differ among them. I collected dietary data during a first yearlong comparative study of wild groups of Callimico goeldii, Saguinus labiatus and S. fuscicollis. Dietary overlap was highest between Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus labiatus throughout the year, and lowest between Saguinus labiatus and Callimico goeldii. All three species had high dietary overlap in February and March when a few abundant fruit species dominated their diets. Although all three species rely heavily on many of the same fruits and arthropods, there are several important distinctions among their diets. Surprisingly, Callimico goeldii consume large quantities of fungus throughout the year: 29% of annual feeding records. Mycophagy is more frequent in the dry season when fruits are scarce. In contrast, Saguinus labiatus rarely eat fungus during the period of fruit scarcity, and instead rely on nectar, a resource never exploited by Callimico goeldii. Saguinus fuscicollis also rely on nectar during periods of low fruit availability and increase their intake of arthropods and exudates. During April, a period of fruit scarcity, exudates comprise >50% of the feeding records of Saguinus fuscicollis. The use of different food resources during fruit scarcity, and differences in the heights at which each species feeds and forages appear to define a distinct ecological niche for each of them and allow them to maintain long-term associations throughout the year. Furthermore, I hypothesize that the limited distribution of Callimico goeldii may result from their restriction to forests that have high disturbance rates, where microhabitats appropriate for fungal growth are abundant, but which also contain abundant fruit and insects.  相似文献   

Saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis, S. melanoleucus, and S. tripartitus) occur in the upper Amazon, west of the rios Madeira and Mamoré–Guaporé to the Andes. They currently comprise 13 species and subspecies in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Here we report on a previously undescribed subspecies of Saguinus fuscicollis from the interfluvium of the lower rios Madeira and Purus in the central Amazon of Brazil. It is a distinct form with a very pronounced mottling on the back giving the appearance of a saddle, a characteristic shared by the 3 species, and the reason for their collective common name. The lack of a white superciliary chevron and its highly mottled ochraceous-dark brown to black saddle that extends from the scapular region to the base of the tail distinguish the new taxon from Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli. The latter characteristic also distinguishes it from another saddleback tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis ssp.) that has been reported immediately to the south of its range in the same interfluvium. We compare pelage coloration, external characters and craniometric measurements with its geographically closest relatives, Saguinus fuscicollis weddelli and S. f. avilapiresi, and indicate its probable geographic distribution in a small area between the rios Madeira and Purus, just south of the Rio Amazonas.  相似文献   

During a field study in northeastern Peru, the reactions of a group ofSaguinus mystax on Padre Isla and of a mixed-species troop ofS. mystax andSaguinus fuscicollis at the Río Blanco to raptorial and other birds were observed. Alarms that are specific to flying stimuli were elicited by birds of prey, but other birds that do not represent a threat to the tamarins also caused alarm calls. Alarm events (i.e., instances when one or more alarm calls were given) were observed at rates of 0.3/hr (Padre Isla) and 0.5/hr (Río Blanco). Rates of alarm events significantly increased after the birth of an infant in the Padre Isla group and after the attack of an ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) on the Río Blanco group. Reactions to alarming stimuli/alarm calls ranged from looking up to falling down from trees. The modification of the tamarins' behavior by the potential presence of aerial predators indicates that raptors represent an important predatory threat to tamarins.  相似文献   

Epple  G. 《Chemical senses》1979,4(1):15-20
Spontaneous responses to the scent marks of male Saguinus fuscicolliswere tested in experiments where the subjects received a choicebetween scent of intact males and castrated males. Male tamarinsdiscriminated between the odors of intact and castrated males,both on the basis of fresh individual scent marks and on thebasis of marks from several donors pooled in methanol. Theirdiscriminatory response to pooled odors was more pronouncedthan that to individual odors. Females discriminated betweenintact and castrated male scents only on the basis of pooledsamples. This result shows that castration causes changes inthe odor of males. The difference in the response of the tamarinsto individual scent marks as compared to pooled samples is discussedin terms of quantitative changes caused by extraction and ofindividual recognition.  相似文献   

Fourteen births to seven female cotton-top tamarins in a successful breeding colony were observed. All births occurred between 17:50 and 20:40. Behavioural changes indicating the onset of labour are described. Delivery was usually accomplished rapidly, with short intervals between successive infants. One suspected and one verified breech presentation occurred; these deliveries were accompanied by a marked increase in the duration of the interval between infants, and one infant apparently died during expulsion. All other presentations seen were vertex occiput posterior. Fathers, and sometimes older offspring of both sexes, frequently shared with the mother in eating the placenta. Carrying of infants by individuals other than the mother was rare in the hour after birth, and was usually confined to fathers. One primipara rejected her second-born infant, but all other parents showed competent parental behaviour from birth onwards. The results are compared to data from other primates, and their relevance to the successful breeding of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Cotton-top tamarins [Saguinus (o.) oedipus,Callitrichidae] living in cooperatively breeding, mature families in a captive colony were given the chance to explore a new living area. The aim was to simulate choices of philopatry versus dispersion. Breeding adults tended to stay home, as did eldest sons and still-dependent young offspring, but eldest daughters tended to go prospecting. The latter also spent more time in the new area and did more looking around while there. This confirms impression of female dispersion gained from records of “evictions” of daughters by other family members. These findings agree with those from field study and show noteworthy parallels with an avian cooperative breeder, the Florida scrub jay, Aphelocoma coerulescens.  相似文献   

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