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Experiments were done on five lambs to determine if carotid-denervation influences the arousal and cardiopulmonary responses to alveolar hypercapnia during sleep. Each lamb was anaesthetized and instrumented for recordings of electrocorticogram, electro-oculogram, nuchal and diaphragm electromyograms and measurements of systemic arterial blood pressure and arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation. The carotid chemoreceptors and baroreceptors were denervated, a tracheostomy was done and a fenestrated tracheostomy tube placed in the trachea so that the inspired gas mixture could be changed quickly. No sooner than three days after surgery, measurements were made in quiet sleep and active sleep during control periods when the animal was breathing room air and during experimental periods of alveolar hypercapnia when the lamb was breathing 10% carbon dioxide in air. Alveolar hypercapnia was terminated during an experimental period by changing the gas mixture back to room air once the animal aroused from sleep. If an animal did not arouse within 2 min, the gas mixture was changed back to room air. Arousal occurred during only 6 of 12 epochs in quiet sleep and during only 2 of 10 epochs in active sleep. These data provide evidence that the carotid chemoreceptors and/or carotid baroreceptors play a major role in causing arousal from sleep during alveolar hypercapnia in lambs.  相似文献   

We previously reported that pretreatment with endotoxin significantly reduced acute pulmonary O2 toxicity in lambs (J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1579-1585, 1988). One of endotoxin's many effects is to inhibit cytochrome P-450 mono-oxygenation reactions, which are believed to produce toxic O2 species. Therefore, one possible explanation for endotoxin's beneficial effect is that it inhibited P-450-mediated O2 radical production during hyperoxia. To test this hypothesis, we administered a single dose of cimetidine, a noncompetitive inhibitor of P-450 activity, to nine lambs before continuous exposure to greater than 95% O2. Compared with six control O2-exposed lambs, the cimetidine-treated O2-exposed lambs maintained normal gas exchange for a longer period of time (P less than 0.01), accumulated lung water at a slower rate (P less than 0.01), and had normal microvascular permeability after 72 h of O2 exposure. Postmortem levels of antioxidant enzymes in blood-free lung homogenate were not increased in cimetidine-treated lambs. However, the levels of oxidized glutathione were significantly lower in cimetidine-treated lambs, and the ratio of reduced to oxidized glutathione concentrations (GSH/GSSG ratio) was sevenfold higher than the ratio measured in control O2-exposed lambs (P less than 0.001). In four lambs, pretreatment with ranitidine (a drug chemically related to cimetidine but without P-450 inhibitory activity) had no effect either on the time course of O2 injury or on postmortem antioxidants. Microsomes were isolated from blood-free lung of all study animals and P-450 activity of the form 2 isozyme was measured.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Moss, T. J., M. G. Davey, G. J. McCrabb, and R. Harding.Development of ventilatory responsiveness to progressive hypoxia and hypercapnia in low-birth-weight lambs. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1555-1561, 1996.Our aim was todetermine the effects of low birth weight on ventilatory responses toprogressive hypoxia and hypercapnia during early postnatal life. Sevenlow-birth-weight (2.7 ± 0.3 kg) and five normal-birth-weight (4.8 ± 0.2 kg) lambs, all born at term, underwent weekly rebreathingtests during wakefulness while arterialPO2,PCO2, and pH were measured. Hypoxicventilatory responsiveness (HOVR; percent increase in ventilation whenarterial PO2 fell to 60% of resting values) increased in normal lambs from 86.6 ± 7.1% atweek 1 to 227.4 ± 24.9% atweek 6. In low-birth-weight lambs,HOVR was not significantly different at week1 (60.1 ± 18.7%) from that of normal lambs but didnot increase with postnatal age (56.6 ± 19.3% atweek 6). HOVR of all lambs at 6 wkwas significantly correlated with birth weight(r2 = 0.8).Hypercapnic ventilatory responsiveness (gradient of ventilation vs.arterial PCO2) did not change withage and was not significantly different between groups [84.7 ± 7.5 (low-birth-weight lambs) vs. 89.4 ± 6.6 ml · min1 · kg1 · mmHg1(normal lambs)]. We conclude that intrauterine conditions that impair fetal growth lead to the failure of HOVR to increase with age.


It has beenproposed that decreases in nasal resistance (Rn) during hypercapnia areentirely due to vasoconstriction in the nasal cavity. We hypothesizedthat alae nasi (AN) muscle activity dilates the nasal vestibule andcontributes to the decrease in Rn during hypercapnia. Nine normalsubjects were studied during hyperoxic hypercapnia (HH). Rn andvestibular resistance (Rvest) for one nasal passage were measuredsimultaneously with the AN electromyogram before and after nasaldecongestion. HH decreased Rvest from 1.6 ± 0.6 to 0.8 ± 0.9 cmH2O · l1 · s(predecongestant) and from 1.3 ± 0.8 to 0.6 ± 0.7 cmH2O · l1 · s(postdecongestant; both P < 0.01).Nasal decongestant decreased Rn but not Rvest. Significant inverselinear relationships between Rvest and AN electromyogram weredemonstrated for all subjects. We conclude that in normal subjectsduring HH 1) decreases in Rvest arepredominantly due to increases in AN activity; and2) decreases in Rn are due to acombination of mucosal vasoconstriction and ANactivation.


We assessed the time course of changes in eupneic arterial PCO(2) (Pa(CO(2))) and the ventilatory response to hyperoxic rebreathing after removal of the carotid bodies (CBX) in awake female dogs. Elimination of the ventilatory response to bolus intravenous injections of NaCN was used to confirm CBX status on each day of data collection. Relative to eupneic control (Pa(CO(2)) = 40 +/- 3 Torr), all seven dogs hypoventilated after CBX, reaching a maximum Pa(CO(2)) of 53 +/- 6 Torr by day 3 post-CBX. There was no significant recovery of eupneic Pa(CO(2)) over the ensuing 18 days. Relative to control, the hyperoxic CO(2) ventilatory (change in inspired minute ventilation/change in end-tidal PCO(2)) and tidal volume (change in tidal volume/ change in end-tidal PCO(2)) response slopes were decreased 40 +/- 15 and 35 +/- 20% by day 2 post-CBX. There was no recovery in the ventilatory or tidal volume response slopes to hyperoxic hypercapnia over the ensuing 19 days. We conclude that 1) the carotid bodies contribute approximately 40% of the eupneic drive to breathe and the ventilatory response to hyperoxic hypercapnia and 2) there is no recovery in the eupneic drive to breathe or the ventilatory response to hyperoxic hypercapnia after removal of the carotid chemoreceptors, indicating a lack of central or aortic chemoreceptor plasticity in the adult dog after CBX.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia in barodenervated rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experiments were performed to examine the role of the arterial baroreceptors in the cardiovascular responses to acute hypoxia and hypercapnia in conscious rats chronically instrumented to monitor systemic hemodynamics. One group of rats remained intact, whereas a second group was barodenervated. Both groups of rats retained arterial chemoreceptive function as demonstrated by augmented ventilation in response to hypoxia. The cardiovascular effects to varying inspired levels of O2 and CO2 were examined and compared between intact and barodenervated rats. No differences between groups were noted in response to mild hypercapnia (5% CO2); however, the bradycardia and reduction in cardiac output observed in intact rats breathing 10% CO2 were eliminated by barodenervation. In addition, hypocapnic hypoxia caused a marked fall in blood pressure and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in barodenervated rats compared with controls. Similar differences in TPR were observed between the groups in response to isocapnic and hypercapnic hypoxia as well. It is concluded that the arterial baroreflex is an important component of the overall cardiovascular responses to both hypercapnic and hypoxic stimuli in the conscious rat.  相似文献   

Though administration of opioid peptides depresses ventilation and ventilatory responsiveness, the role of endogenous opioid peptides in modulating ventilatory responsiveness is not clear. We studied the interaction of endogenous opioids and ventilatory responses in 12 adult male volunteers by relating hypercapnic responsiveness to plasma levels of immunoactive beta-endorphin and by administering the opiate antagonist naloxone. Ventilatory responsiveness to hypercapnia was not altered by pretreatment with naloxone, and this by itself suggests that endogenous opioids have no role in modulating this response. However, there was an inverse relationship between basal levels of immunoactive beta-endorphin in plasma and ventilatory responsiveness to CO2. Furthermore, plasma beta-endorphin levels rose after short-term hypercapnia but only when subjects had been pretreated with naloxone. We conclude that measurement of plasma endorphin levels suggests relationships between endogenous opioid peptides and ventilatory responses to CO2 that are not apparent in studies limited to assessing the effect of naloxone.  相似文献   

Cardioventilatory variables and blood-gas, acid-base status were measured in cannulated white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) maintained at 19 degrees C during normocapnic and hypercapnic (Pw(CO(2)) approximately 20 Torr) water conditions and after the injection of adrenergic analogs. Hypercapnia produced significant increases in arterial PCO(2), ventilatory frequency, and plasma concentration of cortisol and epinephrine, and it produced significant decreases in arterial pH and plasma concentration of glucose but no change in arterial PO(2), hematocrit, and concentration of lactate or norepinephrine. Hypercapnia significantly increased cardiac output (Q) by 22%, mean arterial pressure (MAP) by 8%, and heart rate (HR) by 8%. However, gut blood flow (GBF) remained constant. In normocapnic fish, phenylephrine significantly constricted the splanchnic circulation, whereas isoproterenol significantly increased Q and produced a systemic vasodilation. During hypercapnia, propranolol significantly decreased Q, GBF, MAP, and HR, whereas phentolamine significantly decreased MAP and increased GBF. These changes suggest that cardiovascular function in the white sturgeon is sensitive to both alpha- and beta-adrenergic modulation. We found microspheres to be unreliable in predicting GBF on the basis of our comparisons with simultaneous direct measurements of GBF. Overall, our results demonstrate that environmental hypercapnia (e.g., as is experienced in high-intensity culture situations) elicits stress responses in white sturgeon that significantly elevate steady-state cardiovascular and ventilatory activity levels.  相似文献   

Experiments were done on seven lambs to determine if site of occlusion--nasal versus tracheal--influences the cardiopulmonary and arousal responses from sleep to upper airway obstruction. Each lamb was anesthetized and instrumented for sleep staging and measurements of heart rate and arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation. A tracheostomy was also done and a fenestrated tracheostomy tube placed in the trachea. Prior to an experiment, A 5F balloon-tipped catheter was inserted through the decannulation cannula into the tracheostomy tube so that tracheal occlusions could be accomplished by inflating the balloon. In addition, a 5F balloon-tipped catheter was inserted into the inlet of a pre-formed silicone mask sealed to the animals snout with silicone rubber foam so that nasal occlusions could be accomplished by inflating the balloon. During an experiment, measurements were made in quiet sleep and in active sleep during control periods of tidal breathing and during experimental periods of nasal or tracheal occlusion. Upper airway obstruction was terminated by deflating the balloon once the animal aroused from sleep. Arousal occurred sooner following nasal occlusion than during tracheal occlusion in quiet sleep; 64 percent of arousals occurred within five seconds of nasal occlusion whereas only 14 percent of arousals occurred within five seconds of tracheal occlusion in quiet sleep. In addition, SaO2 and heart rate decreased more before arousal following tracheal occlusion than following nasal occlusion. However, there was not a significant effect of site of obstruction on time to arousal or the change in SaO2 before arousal in active sleep.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of hypercapnia and hypoxia on apnea and nonnutritive swallowing (NNS) frequency, as well as on the coordination between NNS and phases of the respiratory cycle in newborn lambs, while taking into account the potential effects of states of alertness. Six lambs were chronically instrumented for recording electroencephalogram, eye movements, diaphragm and thyroarytenoid muscle (a glottal adductor) activity, nasal airflow, and electrocardiogram. Polysomnographic recordings were performed in nonsedated lambs exposed to air (control), 10% O(2), and 5% CO(2) in a random order at 3, 4, and 5 days of age. Although hypercapnia decreased apnea frequency in wakefulness and active sleep (P = 0.002 vs. air and hypoxia), hypoxia had no significant effect on apnea. In addition, although hypercapnia increased NNS frequency during wakefulness and quiet sleep (P < 0.005 vs. air and hypoxia), hypoxia tended to decrease NNS frequency. Finally, only hypercapnia altered NNS-breathing coordination by increasing NNS at the transition from inspiration to expiration (ie-type NNS; P < 0.001 vs. air and hypoxia). In conclusion, whereas hypercapnia increases overall NNS frequency by specifically increasing ie-type NNS, hypoxia has the inverse tendency. Results were identical in all three states of alertness.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that integrated sympathetic and cardiovascular reflexes are modulated by systemic CO2 differently in hypoxia than in hyperoxia (n = 7). Subjects performed a CO2 rebreathe protocol that equilibrates CO2 partial pressures between arterial and venous blood and that elevates end tidal CO2 (PET(CO2)) from approximately 40 to approximately 58 mmHg. This test was repeated under conditions where end tidal oxygen levels were clamped at 50 (hypoxia) or 200 (hyperoxia) mmHg. Heart rate (HR; EKG), stroke volume (SV; Doppler ultrasound), blood pressure (MAP; finger plethysmograph), and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) were measured continuously during the two protocols. MAP at 40 mmHg PET(CO2) (i.e., the first minute of the rebreathe) was greater during hypoxia versus hyperoxia (P < 0.05). However, the increase in MAP during the rebreathe (P < 0.05) was similar in hypoxia (16 +/- 3 mmHg) and hyperoxia (17 +/- 2 mmHg PET(CO2)). The increase in cardiac output (Q) at 55 mmHg PET(CO2) was greater in hypoxia (2.61 +/- 0.7 L/min) versus hyperoxia (1.09 +/- 0.44 L/min) (P < 0.05). In both conditions the increase in Q was due to elevations in both HR and SV (P < 0.05). Systemic vascular conductance (SVC) increased to similar absolute levels in both conditions but rose earlier during hypoxia (> 50 mmHg PET(CO2)) than hyperoxia (> 55 mmHg). MSNA increased earlier during hypoxic hypercapnia (> 45 mmHg) compared with hyperoxic hypercapnia (> 55 mmHg). Thus, in these conscious humans, the dose-response effect of PET(CO2) on the integrated cardiovascular responses was shifted to the left during hypoxic hypercapnia. The combined data indicate that peripheral chemoreceptors exert important influence over cardiovascular reflex responses to hypercapnia.  相似文献   

In humans, cerebrovascular responses to alterations in arterial Pco(2) and Po(2) are well documented. However, few studies have investigated human coronary vascular responses to alterations in blood gases. This study investigated the extent to which the cerebral and coronary vasculatures differ in their responses to euoxic hypercapnia and isocapnic hypoxia in healthy volunteers. Participants (n = 15) were tested at rest on two occasions. On the first visit, middle cerebral artery blood velocity (V(P)) was assessed using transcranial Doppler ultrasound. On the second visit, coronary sinus blood flow (CSBF) was measured using cardiac MRI. For comparison with V(P), CSBF was normalized to the rate pressure product [an index of myocardial oxygen consumption; normalized (n)CSBF]. Both testing sessions began with 5 min of euoxic [end-tidal Po(2) (Pet(O(2))) = 88 Torr] isocapnia [end-tidal Pco(2) (Pet(CO(2))) = +1 Torr above resting values]. Pet(O(2)) was next held at 88 Torr, and Pet(CO(2)) was increased to 40 and 45 Torr in 5-min increments. Participants were then returned to euoxic isocapnia for 5 min, after which Pet(O(2)) was decreased from 88 to 60, 52 and 45 Torr in 5-min decrements. Changes in V(P) and nCSBF were normalized to isocapnic euoxic conditions and indexed against Pet(CO(2)) and arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation. The V(P) gain for euoxic hypercapnia (%/Torr) was significantly higher than nCSBF (P = 0.030). Conversely, the V(P) gain for isocapnic hypoxia (%/%desaturation) was not different from nCSBF (P = 0.518). These findings demonstrate, compared with coronary circulation, that the cerebral circulation is more sensitive to hypercapnia but similarly sensitive to hypoxia.  相似文献   

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