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Concentration dependent and temperature dependent stopped-flow experiments on the transition A-protein→double disc show a triphasic reaction consisting of a nucleation phase, a propagation phase and a slow redistribution of polymer size which involves the dissociation of “overshoot” aggregates into double discs and smaller aggregates. No first order rate process is observed under the present experimental conditions. Equilibrium circular dichroism data and preliminary kinetic data at various temperatures indicate a change at about 21°C which might be correlated to a partial transition double disc→helix parallelled by a further shift in the equilibrium of double disc formation; from both data the thermodynamic and activation parameters for the A-protein→double disc transition are estimated.  相似文献   

The self-association of alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein was studied by sedimentation analysis and electron microscopy under a wide range of conditions. In the depolymerized state the protein exists as a molecular species with a sedimentation constant of roughly 3 S and with a molecular weight of (48.4 ± 1.1) × 103. This value is, within experimental error, twice the value of the monomer (van Beynum, 1975). The dimer has a very stable configuration, as no evidence was found for a monomer-dimer equilibrium between pH values of 3 and 9 and values of ionic strength up to 1.0. One main type of association product (30 S) was found with a molecular weight of (1.48 ± 0.03) × 106. Therefore this particle accomodates 30 dimers which are arranged according to a point group symmetry of 532. The orientation of the 30 dimers within the icosahedral lattice must be such that lattice dyads coincide with the 2-fold axes of the dimers. Micrographs of the 30 S particles show a diameter of about 123 Å; analysis of linear arrays of these particles shows that at low resolution the particle is a hollow sphere with an average coat thickness of about 40 Å.The influence of pH, ionic strength, protein concentration and the type of buffer on the polymerization was determined to some extent and is discussed. The assembly of dimers into the icosahedral particle is an entropy-driven process (Lauffer, 1975); this is concluded from studying the temperature-dependence of the free energy change. Under favourable conditions (phosphate buffer pH 5.5 and ionic strength 0.5) the average enthalpy and entropy changes for the insertion of one dimer into the lattice are about 6.4 kilocalories per mole and 50 entropy units, respectively, based on the unit mole fraction.  相似文献   

The effects of absolute temperature (T), ionic strength (μ), and pH on the polymerization of tobacco mosaic virus protein from the 4 S form (A) to the 20 S form (D) were investigated by the method of sedimentation velocity. The loading concentration in grams per liter (C) was determined at which a just-detectable concentration (β) of 20 S material appeared. It was demonstrated experimentally that under the conditions employed herein, an equilibrium concentration of 20 S material was achieved in 3 h at the temperature of the experiment and that 20 S material dissociated again in 4 h or less to 4 S material either upon lowering the temperature or upon dilution. Thus, the use of thermodynamic equations for equilibrium processes was shown to be valid. The equation used to interpret the results, log (C?β) = constant + (ΔH12.3RT) + (ΔW1el2.3RT) ? K′ + ζpH, was derived from three separate models of the process, the only difference being in the anatomy of the constant; thus, the method of analysis is essentially independent of the model. ΔH1 and ΔW1el are the enthalpy and the change in electrical work per mole of A protein (the trimer of the polypeptide chain), Ks is the salting-out constant on the ionic strength basis, ζ is the number of moles of hydrogen ion bound per mole of A protein in the polymerization, and R is the gas constant. The three models leading to this equation are: a simple 11th-order equilibrium between A1 (the trimer of the polypeptide chain) and D, either the double disk or the double spiral of approximately the same molecular weight, designated model A; a second model, designated B, in which A1 was assumed to be in equilibrium with D at the same time that it is in equilibrium with A2, A3, etc., dimers and trimers, etc., of A1 in an isodesmic system; and a phase-separation model, designated model C, in which A protein is treated as a soluble material in equilibrium with D, considered as an insoluble phase. From electrical work theory, ΔWel1/T was shown to be essentially independent of T; therefore, in experiments at constant μ and constant pH the equation of log (C ? β) versus 1/T is linear with a slope of ΔH1/2.3R. The results fit such an equation over nearly a 20 °C-temperature range with a single value of ΔH1 of +32 kcal/mol A1. Results obtained when T and pH were held constant but μ was varied did not fit a straight line, which shows that more than simple salting-out is involved. When the effect of ionic strength on the electrical work contribution was considered in addition to salting-out, the data were interpreted to indicate a value of ΔW1el of 1.22 kcal/mol A1 at pH 6.7 and a value of 4.93 for Ks. When μ and T were held constant but pH was varied, and when allowance was made for the effect of pH changes on the electrical work contribution, a value of 1.1 was found for ζ. This means that something like 1.1 mol of hydrogen ion must be bound per mole of A1 protein in the formation of D. When this is added to the small amount of hydrogen ion bound per A1 before polymerization, at the pH values used, it turned out that for D to be formed, 1.5 H+ ions must be bound per A1 or 0.5 per protein polypeptide chain. This amounts to 1 H+ ion per polypeptide chain for half of the protein units, presumably those in one but not the other layer of the double disk or turn of the double spiral. When polymerization goes beyond the D stage, as shown by previously published data, additional H+ ions are bound. Simultaneous osmotic pressure studies and sedimentation studies were carried out, in both cases as a function of loading concentration C. These results were in complete disagreement with models A and C but agreed reasonably well with model B. The sedimentation studies permitted evaluation of the constant, β, to be 0.33 g/liter.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the endothermic polymerization reaction of tobacco mosaic virus protein in the mild acid region was studied by means of temperature-jump (rising time of 6 sec)-turbidimetry, electron microscopy, and computer simulation. The time course profile of the turbidity increase changed from a normal one to an anomalous one as the size of the temperature-jump was made greater. The anomalous type polymerization profile, which we named the "transient-saturation" type, could be characterized by a rapid increase of turbidity and its transient saturation, and a slow increase to the final level. At a higher concentration of the protein, this transient-saturation effect was more marked, whereas the slow turbidity in the second phase occurred with a higher rate. This transient-saturation type polymerization profile was observed also in a pH-induced polymerization reaction. It was not observed in the case of the N-bromosuccinimide modified tobacco mosaic virus protein under a similar environmental change. By an electron microscopic study and computer simulation, it was revealed that in the first phase, a large number of short polymers were formed, and the concentration of the polymerizing units was rapidly reduced to the equilibrium value, and the polymerization reaction stopped transiently. In the second phase, polymer-polymer associations took place slowly and longer polymers were formed. The revlevance of the present study to the polymerization reaction of actin, myosin, and to a transient-overshoot type polymerization are discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the stage at which H+ ions are bound during the entropy-driven polymerization of tobacco mosaic virus protein, acid-base titrations were carried out at a concentration of 5 mg/ml in 0.1 m-KCl from pH 8 to pH 5.2 and back to pH 8 at 4, 10, 15 and 20 °C. The titration was always completely reversible when the addition of acid or base was so slow that the experiment required seven hours in each direction. When the titration was started at pH 7 and performed down and up twice as rapidly, a hysteresis loop, indistinguishable from one previously published, was obtained at 20 °C.Ultracentrifugation experiments were carried out at selected pH values at the four temperatures. H+ ion uptake, as determined from the reversible titration curves, is correlated with the disappearance of the 4 S component and is independent of whether the polymerized species is in a 20 S or higher state of aggregation. At pH 7, approximately 1 mole of H+ ion is bound per mole of monomer. At pH values between 6.56 and 6.05, 1.5 moles of H+ ion are bound per mole of monomer upon polymerization. At pH 6.05, 0.5 mole of H+ ion is bound before any polymerization takes place.Tobacco mosaic virus protein at 20 °C in an unbuffered 0.1 m-KCl solution at pH 7.18 at a concentration of 41 mg/ml, largely in the 20 S state, was depolymerized entirely to the 4 S state by dilution with 0.1 m-KCl adjusted to the same pH. Under these conditions, there was no pH change, indicating that no H + ions are released.These seemingly contradictory findings can be explained by assuming that the 4 S component polymerizes to form either double discs without binding H+ ions, or, alternatively, two-turn helices accompanied by the binding of H+ ions. Both double discs and two-turn helices sediment at approximately 20 S. Whether polymerization in the neighborhood of pH 7 leads to helices or discs depends upon the availability of H+ ions.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of tobacco mosaic virus from its constituents, the coat protein and RNA, was investigated by means of ultracentrifugation and circular dichroism measurement. Tobacco mosaic virus protein forms a 20S double-layer disc under conditions favorable for tobacco mosaic virus reconstitution. Dibromination of the tyrosine 139 residue of tobacco mosaic virus protein prevents formation of the 20S disc.Acidification of the tobacco mosaic virus protein solution causes 20S discs to polymerize into long helical rods. Changes in the CD spectra of tobacco mosaic virus protein in the near-ultraviolet region suggest that stacking of the aromatic sidechains of amino acid residues stabilizes the helical rod. The dibrominated tobacco mosaic virus protein also has the ability of rod elongation under acidic condition. CD studies reveal that assembly of tobacco mosaic virus particles from its constituents is stabilized by the stacking effect between the base residues of RNA and the aromatic residues of tobacco mosaic virus protein.Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus protein, which acts as a substituent for tobacco mosaic virus protein in tobacco mosaic virus reconstitution, was also investigated.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein (TMV MP) is required to mediate viral spread between plant cells via plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata are cytoplasmic bridges that connect individual plant cells and ordinarily limit molecular diffusion to small molecules and metabolites with a molecular mass up to 1 kD. Here, we characterize functional properties of Nicotiana clevelandii trichome plasmodesmata and analyze their interaction with TMV MP. Trichomes constitute a linear cellular system and provide a predictable pathway of movement. Their plasmodesmata are functionally distinct from plasmodesmata in other plant cel types; they allow cell-to-cell diffusion of dextrans with a molecular mass up to 7 kD, and TMV MP does not increase this size exclusion limit for dextrans. In contrast, the 30-kD TMV MP itself moves between trichome cells and specifically mediates the translocation of a 90-kD beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter protein as a GUS::TMV MP fusion. Neither GUS by itself nor GUS in the presence of TMV MP moves between cells. These data imply that a plasmodesmal transport signal resides within TMV MP and is essential for movement. This signal confers selectivity to the translocated protein and cannot function in trans to support movement of other molecules.  相似文献   

Tobacco Mosaic Virus: Pioneering Research for a Century, organized by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, in conjunction with The Royal Society, was held at The Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK, 7–8 August 1998.  相似文献   

The association behaviour of the coat protein of alfalfa mosaic virus strain VRU was studied by sedimentation analysis and electron microscopy. The results of this study were compared with the data obtained from similar studies with the coat protein of strain 425 (Driedonks et al., 1977). In the depolymerized state VRU protein is likely a dinier of the 24,050 molecular weight polypeptide chain. The main association product is a tubular structure with a diameter of about 180 Å. The optimum conditions for the reaction were polyphosphate-containing buffer at pH 6·5. Optical diffraction analysis of negatively stained specimens revealed a helical arrangement of the protein subunits in these assemblies. The same type of reaction product was found when the association reaction was carried out in the presence of polynucleotides. The length of the VRU particles is abnormally long compared to other alfalfa mosaic virus strains. This phenomenon can be ascribed to the tendency of the protein to polymerize into tubular rather than spherical particles.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus protein induces fusion of liposome membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fusogenic properties of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein were investigated. Tobacco mosaic virus protein induces membrane fusion of a population of L-alpha-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and DL-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles giving rise to larger particles as seen by a drastic absorbance increase of the liposomal solution. Differential scanning calorimetry spectra demonstrate complete mixing of the acyl chains of the lipids during fusion. Electron micrographs indicate that the fused entities are multilamellar.  相似文献   

Short-column sedimentation equilibrium methods have been applied for the first time to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) protein (0.1 M ionic strength orthophosphate) at pH 6.5 and at pH 7.0 to estimate molecular weights. Previous sedimentation velocity experiments at pH 6.5, 20 degrees C have led to the conclusion that the major boundary with an S0(20),w value of 24.4 +/- 0.1 S consists of a distribution of polymers which are mainly three-turn, 48-51-subunit helical rod aggregates. The directly measured z-average molecular weights together with sedimentation velocity data are entirely consistent with this assignment of a three-turn aggregate. Molecular weights have also been determined under two conditions where a large mass fraction of the protein sediments with an S0(20),w value of 20.3 +/- 0.2 S. At pH 6.5, 6-8 degrees C, the aggregates in this boundary are metastable and correspond to 50-60% of the preparation. At pH 7.0, 20 degrees C at equilibrium, 65-75% of the protein sediments at 20.3 S. The 20.3S boundary is very similar under both conditions and is interpreted as being composed of a distribution of protein aggregates centered about 39 +/- 2 subunits. This result is important in the interpretation of previous kinetic measurements of TMV self-assembly. The current view is that the 34-subunit structure of TMV protein, in the form of a cylindrical disk which is made up of two 17-subunit layers and has been characterized in single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies, plays a central role in the initial binding steps with RNA. The present results are not consistent with the view that there is a significant concentration of the TMV protein disk structure in solution under the usual conditions of TMV self-assembly.  相似文献   

B G McLean  J Zupan    P C Zambryski 《The Plant cell》1995,7(12):2101-2114
Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein P30 complexes with genomic viral RNA for transport through plasmodesmata, the plant intercellular connections. Although most research with P30 focuses on its targeting to and gating of plasmodesmata, the mechanisms of P30 intracellular movement to plasmodesmata have not been defined. To examine P30 intracellular localization, we used tobacco protoplasts, which lack plasmodesmata, for transfection with plasmids carrying P30 coding sequences under a constitutive promoter and for infection with tobacco mosaic virus particles. In both systems, P30 appears as filaments that colocalize primarily with microtubules. To a lesser extent, P30 filaments colocalize with actin filaments, and in vitro experiments suggested that P30 can bind directly to actin and tubulin. This association of P30 with cytoskeletal elements may play a critical role in intracellular transport of the P30-viral RNA complex through the cytoplasm to and possibly through plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells restrain the activity of foreign genetic elements, including viruses, through RNA silencing. Although viruses encode suppressors of silencing to support their propagation, viruses may also exploit silencing to regulate host gene expression or to control the level of their accumulation and thus to reduce damage to the host. RNA silencing in plants propagates from cell to cell and systemically via a sequence-specific signal. Since the signal spreads between cells through plasmodesmata like the viruses themselves, virus-encoded plasmodesmata-manipulating movement proteins (MP) may have a central role in compatible virus:host interactions by suppressing or enhancing the spread of the signal. Here, we have addressed the propagation of GFP silencing in the presence and absence of MP and MP mutants. We show that the protein enhances the spread of silencing. Small RNA analysis indicates that MP does not enhance the silencing pathway but rather enhances the transport of the signal through plasmodesmata. The ability to enhance the spread of silencing is maintained by certain MP mutants that can move between cells but which have defects in subcellular localization and do not support the spread of viral RNA. Using MP expressing and non-expressing virus mutants with a disabled silencing suppressing function, we provide evidence indicating that viral MP contributes to anti-viral silencing during infection. Our results suggest a role of MP in controlling virus propagation in the infected host by supporting the spread of silencing signal. This activity of MP involves only a subset of its properties implicated in the spread of viral RNA.  相似文献   

The cell-to-cell spread of Tobacco mosaic virus infection depends on virus-encoded movement protein (MP), which is believed to form a ribonucleoprotein complex with viral RNA (vRNA) and to participate in the intercellular spread of infectious particles through plasmodesmata. Previous studies in our laboratory have provided evidence that the vRNA movement process is correlated with the ability of the MP to interact with microtubules, although the exact role of this interaction during infection is not known. Here, we have used a variety of in vivo and in vitro assays to determine that the MP functions as a genuine microtubule-associated protein that binds microtubules directly and modulates microtubule stability. We demonstrate that, unlike MP in whole-cell extract, microtubule-associated MP is not ubiquitinated, which strongly argues against the hypothesis that microtubules target the MP for degradation. In addition, we found that MP interferes with kinesin motor activity in vitro, suggesting that microtubule-associated MP may interfere with kinesin-driven transport processes during infection.  相似文献   

Proton binding to tobacco mosaic virus protein at 20 °C has been found to exhibit a reproducible hysteresis which results from the metastability of high molecular weight helical, virus-like rods. In a titration from pH 4 or 5 to 7, the time for depolymerization of such rods, as measured by ultracentrifugation, decreases from days to minutes over a range of about a tenth of a pH unit, near pH 6·6 at 20 °C. Relative to the extent of proton binding in the depolymerized state at 4 °C, the magnitude of the hysteresis near pH 6·2 corresponds to more than 50% of the protons bound per subunit in the equilibrium polymerized state.  相似文献   

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