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Parasitoids can learn to associate information from the host microhabitat with ovipositional experiences. Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) is a koinobiont larval-pupal endoparasitoid of many tephritids. In P. concolor, the role of visual cues learning during host microhabitat location has not been greatly explored. Here, the innate preferences of P. concolor for colours, shapes and patterns were investigated, as well as the effects of sensitisation and associative learning regarding female preferences for these visual cues. Na?ve females showed no innate preferences for a particular colour, shape or pattern, and their responses were unaffected by sensitisation. In contrast, P. concolor females developed clear preferences after training on Ceratitis capitata larvae associated with a given colour, but not when they were trained on different shapes or patterns. Our findings on how P. concolor learn to pick up visual cues could help to define its optimal environment, and to predict its natural post-release distribution in biological control programs.  相似文献   

Body miniaturization in insects is predicted to result in decreased flight speed and therefore limited ability of these insects to fly upwind. Therefore, tiny insects are often regarded as relying on passive dispersal by winds. We tested this assumption in a wind tunnel by measuring the burst speed of Eretmocerus mundus (Mercet), a beneficial parasitoid wasp with body length <1 mm. Insects were filmed flying upwind towards a UV light source in a range of wind speed 0–0.5 m/s. The Insects flew towards the UV light in the absence and presence of wind but increased their flight speed in the presence of wind. They also changed flight direction to be directly upwind and maintained this body orientation even while drifted backwards relative to the ground by stronger winds. Field measurements showed that the average flight speed observed in the wind tunnel (0.3 m/s) is sufficient to allow flying between plants even when the wind speed above the vegetation was 3–5 folds higher. A simulation of the ability of the insects to control their flight trajectory towards a visual target (sticky traps) in winds show that the insects can manipulate their progress relative to the ground even when the wind speed exceeds their flight speed. The main factors determining the ability of the insects to reach the trap were trap diameter and the difference between insect flight speed and wind speed. The simulation also predicts the direction of arrival to the sticky target showing that many of the insects reach the target from the leeward side (i.e. by flight upwind). In light of these results, the notion that miniature insects passively disperse by winds is misleading because it disregards the ability of the insects to control their drift relative to the ground in winds that are faster than their flight speed.  相似文献   

The importance of speciation without the complete geographical separation of diverging populations (sympatric speciation) has become increasingly accepted. One of the textbook examples of recent speciation in sympatry is the apple maggot fly Rhagoletis pomonella, in which genetically differentiated host races feed on either hawthorn or apple. Three recent articles by Feder and collaborators show that the history of these host races is more complicated than was previously realized. Genes that differentiate races of flies that feed on either apple or hawthorn are located in chromosomal rearrangements. This variation forms a latitudinal cline that must have been established long before apples were available as hosts. Furthermore, there is also new evidence for the very recent evolution of a derived preference for volatile chemicals that are typical of apple fruits among apple-feeding flies. These results show that adaptation to apple populations has involved both the sorting of ancestral adaptive variation and the selection of novel mutations.  相似文献   

How we age and what we can do about it have been uppermost in human thought since antiquity. The many false starts have frustrated experimentalists and theoretical arguments pronouncing the inevitability of the process have created a nihilistic climate among scientists and the public. The identification of single gene alterations that substantially extend life span in nematodes and flies however, have begun to reinvigorate the field. Drosophila's long history of contributions to aging research, rich storehouse of genetic information, and powerful molecular techniques make it an excellent system for studying the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of aging. In recent years, Drosophila has been used to test current theories on aging and explore new directions of potential importance to the biology of aging. One such example is the surprising finding that, as opposed to the commonly held assumption that adult life is a period of random passive decline in which all things are thought to fall apart, the molecular life of the adult fly appears to be a state of dynamic well-regulated change. In the fly, the level of expression of many different genes changes in an invariant, often age-dependent, manner. These as well as other molecular genetic studies and demographic analyses using the fly have begun to challenge widely held ideas about aging providing evidence that aging may be a much more dynamic and malleable process than anticipated. With the enormous success that Drosophila molecular genetics has demonstrated in helping understand complex biological phenomena such as development there is much optimism that similar approaches can be adapted to assist in understanding the process of aging.  相似文献   

The house fly, Musca domestica, contains at least two native vitellin and two vitellogenin proteins. Both vitellins appear to have an identical vitellogenin partner. The major native vitellin has a mol. wt of 281 K Daltons, and the major native vitellogenin has a mol. wt of 283 K Daltons. These proteins are composed of three subunits with mol. wt of 48, 45 and 40 K Daltons. The relationship of the subunits to the native proteins is not known.Haemolymph vitellogenin levels are cyclical during oögenesis with no detectable amounts in previtellogenic flies and low levels in postvitellogenic flies. The highest level of vitellogenin, 10.5 μg/μl, occurred in flies with stage-7 ovaries. The vitellogenin levels during oögenesis fit a parabolic curve and the fat body vitellogenin content during oögenesis showed this same pattern.Uptake of vitellogenin into the ovary during each stage of oögenesis also fit a parabolic curve and produced a high linear correlation with haemolymph vitellogenin levels. The greatest uptake was 37 μg/stage and occurred during stage 6.  相似文献   

Vascular anastomoses constitute a main factor in poor graft performance due to mismatches in distensibility between the host artery and the graft. This work aims at computational fluid–structure investigations of proximal and distal anastomoses of vein grafts and synthetic grafts. Finite element and finite volume models were developed and coupled with a user-defined algorithm. Emphasis was placed on the simplicity of the coupling algorithm. An artery and vein graft showed a larger dilation mismatch than an artery and synthetic graft. The vein graft distended nearly twice as much as the artery while the synthetic graft displayed only approximately half the arterial dilation. For the vein graft, luminal mismatching was aggravated by development of an anastomotic pseudo-stenosis. While this study focused on end-to-end anastomoses as a vehicle for developing the coupling algorithm, it may serve as useful point of departure for further investigations such as other anastomotic configurations, refined modelling of sutures and fully transient behaviour.  相似文献   

The consumption of saccharide-rich foods such as floral nectar is crucial for the survival of many adult parasitoid wasps. The importance to parasitoids of nectar quality, with regards to its sucrose:hexose ratio, was investigated. Nectar, an aqueous solution of sugars, amino acids and other compounds, differs between plant species. Nectar composition is dominated by sucrose, glucose and fructose. Previous studies have shown that the ratio of sucrose to hexose (glucose+fructose) sugars can explain nectar associations in a range of flower visiting arthropods. It has been suggested that this ratio may be important in terms of parasitoid fitness. Analysis of floral nectar from fourteen plant species confirmed that the sucrose/hexose ratio significantly differed between species. An opportunity to select floral resources based on this measure of nectar quality arose and highlighted the potential to utilize native flowering plant species in place of the seven most commonly deployed, which are usually not native to the countries in which they are used.Results presented in this paper indicate, however, that the sucrose/hexose ratio is not a significant factor explaining parasitoid longevity. The hymenopteran parasitoids Diadegma semiclausum (Ichneumonidae) and Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Braconidae) were fed 40% w/w sugar solutions, differing in their sugar ratios. Solutions were classified as either sucrose-dominant (ratio >0.99), sucrose-rich (ratio 0.5–0.99), hexose-rich (ratio 0.1–0.499) or hexose-dominant (ratio <0.1). No significant differences in parasitoid longevity were found between the different treatments for either species. This suggests there is not an optimal sucrose/hexose ratio for parasitoid wasps, although a greater number of parasitoid species should ideally be tested to confirm if this is true for the wider parasitoid taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

The excitability of spinal α-motoneurons in healthy humans was investigated with vibrostimulation (20–60 Hz) applied to different groups of muscles both under stationary conditions and during vibration-evoked stepping movements with leg suspension. In 15 subjects, the H-reflex amplitude was compared under the conditions of vibration of the left leg quadriceps femoris (QFM) or biceps femoris (BFM) muscle, as well as under the conditions of vibration of the contralateral, motionless leg QFM muscle in three spatial positions of the body: upright, supine, and lying on the side with the left leg suspended. Under dynamic conditions, the H-reflex value was compared during evoked and voluntary steppings at eight intervals of the step cycle. In all body positions, the vibration of each ipsilateral leg muscle caused a significant H-reflex suppression, this suppression being more prominent under the air-stepping conditions. The vibration of the contralateral leg QFM had weak influence on the H-reflex amplitude. In seven subjects, the vibration of the ipsilateral and contralateral leg muscles generated stepping movements. During vibration-evoked air-stepping, the H-reflex had different amplitudes in different phases of the step cycle. At the same time, the differences between responses under voluntary and involuntary stepping conditions were revealed only in the step cycle phase corresponding to the stance phase. Thus, the different degrees of the H-reflex suppression by vibration in different spatial positions of the body seem to depend on the summary afferent inflows to the spinal cord interneurons involved in the regulation of locomotion and posture. Apparently, an increase in the spinal cord neuronal excitability, which is necessary for activating locomotor automatism under the leg unloading conditions, occurs during evoked air-stepping in the swing phase.  相似文献   

The venom of the parasitoid wasp Ampulex compressa induces long-lasting hypokinesia in the cockroach prey. Previous work indicates that the venom acts in the subesophageal ganglion to indirectly affect modulation of thoracic circuits for locomotion. However, the target of the venom in the subesophageal ganglion, and the mechanism by which the venom achieves its effects are as yet unknown. While the stung cockroaches appear generally lethargic, not all behaviors were affected, indicating that the venom targets specific motor systems and not behavior in general. Stung cockroaches were observed "freezing" in abnormal positions. Reserpine, which depletes monoamines, mimics the behavioral effects of the venom. We treated cockroaches with antagonists to dopamine and octopamine receptors, and found that the dopamine system is required for normal escape response. Dopamine injection induces prolonged grooming in normal cockroaches, but not in stung, suggesting that the venom is affecting dopamine receptors, or targets downstream of these receptors, in the subesophageal ganglion. This dopamine blocking effect fades slowly over the course of several weeks, similar to the time course of recovery from hypokinesia. The similarity in the time courses suggests that the mechanism underlying the hypokinesia may be the block of the dopamine receptors.  相似文献   

Many species of parasitoid wasps produce a greater proportionof sons in small than in large hosts. As described by the host-sizemodel, natural selection is becoming a standard explanationfor the evolution of this phenomenon. We examined a criticalassumption of the host-size model, that host size has a morepositive effect on female than on male reproductive success.In laboratory experiments with the parasitoid wasp Spalangiacameroni, females that developed on larger hosts contained moreeggs at emergence. However, more eggs did not translate intomore offspring, at high or low density and regardless of whethera female had to burrow to reach hosts. The size of host on whicha female developed was also unrelated to her longevity, regardlessof the presence or absence of hosts. The size of host on whicha male developed had no effect on his sperm production or abilityto inseminate females, regardless of whether insemination abilitywas measured by the amount of sperm transferred to a female,by the proportion of a male's mates that produced any daughters,or by the proportion of daughters that a male's mates produced.Thus, despite data on multiple measures of fitness under a rangeof conditions, sex ratio manipulation in response to host sizein S. cameroni does not appear to be adaptive, and another explanationis needed.  相似文献   

Measurement of the content of polyamines in pancreatic islets indicated that no significant change in their concentration took place during glucose-stimulated insulin release. The finding, together with the absence of any effect of -difluoromethylornithine on glucosestimulated insulin release suggested that rapid synthesis of polyamines is not involved in stimulus-secretion coupling in the -cell. The concentration of polyamines found in islets were high enough for them to act as substrates for the Ca2+-dependent islet transglutaminase during insulin release. This was further demonstrated by the ability of islet transglutaminase to incorporate [14C]putrescine into proteins from islet homogenates and by the demonstration of an increase in the covalent incorporation of [14C]putrescine into the proteins of intact islets following their challenge with glucose. Unlike monoamine substrates of transglutaminase, putrescine failed to effectively inhibit insulin release when its intracellular concentration was increased. A role for polyamines in the secretory process through their incorporation into islet proteins is suggested.  相似文献   

Uncovering genetic responses to selection in wild populations typically requires tracking individuals over generations and use of animal models. Our group monitored the body size of one Swiss Yellow Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria; Diptera: Scathophagidae) field population over 15 years, including intermittent common‐garden rearing in the laboratory to assess body size with minimized environmental and maximized genetic variation. Contrary to expectations based on repeated heritability and phenotypic selection assessments over the years (reported elsewhere), field body sizes declined by >10% and common‐garden laboratory sizes by >5% from 1993 to 2009. Our results confirm the temperature‐size rule (smaller when warmer) and, albeit entirely correlational, could be mediated by climate change, as over this period mean temperature at the site increased by 0.5°C, although alternative systematic environmental changes cannot be entirely excluded. Monitoring genetic responses to selection in wild invertebrate populations is thus possible, though indirect, and wild populations may evolve in directions not consistent with strongly positive directional selection favoring large body size.  相似文献   

The eclosion rhythm of a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster was studied under 12h light, 12h dark (LD 12:12) cycles. Although most of the flies were found to eclose just after “lights on” in LD 12:12, termed within gate (WG) flies, a few flies were found to eclose nearly 10h after peak eclosion, termed outside gate (OG) flies. The circadian parameters of the clocks controlling oviposition rhythms in the WG and the OG flies were estimated to understand the cause of such differences in the timing of eclosion. The distribution of the fraction of individual flies exhibiting single, multiple, and no significant period in the WG flies was significantly different from distribution in the OG flies. Compared to the WG flies, more OG flies were found to exhibit oviposition rhythm with multiple periodicity, whereas more WG flies exhibited an oviposition rhythm with a single significant period. The fraction of flies with arrhythmic oviposition was similar in both the WG and the OG flies. Free-running period τ in constant darkness (DD) and the phase angle difference ψ in LD 12:12 for the oviposition rhythm of WG and OG flies were significantly different. These results suggest that the differences in the time of eclosion between the flies eclosing within the gate and outside the gate of eclosion are probably due to differences in the circadian system controlling eclosion, which is reflected by the differences in their oviposition rhythm. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 601-612, 2001)  相似文献   

Resource acquisition and allocation to different biological functions over the course of life have strong implications for animal reproductive success. Animals can experience different environmental conditions during their lifetime, and this may play an important role in shaping their life-history and resource allocation strategies. In this study we investigate larval and adult resource allocation to reproductive and survival functions in the parasitoid wasp Ibalia leucospoides (family Ibaliidae). The pattern of larval resource allocation was inferred from the relationship between adult body size and ovigeny index (OI; a relative measure of investment in early reproduction determined as the ratio between the initial egg load and the potential lifetime fecundity); and adult resource allocation was explored through the influence of adult feeding on reproduction, maintenance and metabolism, in laboratory experiments. Food acquisition by this parasitoid in the wild was also examined. The relationship between size and OI was constant, suggesting no differential resource allocation to initial egg load and potential lifetime fecundity with size. This finding is in line with that predicted by adaptive models for the proovigenic egg maturation strategy (OI = 1). Despite of this, I. leucospoides showed a high OI of 0.77, which places this species among the weakly synovigenic ones (OI < 1). Adult feeding had no effect on post-emergence egg maturation. However, wasps extended their lifespan through feeding albeit only when food was provided ad libitum. Although the information we obtained on the feeding behaviour of free-foraging wasps is limited, our results suggest that food intake in the wild, while possible, may not be frequent in this parasitoid. We discuss the results relative to the environmental factors, such as reproductive opportunities and food availability, which may have driven the evolution of larval and adult pattern of resource allocation in parasitoids.  相似文献   

The present study aims to show that zizyphus trees must be preserved from exposure to pesticide applications for several reasons: they are trees with no economic values and are the sole host plant of zizyphus fruit fly (ZFF), Carpomyia incompleta, (monophagous species) add to that the pest (ZFF) is very sensitive to the associated parasitoid, Opius concolor. Therefore, the present experiment was carried out for two successive years, 2011 and 2012. In the first season of 2011, ZFF started to emerge at the first of April with 28% emergence, thereafter the fly emergence gradually increased to reach the maximal value (56%) by the end of May. In the second season of the same year, the percentage of flies emergence started with 63.67% during 11 September, afterwards it increased to reach the maximal value (83.67%) by the end of September. Data also indicated that the overall males/females ratio of ZFF was 0.43 during both the years of study. The maximum parasitism was recorded in 22 April (26.0%), meanwhile no individual parasitoid was observed during September. The fluctuation of ZFF in both the years showed similar trend. The ratio between the parasitoid O. concolor and ZFF in 2011 was similar to that of 2012 except that a low percentage of parasitism was observed at the beginning of September. Keeping in view the aim of the present investigation, as well as the obtained results, zizyphus tree from our point of view may become a host plant with highly economic importance where it acts as a natural resource or reservoir for one of the most effective parasitoid of fruit fly species without any economical cost. We also advise those working in the field of Horticulture, Pomology Departments to propagate and cultivate zizyphus trees around fruit orchards to act as windbreaks besides their function as a source of parasite.  相似文献   

Osteocytes are believed to be the primary sensor of mechanical stimuli in bone, which orchestrate osteoblasts and osteoclasts to adapt bone structure and composition to meet physiological loading demands. Experimental studies to quantify the mechanical environment surrounding bone cells are challenging, and as such, computational and theoretical approaches have modelled either the solid or fluid environment of osteocytes to predict how these cells are stimulated in vivo. Osteocytes are an elastic cellular structure that deforms in response to the external fluid flow imposed by mechanical loading. This represents a most challenging multi-physics problem in which fluid and solid domains interact, and as such, no previous study has accounted for this complex behaviour. The objective of this study is to employ fluid–structure interaction (FSI) modelling to investigate the complex mechanical environment of osteocytes in vivo. Fluorescent staining of osteocytes was performed in order to visualise their native environment and develop geometrically accurate models of the osteocyte in vivo. By simulating loading levels representative of vigorous physiological activity ( $3,000\,\upmu \upvarepsilon $ compression and 300 Pa pressure gradient), we predict average interstitial fluid velocities $(\sim 60.5\,\upmu \text{ m/s })$ and average maximum shear stresses $(\sim 11\, \text{ Pa })$ surrounding osteocytes in vivo. Interestingly, these values occur in the canaliculi around the osteocyte cell processes and are within the range of stimuli known to stimulate osteogenic responses by osteoblastic cells in vitro. Significantly our results suggest that the greatest mechanical stimulation of the osteocyte occurs in the cell processes, which, cell culture studies have indicated, is the most mechanosensitive area of the cell. These are the first computational FSI models to simulate the complex multi-physics mechanical environment of osteocyte in vivo and provide a deeper understanding of bone mechanobiology.  相似文献   

Biomechanics principally stems from two disciplines, mechanics and biology. However, both the application and language of the mechanical constructs are not always adhered to when applied to biological systems, which can lead to errors and misunderstandings within the scientific literature. Here we address three topics that seem to be common points of confusion and misconception, with a specific focus on sports biomechanics applications: (1) joint reaction forces as they pertain to loads actually experienced by biological joints; (2) the partitioning of scalar quantities into directional components; and (3) weight and gravity alteration. For each topic, we discuss how mechanical concepts have been commonly misapplied in peer-reviewed publications, the consequences of those misapplications, and how biomechanics, exercise science, and other related disciplines can collectively benefit by more carefully adhering to and applying concepts of classical mechanics.  相似文献   

We compared the production of pseudoparasitization by Microplitis rufiventris females in most (third) and less (fourth) preferred instars of Spodoptera littoralis larvae at 20+/-1 and 27+/-1 degrees C. The parasitized hosts were classified into hosts producing parasitoids (type A hosts) and hosts producing no parasitoids, i.e., pseudoparasitized hosts (type B hosts). The latter were further classified into: (a) pseudoparasitized hosts with "well" arrested development (type B1 hosts); (b) pseudoparasitized hosts with partially arrested development (type B2 hosts); and (c) pseudoparasitized hosts that successfully pupated to apparently normal host pupae (type B3 hosts). The present series of experiments showed that parasitization by M. rufiventris was clearly affected by host instar, age within an instar and rearing temperature. Production of type B hosts was less when third instar S. littoralis larvae were exposed to the wasp females than when the host larvae were in fourth instar. The production of type A hosts was much greater when early or mid ages of an instar was stung by the wasp females comparing with stung late age of the same instar. Production of type B hosts may be due to one or overall of the following: (a) dosage dilution of M. rufiventris female's factors in the different age classes of the instar; (b) endocrine system (physiological state) at parasitization time, i.e., early vs late age of the instar; (c) growth rate of host larvae. The lowest production of type B hosts was at highest growth rate; and (d) temperature, larger proportions of type B hosts were produced at 27+/-1 than at 20+/-1degrees C. The three types host development (B1, B2 and B3) are possibly representing three levels of host resistance (host control) resulting in partial or complete failure of parasitoid control. Type A hosts represent complete success of parasitoid control. The results suggest that the impact of parasitoid factor(s) on developmental arrest is affected by host age at the time of parasitism and/or by temperature.  相似文献   

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