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电刺激大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG),在腰5(L_5)背根可记录到—稳定的负性背根电位(DRP),简称 PAG-DRP。PAG-DRP 具有空间和时间总和性质,沿背根作电紧张性扩布,且能被 GABA 能拮抗剂印防己毒素(Picrotoxin)所抑制。电解损毁中缝大核(NRM)对刺激背侧 PAG 诱发的 PAG-DRP 无明显影响,而可使刺激腹侧 PAG 诱发的 PAG-DRP电位幅值降低40%左右。结果表明,PAG 下行抑制作用中有突触前抑制参与;NRM 参与腹侧 PAG-DRP 的产生,背侧 PAG-DRP 则可能由 NRM 以外的其他核团中继。  相似文献   

实验用猫,在氯醛糖麻醉、三碘季铵酚制动下,用方波电脉冲刺激隐神经,配合极化电流阻断技术分别引起隐神经A和C类纤维兴奋,在对侧大脑皮层SI区SII区记录平均诱发电位(分别简称为A-SIEP、A-SIIEP、C-SIEP、C-SIIEP)。用双级同心圆电极刺激尾核头部不同部位。实验结果表明,只有刺激同侧尾核头部内侧浅表部位,才对C-SIEP,C-SIIEP,A-SIIEP有抑制作用,提示尾核头部对大脑  相似文献   

Sun QX  Zhao Y  Zhang SH  Shi WC  Wang HS 《生理学报》2002,54(6):501-507
为观察Aβ类初级传入纤维是否参与相邻脊髓节段外周末梢之间的信息传递及其相关机制 ,实验自近中端切断一侧T8~T12 脊髓节段背侧皮神经 ,将一支被切断的皮神经的外周端分离成数支细束 ,以单个Aβ纤维放电为指征 ,检测单位的传导速度、适应特性、机械感受阈值、感受野的形状和面积 ;在相邻脊髓节段、也与中枢断离的皮神经干上施加逆向电刺激 ( 0 45mA ,0 1ms,2 0Hz,10s) ,以观察该刺激对Aβ纤维的上述机械感受特性的影响。在 42只大鼠上共记录了 5 0个Aβ类单位。逆向电刺激相邻节段皮神经后 ,60 6% (n =3 3 )的单位感受野增大 ,全部单位的感受野平均面积从 8 94± 6 5 1mm2 显著增加到 2 0 3 4± 16 17mm2 (P <0 0 1)。 81 8% (n =2 0 )的单位感受野形状从点状、圆或与身体长轴垂直的椭圆变成与身体长轴斜行或平行的椭圆。 68 0 % (n =5 0 )的单位机械感受阈值下降 ,全部单位的平均阈值从 2 3 7± 1 2 4mN降至 2 2 9± 1 2 4mN (P <0 0 5 )。上述机械感受特性的改变可持续 5 2 2 3± 9 2 7至 5 6 93± 15 76min。跨节段电刺激后 ,有 5 0 0 % (n =5 0 )的单位同时出现放电的增加 ,但该增加仅持续 1 5 2± 0 46min ,显著短于机械感受特性改变的时程 (P <0 0 1)。有机械感受特性改变的单位也  相似文献   

实验用猫,在氯醛糖麻醉、三碘季铵酚制动下,用方波电脉冲刺激隐神经,配合极化电流阻断技术分别引起隐神经A和C类纤维兴奋,在对侧大脑皮层SⅠ区和SⅡ区记录平均诱发电位(分别同称为A-SⅠEP、A-SⅡEP、C-SⅠEP、C-SⅡEP)。用双极同心圆电极刺激尾核头部不同部位。实验结果表明,只有刺激同侧尾核头部内侧浅表部位,才对C-SⅠEP,C-SⅡEP,A-SⅡEP有抑制作用,提示尾核头部对大脑皮层不同躯体感觉代表区有不同的调制作用,对SⅠ区C类纤维传入信息有独特的抑制作用。  相似文献   

冯鉴强  陈培熹 《生理学报》1990,42(2):129-134
电刺激猫大脑皮层前外侧回联合区(ALA)能使隐神经 C 类纤维传入引起的体感皮层(S(?)区)诱发电位(C-CEP)的幅值明显变小,并有后作用,表明 ALA 对 C-CEP 有抑制作用;切断ALA 与 SI 区之间的皮层内纤维联系后,ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用明显减弱,抑制时程缩短;侧脑室微量注射阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮后,电刺激 ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用明显减弱,表明 ALA 对 C-CEP 的抑制作用的作用途径之—可能是通过 ALA 与 SI 区之间的皮层内神经径路;可能与内源性阿片样物质的释放有关。提示大脑皮层联合区可能对体感皮层 C-CEP 有调制作用。  相似文献   

刺激隐神经C类纤维诱发体感皮层电反应(平均诱发电位)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当猫的隐神经A类纤维单独兴奋时,可引起同侧脊髓背表面电位 A-SSP(潜伏期 2.6±0.4ms)和对侧体感皮层诱发电位 A-CEP。A-CEP由早成分(潜伏期 9.6±1 1ms)和晚成分(203.0±10.gms)组成。当 C类纤维选择性传入时,出现特异的 C-CEP(潜伏期 134.4±25.9ms)和C-SSP(115.8±15.6ms)。C-CEP的幅值较A-CEP 小,并随C类纤维传入的数量而改变。C-CEP的最大幅值位于后乙状回一定部位,多为负或正-负电位,在皮层深层其相位倒转。与A-CEP相比,C-CEP的中枢延搁时间较长,跟随频率较低,对镇痛药较敏感。表明C-CEP不同于A-CEP,它是由C类传入所引起的,是在体感皮层内产生的。当A类和C类纤维同时传入时,只有A-CEP和A-SSP出现,而不出现C-CEP和C-SSP。在阻断电流逐渐增强过程中,C-CEP较C-SSP后出现;而在撤销阻断过程中,则C-CEP较C-SSP先消失。提示C类传入在中枢可能被A类传入所抑制,这种抑制可以发生在脊髓和脊上水平,后者可能更强。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是为了揭示大鼠脊髓后角内的神经降压素是否对一级传入C纤维进行突触前调节,荧光显微镜下观察到,在脊髓Ⅰ-Ⅲ层内,和压素样免疫反应性(NTLI)的分布与来源于西非单豆素的同工凝集素Ⅰ-B4(Ⅰ-B)的结合位点到分布有部分重叠,在其聚集激光扫描显微镜下进一步观察显微镜下,在蛛网膜下腔注射辣椒素的大鼠脊髓后角浅层内,一些NTLI阳性终末与变性终末形成突触性和/或非突触性接触。以上结果表明,NT可通过轴轴突触和/或非突触性轴轴接触的一级传入C纤维的传入进行突触前抑制。此外,脊髓后角内还存在变性终末与含NTLI树突形成的轴树突触。  相似文献   

记录了麻痹猫的体感皮层(SI)神经元的自发和隐神经的A类和C类纤维传入诱发放电(A-ED和C-ED)。用NCCVF分析神经元放电。结果表明,SI区神经元对同时刺激隐神经的A类和C类纤维的反应呈多种型式:(1)A-ED和C-ED共存,包括Ⅰ.A-ED和C-ED始终相互伴随出现;Ⅱ.在刺激之初,只出现A-ED,但是,当阻断A类纤维传入并由C类纤维传入诱发神经元放电后,再同时刺激A类和C类纤维时,A-ED和C-ED便同时出现。(2)A-ED制约C-ED,特点是,只要A-ED存在,C/ED就不出现。只有阻断A类纤维传入后,C-ED才产生。(3)单一A-ED,不管在什么刺激条件下,这类神经元都只有A-ED,而不产生C-ED 结论:根据反应型式的不同,可将SI区的神经元分为Ⅰ.A类和C类纤维传入同时驱动的神经元;Ⅱ.A-ED制约C-ED的神经元;Ⅲ.只由A类纤维传入驱动的神经元。  相似文献   

In testing of healthy subjects, we studied the influence of conditioning stimulation of then.peroneus communis on the H-reflex EMG discharge recorded from them. soleus. Two waves of inhibition separated by a period of relative facilitation of the reflex were observed. The first wave,D 1, was not longer than 50 msec. The intensity of later inhibition (D 2 wave) within a 500 to 4000 msec time segment linearly depended on the logarithm of the interval between the conditioning and test stimuli. Extrapolation showed that the duration of this wave could be evaluated as equal to 6.3 msec, on average. We also studied the temporal course of H-reflex inhibition after conditioning vibrational stimulation of the receptors of them. tibialis ant. andm. biceps femori. Within a 500 to 4000 msec test interval, it could also be fitted with a logarithmic dependence similar to that observed after electrical stimulation of then. peroneus comm. The duration of inhibition after vibrational stimulation of them. tibialis ant. andm. biceps femori was 6.2 and 8.9 sec, respectively. Inhibition evoked by both conditioning influences was not removed after a voluntary plantar flexion of the foot. Our observations support the statement that in humans stimulation of the afferent fibers from the antagonist muscles, as well of the muscle receptors, evokes in two-neuron reflex arcs presynaptic inhibition, whose duration reaches several seconds; this phenomenon can play a significant role in the control of muscle tone in the course of muscle performance.  相似文献   

Presynaptic inhibition is one of the most powerful inhibitory mechanisms in the spinal cord. The underlying physiological mechanism is a depolarization of primary afferent fibers mediated by GABAergic axo-axonal synapses (primary afferent depolarization). The strength of primary afferent depolarization can be measured by recording of volume-conducted potentials at the dorsal root (dorsal root potentials, DRP). Pathological changes of presynaptic inhibition are crucial in the abnormal central processing of certain pain conditions and in some disorders of motor hyperexcitability. Here, we describe a method of recording DRP in vivo in mice. The preparation of spinal cord dorsal roots in the anesthetized animal and the recording procedure using suction electrodes are explained. This method allows measuring GABAergic DRP and thereby estimating spinal presynaptic inhibition in the living mouse. In combination with transgenic mouse models, DRP recording may serve as a powerful tool to investigate disease-associated spinal pathophysiology. In vivo recording has several advantages compared to ex vivo isolated spinal cord preparations, e.g. the possibility of simultaneous recording or manipulation of supraspinal networks and induction of DRP by stimulation of peripheral nerves.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(17):3847-3854.e3
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This study investigated the influence of stimulus conditions of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on disynaptic reciprocal Ia inhibition (RI) and presynaptic inhibition (D1 inhibition) in healthy adults. Eight healthy participants received TENS (stimulus frequencies of 50, 100, and 200?Hz) over the deep peroneal nerve and tibialis anterior (TA) muscle in the resting condition for 30?min. At pre- and post-intervention, the RI from the TA to the soleus (SOL) and D1 inhibition of the SOL alpha motor neuron were assessed by evoked electromyography. The results showed that RI was not changed by TENS at any stimulus frequency condition. Conversely, D1 inhibition was significantly changed by TENS regardless of the stimulus frequency. The present results and previous studies pertaining to RI suggest that the resting condition might strongly influence the lack of pre- vs. post-intervention change in the RI. Regarding the D1 inhibition, the present results suggest that the effect of TENS might be caused by post-tetanic potentiation. The knowledge gained from the present study might contribute to a better understanding of fundamental studies of TENS in healthy adults and its clinical application for stroke survivors.  相似文献   

We evoked changes in lower lip blood flow and systemic arterial blood pressure by electrically stimulating the central cut end of the lingual nerve in artificially ventilated, urethane-anesthetized, cervically vago-sympathectomized cats, rats, rabbits, and guinea pig. The systemic arterial blood pressure changes were species-dependent: increases in rat, consistent decreases in rabbit and guinea pig, and variable among individuals in cat. In cat and rabbit, lip blood flow increases, which occurred only ipsilaterally to the stimulated nerve and showed no statistically significant correlation with the systemic arterial blood pressure changes. In rat, the ipsilateral lip blood flow increase was markedly greater than the contralateral one, and although there was a significant correlation between each of them and the systemic arterial blood pressure changes, the ipsilateral increase presumably included an active vasodilatation. In guinea pig, lip blood flow decreased on both sides in proportion to the systemic arterial blood pressure reductions. Thus, species variability exists in the sympathetic-mediated systemic arterial blood pressure changes and parasympathetic-mediated lip blood flow responses themselves, and in the relationship between them.Abbreviations a.u. arbitary units - LBF lip blood flow - LN lingual nerve - SABP systemic arterial blood pressure - SP substance P - Vsp trigeminal spinal nucleusCommunicated by I.D. Hume  相似文献   

Liu J  Zhang QJ  Guo BC  Cao DY  Wang KM 《生理学报》2002,54(5):379-384
The effects of a non-selective inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) indomethacin, and exogenous prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) on A(delta) units and C units in the saphenous nerve of diabetic hyperagesic rats were studied. The results showed that the conduction velocity of A(delta) units and C units and their mechanical threshold in diabetic hyperagesic rats were obviously decreased, and a small number of A(delta) units (4/24) and C units (2/18) produced increased spontaneous activities. Intraperitoneal injection of indomethacin in diabetic hyperagesic rats significantly relieved mechanical hyperalgesia, and resulted in a decrease in spontaneous afferent activities of the A(delta) units and C units. Subcutaneous injection of exogenous PGE(2) into the diabetic hyperagesic and control rats produced a significant decrease in mechanical threshold of the A(delta) units and C units, and elicited discharge from 3 A(delta) units (3/24) and 1 C unit (1/18) in diabetic hyperagesic rats and from 2 A(delta) units (2/13) in control rats. The present data suggest that the synthesis and release of PGs are increased in diabetic neuropathy, PGs can sensitize and /or activate A(delta) units and C units and elicit hyperagesia and allodynia in diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Rudneva  V. N. 《Neurophysiology》2000,32(5):339-342
In a study on healthy humans, we examined interaction of the inhibitory influences on the H reflex recorded from the m. soleus (the respective EMG discharge, evoked by stimulation of the n. tibialis comm.). Postactivation depression of the reflex was evoked by a preceding conditioning stimulation of the same nerve, while conditioning stimulation of a nerve to the antagonist muscles (n. peroneus comm.) evoked long-lasting inhibition of the reflex, which included two consecutive waves of depression, D 1 and D 2. When the intensity of conditioning stimulations slightly exceeded the threshold for the development of inhibitory effects, interaction between postactivation depression and both the D 1 and D 2 waves demonstrated mutual facilitation of these effects. When the intensity of conditioning stimuli was increased, facilitation was changed by occlusion. We conclude that afferent impulsation, evoked by homo- and heteronymous conditioning stimulations of the peripheral nerves, converges on common interneuronal populations providing long-lasting suppression of the H reflex, which develops due to depolarization of primary afferent Ia terminals.  相似文献   

Synchronized activation of autonomic and somatic divisions of the nervous system respectively destined to the seminal tract, including the bladder neck and the pelvi-perineal striated musculature, is necessary for anterograde ejaculation. We aimed at investigating the role of intermesenteric nerves (IMNs) in ejaculation in anesthetized rats. Electrical stimulation of intact IMNs and distal and proximal stumps of the sectioned IMN were tested in isoflurane-anesthetized male rats. Electrical stimulation of the intact IMN was also applied to rats with acute spinal transection at the T8 level. The effects of IMN electrical stimulation on emission and expulsion phases of ejaculation were evaluated by measuring seminal vesicle pressure (SVP) and bulbospongiosus (BS) muscle contractions, respectively. IMN electrical stimulation could induce SVP increase and rhythmic contractions of BS muscle concomitantly with expulsion of the seminal plug. When compared with intact IMN electrical stimulation, the occurrence of ejaculation and rhythmic BS muscle contractions, but not SVP increase, was reduced in response to electrical stimulation of the distal stump of the sectioned IMN. In comparison to intact IMN electrical stimulation, the occurrence of ejaculation and rhythmic BS muscle contractions was not significantly modified, whereas the increase in SVP was diminished when the proximal stump of the sectioned IMN was stimulated. Spinalization abolished ejaculation and rhythmic BS muscle contraction but did not impair SVP increase. It is concluded that both afferents conveyed by IMN and relaying supraspinally and efferents of IMN are involved in IMN electrical stimulation-induced ejaculation. We propose that the IMN electrical stimulation paradigm can be used to investigate physiological and pharmacologic aspects of ejaculation.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing methods and subsequent computer reconstruction were used to study the structural organization of sensory-motoneuron connections in turtles. HRP was applied through suction electrodes to thin dorsal and ventral root filaments of superfused isolated lumbar spinal cord of the turtle Testudo horsfieldi. Single motoneurons were labeled ionophoretically with intracellular glass microelectrodes. Labeled elements were examined under a light microscope. The Eutectic neuron tracing system and its associated program were used for three-dimensional reconstructions and morphometry. The distribution of afferent fibers of the dorsal root and their terminations were presented in a new scheme in which new zones, in addition to those that were already well known, were shown, including the following: in the Lissauer zone, motor nuclei, and ventrolateral funiculus, as well as in the contralateral medial gray matter (laminae IV–V). Unlike in frogs, the motoneuron dendritic field in turtles was restricted to an ellipsoid space with a short axis in the rostrocaudal direction (300–500 µm). The afferent fibers of the dorsal root connected to motoneurons produced very short branches in a restricted rostrocaudal direction (50–70 μm). One fiber collateral of the dorsal root had about 80 synapse-like enlargements (approximately tenfold fewer than in frogs). Putative sensory-motoneuron contacts were found on the I–VII-order dendritic segments of the dorsal and ventro-medial dendritic trees. It was shown that, in turtles, only one first-order collateral of the dorsal root fiber participated in the sensory-motoneuron connection with a small number (about 4) of putative contacts, which is also one order less than in frogs. It is likely that the simplification of the synapse structure in turtles is compensated by a higher efficiency of the signal transmission comparable to that in mammals.  相似文献   

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