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A general maximum likelihood estimation program.   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Phenotypes in an ABO-like system of a number of genetically-independent persons from a number of populations are supposed to be observed. The program which is written in FORTRAN calculates maximum likelihood estimates of gene frequencies and their standard errors in each population and in the populations taken together. Furthermore the program calculates expected values and likelihood ratio and goodness of fit chi-square tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. If several subpopulations are pooled together a likelihood ratio test of homogeneity is performed.  相似文献   

There has recently been increased interest in the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-based Bayesian methods for estimating genetic maps. The advantage of these methods is that they can deal accurately with missing data and genotyping errors. Here we present an extension of the previous methods that makes the Bayesian method applicable to large data sets. We present an extensive simulation study examining the statistical properties of the method and comparing it with the likelihood method implemented in Mapmaker. We show that the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimator of the genetic distances, corresponding to the maximum likelihood estimator, performs better than estimators based on the posterior expectation. We also show that while the performance is similar between Mapmaker and the MCMC-based method in the absence of genotyping errors, the MCMC-based method has a distinct advantage in the presence of genotyping errors. A similar advantage of the Bayesian method was not observed for missing data. We also re-analyse a recently published set of data from the eggplant and show that the use of the MCMC-based method leads to smaller estimates of genetic distances.  相似文献   

The Cox proportional hazards model or its discrete time analogue, the logistic failure time model, posit highly restrictive parametric models and attempt to estimate parameters which are specific to the model proposed. These methods are typically implemented when assessing effect modification in survival analyses despite their flaws. The targeted maximum likelihood estimation (TMLE) methodology is more robust than the methods typically implemented and allows practitioners to estimate parameters that directly answer the question of interest. TMLE will be used in this paper to estimate two newly proposed parameters of interest that quantify effect modification in the time to event setting. These methods are then applied to the Tshepo study to assess if either gender or baseline CD4 level modify the effect of two cART therapies of interest, efavirenz (EFV) and nevirapine (NVP), on the progression of HIV. The results show that women tend to have more favorable outcomes using EFV while males tend to have more favorable outcomes with NVP. Furthermore, EFV tends to be favorable compared to NVP for individuals at high CD4 levels.  相似文献   

Summary Methods of classical segregation analysis were applied to a sample of 129 sibships with one or more individuals affected by neurofibromatosis-1 (NF-1). The sample consists only of subjects with NF-1; all the probands had been referred for genetic counselling because of café-au-lait spots, and a diagnostic protocol was invariably applied. No deviation from the segregation ratio expected for a fully penetrant Mendelian dominant gene was observed. A maximum likelihood estimate of the proportion of sporadic cases was obtained, and the mutation rate was estimated to be 6.5×10-5 gametes per generation (95% CI 5.0–8.1).  相似文献   

We present a Markov chain Monte Carlo coalescent genealogy sampler, LAMARC 2.0, which estimates population genetic parameters from genetic data. LAMARC can co-estimate subpopulation Theta = 4N(e)mu, immigration rates, subpopulation exponential growth rates and overall recombination rate, or a user-specified subset of these parameters. It can perform either maximum-likelihood or Bayesian analysis, and accomodates nucleotide sequence, SNP, microsatellite or elecrophoretic data, with resolved or unresolved haplotypes. It is available as portable source code and executables for all three major platforms. AVAILABILITY: LAMARC 2.0 is freely available at http://evolution.gs.washington.edu/lamarc  相似文献   

It is shown that maximum likelihood estimation of variance components from twin data can be parameterized in the framework of linear mixed models. Standard statistical packages can be used to analyze univariate or multivariate data for simple models such as the ACE and CE models. Furthermore, specialized variance component estimation software that can handle pedigree data and user-defined covariance structures can be used to analyze multivariate data for simple and complex models, including those where dominance and/or QTL effects are fitted. The linear mixed model framework is particularly useful for analyzing multiple traits in extended (twin) families with a large number of random effects.  相似文献   

Recent experimental imaging techniques are able to tag and count molecular populations in a living cell. From these data mathematical models are inferred and calibrated. If small populations are present, discrete-state stochastic models are widely-used to describe the discreteness and randomness of molecular interactions. Based on time-series data of the molecular populations, the corresponding stochastic reaction rate constants can be estimated. This procedure is computationally very challenging, since the underlying stochastic process has to be solved for different parameters in order to obtain optimal estimates. Here, we focus on the maximum likelihood method and estimate rate constants, initial populations and parameters representing measurement errors.  相似文献   

ANDERSON  J. A.; BLAIR  V. 《Biometrika》1982,69(1):123-136



The covarion hypothesis of molecular evolution holds that selective pressures on a given amino acid or nucleotide site are dependent on the identity of other sites in the molecule that change throughout time, resulting in changes of evolutionary rates of sites along the branches of a phylogenetic tree. At the sequence level, covarion-like evolution at a site manifests as conservation of nucleotide or amino acid states among some homologs where the states are not conserved in other homologs (or groups of homologs). Covarion-like evolution has been shown to relate to changes in functions at sites in different clades, and, if ignored, can adversely affect the accuracy of phylogenetic inference.  相似文献   

Penalised maximum likelihood estimation for fractional Gaussian processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lieberman  Offer 《Biometrika》2001,88(3):888-894

A log gamma model and its maximum likelihood estimation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PRENTICE  R. L. 《Biometrika》1974,61(3):539-544



In contemporary biology, complex biological processes are increasingly studied by collecting and analyzing measurements of the same entities that are collected with different analytical platforms. Such data comprise a number of data blocks that are coupled via a common mode. The goal of collecting this type of data is to discover biological mechanisms that underlie the behavior of the variables in the different data blocks. The simultaneous component analysis (SCA) family of data analysis methods is suited for this task. However, a SCA may be hampered by the data blocks being subjected to different amounts of measurement error, or noise. To unveil the true mechanisms underlying the data, it could be fruitful to take noise heterogeneity into consideration in the data analysis. Maximum likelihood based SCA (MxLSCA-P) was developed for this purpose. In a previous simulation study it outperformed normal SCA-P. This previous study, however, did not mimic in many respects typical functional genomics data sets, such as, data blocks coupled via the experimental mode, more variables than experimental units, and medium to high correlations between variables. Here, we present a new simulation study in which the usefulness of MxLSCA-P compared to ordinary SCA-P is evaluated within a typical functional genomics setting. Subsequently, the performance of the two methods is evaluated by analysis of a real life Escherichia coli metabolomics data set.  相似文献   

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