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A human pituitary cell line (18-54,SF) grows in serum-free medium and secretes prolactin (PRL). Autoregulation of pituitary cell growth and PRL production by exogenously supplied ovine PRL (oPRL) was investigated. Human PRL (hPRL) and oPRL stimulated pituitary cell growth up to 92% and 85%, respectively, at hPRL and oPRL additions of 100-1,000 ng/ml. Short-term (1 h) incubation of the cells with oPRL decreased hPRL secretion from the cells by 72% at 10 ng/ml addition. Intracellular hPRL was stimulated under the same conditions by 50-275% at oPRL concentrations of 10-1,000 ng/ml. Long-term (10 days) incubation of the cells with oPRL had no significant effect on extracellular or intracellular hPRL production. These data suggest that the pituitary gland can serve as a primary feedback site and that PRL can autoregulate its own production as well as affect the growth of pituitary cells.  相似文献   

The effect of in vivo diethylstilbestrol (DES) treatment on the MtT/W15 transplantable pituitary tumor was examined in dissociated pituitary cells by measuring the rate of incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA and the synthesis of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) as assessed by the rate of incorporation of [3H]leucine. MtT/W15 transplantable pituitary tumors from rats treated for 3 weeks with DES showed significant reduction in the extent of [3H]thymidine incorporation compared with tumor cells from untreated rats (2231 +/- 182 vs 172 +/- 17 dpm/10(5) cells; n = 3). In addition, tumor cells from DES-treated rats showed a significant increase in GH synthesis compared with tumor cells from untreated rats. In contrast to these findings, dissociated pituitary cells from non-tumor-bearing rats given 10 mg DES in Silastic tubing for 3 weeks showed a three-fold increase in PRL synthesis compared to cells from untreated control rats (29.3 +/- 1.5 vs 10.0 +/- 0.9% of total radioactivity in gel; n = 3. There was also a four-fold increase in the rate of [3H]thymidine incorporation after DES-treatment in non-tumor-bearing rats (695 +/- 114 vs 178 +/- 13.9 dpm/10(5) cells; n = 3). These results indicate that DES inhibits MtT/W15 pituitary tumor cell proliferation, while stimulating synthesis of GH.  相似文献   

GH4C1 cells (CH cells) are a clonal strain of rat pituitary tumor cells which secrete prolactin. We measured intracellular prolactin at different stages of the cell cycle using flow microfluorometry. Prolactin was stained by an indirect immunocytochemical technique using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated antiserum, and DNA was stained simultaneously with propidium iodide. We found that prolactin storage in GH cells was cell-cycle dependent; prolactin storage increased as cells passed from G1 to S to G2 + M. We have shown previously that insulin and 17 beta-estradiol act synergistically to increase intracellular prolactin three- to sevenfold and slow the rate of cell growth to approximately 70% of control cells. In this study we observed that insulin and estradiol increased prolactin storage at each stage of the cell cycle but did not affect the cell-cycle distribution of the population even though cell growth was slowed. We conclude that insulin and estradiol did not increase prolactin storage by affecting the cell-cycle distribution of the population.  相似文献   

Summary The phenomenon of crinophagy in rat pituitary mammotrophs, or lysosomal uptake of prolactin secretory granules, was confirmed by means of double-label immunogold electron microscopy, and shown to be induced in estrogen-stimulated male rats. Rabbit antibodies to rat cathepsin D were used to label lysosomes, and to rat prolactin to label secretory granules. The pituitaries were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and 1% glutaraldehyde, embedded in Lowicryl K4M, and thin sections were exposed successively to primary antibodies, biotin-labelled second antibodies, and streptavidin-gold, with an amplification procedure for cathepsin D. Cathepsin D and prolactin were detected separately on opposite sides of the sections, using 5-nm and 15-nm gold particles. Lysosomal uptake of prolactin secretory granules was not observed in untreated control rats. It was detected in about 26% of lysosome-containing mammotroph cell sections in estrogen-stimulated rats and at 7 h after estrogen withdrawal, but fell to 14% at 24 h and to 2% at 72 h after estrogen withdrawal.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of crinophagy in rat pituitary mammotrophs, or lysosomal uptake of prolactin secretory granules, was confirmed by means of double-label immunogold electron microscopy, and shown to be induced in estrogen-stimulated male rats. Rabbit antibodies to rat cathepsin D were used to label lysosomes, and to rat prolactin to label secretory granules. The pituitaries were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and 1% glutaraldehyde, embedded in Lowicryl K4M, and thin sections were exposed successively to primary antibodies, biotin-labelled second antibodies, and streptavidin-gold, with an amplification procedure for cathepsin D. Cathepsin D and prolactin were detected separately on opposite sides of the sections, using 5-nm and 15-nm gold particles. Lysosomal uptake of prolactin secretory granules was not observed in untreated control rats. It was detected in about 26% of lysosome-containing mammotroph cell sections in estrogen-stimulated rats and at 7 h after estrogen withdrawal, but fell to 14% at 24 h and to 2% at 72 h after estrogen withdrawal.  相似文献   

The intermediate lobe of the pituitary contains the alpha-amidated peptide alpha-melanotropin and high levels of a copper and ascorbate-dependent peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) capable of converting peptides terminating in -X-Gly into amidated products (-X-NH2). As reported previously, the ability of cultured intermediate pituitary cells to produce alpha-amidated alpha-melanotropin declined rapidly. A decline in PAM activity assayed in vitro under optimized conditions failed to account quantitatively for the lack of production of alpha-amidated product, while a 100-fold decline in cellular levels of ascorbate could account for the lack of production of alpha-amidated product. Incubation of intermediate pituitary cultures with ascorbate partially restored the ability of the cells to produce alpha-amidated product without significantly increasing the level of PAM activity. In intermediate pituitary cultures made competent to produce alpha-melanotropin by addition of ascorbate, the actual extent of amidation occurring was modulated by the presence of specific secretagogues (bromocriptine or corticotropin-releasing factor). Cultured anterior pituitary cells showed a similar rapid 3-fold decline in PAM activity assayed in vitro under optimized conditions. Cellular levels of ascorbate also declined rapidly to levels 100-fold below those in the intact anterior pituitary. The addition of ascorbate to the anterior pituitary cultures rapidly restored the enzyme activity assayed in vitro to the levels in the initial cell suspension. Thus, production of amidated product peptide may be regulated by cellular levels of ascorbate, by cellular levels of PAM activity, and by the concentration of specific secretagogues to which the cells are exposed.  相似文献   

We have used GH3 cells permeabilized by electric field discharge to examine the effects of Ca2+ and protein kinase C activators (phorbol ester and diacylglycerol) on prolactin (PRL) release. Ca2+ was found to stimulate PRL release approximately 4 fold at 3 microM Ca2+ with a half-maximal response at approximately .5 microM estimated free Ca2+. 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate and 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol stimulated PRL release throughout a range of Ca2+ concentrations (1 nM -3 microM), but stimulation was greater at higher Ca2+ concentrations (.1 microM to 1 microM). Both agents decreased by 1.8 fold the apparent [Ca2+] at which half-maximal stimulation of secretion occurred. Quin 2 was used to measure the free [Ca2+] of intact and permeable cells; PRL secretion at a free [Ca2+] corresponding to resting cytoplasmic [Ca2+] was 10% of maximal, while secretion at the [Ca2+] corresponding to the Ca2+ spike induced by thyrotropin-releasing hormone was approximately 25% of maximal.  相似文献   

Rat mammary tumors contain a unique class of cryptic cell-surface prolactin receptors that can be unmasked by depleting the cells of energy. These cryptic receptors, which are found in mammary tumors and nonlactating normal mammary cells but not in differentiated mammary tissue, are continuously inserted and rapidly removed from the cell surface. In this report we demonstrate that prolactin regulates the level of cryptic receptors. Treatment of primary cultures of rat mammary tumor cells with prolactin at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.5 ng/ml caused cryptic receptor levels to increase within 24 h, and this increase was maintained for up to 6 days. At prolactin concentrations of 10-50 ng/ml, receptor levels were the same as in cells incubated without hormone, while a decrease in the steady-state level of cryptic receptors was induced within 24 h by 100-500 ng prolactin/ml. Concentrations of 1,000-5,000 ng prolactin/ml caused a rapid, dose-dependent down regulation of cryptic receptor sites. Down regulation at 5,000 ng prolactin/ml was (1) complete (84 +/- 5% reduction) in 1 h; (2) specific for lactogenic hormones; (3) completely reversed within 10 h after prolactin removal; (4) energy dependent; and (5) not blocked by the cytoskeleton active agents cytochalasin B and colchicine or by NH4Cl, which inhibits hormone degradation. We conclude that rat mammary tumor cells have the capacity to auto-regulate cryptic prolactin receptors, a property that supports our notion that such receptors play a role in regulating prolactin responsiveness. The observed pattern of cryptic receptor autoregulation in response to prolactin concentration and time of exposure suggests that a pool of cryptic sites provides these cells with the capacity to respond to prolactin concentrations from pg to microgram/ml, a range well beyond the Kd for the receptor itself. Since prolactin receptors in mammary tumors are not down regulated unless prolactin concentrations are well beyond the saturation point, these cells may have a selective growth advantage over cells in normal mammary tissue.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms of the synthesis and the release of gonadotropin, rat anterior pituitary cells were stimulated in vitro with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH), [D-Ser(tBu)]6 des-Gly-NH2(10) ethylamide (Buserelin) and 12-0-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), and then the LH and LH-beta subunit released into the medium were determined by radioimmunoassay. Buserelin showed its biological activity at a much lower concentration than LH-RH, but both of them caused the release of LH and LH-beta subunit in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, intracellular LH synthesis from LH-beta subunit by stimulation with LH-RH or Buserelin was also found. After inducing various degrees of desensitization by stimulation with LH-RH or Buserelin in a dose-dependent manner (the first stimulation), pituitary cells were stimulated with a fixed dose of TPA (the second stimulation) and the released LH was assayed. LH was released almost constantly by the second stimulation, regardless of the dose used for the first stimulation. These results suggest that the C-kinase pathway was unaffected by the desensitization induced with LH-RH or Buserelin.  相似文献   

In the present report, the prolactin secretory pathways were re-examined in cultured lactotrophs submitted to various experimental conditions of stimulation, inhibition and/or alteration of the intracellular flow of the synthesis and release of prolactin.Primary cultures of rat pituitary cells stimulated with thyrotropin-releasing hormone, or inhibited with either cycloheximide or dopamine in the presence or absence of 0.1µg/ml brefeldin A, were used. The radioimmunoassay quantification of released and intracellular prolactin was correlated with ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies.Brefeldin A diminished significantly the secretion and the intracellular content of prolactin 4h after application, while morphological effects were seen starting from 30min. The drug did not modify the response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (120% increment). The simultaneous incubation of brefeldin A with cycloheximide or dopamine diminished the released prolactin concomitant with a lower (cycloheximide) or greater (dopamine) hormonal intracellular prolactin content with respect to brefeldin A. The combined treatment cycloheximide–dopamine inhibited prolactin secretion. The ultrastructural and immunocytochemical features of lactotrophs supported these radioimmunoassay data.These results revealed that prolactin release in vitro in the presence or not of brefeldin A is dependent on either: the neo-synthesized hormone that can be inhibited by cycloheximide, and the hormone stored in granules, the exocytosis of which was blocked by dopamine, indicates the contribution of both constitutive and regulated pathways in the secretory process. The brefeldin A blockade of the intracellular transport also disclosed morphological evidence of an alternative pathway of prolactin secretion through vesicles originated in the rough endoplasmic reticulum bypassing the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

Radiation-stimulated DNA synthesis in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A type of DNA synthesis in mammalian cells that is stimulated by ultraviolet light has been studied by means of radioautography and density gradient centrifugation. The characteristics of this synthesis are: (a) it is not semiconservative; (b) it is enhanced by the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine in the DNA molecule; (c) the degree of stimulation is dose dependent; (d) there is less variability in the rate of incorporation of H3-thymidine during this synthesis than during normal DNA synthesis; (e) it occurs in cells that are not in the normal DNA synthesis phase (G1 and G2 cells). This kind of synthesis has been found in cultured cell lines from five different species; however, in some strains, the presence of bromouracil in the DNA is required before it can be demonstrated by radioautography.  相似文献   

Previous work demonstrated that newborn rat anterior pituitary corticotropes display processing patterns for pro-ACTH/endorphin that are different from the adult. The synthesis and release of beta-endorphin-related peptides was examined in dispersed cell and explant cultures of newborn anterior pituitary to investigate corticotrope development further. The temporal pattern of pro-ACTH/endorphin processing differed significantly from adult rat melanotropes and AtT-20 cells. While pro-ACTH/endorphin processing begins within 30 min of synthesis in adult melanotropes and AtT-20 cells, pulse-labeling of newborn corticotropes in culture indicated that pro-ACTH/endorphin remained uncleaved for at least 90 min after synthesis. With further incubation, there was a decrease in radioactivity associated with the precursor and an equivalent rise in the radioactivity associated with beta-endorphin and beta-lipotropin. However, unprocessed precursor still remained in the cultured newborn anterior pituitary cells after a 25-h chase. Although intact pro-ACTH/endorphin from newborn corticotropes was very long-lived, the precursor did undergo oligosaccharide maturation and became endoglycosidase H resistant within 1 h after synthesis. Similar to the adult, pro-ACTH/endorphin synthesis was doubled in cultures of newborn anterior pituitary chronically treated with 10 nM CRF resulting in a 3- to 4-fold stimulation of secretion over the basal rate. However, unlike the AtT-20 cell or adult rat corticotrope, the proteolytic processing of pro-ACTH/endorphin in the newborn corticotrope was altered by chronic secretagogue treatment; less pro-ACTH/endorphin was converted to beta-endorphin in secretagogue-treated corticotropes than in controls. Thus processing of pro-ACTH/endorphin in the corticotrope is not mature by birth and can be regulated by chronic CRF treatment.  相似文献   

Liu YX  Liu HZ  Chen YJ  Tor NY 《生理学报》1998,50(1):11-18
本文主要是观察促乳素(PRL)是否曩体外培养的大鼠颗粒细胞中,组织纤溶酶原激活因子(tPA)和I型纤溶酶原激活因子抑制因子(PAI-I)基因表达间的协调作用。我们采用了多种方法,例如SDS-PAGE、免疫印迹等,来检测PRL对tPA和PAI-I基因表达的作用。结果证实:(1)在离体条件下促乳素(PRL)能刺激颗粒细胞(GC)中PAI-I mRNA的合成,而FSH无此作用。但FSH可与PRL协同增加  相似文献   

Hyperprolactinaemia was found in all 17 women and in one out of six men who presented with hypogonadism and a radiologically enlarged sella turcica but no other clinical endocrine dysfunction. Some of the women also had galactorrhoea. The greater the level of hyperprolactinaemia in these 18 patients the larger their sellae turcica except in two patients with unusual features. The sella turcica was usually asymmetrically enlarged and there was rearly an upward extension of tumour, though the sella floor often showed some erosion on tomography. An oral dose of bromocriptine suppressed the hyperprolactinaemia in mose patients at the same rate as in normal post-partum women. Nine of the 18 patients with hyperprolactinaemia had low basal luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. The LH responsiveness to 100 mug of LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) was tested in 12, and eight showed subnormal values. Of eight biopsy specimens obtained four showed acidophil granules on light microscopy, and in five granules of various sizes were seen on electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Although relaxin acts at several abdominal sites and mammary tissue associated with pregnancy and parturition, the scope of target tissues and the signals conveying the relaxin message into the cell are poorly defined. We found that human relaxin rapidly elevates the cyclic AMP content of cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. This is a graded response (EC50 0.3 nM relaxin) that can be blocked by anti-relaxin antibodies or the hormones somatostatin and dopamine. Furthermore, other hormones with some sequence homology to relaxin, such as insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I, have no such action. We conclude that the anterior pituitary may be a target tissue for relaxin and that cyclic AMP may act as an intracellular messenger for relaxin in these cells.  相似文献   

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