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Biological control offers potentially effective suppression of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, a serious pest of Brassica crops. Little is known of whether multiple natural enemies have additive, antagonistic, or synergistic effects on DBM populations. No-choice and choice tests were conducted to assess predation by Podisus maculiventris on DBM larvae parasitized by Cotesia plutellae and unparasitized larvae. In no-choice tests, P. maculiventris preyed on greater numbers of parasitized than unparasitized larvae and greater numbers of young larvae than old larvae. In choice tests with early third instar DBM, there was no difference in predation between parasitized or unparasitized larvae. However, in choice tests with older prey, P. maculiventris preyed on more parasitized than unparasitized larvae. Two field studies were conducted to test if this predator and parasitoid have additive, antagonistic or synergistic effects on DBM populations and plant damage in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). In 2002, DBM populations were significantly lower in the presence of C. plutellae but not in the presence of P. maculiventris. There was not a significant interaction between the natural enemies. Plant damage was reduced only with C. plutellae. In 2003, DBM populations were significantly lower in the presence of C. plutellae and P. maculiventris, although the combination of natural enemies did not lead to a non-additive interaction. Plant damage was unaffected by the presence of either natural enemy. Because of its greater predation on parasitized larvae, P. maculiventris could be an intraguild predator of C. plutellae. Yet, their overall combined effect in the field was additive rather than antagonistic.  相似文献   

Immunosuppression is the main pathological symptom of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), parasitized by an endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia plutellae (vestalis, Hymenoptera: Braconidae). C. plutellae bracovirus (CpBV), which is a symbiotic virus of C. plutellae, has been known to be the main parasitic factor in the host-parasitoid interaction. CpBV-lectin, encoded in the viral genome and expressed in P. xylostella during early parasitization stage, was suspected to play a role in immunoevasion of defense response. Here we expressed CpBV-lectin in Sf9 cells using a recombinant baculovirus for subsequent functional assays. The recombinant CpBV-lectin exhibited hemagglutination against vertebrate erythrocytes. Its hemagglutinating activity increased with calcium, but inhibited by adding EDTA, indicating its C-type lectin property. CpBV-lectin showed specific carbohydrate-binding affinity against N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl neuraminic acid. The role of this CpBV-lectin in immunosuppression was analyzed by exposing hemocytes of nonparasitized P. xylostella to rat erythrocytes or FITC-labeled bacteria pretreated with recombinant CpBV-lectin, which resulted in significant reduction in adhesion or phagocytosis, respectively. The immunosuppressive activity of CpBV-lectin was further analyzed under in vitro encapsulation response of hemocytes against parasitoid eggs collected at 1- or 24-h post-parasitization. Hemocytic encapsulation was observed against 1-h eggs but not against 24-h eggs. When the 1-h eggs were pretreated with the recombinant CpBV-lectin, encapsulation response was completely inhibited, where CpBV-lectin bound to the parasitoid eggs, but not to hemocytes. These results suggest that CpBV-lectin interferes with hemocyte recognition by masking hemocyte-binding sites on the parasitoid eggs.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of parasitized Plutella xylostella larvae plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Insects use their innate immunity to defend themselves against foreign invaders, such as microorganisms, nematodes and parasites. Cotesia plutellae, an endoparasitoid wasp that parasitizes the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella, uses several strategies to attack the host immune system, such as injection of viruses, venom, and serosal membrane-derived cells denoted teratocytes. However, the proteome profiles related to these immune deficiency systems have yet to be clearly defined. In this study, we investigate differences in protein expression patterns in parasitized P. xylostella larvae, with a view to identifying parasitism-specific factors. Using 2D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, proteins in the host plasma were assessed every 48 h after parasitism by C. plutellae. A large number of protein spots (350 in total) were detected, and approximately 50 spots were differentially expressed in the parasitized P. xylostella larvae every 48 h. In total, 26 potential candidates, including P. xylostella Serpin 2 (pxSerpin 2), translationally controlled tumor protein, signal transduction histidine kinase, apolipophorin-III, and fatty-acid binding protein were identified through quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry and sequence homology analysis. These proteins were classified into the following functional groups: immunity, signaling, lipid metabolism, energy metabolism, amino acid/nucleotide metabolism, and others. The pxSerpin 2 gene was cloned, and its expression profile investigated during the course of parasitism. Real-time PCR analysis of pxSerpin 2 revealed a poor correlation between the mRNA level and protein abundance. Our results clearly suggest that parasitism-specific proteins participate in suppression of the host immune response.  相似文献   

An endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia plutellae, induces immunosuppression of the host diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. To identify an immunosuppressive factor, the parasitized hemolymph of P. xylostella was separated into plasma and hemocyte fractions. When nonparasitized hemocytes were overlaid with parasitized plasma, they showed significant reduction in bacterial binding efficacy. Here, we considered a viral lectin previously known in other Cotesia species as a humoral immunosuppressive candidate in C. plutellae parasitization. Based on consensus regions of the viral lectins, the corresponding lectin gene was cloned from P. xylostella parasitized by C. plutellae. Its cDNA is 674 bp long and encodes 157 amino acid residues containing a signal peptide (15 residues) and one carbohydrate recognition domain. Open reading frame is divided by one intron (156 bp) in its genomic DNA. Amino acid sequence shares 80% homology with that of C. ruficrus bracovirus lectin and is classified into C-type lectin. Southern hybridization analysis indicated that the cloned lectin gene was located at C. plutellae bracovirus (CpBV) genome. Both real-time quantitative RT-PCR and immunoblotting assays indicated that CpBV-lectin showed early expression during the parasitization. A recombinant CpBV-lectin was expressed in a bacterial system and the purified protein significantly inhibited the association between bacteria and hemocytes of nonparasitized P. xylostella. In the parasitized P. xylostella, CpBV-lectin was detected on the surface of parasitoid eggs after 24 h parasitization by its specific immunostaining. The 24 h old eggs were not encapsulated in vitro by hemocytes of P. xylostella, compared to newly laid parasitoid eggs showing no CpBV-lectin detectable and easily encapsulated. These results support an existence of a polydnaviral lectin family among Cotesia-associated bracovirus and propose its immunosuppressive function.  相似文献   

Cotesia plutellae, a solitary endoparasitoid wasp, parasitizes the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, and induces host immunosuppression and lethality in the late larval stage. This study focused on changes of cellular immunity in the parasitized P. xylostella in terms of hemocyte composition and cellular functions. In third and fourth instar larvae of nonparasitized P. xylostella, granular cells represented the main hemocyte type (60-70%) and plasmatocytes were also present at around 15% among the total hemocytes. Following parasitization by C. plutellae, the relative proportions of these two major hemocytes changed very little, but the total hemocyte counts exhibited a significant reduction. Functionally, the granular cells played a significant role in phagocytosis based on a fluorescence assay using fluorecein isothiocyanate-labeled bacteria. The phagocytic activity of the granular cells occurred as early as 5 min after incubation with the bacteria, and increased during the first 40 min of incubation. The parasitism by C. plutellae significantly inhibited phagocytosis of the granular cells. Plasmatocytes also exhibited minor phagocytic activity. Moreover, plasmatocyte phagocytosis was not inhibited by parasitism. On the other hand, hemocyte-spreading behavior in response to pathogen infection was significant only for plasmatocytes, which exhibited a characteristic spindle shape upon infection. A significant spreading of the plasmatocytes was found as early as 5 min after pathogen incubation and their ratio increased during the first 40 min.An insect cytokine, plasmatocyte-spreading peptide 1 (PSP1) from Pseudoplusia includens, was highly active in inducing plasmatocyte-spreading behavior of P. xylostella in a dose-dependent manner. P. xylostella parasitized by C. plutella was significantly inhibited in plasmatocyte-spreading in response to an active dose of PSP1. An in vivo encapsulation assay showed that the parasitized P. xylostella could not effectively form the hemocyte capsules around injected agarose beads. This research demonstrates that the parasitism of C. plutellae adversely affects the total hemocyte populations in number and function, which would contribute to host immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Apolipophorin III (ApoLpIII) has been known to play critical roles in lipid transport and immune activation in insects. This study reports a partial ApoLpIII gene cloned from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. It showed that the gene was expressed in all developmental stages of P. xylostella. In larval stage, it was expressed in all tested tissues of hemocyte, fat body, gut, and epidermis. In response to bacterial challenge, the larvae showed an enhanced level of ApoLpIII expression by a quantitative real-time RT-PCR. RNA interference of ApoLpIII by its specific double stranded RNA (dsRNA) caused significant knockdown of its expression level and resulted in significant suppression in hemocyte nodule formation in response to bacterial challenge. However, larvae treated with the dsRNA exhibited a significant recovery in the cellular immune response by addition of a recombinant ApoLpIII. Parasitization by an endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia plutellae, suppressed expression of ApoLpIII and resulted in a significant suppression in the hemocyte nodule formation. The addition of the recombinant ApoLpIII to the parasitized larvae significantly restored the hemocyte activity. Infection of an entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila, caused potent pathogenicity of P. xylostella. However, the addition of the recombinant ApoLpIII to the infected larvae significantly prevented the lethal pathogenicity. This study suggests that ApoLpIII limits pathogenicity induced by parasitization or bacterial infection in P. xylostella.  相似文献   

Crude venom and calyx fluid from Cotesia plutellae (Hymenoptera Braconidae) were assayed for biological activity toward hemocytes of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera Plutellidae). Venom from C. plutellae displayed high activity toward the spreading of plasmatocytes of P. xylostella early in the incubation period, and the inhibition was more severe as the concentration of venom increased. However, most inhibited hemocytes spread normally after being incubated for 4h. No effects were found toward granular cells from the host. Additionally, the venom from C. plutellae had some lethal effects on hemocytes of P. xylostella at high concentrations. In contrast, when incubated with different concentrations of calyx fluid, the spreading of some hemocytes was inhibited, some began to disintegrate, and some were badly damaged with only the nucleus left. After 4h, the majority of hemocytes died. The same results were observed when hemocytes were incubated in calyx fluid together with venom. These results show that calyx fluid from C. plutellae may play a major role in the suppression of the host immune system, whereas venom from C. plutellae has a limited effect on hemocytes and probably synergizes the effect of calyx fluid or polydnavirus.  相似文献   

The braconid Cotesia plutellae(Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is amajor solitary, larval endoparasitoid of thediamondback moth, Plutella xylostella(L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Parasitism oflarvae of different host instars and fourdevelopmental ages of the 4th instar ofthe pest was examined. The effects of hostinstar at initial parasitization on thedevelopment, survival, size and fecundity ofthe parasitoid were determined in thelaboratory at 25 °C. The effects ofparasitism on host development and foodconsumption were investigated at 28 °C.Cotesia plutellae could parasitize larvaeof all four instars of P. xylostella, butpreferred 2nd and 3rd instars. In achoice test, the relative parasitism indicesfor 2nd, 3rd and 4th instarswere 0.37, 0.39 and 0.24, respectively.Parasitism decreased sharply with increasinghost age in the 4th instar and approachedzero in host larvae that had gone beyond 37%of 4th stadium. The development time andthe final adult size of the parasitoid variedwith the host instar at initial parasitization.Parasitoids with initial parasitism in the4th instar hosts had the shortestdevelopment time, followed by those in the3rd instar, and then by those in the2nd instar. Parasitoids startingparasitism in 2nd instar hosts weresmaller in body size than those starting in the3rd or 4th instar. However, resultantfemales starting parasitism in 3rd instarhosts had the highest fecundity. Parasitizedlarvae exhibited longer development time andincreased food consumption compared withunparasitized ones. This study presents thefirst record that a solitary parasitoidregulates host behavior leading to an increasein food consumption by the host.  相似文献   

The ecological impact of introduced biological control agents on native species of arthropods is a matter of considerable debate. This study investigated the ability of the non-native predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus to feed on the native Typhlodromus pyri and vice versa, as both species now co-occur in UK orchards. Typhlodromips montdorensis is a candidate for introduction into the UK as a glasshouse biological control agent. The ability of T. montdorensis to feed on the widely used N. californicus was investigated to identify possible intraguild predation, which might influence the effectiveness of either or both species as predators of Tetranychus urticae. Both N. californicus and T. pyri consumed larval stages of each other, but in choice experiments both showed a preference for T. urticae. Both N. californicus and T. montdorensis also fed on each other, but whereas N. californicus again showed a preference for T. urticae, T. montdorensis fed equally on T. urticae and N. californicus. Interactions between N. californicus and T. pyri and N. californicus and T. montdorensis are discussed in relation to their effectiveness as biological control agents in the glasshouse and the natural control of spider mite in the field.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the characteristics of parasitism of diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.), a worldwide pest of crucifers, by a larval parasite,Diadegma semiclausum Hellén. Results showed that the greater the host larval density, the lesser was the percentage of larvae parasitized. The area of discovery decreased with increasing parasite density, but k-value remained practically unchanged. Parasitism reduced food consumption in parasitised larvae. No difference was observed in duration of larval instars between the parasitized and healthy larvae. As the frequency of superparasitism increased, the proportion of production of female progeny also increased. Presence of parasite larva within the host larva deterred superparasitism greater than the presence of parasite egg. Presence of larva of eitherD. semiclausum or another larval parasite,Cotesia plutellae Kurdjumov, within host larva deterred multiparasitism by either species greater than the presence of egg of either parasite species.Diadegma semiclausum was much more aggressive thanC. plutellae in parasitisingP. xylostella larvae.  相似文献   

Effects of field dosages ofselected insecticides to Cotesiaplutellae (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a larval endoparasitoidof Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), wereinvestigated under laboratory conditions.Emergence of adult C. plutellae frominsecticide-treated pupae was not significantlydifferent from the control treatment. Contacttoxicity to C. plutellae adults variedgreatly among the insecticides in a paperresidue contact bioassay. Threeazadirachtin-based insecticides, Agroneem(4.8 mg a.i.liter–1), Neemix (20 mga.i.liter–1) and Ecozin (20 mgai.liter–1) caused 11.1, 16.7 and 5.6%adult mortality, respectively. Of fourcommercial Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)insecticides examined (all at 1.2 mga.i.liter–1), Crymax and Xentari had noeffect on adult parasitoids, whereas Mattchcaused 5.6% mortality, and Dipel caused 11.1%mortality. Indoxacarb (53 mg a.i.liter–1),-cyhalothrin (28 mg a.i.liter–1) andspinosad (53 mg a.i.liter–1) caused 100,88.5 and 50% adult mortalities, respectively.Low adult mortality (0–5.6%) was recorded fromingestion of azadirachtin-based, Btinsecticides and indoxacarb, compared with100% adult mortality in treatments of spinosador -cyhalothrin. Compared with the watercontrol, ingestion of azadirachtin-basedinsecticides significantly reduced parasitismby 50–57%, and Bt insecticides by 8–25%.However, ingestion of these insecticides didnot affect longevity of male and femaleparasitoid adults with one exception; femalelongevity was significantly reduced in theindoxacarb treatment. Insecticide residuescaused considerable mortality of C.plutellae adults, 39 and 44% mortality causedby 10 d old indoxacarb and -cyhalothrin,respectively, and 24 and 0% mortality causedby 7 and 10 d old residues of spinosad,respectively.  相似文献   

An endoparasitoid wasp, Cotesia plutellae, parasitizes larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, with its symbiotic polydnavirus, C. plutellae bracovirus (CpBV). This study analyzed the role of Inhibitor-kB (IkB)-like genes encoded in CpBV in suppressing host antiviral response. Identified eight CpBV-IkBs are scattered on different viral genome segments and showed high homologies with other bracoviral IkBs in their amino acid sequences. Compared to an insect ortholog (e.g., Cactus of Drosophila melanogaster), they possessed a shorter ankyrin repeat domain without any regulatory domains. The eight CpBV-IkBs are, however, different in their promoter components and expression patterns in the parasitized host. To test their inhibitory activity on host antiviral response, a midgut response of P. xylostella against baculovirus infection was used as a model reaction. When the larvae were orally fed the virus, they exhibited melanotic responses of midgut epithelium, which increased with baculovirus dose and incubation time. Parasitized larvae exhibited a significant reduction in the midgut melanotic response, compared to nonparasitized larvae. Micro-injection of each of the four CpBV genome segments containing CpBV-IkBs into the hemocoel of nonparasitized larvae showed the gene expressions of the encoded IkBs and suppressed the midgut melanotic response in response to the baculovirus treatment. When nonparasitized larvae were orally administered with a recombinant baculovirus containing CpBV-IkB, they showed a significant reduction in midgut melanotic response and an enhanced susceptibility to the baculovirus infectivity.  相似文献   

Laboratory cages were used to evaluate the influence of extraguild (EGprey) and intraguild prey (IGprey) densities on the direction, symmetry and magnitude of the intraguild predation (IGP) of the aphidophagous Harmonia axyridis Pallas on Coccinella undecimpunctata L. and vice versa. In order to understand the role of competition between IGprey, the experiments included treatments with one IGpredator, with one or four IGprey and EGprey (Aphis fabae Scopoli) ranging from zero to sufficient aphids to satiate the predators for 12, 24 or 48 h. Increases in EGprey and IGprey densities did not alter the direction, but decreased the magnitude and symmetry of IGP. Predation on one individual of IGprey decreased from more than 80%, in the absence of EGprey, to from 6% to 53%, at higher EGprey densities. Decrease in IGP was less when H. axyridis was the IGpredator. Even at high EGprey densities, eggs and 2nd larval stages of C. undecimpunctata were vulnerable to IGP and the level of predation was 40% and 53%. The presence of more than one IGprey increased the magnitude of IGP mainly at EGprey densities sufficient to satiate the predators for 12 and 24 h, suggesting that competition between the IGpredator and IGprey may be one of the processes promoting IGP. These results and those of other authors suggest that H. axyridis has the potential to be an IGpredator, mainly of the most vulnerable stages of IGprey. Thus, H. axyridis may negatively affect the survival of C. undecimpunctata, when these two species exploit the same resources.  相似文献   

The magnitude of intraguild predation by adult females of the predator Anthocoris nemorum on immature larvae of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani inside mummies of peach-potato aphids Myzus persicae was investigated under laboratory conditions in a preference experiment. Each predator consumed a mean (95% confidence limits) of 2.8 (2.1; 3.8) immature parasitoids within mummies and 3.6 (2.7; 4.6) unparasitised aphid nymphs. Thereby A. nemorum engaged in intraguild predation with A. colemani and did not exhibit prey preference between mummies and unparasitised aphids.  相似文献   

An endoparasitoid, Cotesia plutellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), possesses a mutualistic bracovirus (CpBV), which plays significant roles in the parasitized host, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). CpBV15beta, a viral gene encoded by CpBV, is expressed at early and late parasitization periods, suggesting that it functions to manipulate the physiology of the parasitized host. This paper reports a physiological function of CpBV15beta as an immunosuppressive agent. The effect of CpBV15beta on cellular immunity was analyzed by assessing hemocyte-spreading behavior. Parasitization by C. plutellae caused altered behavior of hemocytes of P. xylostella, in which the hemocytes were not able to attach and spread on glass slides. CpBV15beta was expressed in Sf9 cells using a baculovirus expression system and purified from the culture media. When hemocytes of nonparasitized P. xylostella were incubated with purified CpBV15beta protein, spreading behavior was impaired in a dose-dependent manner at low micro-molar range. This inhibitory effect of CpBV15beta could also be demonstrated on hemocytes of a non-natural host, Spodoptera exigua. CpBV15beta protein significantly inhibited F-actin growth of hemocytes in response to an insect cytokine. Similarly, cycloheximide, a eukaryotic translation inhibitor, strongly inhibited the spreading behavior and F-actin growth of P. xylostella hemocytes. Under in vitro condition, hemocytes of nonparasitized P. xylostella released proteins into the surrounding medium. Upon incubation of hemocytes with either CpBV15beta or cycloheximide, their ability to release protein molecules was markedly inhibited. This study suggests that CpBV15beta suppresses hemocyte behavior by inhibiting protein translation.  相似文献   

【背景】昆虫病原真菌对寄主的侵染是一个十分复杂的过程,是多基因共同作用的结果。玫烟色棒束孢(Isaria fumosorosea) IFCF01菌株对小菜蛾具有很高的致病力,然而有关玫烟色棒束孢对小菜蛾致病的相关基因少见报道。【目的】筛选玫烟色棒束孢侵染小菜蛾相关基因,为更好地利用玫烟色棒束孢防治小菜蛾提供基因靶点。【方法】采用第二代高通量测序技术RNA-Seq,对玫烟色棒束孢侵染小菜蛾2–3龄幼虫4、8、12、16、24、30、36 h的虫菌混合样品(处理组)及纯培养玫烟色棒束孢(对照组)进行测序分析并筛选差异表达基因,结合生物信息学方法分析差异基因涉及的功能模块和信号通路。【结果】玫烟色棒束孢侵染小菜蛾混合样品与纯培养玫烟色棒束孢对照组对比分析共获得28 384个差异基因,其中显著差异表达基因274个,上调表达118个,下调表达156个。筛选获得的显著差异表达基因,特别是上调表达基因可能与玫烟色棒束孢对小菜蛾的侵染有关。GO二级分类显示,差异表达基因能够注释到36个GO条目中,包含18个生物学过程、9个细胞组分和9个分子功能。KEGG通路分析显示共有171个差异表达基因(differentially expressed gene,DEG)注释到132个通路中,其中有66个DEG显著富集在14个通路中。这些显著差异表达基因中大部分为玫烟色棒束孢侵染过程中潜在致病毒力相关基因。【结论】本研究为筛选玫烟色棒束孢侵染小菜蛾致病相关基因提供重要数据库,也为阐明玫烟色棒束孢对小菜蛾的侵染机制提供基础。  相似文献   

Summary. Using “cafeteria experiments” with forest soil and litter, I obtained evidence that at least some small Neotropical species of Pheidole prey on a wide array of slow-moving invertebrates, favoring those of approximately their own size. The most frequent prey were oribatid mites, a disproportion evidently due in part to the abundance of these organisms. The ants have no difficulty breaking through the calcified exoskeleton of the mites.Received 2 December 2004; revised 18 January 2005; accepted 21 January 2005.  相似文献   

The ability of natural enemies to reproduce within cropland and effectively suppress pests depends on the presence of plants on which to oviposit within the agroecosystems. Our research investigates the acceptability and preferences of a range of plants for oviposition by the predatory bug Orius insidiosus (Say) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) in the laboratory. Within-plant preferences on pole beans as oviposition sites were evaluated in laboratory choice tests. The acceptability and preference of O. insidiosus females for pole bean, soybean, redroot pigweed, and velvetleaf were evaluated in choice and no-choice tests (respectively) in the laboratory. Observations on the acceptability of green foxtail, orchardgrass, buffalograss, smooth brome, redtop grass, blue grama, and tall fescue for oviposition were also conducted. O. insidiosus preferred to lay its eggs on the petiole and leaflet petioles of pole beans, and did not distinguish among nodes or petioles of different lengths. Although all broadleaved plants were suitable for egg development, the acceptability of these plants differed significantly, with pole beans being most acceptable and almost no eggs being laid on velvetleaf. Preference tests supported the results of the no-choice tests, with pole bean being the most preferred, and no eggs being laid on the velvetleaf. Green foxtail and orchardgrass were the only grass species found to be acceptable to O. insidiosus. The implications of soybean monocultures on the reproductive capacity of and biological control by O. insidiosus are discussed, as are possible mechanisms underlying the decision-making process for oviposition.  相似文献   

A polydnavirus, Cotesia plutellae bracovirus (CpBV), possesses a segmented and dispersed genome that is located on chromosome(s) of its symbiotic endoparasitic wasp, C. plutellae. When the host wasp parasitizes larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, at least 27 viral genome segments are delivered to the parasitized host along with the wasp egg. The parasitized P. xylostella exhibits significant immunosuppression and a prolonged larval development. Parasitized larvae take about 2 days longer than nonparasitized larvae to develop until the wandering stage of the final larval instar, and die after egress of the full grown wasp larvae. Developmental analysis using juvenile hormone and ecdysteroid analogs suggests that altering endocrine signals could induce the retardation of larval developmental rate in P. xylostella. In this study we used a transient expression technique to micro-inject individual CpBV genome segments, and tested their ability to induce delayed larval development of P. xylostella. We demonstrated that a CpBV segment was able to express its own encoded genes when it was injected into nonparasitized larvae, in which the expression patterns of the segment genes were similar to those in the larvae parasitized by C. plutellae. Twenty three CpBV genome segments were individually cloned and injected into the second instar larvae of P. xylostella and their effects assessed by measuring the time taken for host development to the cocooning stage. Three CpBV genome segments markedly interfered with the host larval development. When the putative genes of these segments were analyzed, it was found that they did not share any common genes. Among these segments able to delay host development, segment S27 was predicted to encode seven protein tyrosine phosphatases (CpBV-PTPs), some of which were mutated by insertional inactivation with transposons, while other encoded gene expressions were unaffected. The mutant segments were unable to induce prolonged larval development of P. xylostella. These results suggest that CpBV can induce prolonged larval development of P. xylostella, and that at least some CpBV-PTPs may contribute to the parasitic role probably by altering titers of developmental hormones.  相似文献   

We observed the foraging behavior of Diadegma semiclausum (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae), a larval parasitoid of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), in a wind tunnel to determine how interpatch distance affects patch time allocation. Individual female wasps were released onto an experimental patch infested with host larvae and were allowed freely to leave for an identically extrapatch placed upwind of the experimental patch with varying interpatch distances. The effects of interpatch distance and within-patch foraging experience on the patch-leaving tendency of the parasitoid were analyzed bymeans of the proportional hazards model. Increasing interpatch distance andunsuccessful host encounter as a result of host defense decreased the patch-leaving tendency, while successful oviposition and unsuccessful search time since last oviposition increased the patch-leaving tendency. Asa result, both patch residence time and number of ovipositions by D. semiclausum increased with increasing interpatch distance, which appears to agree with the general predictions of the marginal value theorem that a parasitoid should stay longer and parasitize more hosts with increasing interpatch distance.  相似文献   

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