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Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic decapeptide of primary structure [cyclo-(Val-Orn-Leu-D-Phe-Pro)(2)] secreted by Bacillus brevis. It is a powerful antimicrobial agent with potent cidal action on a wide variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as well as on several pathogenic fungi. Unfortunately, however, GS is rather non-specific in its actions and also exhibits a high hemolytic activity, limiting its use as an antibiotic to topical applications. In a wide variety of environments, the GS molecule exists as a very stable amphiphilic antiparallel beta-sheet structure with a polar and a non-polar surface. Moreover, the large number of structure-activity studies of GS analogs which have been carried out indicate that this 'sidedness' structure is required for its antimicrobial action. In this review, we summarize both published and unpublished biophysical studies of the interactions of GS with lipid bilayer model and with biological membranes. In general, these studies show that GS partitions strongly into liquid-crystalline lipid bilayers in both model and biological membranes, and seems to be located primarily in the glycerol backbone region below the polar headgroups and above the hydrocarbon chains. The presence of GS appears to perturb lipid packing in liquid-crystalline bilayers and GS can induce the formation of inverted cubic phases at lower temperatures in lipids capable of forming such phases at higher temperature in the absence of peptide. The presence of GS at lower concentrations also increases the permeability of model and biological membranes and at higher concentrations causes membrane destabilization. There is good evidence from studies of the interaction of GS with bacterial cells that the destruction of the integrity of the lipid bilayer of the inner membrane is the primary mode of the antimicrobial action of this peptide. The considerable lipid specificity of GS for binding to and destabilization of lipid bilayer model membranes indicates that the design of GS analogs with an improved antimicrobial potency and a markedly decreased toxicity for eukaryotic cell plasma membranes should be possible.  相似文献   

We have utilized Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to study the interaction of the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) with lipid micelles and with lipid monolayer and bilayer membranes as a function of temperature and of the phase state of the lipid. Since the conformation of GS does not change under the experimental conditions employed in this study, we could utilize the dependence of the frequency of the amide I band of the central beta-sheet region of this peptide on the polarity and hydrogen-bonding potential of its environment to probe GS interaction with and location in these lipid model membrane systems. We find that the GS is completely or partially excluded from the gel states of all of the lipid bilayers examined in this study but strongly partitions into lipid micelles, monolayers, or bilayers in the liquid-crystalline state. Moreover, in general, the penetration of GS into zwitterionic and uncharged lipid bilayer coincides closely with the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of the lipid. However, GS begins to penetrate into the gel-state bilayers of anionic phospholipids prior to the actual chain-melting phase transition, while in cationic lipid bilayers, GS does not partition strongly into the liquid-crystalline bilayer until temperatures well above the chain-melting phase transition are reached. In the liquid-crystalline state, the polarity of the environment of GS indicates that this peptide is located primarily at the polar/apolar interfacial region of the bilayer near the glycerol backbone region of the lipid molecule. However, the depth of GS penetration into this interfacial region can vary somewhat depending on the structure and charge of the lipid molecule. In general, GS associates most strongly with and penetrates most deeply into more disordered bilayers with a negative surface charge, although the detailed chemical structure of the lipid molecule and physical organization of the lipid aggregate (micelle versus monolayer versus bilayer) also have minor effects on these processes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the presence of 25 mol percent cholesterol on the interactions of the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine model membrane systems using a variety of methods. Our circular dichroism spectroscopic measurements indicate that the incorporation of cholesterol into egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles has no significant effect on the conformation of the GS molecule but that this peptide resides in a range of intermediate polarity as compared to aqueous solution or an organic solvent. Our Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic measurements confirm these findings and demonstrate that in both cholesterol-containing and cholesterol-free dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine liquid-crystalline bilayers, GS is located in a region of intermediate polarity at the polar--nonpolar interfacial region of the lipid bilayer. However, GS appears to be located in a more polar environment nearer the bilayer surface when cholesterol is present. Our (31)P-nuclear magnetic resonance studies demonstrate that the presence of cholesterol markedly reduces the tendency of GS to induce the formation of inverted nonlamellar phases in model membranes composed of an unsaturated phosphatidylethanolamine. Finally, fluorescence dye leakage experiments indicate that cholesterol inhibits the GS-induced permeabilization of phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Thus in all respects the presence of cholesterol attenuates but does not abolish the interactions of GS with, and the characteristic effects of GS on, phospholipid bilayers. These findings may explain why it is more potent at disrupting cholesterol-free bacterial than cholesterol-containing eukaryotic membranes while nevertheless disrupting the integrity of the latter at higher peptide concentrations. This additional example of the lipid specificity of GS may aid in the rational design of GS analogs with increased antibacterial but reduced hemolytic activities.  相似文献   

Rapid and extensive growth of Bacillus brevis ATCC 9999 was obtained in a complex medium containing yeast extract and peptone. Gramicidin S (GS) production in this medium reached 2.5 g/liter and 0.25 g/g dry cell weight. GS synthetase I production was also high in this complex medium. Chemically defined media were also developed for this strain. In a glycerol-ammonium sulfate-Tris-salts medium, the culture grew about 40% as well (rate and extent) as in complex medium. Although GS production was low (0.23 g GS/liter), peak specific activity of GS synthetase I was as high as on complex medium. Nutritional experiments showed that growth was stimulated by glutamine, methionine, proline, arginine, and histidine. Addition of these amino acids almost doubled the rate and extent of growth and GS production on a volumetric basis. However the increase in GS was due merely to the increased cell density; GS synthetase I specific activity was in fact decreased by the supplement. Complex medium is better than defined medium for GS and GS synthetase production due to increased cell density and a slower rate of synthetase disappearance.  相似文献   

Abraham T  Lewis RN  Hodges RS  McElhaney RN 《Biochemistry》2005,44(33):11279-11285
The binding of the amphiphilic, positively charged, cyclic beta-sheet antimicrobial decapeptide gramicidin S (GS) to various lipid bilayer model membrane systems was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry. Large unilamellar vesicles composed of the zwitterionic phospholipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine or the anionic phospholipid 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylglycerol, or a binary mixture of the two, with or without cholesterol, were used to mimic the lipid compositions of the outer monolayers of the lipid bilayers of mammalian and bacterial membranes, respectively. Dynamic light scattering results suggest the absence of major alterations in vesicle size or appreciable vesicle fusion upon the binding of GS to the lipid vesicles under our experimental conditions. The binding isotherms can be reasonably well described by a one-site binding model. GS is found to bind with higher affinity to anionic phosphatidylglycerol than to zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine vesicles, indicating that electrostatic interactions in the former system facilitate peptide binding. However, the presence of cholesterol reduced binding only slightly, indicating that the binding of GS is not highly sensitive to the order of the phospholipid bilayer system. Similarly, the measured positive endothermic binding enthalpy (DeltaH) varies only modestly (2.6 to 4.4 kcal/mol), and the negative free energy of binding (DeltaG) also remains relatively constant (-10.9 to -12.1 kcal/mol). The relatively large but invariant positive binding entropy, reflected in relatively large TDeltaS values (13.4 to 16.4 kcal/mol), indicates that GS binding to phospholipid bilayers is primarily entropy driven. Finally, the relative binding affinities of GS for various phospholipid vesicles correlate relatively well with the relative lipid specificity for GS interactions with bacterial and erythrocyte membranes observed in vivo.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) on the thermotropic phase behavior of large multilamellar vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE) and dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry. We find that the effect of GS on the lamellar gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition of these phospholipids varies markedly with the structure and charge of their polar headgroups. Specifically, the presence of even large quantities of GS has essentially no effect on the main phase transition of zwitterionic DMPE vesicles, even after repeating cycling through the phase transition, unless these vesicles are exposed to high temperatures, after which a small reduction in the temperature, enthalpy and cooperativity of the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transitions is observed. Similarly, even large amounts of GS produce similar modest decreases in the temperature, enthalpy and cooperativity of the main phase transition of DMPC vesicles, although the pretransition is abolished at low peptide concentrations. However, exposure to high temperatures is not required for these effects of GS on DMPC bilayers to be manifested. In contrast, GS has a much greater effect on the thermotropic phase behavior of anionic DMPG vesicles, substantially reducing the temperature, enthalpy and cooperativity of the main phase transition at higher peptide concentrations, and abolishing the pretransition at lower peptide concentrations as compared to DMPC. Moreover, the relatively larger effects of GS on the thermotropic phase behavior of DMPG vesicles are also manifest without cycling through the phase transition or exposure to high temperatures. Furthermore, the addition of GS to DMPG vesicles protects the phospholipid molecules from the chemical hydrolysis induced by their repeated exposure to high temperatures. These results indicate that GS interacts more strongly with anionic than with zwitterionic phospholipid bilayers, probably because of the more favorable net attractive electrostatic interactions between the positively charged peptide and the negatively charged polar headgroup in such systems. Moreover, at comparable reduced temperatures, GS appears to interact more strongly with zwitterionic DMPC than with zwitterionic DMPE bilayers, probably because of the more fluid character of the former system. In addition, the general effects of GS on the thermotropic phase behavior of zwitterionic and anionic phospholipids suggest that it is located at the polar/apolar interface of liquid-crystalline bilayers, where it interacts primarily with the polar headgroup and glycerol-backbone regions of the phospholipid molecules and only secondarily with the lipid hydrocarbon chains. Finally, the considerable lipid specificity of GS interactions with phospholipid bilayers may prove useful in the design of peptide analogs with stronger interactions with microbial as opposed to eucaryotic membrane lipids.  相似文献   

We determined changes in the volume and adiabatic compressibility of large multi- and unilamellar vesicles composed of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine containing various concentrations of the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) by applying densitometry and sound velocimetry. Gramicidin S incorporation was found to progressively decrease the phase transition temperature of DMPC vesicles as well as to decrease the degree of cooperativity of the main phase transition and to increase the volume compressibility of the vesicles. GS probably enhanced thermal fluctuations at the region of main phase transition and provide more freedom of rotational movement for the phospholipid hydrocarbon chains. The ability of GS to increase the membrane compressibility and to decrease the phase transition temperature is evidence for regions of distorted membrane structure around incorporated gramicidin S molecules. At relatively high GS concentration (10 mol%), more significant changes of specific volume and compressibility appear. This might suggest changes in the integrity of the lipid bilayer upon interaction with high concentrations of GS.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of a number of antimicrobial peptides are sufficiently detailed to allow computer simulations to make a significant contribution to understanding their mechanisms of action at an atomic level. In this review we focus on simulation studies of alamethicin, melittin, dermaseptin and related antimicrobial, membrane-active peptides. All of these peptides form amphipathic alpha-helices. Simulations allow us to explore the interactions of such peptides with lipid bilayers, and to understand the effects of such interactions on the conformational dynamics of the peptides. Mean field methods employ an empirical energy function, such as a simple hydrophobicity potential, to provide an approximation to the membrane. Mean field approaches allow us to predict the optimal orientation of a peptide helix relative to a bilayer. Molecular dynamics simulations that include an atomistic model of the bilayer and surrounding solvent provide a more detailed insight into peptide-bilayer interactions. In the case of alamethicin, all-atom simulations have allowed us to explore several steps along the route from binding to the membrane surface to formation of transbilayer ion channels. For those antimicrobial peptides such as dermaseptin which prefer to remain at the surface of a bilayer, molecular dynamics simulations allow us to explore the favourable interactions between the peptide helix sidechains and the phospholipid headgroups.  相似文献   

Lipid A structure at the air-aqueous interface has been studied using pressure-area isotherm methods coupled with the surface X-ray scattering techniques of X-ray reflectivity (XR) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD). Lipid A monolayers were formed at the air-aqueous interface to represent the lipid moiety of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. Lipid A structure was characterized at surface pressures between 10 and 35 mN/m. Interactions of α-helical antimicrobial peptides LL-37, SMAP-29 and D2A22 with lipid A monolayers were subsequently studied. Although insertion into the lipid A monolayers was observed with the α-helical peptides, little change was seen from the X-ray data, suggesting that the lipid A hydrocarbon chains are involved in reorientation during insertion and that the hydrocarbon chains have a relatively rigid structure.  相似文献   

The catalytic competence of gramicidin S synthetase 2 (GS2) was determined by following the kinetics of PP(i) generation using active site titration measurements with [gamma-(32)P]ATP. The initial 'burst' of product formation can be correlated to the generation of the aminoacyl adenylate:enzyme complexes at the four amino acid activation domains and the subsequent aminoacylation of carrier domains, followed by a slow linear turnover of substrate due to breakdown of the intermediate. Simultaneous activation of all four amino acid substrates at a saturating concentration displayed a consumption of 8.3 ATP/GS2. In the presence of single amino acids, a binding stoichiometry higher than the anticipated two ATP per active site was obtained, implying misactivation at non-cognate domains. Breakdown of acyladenylate intermediates reflects a possible corrective mechanism by which the enzyme controls the fidelity of product formation.  相似文献   

Mammalian antimicrobial peptides provide rapid defense against infection by inactivating pathogens and by influencing the functions of cells involved in defense responses. Although the direct antibacterial properties of these peptides have been widely characterized, their multiple effects on host cells are only beginning to surface. Here we investigated the mechanistic and functional aspects of the interaction of the proline-rich antimicrobial peptide Bac7(1-35) with mammalian cells, as compared with a truncated analog, Bac7(5-35), lacking four critical N-terminal residues (RRIR) of the Bac7(1-35) sequence. By using confocal microscopy and flow cytometry, we showed that although the truncated analog Bac7(5-35) remains on the cell surface, Bac7(1-35) is rapidly taken up into 3T3 and U937 cells through a nontoxic energy- and temperature-dependent process. Cell biology-based assays using selective endocytosis inhibitors and spectroscopic and surface plasmon resonance studies of the interaction of Bac7(1-35) with phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol model membranes collectively suggest the concurrent contribution of macropinocytosis and direct membrane translocation. Structural studies with model membranes indicated that membrane-bound Bac7(5-35) is significantly more aggregated than Bac7(1-35) due to the absence of the N-terminal cationic cluster, thus providing an explanation for hampered cellular internalization of the truncated form. Further investigations aimed to reveal functional implications of intracellular uptake of Bac7(1-35) demonstrated that it correlates with enhanced S phase entry of 3T3 cells, indicating a novel function for this proline-rich peptide.  相似文献   

A recombinant bacteriophage containing the intact Bacillus brevis gene for gramicidin S synthetase 1, grsA, and the 5' end of the gramicidin S synthetase 2 gene, grsB, was identified by screening an EMBL3 library with anti-GrsA antibodies. This clone, EMBL315, has a 14-kilobase (kb) insert that hybridizes to the previously isolated 3.9-kb fragment of the grsB gene, which encodes the 155-kilodalton ornithine-activating domain of gramicidin S synthetase 2. Deletion and subcloning experiments with the 14-kb insert located the grsA structural gene and its putative promoter on a 4.5-kb PvuII fragment which encoded the full-length 120-kilodalton protein in Escherichia coli. In addition, hybridization analysis revealed that the 5' end of the grsB gene is located approximately 3 kb from the grsA structural gene. Furthermore, these studies indicated that grsA and grsB are transcribed in opposite orientations.  相似文献   

The major enzymatic activity of the ribosome is the catalysis of peptide bond formation. The active site -- the peptidyl transferase center -- is composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and interactions between rRNA and the reactants, peptidyl-tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA, are crucial for the reaction to proceed rapidly and efficiently. Here, we describe the influence of rRNA interactions with cytidine residues in A-site substrate analogs (C-puromycin or CC-puromycin), mimicking C74 and C75 of tRNA on the reaction. Base-pairing of C75 with G2553 of 23S rRNA accelerates peptide bond formation, presumably by stabilizing the peptidyl transferase center in its productive conformation. When C74 is also present in the substrate analog, the reaction is slowed down considerably, indicating a slow step in substrate binding to the active site, which limits the reaction rate. The tRNA-rRNA interactions lead to a robust reaction that is insensitive to pH changes or base substitutions in 23S rRNA at the active site of the ribosome.  相似文献   

The cubic phase of monoolein has successfully been used for crystallization of a number of membrane proteins. However, the mechanism of protein crystallization in the cubic phase is still unknown. It was hypothesized, that crystallization occurs at locally formed patches of bilayers. To get insight into the stability of the cubic phase, we investigated the effect of different phospholipids and a model transmembrane peptide on the lipid organization in mixed monoolein systems. Deuterium-labeled 1-oleoyl-rac-[(2)H(5)]-glycerol was used as a selective probe for (2)H NMR. The phase behavior of the phospholipids was followed by (31)P NMR. Upon incorporation of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, or phosphatidic acid, the cubic phase of monoolein transformed into the L(alpha) or H(II) phase depending on the phase preference of the phospholipid and its concentration. The ability of phospholipids to destabilize the cubic phase was found to be dependent on the phospholipid packing properties. Electrostatic repulsion facilitated the cubic-to-L(alpha) transition. Incorporation of the transmembrane peptide KALP31 induced formation of the L(alpha) phase with tightly packed lipid molecules. In all cases when phase separation occurs, monoolein and phospholipid participate in both phases. The implications of these findings for protein crystallization are discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that N-formylation of the tryptophan residues of gramicidin completely and reversibly blocks the hexagonal HII phase-inducing ability of the peptide in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine model membranes.  相似文献   

Cyclo[VKLdKVdYPLKVKLdYP] (GS14dK(4)), a synthetic tetradecameric ring-size analogue of the naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS), retains the strong antimicrobial activity of GS but is 15-20 times less hemolytic. To characterize its interaction with lipid membranes and to understand the molecular basis of its capacity to lyse bacterial cells, in preference to erythrocytes, we have investigated the interactions of GS14dK(4) with detergent micelles and with lipid bilayer model membranes by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and compared our results with those of a similar study of GS [Lewis, R. N. A. H., et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 15193-15203]. In both aqueous and organic solvent solutions, GS14dK(4) adopts a beta-sheet conformation that is somewhat distorted and more sensitive to the polarity of its environment than GS. Like GS, GS14dK(4) is completely or partially excluded from gel-state lipid bilayers but interacts strongly with liquid-crystalline lipid bilayers and detergent micelle, and interacts more strongly with more fluid liquid-crystalline lipid systems. However, its interactions are more strongly influenced by membrane lipid order and fluidity, and unlike GS, it is essentially excluded from cholesterol-containing phospholipid bilayers. Also, GS14dK(4) is excluded from cationic lipid bilayers, but partitions more strongly and/or penetrates more deeply into anionic lipid bilayers than into those composed of either zwitterionic or nonionic lipids. Anionic lipids also facilitate GS14dK(4) interactions with multicomponent lipid bilayers which are predominantly zwitterionic or nonionic. Although GS14dK(4) generally penetrates and/or partitions into zwitterionic or uncharged lipid bilayers less strongly than does GS, its greater size and altered distribution of positive charges make it intrinsically more perturbing with regard to membrane organization once associated with lipid bilayers. This fact, combined with its relatively strong interactions with anionic phospholipids, may explain why GS14dK(4) retains relatively high antimicrobial activity. However, its low hemolytic activity is probably largely attributable to its low propensity to penetrate and/or partition into cholesterol-containing zwitterionic lipid membranes.  相似文献   

A high proportion of peptide transmitters and peptide hormones terminate their peptide chain in a C-terminal amide group which is essential for their biological activity. The specificity of an enzyme that catalyses the formation of the amide was investigated with the aid of synthetic peptide substrates. With peptides containing l-amino acids the enzyme exhibited an essential requirement for glycine in the C-terminal position; amidation did not take place with peptides that had leucine, alanine, glutamic acid, lysine or N-methylglycine at the C-terminus and a peptide extended by the attachment of lysine to the C-terminal glycine did not act as a substrate. Amidation did occur with a peptide containing C-terminal D-alanine but no reaction was detected with peptides having C-terminal, D-serine or D-leucine. In tripeptides with a neutral amino acid in the penultimate position, amidation, took place readily but the reaction was slower when this position was occupied by an acidic or a basic residue. A series of overlapping peptides with C-terminal glycine, based on partial sequences of calcitonin, underwent amidation at similar rates, indicating that the amidating enzyme recognizes only a limited sequence at the C-terminus of its substrates. The results provide evidence that the amidating enzyme has a highly compact substrate binding site.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclic decapeptide of gramicidin S on electrical conductivity of bilayer lipid membranes has been studied. The integral conductivity of bilayer has been shown to increase with the growth of antibiotic concentration. The integral conductivity increase occurs as series of conductivity discrete leaps, differing in amplitude from fluctuations of conductivity caused by linear gramicidins. In the series of selectivity of bilayer membranes for cations of alkaline metals the rubidium ion is before the cesium ion. This is the only difference between this series and the series of relative ionic mobility series of cations of alkaline metals in water solutions.  相似文献   

Binding of cytochrome c (cyt c) to fatty acids and acidic phospholipid membranes produces pronounced and essentially identical changes in the spectral properties of cyt c, revealing conformational changes in the protein. The exact mechanism of the interaction of fatty acids and acidic phospholipids with cyt c is unknown. Binding of cyt c to liposomes with high contents (mole fraction X > 0.7) of acidic phospholipids caused spectral changes identical to those due to binding of oleic acid. Fluorescence spectroscopy of a cyt c analog containing a Zn(2+) substituted heme moiety and brominated lipid derivatives (9,10)-dibromostearate and 1-palmitoyl-2-(9,10)-dibromo-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac-glycerol demonstrated a direct contact between the fluorescent [Zn(2+)-heme] group and the brominated acyl chain. These data constitute direct evidence for interaction between an acyl chain of a membrane phospholipid and the inside of the protein containing the heme moiety and provide direct evidence for the so-called extended-lipid anchorage of cyt c to phospholipid membranes. In this mechanism, one of the phospholipid acyl chains protrudes out of the membrane and intercalates into a hydrophobic channel in cyt c while the other chain remains in the bilayer.  相似文献   

Powers JP  Tan A  Ramamoorthy A  Hancock RE 《Biochemistry》2005,44(47):15504-15513
The horseshoe crab cationic antimicrobial peptide polyphemusin I is highly active in vitro but not protective in mouse models of bacterial and LPS challenge, while a synthetic polyphemusin variant, PV5, was previously shown to be protective in vivo. In this study, we investigated the interaction of these peptides with lipid membranes in an effort to propose a mechanism of interaction. The solution structure of PV5 was determined by proton NMR in the absence and presence of dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. Like polyphemusin I, PV5 is a beta-hairpin but appeared less amphipathic in solution. Upon association with DPC micelles, PV5 underwent side chain rearrangements which resulted in an increased amphipathic conformation. Using fluorescence spectroscopy, both peptides were found to have limited affinity for neutral vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine (PC). Incorporation of 25 mol % cholesterol or phosphatidylethanolamine into PC vesicles produced little change in the partitioning of either peptide. Incorporation of 25 mol % phosphatidylglycerol (PG) into PC vesicles, a simple prokaryotic model, resulted in a large increase in the affinity for both peptides, but the partition coefficient for PV5 was almost twice that of polyphemusin I. Differential scanning calorimetry studies supported the partitioning data and demonstrated that neither peptide interacted readily with neutral PC vesicles. Both peptides showed affinity for negatively charged membranes incorporating PG. The affinity of PV5 was much greater as the pretransition peak was absent at low peptide to lipid ratios (1:400) and the reduction in enthalpy of the main transition was greater than that produced by polyphemusin I. Both peptides decreased the lamellar to inverted hexagonal phase transition temperature of PE indicating the induction of negative curvature strain. These results, combined with previous findings that polyphemusin I promotes lipid flip-flop but does not induce significant vesicle leakage, ruled out the torroidal pore and carpet mechanisms of antimicrobial action for these polyphemusins.  相似文献   

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