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Dong B  Zhang P  Chen X  Liu L  Wang Y  He S  Chen R 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21012
Housekeeping genes (HKGs) generally have fundamental functions in basic biochemical processes in organisms, and usually have relatively steady expression levels across various tissues. They play an important role in the normalization of microarray technology. Using Fourier analysis we transformed gene expression time-series from a Hela cell cycle gene expression dataset into Fourier spectra, and designed an effective computational method for discriminating between HKGs and non-HKGs using the support vector machine (SVM) supervised learning algorithm which can extract significant features of the spectra, providing a basis for identifying specific gene expression patterns. Using our method we identified 510 human HKGs, and then validated them by comparison with two independent sets of tissue expression profiles. Results showed that our predicted HKG set is more reliable than three previously identified sets of HKGs.  相似文献   

柠檬明串珠菌及相近种部分持家基因的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]利用16S rRNA、dnaA、murC和pyrG基因分子标记研究Leuconostoc citreum(Leu.citreum)及相近种间的种系发育关系,并比较这些基因序列对Leu.citreum及相近种的区分能力.[方法]以分离自酸面团中的7株Leu.citreum为研究对象,以dnaA、murC和pyrG基因片段为标记,通过PCR扩增、测序,结合已公布的近缘种及亚种相应序列,计算遗传距离,构建系统发育树,并与16S rRNA基因进行比较.[结果]研究发现Leu.citreum及相近种间的dnaA、murC和pyrG基因构建的系统发育树拓扑结构与16S rRNA基因基本一致,区别在于相似性的不同,其分别为75.5%-97.2%、50.2%-99.7%、65.0%-99.8%和98.5%-100%.[结论]在Leu.citreum及相近种间的种系发育关系中,dnaA、murC和pyrG基因与16S rRNA基因系统进化关系都具有很好的一致性,但这三个持家基因的遗传距离显著高于16S rRNA基因.因此,采用dnaA、murC和pyrG基因可以用于Leu.citreum及相近种的分类鉴定.  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌和副溶血弧菌分离株的gyrB基因系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据gyrB基因部分编码序列构建系统发育树以分类和鉴别霍乱弧菌和副溶血弧菌,并探讨其种系发生关系。扩增并测序13株霍乱弧菌、8株副溶血弧菌、2株嗜水气单胞菌及1株类志贺邻单胞菌的gyrB基因(编码DNA促旋酶B亚单位)序列,并采用距离法与最大似然法构建系统发育树。两种方法所构建的树结构完全一致,霍乱弧菌、副溶血弧菌、嗜水气单胞菌及类志贺邻单胞菌各自形成一个独立的簇。其中,霍乱肠毒素基因(ctxA)阳性的霍乱弧菌(8株O139群与2株O1群ElTor型)聚类成一分枝;3株副溶血弧菌临床株(1株2002年流行株,2株2004年分离株)与1日本菌株及2001年1株自环境分离的毒力株聚类。系统发育分析靶分子gyrB基因可以良好区分上述4种常见病原菌。产毒O139群霍乱弧菌与产毒O1群ElTor型霍乱弧菌关系密切。副溶血弧菌环境毒力株与本地区临床主要流行株在系统发育关系上较为接近,可能是潜在的致病菌。  相似文献   

Colony morphology may be an indicator of phenotypic variation, this being an important adaptive process adopted by bacteria to overcome environmental stressors. Furthermore, alterations in colony traits may reflect increased virulence and antimicrobial resistance. Despite the potential relevance of using colony morphological traits, the influence of experimental conditions on colony morphogenesis has been scarcely studied in detail. This study aims to clearly and systematically demonstrate the impact of some variables, such as colony growth time, plate colony density, culture medium, planktonic or biofilm mode of growth and strain genetic background, on bacterial colony morphology features using two Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains. Results, based on 5-replicate experiments, demonstrated that all variables influenced colony morphogenesis and 18 different morphotypes were identified, showing different sizes, forms, colours, textures and margins. Colony growth time and composition of the medium were the variables that caused the highest impact on colony differentiation both derived from planktonic and biofilm cultures. Colony morphology characterization before 45 h of incubation was considered inadequate and TSA, a non-selective medium, provided more colony diversity in contrast to P. aeruginosa selective media. In conclusion, data obtained emphasized the need to perform comparisons between colony morphologies in equivalent experimental conditions to avoid misinterpretation of microbial diagnostics and biomedical studies. Since colony morphotyping showed to be a reliable method to evaluate phenotypic switching and also to infer about bacterial diversity in biofilms, these unambiguous comparisons between morphotypes may offer a quite valuable input to clinical diagnosis, aiding the decision-making towards the selection of the most suitable antibiotic and supportive treatments.  相似文献   

黄粉虫不同虫态肠道细菌分离及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究黄粉虫肠道细菌的类群与其取食的关系,为进一步开发利用提供理论依据。方法从人工饲养的黄粉虫幼虫、蛹和成虫肠道环境中分离纯化获得9个细菌菌株,对其菌体形态、染色反应、培养性状、生理生化反应进行系统研究。结果研究结果表明,上述9个细菌菌株分别属于放线杆菌属(Actunobacillus)、丙酸杆菌属(Propionibacterium)、柠檬酸杆菌属(Citrobacter)、沙雷菌属(Serratia)、芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)、皮杆菌属(Dermabacter)、短状杆菌属(Brachybacterium)、棍状杆菌属(Clavibacter)和微小杆菌属(Exiguobcacterium)。结论通过对黄粉虫不同虫态即幼虫、蛹和成虫肠道细菌分离,其细菌种类存在一定差别。  相似文献   

【背景】16S rRNA基因序列分析已广泛应用于细菌的分类鉴定,但是存在一定局限性,而使用看家基因作为分子标记在近缘种及亚种间的系统发育分析中具有其独特的优势。【目的】研究16S rRNA、uvr C (核酸外切酶ABC,C亚基)和mur E (UDP-N-乙酰胞壁酰三肽合酶)基因序列对干酪乳杆菌的近缘种及亚种的区分能力。【方法】采用分离自传统发酵乳中的6株干酪乳杆菌为研究对象,选取uvr C和mur E基因片段,通过PCR扩增、测序,结合已公布的干酪乳杆菌的近缘种或亚种的相应序列计算遗传距离、构建系统发育树,并与16S rRNA基因序列分析技术进行比较。【结果】研究发现Lactobacilluscasei及相近种间的uvr C、mur E和联合基因(uvr C-mur E)构建的系统发育树拓扑结构与16S rRNA基因结果基本一致,区别在于相似性的不同,其分别为79.00%-99.16%、89.08%-99.20%、76.56%-99.69%和99.58%-100%。基于16S rRNA基因不能区分干酪乳杆菌的近缘种及亚种,而看家基因uvr C和mur E基因序列能够很好地区分干酪乳杆菌的近缘种及亚种,并且将uvr C和mur E基因串联使用后,试验菌株与参考菌株的分类关系更加清晰。【结论】联合基因(uvr C-mur E)可作为16SrRNA基因的辅助工具用于干酪乳杆菌的近缘种及亚种的快速准确鉴定。  相似文献   

目的了解20株泛耐药鲍氏不动杆菌的菌株亲缘性。方法完成该组泛耐药鲍氏不动杆菌2种与耐药相关的看家基因和54种水平转移获得与β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类、喹诺酮类耐药相关基因以及13种接合性质粒、转座子、插入序列、整合子等可移动遗传元件遗传标记检测,并对检测结果作样本聚类分析。结果20株泛耐药鲍氏不动杆菌已经发生演化,并存在2个克隆传播:1-4—6号菌株和2—5—7—8—9—10—11—12—13—14—15-16—17—18-19号菌株。结论与耐药相关的看家基因和水平转移获得的耐药基因均为显性遗传,本研究耐药菌所观察的表型与之相对应,为追溯耐药菌传播途径提供了方便。  相似文献   

粪肠、屎肠球菌及相近种部分持家基因的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】利用16S rRNA、clpX和recA基因分子标记研究Enterococcus faecalis、Enterococcus faecium及相近种间的种系发育关系,并比较这些基因序列对E.faecalis、E.faecium及相近种的区分能力。【方法】以分离自传统乳制品中的9株E.faecium和1株E.durans分离株为研究对象,以clpX和recA基因片段为标记,通过PCR扩增、测序,结合已公布的近缘种相应序列构建系统发育树并与16S rRNA基因进行比较。【结果】在基于clpX和recA基因的进化树中,10株试验菌株与E.faecalis始终处于同一分支。与该物种这两个基因的平均相似性为99.6%和98.6%,与另一分支的Faecium-group(E.durans和E.faecium)的平均相似性仅为61.5%和33.5%。相近种E.durans和E.hirae间这两个基因的差异性为20.3%和39.0%;在基于16S rRNA基因的进化树中,试验菌株与Faecium-group(E.lactis、E.faecium、E.durans、E.hirae)处于同一分支。与这些成员间该基因的相似性大于99.6%,与E.faecalis基因的平均相似性可达98.4%。相近种间该基因相似性无明显差异。【结论】按照10株试验菌株clpX和recA基因的分析结果可将由传统生理生化和16S rRNA基因序列鉴定的9株E.faecium和1株E.durans归类为E.faecalis,clpX和recA基因可用于部分相近种的分类鉴定。  相似文献   

By using a bioinformatics screen of the Escherichia coli genome for potential molybdenum-containing enzymes, we have identified a novel oxidoreductase conserved in the majority of Gram-negative bacteria. The identified operon encodes for a proposed heterodimer, YedYZ in Escherichia coli, consisting of a soluble catalytic subunit termed YedY, which is likely anchored to the membrane by a heme-containing trans-membrane subunit termed YedZ. YedY is uniquely characterized by the presence of one molybdenum molybdopterin not conjugated by an additional nucleotide, and it represents the only molybdoenzyme isolated from E. coli characterized by the presence of this cofactor form. We have further characterized the catalytic subunit YedY in both the molybdenum- and tungsten-substituted forms by using crystallographic analysis. YedY is very distinct in overall architecture from all known bacterial reductases but does show some similarity with the catalytic domain of the eukaryotic chicken liver sulfite oxidase. However, the strictly conserved residues involved in the metal coordination sphere and in the substrate binding pocket of YedY are strikingly different from that of chicken liver sulfite oxidase, suggesting a catalytic activity more in keeping with a reductase than that of a sulfite oxidase. Preliminary kinetic analysis of YedY with a variety of substrates supports our proposal that YedY and its many orthologues may represent a new type of membrane-associated bacterial reductase.  相似文献   

Aims: The main aim of this study was to screen novel immunogenic proteins of Vibrio harveyi, which could be vaccine candidates. Methods and Results: Whole‐cell proteins of V. harveyi, strain Li01 and Huang01, were first separated by isoelectric focusing, followed by 2D‐PAGE, respectively. Immunogenic proteins were identified by Western blotting, using Epinephelus coioides antisera against V. harveyi strain Li01. Western blot analyses revealed 16 shared immunogenic protein spots in both strains. All of the immunogenic proteins were successfully identified and corresponded to 15 proteins. None of these proteins have been previously reported as immunogenic for V. harveyi. Of the 15 proteins, 11 are specific immunoreactive proteins and four are nonspecific immunoreactive proteins. Furthermore, outer membrane protein N (spot 2) and oligopeptide ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter (spot 3) were used as immunogens to immunize E. coioides for investigation of their protective abilities and activities. The E. coioides immunized with OmpN has abilities to fight against infections caused by V. harveyi Li01 and Huang01. However, vaccination with oligopeptide ABC transporter induces low protective immune response in fish. Conclusions: Eleven novel specific antigens were found, and OmpN could potentially be used as vaccine candidate for the development of novel vaccine against V. harveyi. Significance and Impact of the Study: These data show that immunoproteomics methods can be successfully applied in identifying immunogenic proteins of V. harveyi, which helps to search for the protective antigens in future.  相似文献   

Brassinolide (BR) is crucial for regulating plant architecture. Apple dwarfing rootstocks are used to control apple tree size. However, information regarding the effects of BR on apple trees is limited. In addition, the molecular mechanism underlying the dwarfing of apple rootstocks is poorly understood. To elucidate the role of BR signal transduction genes in controlling apple tree architecture, five BR receptor kinase 1 (BRI1), nine BR-signaling kinase 1 (BSK1), two BRI1 KINASE INHIBITOR 1 (BKI1), and seven BR-insensitive 2 (BIN2) genes were analyzed. Bioinformatic analyses revealed that gene duplication events likely contributed to the expansion and evolution of the identified genes. Nine homologs between apple and Arabidopsis thaliana were also identified, and their expression patterns in different tissues were characterized. Exogenous BR treatments increased the primary shoot length and altered the expression of BR signal transduction genes (MdBRI1-5, MdBSK3-8, MdBKI12, MdBIN14, and MdBIN6/7). The scion of Fuji/Malling 9 (M.9) trees exhibited inhibited growth compared with that of Fuji/Fuji trees. The Fuji/M.9 trees had lower levels of the positive regulators of BR signaling (MdBRI1-5,MdBSK1, MdBSK4/7, and MdBSK6) and higher levels of the negative regulators (MdBIN5-7) compared with the Fuji/Fuji trees. Thus, the above-mentioned genes may help to regulate apple tree size in response to BR. In addition, MdBRI15, MdBSK1, MdBSK4/7, MdBSK6, and MdBIN57 have important roles in different grafting combinations. Our results may provide the basis for future analyses of BR signal transduction genes regarding their potential involvement in the regulation of plant architecture.  相似文献   

Oenococcus oeni is the organism of choice for promoting malolactic fermentation in wine. The population biology of O. oeni is poorly understood and remains unclear. For a better understanding of the mode of genetic variation within this species, we investigated by using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) with the gyrB, pgm, ddl, recP, and mleA genes the genetic diversity and genetic relationships among 18 O. oeni strains isolated in various years from wines of the United States, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. These strains have also been characterized by ribotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the PCR-amplified 16S-23S rRNA gene intergenic spacer region (ISR). Ribotyping grouped the strains into two groups; however, the RFLP analysis of the ISRs showed no differences in the strains analyzed. In contrast, MLST in oenococci had a good discriminatory ability, and we have found a higher genetic diversity than indicated by ribotyping analysis. All sequence types were represented by a single strain, and all the strains could be distinguished from each other because they had unique combinations of alleles. Strains assumed to be identical showed the same sequence type. Phylogenetic analyses indicated a panmictic population structure in O. oeni. Sequences were analyzed for evidence of recombination by split decomposition analysis and analysis of clustered polymorphisms. All results indicated that recombination plays a major role in creating the genetic heterogeneity of O. oeni. A low standardized index of association value indicated that the O. oeni genes analyzed are close to linkage equilibrium. This study constitutes the first step in the development of an MLST method for O. oeni and the first example of the application of MLST to a nonpathogenic food production bacteria.  相似文献   

李晓旭  刘成  李伟  张增林  高晓明  周慧  郭永峰 《遗传》2016,38(5):444-460
WUSCHEL相关的同源异型盒(WUSCHEL-related homeobox,WOX)是一类植物特异的转录因子家族,具有调控植物干细胞分裂分化动态平衡等重要功能。本研究利用番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)基因组数据,通过建立隐马尔科夫模型并进行检索,鉴定了番茄10个WOX转录因子家族成员。多序列比对发现,番茄WOX转录因子家族成员具有高度保守的同源异型结构域;以拟南芥WOX转录因子家族成员序列为参照,通过邻接法、极大似然法、贝叶斯法重建了系统发育树,三者呈现出类似的拓扑结构,番茄和拟南芥WOX转录因子家族共25个成员被分为3个进化支(Clade)和9个亚家族(Subgroup);利用MEME和GSDS对WOX转录因子家族成员的蛋白保守结构域和基因结构进行了分析,同一亚家族内的WOX转录因子家族成员的保守结构域的种类、组织形式以及基因结构具有高度的一致性;利用Perl和Orthomcl对家族成员的染色体定位和同源性关系进行分析,结果表明串联重复的SlWOX3a和SlWOX3b可能来源于一次复制事件;利用番茄转录组数据和qRT-PCR进行表达分析,结果显示家族成员在不同组织中的表达存在差异,暗示了WOX家族的不同成员在功能上可能具有多样性。本研究对番茄WOX转录因子家族成员进行GO(Gene Ontology)注释和比较分析,结果表明该家族成员作为转录因子,可能在组织器官发育、细胞间通讯等过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

张璐瑶  吴林玲  毕富玺  闫颖 《中国微生态学杂志》2021,33(12):1385-1390, 1397
目的通过对细菌性阴道病(BV)患者肠道菌群及阴道菌群16S rDNA扩增子测序,分析其结构、多样性、相关性以及BV对肠道菌群的影响,为今后治疗BV提供新的思路。方法选取符合纳入标准的BV患者11例(BV组),健康者9例(C组),留存阴道分泌物及新鲜粪便进行16S rDNA基因检测分析。结果C组阴道菌群以乳杆菌属为主,BV与加德纳菌属、普雷沃菌属、Sneathia、窄食单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)、阿托波菌属、Shuttleworthia、巨型球菌属密切相关。BV组肠道、阴道菌群丰富度均高于C组。Alpha多样性分析中C组和BV组肠道菌群、阴道菌群的Shannon指数组间比较,χ2值为29.137, P=0.000<0.05,两组阴道菌群Shannon指数组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),BV组高于C组。物种多样性曲线反映本研究样本测序数据量的合理性,表明BV组的肠道菌群多样性、丰富度均高于C组,主坐标分析表明C组肠道与阴道的菌群结构差距较大,BV组肠道与阴道的菌群结构有相似之处,且两组肠道菌群结构接近。BV组阴道菌群中厚壁菌门丰度较C组低,放线菌门、拟杆菌门较C组高;BV组肠道菌群中拟杆菌门丰度较C组低;C组肠道中拟杆菌门明显高于阴道,厚壁菌门明显低于阴道; BV组阴道菌群中放线菌门丰度高于C组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论BV阴道菌群与肠道菌群具有相关性,BV可能引起肠道菌群结构比例和多样性的改变。  相似文献   

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