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Summary Over a period of 1 year the mean monthly population densities of L. forficatus varied between 7.58 m-2 (February) and 24.07 m-2 (October). The equivalent values for L. crassipes were 17.05 m-2 (February) and 64.17 m-2 (October). The annual mean population density of the two species was estimated at 51 m-2 with a biomass of 0.585 g live wt m-2. Less than 4% of the total lithobiid population was found in decaying logs and tree stumps, most of the population inhabited the soil/litter layers.Seasonal fluctuation in numbers was shown to be unimodal in L. forficatus and bimodal in L. crassipes. A similar pattern was noted in the status of the ovaries, L. forficatus appears to have a single peak breeding period (September) while L. crassipes has two (June and September).In terms of biomass, the relative importance of centipedes among other woodland invertebrate predators is high.  相似文献   

We carried out a dietary analysis of Persian Leopards, Panthera pardus saxicolor, in a temperate region in north-eastern Iran, where the largest population nucleus exists across the subspecies range. We investigated 113 faecal samples collected between February 2009 and March 2010 in Golestan National Park. Faecal analysis revealed that leopards predominantly preyed upon wild ungulates, with the Wild Boar, Sus scrofa, being the most important prey species in terms of frequency and biomass. Eleven different prey items were identified, 7 of which were ungulates, comprising 99% of the total food items. We also found a spatial pattern in the prey composition of leopards: cervids were predominantly found in forest landscapes, whereas Wild Sheep, Ovis orientalis, was mainly found in steppe habitats, revealing the leopards’ predation on medium-to large-sized ungulates. Livestock remains were mainly extracted from steppe samples, but the overall contribution to the leopard diet pattern (approximately 8.5% of consumed biomass) suggested that conflict with human communities, at least within the investigated core parts of the National Park, is not a major concern. The study provides the first illustration of the Persian Leopard's dietary composition in a temperate area with a relatively high diversity of available prey, and can be a baseline for future investigation and human-leopard interaction monitoring  相似文献   

Forest loss and fragmentation is expected to shape the genetic structure of amphibian populations and reduce genetic variation. Another factor widely understood to have impacted these same parameters in North America is the range expansion that occurred following glacial retreat at the end of the Pleistocene. The Eastern Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) has been subjected to both processes. In this context, we investigated the historical events that are likely to have shaped genetic variation in this species using a panel of six microsatellite markers screened on individuals sampled across ten localities in northeastern Indiana, USA. We found low genetic diversity across forest patches and minimal differentiation. We expected population structure associated with forest fragmentation to result from genetic drift in isolation but instead found that a balance between gene flow and drift was ~50 times more likely. Ratios of allele number and range (M), and coalescent modeling of population demography suggested the occurrence of marked historic decline in effective population size across the region. Taken together, the data point to a loss of genetic variation which preceded deforestation over the past 200 years. This result indicates an important role for ancient demographic processes in shaping current genetic variation that may make it difficult to detect the effect of recent habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

IAN J. WANG 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(18):3847-3856
Environmental variables can strongly influence a variety of intra- and inter-population processes, including demography, population structure and gene flow. When environmental conditions are particularly harsh for a certain species, investigating these effects is important to understanding how populations persist under difficult conditions. Furthermore, species inhabiting challenging environments present excellent opportunities to examine the effects of complex landscapes on population processes because these effects will often be more pronounced. In this study, I use 16 microsatellite loci to examine population structure, gene flow and demographic history in the black toad, Bufo exsul , which has one of the most restricted natural ranges of any amphibian. Bufo exsul inhabits four springs in the Deep Springs Valley high desert basin and has never been observed more than several meters from any source of water. My results reveal limited gene flow and moderately high levels of population structure ( F ST = 0.051–0.063) between all but the two closest springs. I found that the geographic distance across the arid scrub habitat between springs is significantly correlated with genetic structure when distance accounts for topography and barriers to dispersal. I also found very low effective population sizes ( N e = 7–30) and substantial evidence for historical population bottlenecks in all four populations. Together, these results suggest that the desert landscape and B.   exsul 's high habitat specificity contribute significantly to population structure and demography in this species and emphasize the importance of considering behavioural and landscape data in conservation genetic studies of natural systems.  相似文献   

The Demoiselle crane population was studied in the southern Chelyabinsk region (52°12′N; 60°21′E) during 1988–2008. Counts of nesting pairs were annually conducted over an area of 100–130 km2 in May. The number of breeding pairs varied from 6.5 to 9.5 per 100 km2; on average, there were 8 pairs per 100 km2 during 1989–1991. In 2000–2008, the population density increased from 7.5 to 12 pairs per 100 km2, on average, 9.3 pairs per 100 km2. Demoiselle crane nesting in steppe pastures and perennial grass fields has been rarely observed for the last decade. Now the main nesting biotopes of the species are stubble fields accounting for up to 70% of all nidification cases documented. The decline in agricultural production in recent decades has resulted in the appearance of long-fallow lands, in which 17 to 35% crane pairs nest.  相似文献   

Summary Five different types of hemocytes are found within the hemolymph ofLithobius forficatus: (1) small prohemocytes, (2) very actively spreading plasmatocytes, (3) granulocytes which have a lower spreading ability but tend to agglutinate, (4) spherulocytes which are filled with spherules, and (5) presumably, a coagulocyte, characterized by instant disintegration. Cystocytes as described forL. forficatus in the literature are preparation artifacts. Cell types are characterized by electron microscopy and in vitro and vital staining techniques at the light microscopic level. Results are discussed with reference to different nomenclatures and functions of hemocytes in other arthropods.  相似文献   

Four microsatellite DNA markers were developed which were used to examine the relationship between landscape and population genetic structure among a set of populations of the butterfly Parnassius smintheus located in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. Detailed information on the dispersal of adult butterflies among this same set of populations was available. Simple and partial Mantel tests were used to examine the relationships between genetic distances, predicted rates of dispersal, and a number of landscape variables, all measured pairwise for 17 sample sites. Nei's standard genetic distance was negatively correlated with predicted dispersal. We observed a significant pattern of isolation by distance at a very small spatial scale. The distance between sites that was through forest was a stronger predictor of genetic distance than the distance through open meadow, indicating a significant effect of landscape on population genetic structure beyond that of simple isolation by distance. Our results suggest that rises in the tree-line in alpine areas, caused by global warming, will lead to reduced gene flow among populations of P. smintheus.  相似文献   

A total of 92 springtail species were revealed in forest-steppe areas of the Privolzhskaya Lesostep nature reserve. The considerable part of the species (25–40%) are inhabitants of steppe and open sites with the predominance of soil forms. The specific features of the chernozem soil fauna are determined by the rare species occupying deep soil layers. In different forest-steppe biotopes, the springtail communities are similar in the species composition but differ in the structure. Steppe and forest types of communities were distinguished. When the steppe is forested, the most drastic changes in the collembolan population are revealed in the transitional shrub zone. The marginal community is characterized by the most even structure and a variable set of dominants.  相似文献   

Roe deer population structure in a highly fragmented landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Northern Belgium (Flanders) is one of the most densely populated and urbanized regions in Europe. Many species are therefore likely to suffer from anthropogenic pressure and habitat destruction and fragmentation. Although many large mammals are recolonizing in parts of Europe, including Belgium, due to adaptation, a relaxation of persecution and habitat restoration, we have little actual data concerning the effects of landscape features on their population structure. We analysed the genetic structure of discrete roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) populations in the Eastern part of Flanders, with special emphasis on the impact of habitat fragmentation and anthropogenic barriers. The sampled populations were clearly genetically differentiated. Genetic structure could be explained by purely distance-based landscape modelling, but a simpler model focusing solely on barrier effects of large transportation infrastructure explained nearly as much genetic variance. In contrast, analyses based on least-cost landscape modelling failed to yield a significant effect. Overall, the results suggest considerable landscape-level effects of transportation infrastructure.  相似文献   

1. The unique aquatic fauna of the island‐like groundwater springs of arid inland Australia raises important questions as to how aquatic species persist in very isolated and fragmented habitats and the role that dispersal may play in mitigating/mediating the influence of landscape structure and determining population structure. By determining the relationship between genetics and geography (i.e. phylogeography), the historical processes responsible for population structure can be determined. 2. We undertook comparative phylogeographic studies of invertebrates from springs south of Lake Eyre. Clusters of springs lying within and between surface drainage catchments (which provide a potential connection between springs) were sampled, and the phylogeographic structure of four coexisting species, an ostracod Ngarwa dirga, a snail Fonscochlea accepta, an isopod Phreatomerus latipes and an amphipod Wangiannachiltonia guzikae, was examined. 3. Clear differences in the geographic patterns of genetic structure were found amongst the four species. No discernable genetic structure was found in ostracod and snail populations, even amongst springs lying 20 km apart in separate surface catchments; isopod populations were highly genetically structured amongst springs located in separate catchments, but not within catchments, whilst amphipod populations were highly genetically structured amongst springs both within and between catchments. 4. The results suggest that differences in dispersal ability of each species, and not the overall fragmented nature of the springs, may have led to large differences in phylogeographic history. Interestingly, the relative dispersal ability of these species may be related to their vulnerability to and recovery from large‐scale flood events. Therefore, despite the highly isolated and fragmented nature of the springs, the landscape has not strongly influenced the population structure of the aquatic invertebrate community as a whole nor has it led to the evolution of common life histories.  相似文献   

In previous investigations, natural layering of Japanese stone pine (Pinus pumila) was suggested by the occurrence of adventitious roots. However, there is no genetic evidence so far that this species actually produces offspring by natural layering. We, therefore, investigated clonal structure and spatial genetic structure within a 38×18 m plot on Mt. Aino-dake, using allozyme, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analyses. We found 24 genets, with stems found to be genetically identical in multiple tests, which extended later-ally against the direction of the slope, indicating that there were clonal structures originating from elongation of ramified stems and subsequent natural layering. The results suggest, however, that less than one third of the 200 stems analyzed from this site were clonaly propagated. We also analyzed spatial genetic structure by spatial autocorrelation. Many of the spatial autocorrelation coefficients were significantly positive in short distance classes. We concluded that the species has genetic structures which largely originate from clonal propagation and avian seed dispersal.  相似文献   

The spiracles of scolopendromorph centipedes have long been a source of systematic characters based on their segmental distribution and gross morphology, but microscopic investigations to date have documented only a small number of species. A scanning electron microscopic survey of 34 species that samples the major groups of Scolopendromorpha reveals variability in such features as the structure of the peritremal margin, specific kinds of sensilla and glandular pores on the peritrema, projections on the valves that subdivide the atrium (in Scolopendrinae), and the form of the trichomes around the tracheal openings. Adding new characters from the spiracles to recent morphological datasets for phylogenetic inference reinforces the monophyly of major groups of Scolopendridae and is particularly informative for relationships within Scolopendrini. A bowl-like atrium with the tracheae opening between humps in its floor is more widespread in Scolopendromorpha than previously reported. Shared presence of spiracle muscles in Cryptopidae and Scolopendrinae may reflect convergent evolution of a subatrial cavity in these groups rather than being an apomorphic character for Scolopendromorpha as a whole.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is one of the top 10 biodiversity hotspots in the world and acts as a modern harbour for many rare species because of its relatively pristine state. In this article, we report a landscape genetic study on the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus bieti ), a primate endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. DNA was extracted from blood, tissue and fecal samples of 135 wild individuals representing 11 out of 15 extant monkey groups. Ten microsatellite loci were used to characterize patterns of genetic diversity. The most striking feature of the population structure is the presence of five subpopulations with distinct genetic backgrounds and unique spatial regions. The population structure of R. bieti appears to be shaped by anthropogenic landscape features as gene flow between subpopulations is strongly impeded by arable land, highways and human habitation. A partial Mantel test showed that 36.23% ( r  =   0.51, P  =   0.01) of the genetic distance was explained by habitat gaps after controlling for the effect of geographical distance. Only 4.92% of the genetic distance was explained by geographical distance in the partial Mantel test, and no significant correlation was found. Estimation of population structure history indicates that environmental change during the last glacial maximum and human impacts since the Holocene, or a combination of both, have shaped the observed population structure of R. bieti . Increasing human activity on the Plateau, especially that resulting in habitat fragmentation, is becoming an important factor in shaping the genetic structure and evolutionary potential of species inhabiting this key ecosystem.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effect of periodic drying in the Florida Everglades on spatiotemporal population genetic structure of eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Severe periodic drying events force individuals from disparate sources to mix in dry season relatively deep-water refuges. In 1996 (a wet year) and 1999 (a dry year), we sampled mosquitofish at 20 dry-season refuges distributed in 3 water management regions and characterized genetic variation for 10 allozyme and 3 microsatellite loci. In 1996, most of the ecosystem did not dry, whereas in 1999, many of our sampling locations were isolated by expanses of dried marsh surface. In 1996, most spatial genetic variation was attributed to heterogeneity within regions. In 1999, spatial genetic variation within regions was not significant. In both years, a small but significant amount of variation (less than 1% of the total variation) was partitioned among regions. Variance was consistently greater than zero among long-hydroperiod sites within a region, but not among short-hydroperiod sites within a region, where hydroperiod was measured as time since last marsh surface dry-down forcing fishes into local refuges. In 1996, all sites were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. In 1999, we observed fewer heterozygotes than expected for most loci and sites suggesting a Wahlund effect arising from fish leaving areas that dried and mixing in deep-water refuges.  相似文献   

Most geophilomorph centipedes have segmental clusters of exocrine glands whose opening pores are arranged in more or less well-defined sternal pore areas. We describe here the cuticular structures forming and/or accompanying the gland openings on the sternites and the shape of the pore areas along the body axis in representatives of most geophilomorph families. The cuticular ring around the pore may exhibit either of two forms. In Himantariidae ( Himantarium ) and in Dignathodontidae ( Henia ) the ring looks like a continuous ribbon with a visible suture, whereas in the representatives of the remaining families no suture is seen. As to the distribution of the pores on ventral surface of the body, we record the presence of pores on the last leg-bearing segment of Clinopodes flavidus , whereas that segment was described as poreless in all geophilomorphs. We also provide a taxonomic survey of shape and distribution of pore areas in the individual families, where the pore areas may take very different shapes that we regard as transformational homologues. As for the segmental distribution of sternal pore areas, there is a considerable amount of complexity along the trunk of geophilomorph centipedes, in contrast to the apparently uniform trunk structure.  相似文献   

The study was carried out in the years 2016–2017, five years after a windstorm which destroyed 1/3 of the protected beech forest area in the west of Poland. The community of centipedes in the area affected by the windstorm was depleted in terms of the species richness, diversity, and population density. The dominance structures were shortened and the species composition was rebuilt. The areas that proved to be the richest in terms of species richness and diversity among the sites affected by the windstorm were the one where windfallen trees were left and the other where beech trees had been planted by humans. In total, the quantitative and qualitative samples collected four times throughout a year featured 608 specimens from 11 species of two centipede orders – Lithobiomorpha and Geophilomorpha. Lithobius curtipes and L. forficatus were found in all of the investigated areas. L. pelidnus and L. piceus were captured at control sites exclusively. Only one species –L. erythrocephalus was found solely at the damaged site. The most numerous and most frequently found species in the community were L. curtipes, L. mutabilis, and Strigamia acuminata respectively. Although windstorms are natural phenomena their consequences may lead to significant changes in the community of the investigated soil animals. The importance of coarse woody debris, significantly contributing to the improvement and maintenance of species richness and diversity of Chilopoda, has once again been confirmed.  相似文献   

Carabid diversity has been studied in the forest-steppe in southern West Siberia along a continuous 180-m transect from the center of a small birch forest outlier through steppe and mesophytic meadows to a single tree. Carabid communities characteristic of open and forest habitats are different. Communities of open habitats are more differentiated than forest ones. The former can be further subdivided into steppe and meadow variants. Some species are generalists, exhibiting no preferences to particular open habitats.  相似文献   

The ecological features of the booted warbler in the central part of its range were analyzed on the basis of the data that were collected in 1973-2005 in the vicinity of Lake Chany (south of West Siberia). Special attention was paid to the parameters of reproduction as the basis of adaptation of this species to habitat conditions.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of landscape-level processes on the population biology of amphibians is critical, especially for species inhabiting anthropogenically modified landscapes. Many pond-breeding amphibians are presumed to exist as metapopulations, but few studies demonstrate the extent and consequences of this metapopulation structure. Gene flow measures may facilitate the construction of more realistic models of population structure than direct measures of migration. This is especially true for species that are cryptic, such as many amphibians. We used eight polymorphic microsatellite loci to determine the genetic population structure of spotted salamanders ( Ambystoma maculatum ) breeding at 17 ponds in northeastern Ohio, a landscape fragmented by roads, agriculture, urban areas and the Cuyahoga River. Using a variety of analyses (Bayesian clustering, F -statistics, AMOVA) we generated a model of salamander population genetic structure. Our data revealed patterns of genetic connectivity that were not predicted by geographical distances between ponds (no isolation by distance). We also tested for a relationship between population structure and several indices of landscape resistance, but found no effect of potential barriers to dispersal on genetic connectivity. Strong overall connectivity among ponds, despite the hostile habitat matrix, may be facilitated by a network of riparian corridors associated with the Cuyahoga River; however, high gene flow in this system may indicate a general ability to disperse and colonize beyond particular corridors.  相似文献   

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