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A genetic model of parent-offspring conflict is developed for the situation where conflictors cause the parent to redirect resources from contemporaneous siblings to themselves, by increased solicitation. It is shown that there is no restriction on the spread of genes causing such conflict if there is no direct cost associated with it. We examine the effect of imposing on the conflictors a cost of the extra solicitation when the cost is felt (a) by the individual conflictor only, and (b) by all members of the brood equally. It is shown that the Evolutionarily Stable Strategies for the two situations allow a greater degree of solicitation when its cost is borne by the whole brood. Multipaternity of broods also increases the degree of conflict.  相似文献   

Studies testing the theoretical prediction that birds would adaptively vary the sex ratio of their offspring either supported theoretical predictions or simply found a 1:1 sex ratio. Four recent papers, in particular one by Kate Oddie, of Great Tit nestling sex ratios, however, found that, when conditions are poor, the sex ratio is male biased, opposite of what was predicted by theory. The development of molecular markers to sex birds using minute amounts of blood has allowed experiments that help us to explain this apparent anomaly.  相似文献   

Sibling cannibalism occurs in many species, yet understanding of sibling cannibalism as an adaptation currently lags behind understanding of other antagonistic interactions among siblings. Observed sibling cannibalism phenotypes likely reflect the interaction between competitive games among siblings and parent-offspring conflict. Using a game-theoretic approach, we derive optimal offspring cannibalism behaviour and parental modifiers that limit or facilitate cannibalism. The results are compared to contemporary frequency-independent analysis. With the addition of game interactions among siblings or parent-offspring co-evolution, our model predicts increased cannibalism (compared to the frequency-independent prediction), as offspring compete to eat siblings. When infertile eggs are present--strengthening competition--offspring risk eating viable siblings in order to gain access to infertile eggs, intensifying parent-offspring conflict. We use the results to make new predictions about the occurrence of sibling cannibalism. Additionally, we demonstrate the utility of trophic egg laying as a maternal mechanism to promote egg eating.  相似文献   

Models of parent-offspring conflict. II. Promiscuity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The population genetics of Trivers (1974) concept of parent-offspring is examined for species in which the effects of the conflict are felt by future half-sibs, as in promiscuous mating systems in which the male shows no parental care. Whether or not a rare conflictor gene will spread in a non-conflictor population depends on f(m) greater than (m + 1)/(0.5m + 1.5) for a dominant gene, and on f(m) greater than 1/4(7 + 3) for a recessive gene; f(m) is the fitness gained by a conflictor relative to a non-conflictor offspring [f(m) greater than 1], and m is the amount of parental investment taken by a conflictor relative to m = 1 for a non-conflictor. The ESS value for conflict (mo) in promiscuous species with zero male parental care has mo = f(mo)/4[df(mo)/dmo]. However, where the male maintains the same harem for several breeding seasons, or where there is promiscuity but both sexes contribute equally to parental care, conditions for conflict are equivalent to monogamy.  相似文献   

Models of parent-offspring conflict. I. Monogamy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Theoretical models for Trivers (1974) concept of parent-offspring conflict are examined for species in which the effects of the conflict are felt by full sibs. A rare conflictor gene will spread if (f(m) greater than 1/2(m + 1), where f(m) is the fitness gained by a conflictor relative to a non-conflictor offspring (f(m) greater than 1), and m is the amount of parental investment taken by a conflictor relative to m = 1 for a non-conflictor. The range of m alleles which can spread against the parent optimum decreases as the cost to the parent increases until a point is reached where there is no conflict of evolutionary interests. There would be no polymorphism for conflictor: non-conflictor alleles unless special conditions prevail. The conflictor allele which spreads most rapidly as a rare mutant against the parental optimum is not an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS). The ESS for parent-offspring conflict in monogamous species has mo = f(mo)/2[df(mo)/dmo]. The analytical solutions are confirmed throughout by simulations.  相似文献   

Begging and bleating: the evolution of parent-offspring signalling   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The evolution of biological signalling in the face of evolutionary conflicts of interest is an active area of evolutionary ecology, and one to which Maynard Smith has made important contributions. We explore the major theoretical challenges in the field, concentrating largely on how offspring signal to their parents when there is the potential for parent-offspring conflict. Costly offspring solicitation (begging etc.) has been interpreted in terms of a Zahavi Grafen honest handicap signal, but this has been challenged on the grounds of' the costs of signalling. We review this controversy and also explore the issue of pooling versus separating signalling equilibrium. An alternative explanation for costly begging is that it is due to sibling competition, and we discuss the relationship between these ideas and signalling models in families with more than one offspring. Finally we consider signal uncertainty, how signalling models can be made dynamic, and briefly how they may be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

The parental investment in angiosperms comprises the endosperm, a nutrient reserve that is used during seed development. The endosperm contains genes from both parents. The most common endosperm form is the 3n Polygonum -type with more maternal genetic influence than paternal, i.e. with two maternal nuclei and one paternal nucleus. The evolutionary original state is thought to be a diploid endosperm with equal influence of the parents. We focus on the evolution of the triploid endosperm and show that a gene for triploid endosperm would have an initial advantage in a population of diploid endosperm type plants, and increase to fixation. We assume that endosperm amount is controlled by endosperm genes. Then a gene causing triploid endosperm will increase the influence of the mother plant on parental investment. The production of endosperm with two copies of the maternal genes will modify the inheritance of endosperm amount and cause an increased production of seeds.  相似文献   

Conflict among siblings over parental investment, particularly over parental feeding, is a feature of family life in many kinds of animals. In some bird species, the size of prey items provided to juveniles has been implicated as a cause of aggressive competition among sibling chicks, because prey size determines whether dominance allows monopolization of parental offerings. Our experiment was meant to test the generality of this factor in creating intrafamilial conflict. We investigated sibling competition in relation to prey size using the carnivorous, brood-tending leech Helobdella papillornata. We equalized the total amount of food available to H. papillornata broods, but varied the size of individual prey items. Competition, measured by disparity in body size at independence, was more intense in broods provisioned with small items than in broods receiving large items, but similar between broods receiving large items and broods fed ad libitum. These patterns suggest that the intensity of conflict did not depend only on the total food amount, but was enhanced by small prey size. Our results indicate that conflict over the provision of parental resources to offspring can have a similar basis across very dissimilar organisms.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(6):1791-1804
Taking as our starting point Trivers' (1974) account of parent-offspring conflict, we develop models of the influence of brood size on the optimal level of parental investment (PI) in the whole brood for parent and offspring, and on the magnitude of conflict between them. A modification of Trivers' model is proposed. In general, the benefit of an act of PI to an offspring in a brood of size N is (N+1)/N times the benefit to its parent. Therefore as brood size increases, offspring benefit approaches parental benefit, and this is because an increasing proportion of the offspring's benefit is being gained through siblings, to which offspring and parent are equally related. A distinction is drawn between ‘shared’ and ‘unshared’ types of PI. When PI is shared the total benefit accruing is not directly gained by all offspring but is shared amongst them (e.g. food brought to the young). In contrast, unshared PI can simultaneously benefit some or all of the brood (e.g. types of anti-predator defence). For shared investment, PI and conflict are predicted to increase with brood size. Two models of unshared anti-predator defence are described. If the predator characteristically takes the whole brood when it strikes (e.g. altricial nestlings) PI is predicted to increase and conflict decline with brood size, although this effect is inhibited or even reversed for high risk defence tactics because of the higher cost to larger broods if the parent dies. When the predator takes a single offspring (e.g. precocial birds) the parent's optimum PI is independent of brood size, the offspring's optimum PI declines in larger broods and conflict again declines with brood size. The parent is commonly expected to win the conflict over anti-predator care. Predictions concerning PI levels gain support from existing data, largely for birds, but evaluation of those for conflict must await the collection of new data. The distinction between shared and unshared investment is applicable to altruistic behaviour in general.  相似文献   

Models of the packaging of offspring predict that parental fitness is maximized by following a set of rules, including the rule to invest the minimal amount in each offspring. Offspring can maximize their fitness by demanding more resources than the parent is selected to give, leading to parent-offspring conflict over packaging. Social insect nests may also experience queen-worker conflict over packaging. Experiments were conducted, using two populations of the ant Leptothorax longispinosus, in order to determine the role of both parent-offspring conflict and queen-worker conflict in packaging. Parent-offspring conflict over packaging was detected towards males and workers, but not to females. This may be because both parental and offspring fitness are maximized by investing as much in possible in females so both parties benefit by cooperating over packaging of females. Queen-worker conflict over packaging was detected for females, males, and workers. The direction taken by the queen-worker conflict is best explained by asymmetries in genetic relatedness among nestmates.  相似文献   

The evolution of maternal effects on offspring phenotype should depend on the extent of parent-offspring conflict and costs and constraints associated with maternal and offspring strategies. Here, we develop a model of maternal effects on offspring dispersal phenotype under parent-offspring conflict to evaluate such dependence. In the absence of evolutionary constraints and costs, offspring evolve dispersal rates from different patch types that reflect their own, rather than the maternal, optima. This result also holds true when offspring are unable to assess their own environment because the maternal phenotype provides an additional source of information. Consequently, maternal effects on offspring diapause, dispersal, and other traits that do not necessarily represent costly resource investment are more likely to maximize offspring than maternal fitness. However, when trait expression was costly, the evolutionarily stable dispersal rates tended to deviate from those under both maternal and offspring control. We use our results to (re)interpret some recent work on maternal effects and their adaptive value and provide suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

An evolutionary conflict of interest exists between parents and their offspring over the partitioning of parental investment (PI) among siblings. When the direct fitness benefits to offspring of increased PI, outweigh the inclusive fitness costs from lost future sibling fitness, selection should favour the evolution of offspring selfishness over altruism. In theory, this conflict is heightened when females are not strictly monogamous, as current offspring should be less altruistic towards future half-siblings than they would be towards full-siblings. Using data collected on foetal growth rate (representing prenatal PI) in primates, I test the prediction from theory that the resolution of the parent-offspring conflict will be closer to the offspring's evolutionary optima in polyandrous species than in more monandrous species. Using phylogenetic comparative analysis, and controlling for allometry, I show that offspring are able to obtain more PI when the probability of future full-siblings decreases, and that this is most pronounced in taxa where there is the opportunity for direct foetal access to the maternal bloodstream. These results support the hypothesis that the resolution of prenatal PI conflict is influenced by both a species' mating system and by its placental structure.  相似文献   

Sibling competition has been proposed as an important evolutionary pressure driving interspecific variation in developmental rates. We tested this hypothesis using rates of extra-pair paternity and brood parasitism, as well as the degree of hatching asynchrony, as indices of sibling competition in a comparative analysis of 70 species of bird. We found mixed support for the influence of sibling competition on prenatal development. Brood parasitism was negatively correlated with the length of incubation, and hatching asynchrony was positively correlated with the length of incubation, but both correlations disappeared when phylogeny was controlled for. Extra-pair paternity, however, was negatively correlated with incubation length even when phylogeny was controlled for. The latter could represent support for the influence of sibling competition on prenatal development or indirect effects of correlated selection on both traits by adult mortality. The existence of these correlations demonstrates that life-history strategies include linkages among a larger suite of traits than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult behaviour was studied at eight nests of Black Kites Milvus migrans within the Doñana Biological Reserve, Spain. Parental investment in vigilance and defence of offspring progressively decreased during the post-fledging dependence period. The number of feeds was also slightly reduced towards the end of the period. However, this does not seem to be the main factor which leads to juvenile independence. The fact that the family rupture is sudden and that the post-fledging dependence period tends to shorten as the season progresses suggests that juvenile and adult migratory urgency may be as important a factor as reduced parental investment in breaking the family ties.  相似文献   

Variation among bird species in growth rates is traditionally attributed to differences in energy availability and developmental mode. However, the extent and form of competition among siblings for limited food resources may also be an important determinant. Kin-selection-based models of intrabrood competition suggest that nestling growth rates should be highest in those species in which siblings are likely to be less genetically related to one another (half-sibs rather than full-sibs). We test this novel prediction using the frequency of multiple paternity as an index of average sib relatedness within broods. As predicted, we find a significant positive association between the rate of multiple paternity within broods and nestling growth rates. Furthermore, this holds true when we control for the effects of variation in other factors that may be associated with variation in growth rate, such as body size, brood size, mating system and the form of parental care. We suggest, therefore, that variation in growth rate among bird species is not simply dependent on proximate ecological and developmental factors but is also strongly influenced by interactions, over an evolutionary time-scale, among kin.  相似文献   

We have earlier analysed ESSs for the amount of parental investment (PI) that offspring are expected to solicit from their parents, given that parents acquiesce to offspring demands. The present paper considers evolutionary retaliation by the parent for species where only one parent provides PI. Two genetic loci are envisaged: one (the ‘conflictor’ locus) determines the extent of offspring solicitation; the other (the ‘suppressor’ locus) determines how parents retaliate. Solicitation is assumed to carry a cost which may affect a particular offspring uniquely if time and energy are the major costs, or may affect all offspring in a brood equally if the main cost is predation risk. Two kinds of parental retaliation are possible. Parents may supply PI in proportion to offspring demands, or may ignore solicitation altogether and give a fixed PI. Analytical models of conflict in which the parent supplies PI in proportion to solicitation yield pure ESSs with PI at a compromise level between parent and offspring interests. These are termed ‘pro rata’ ESSs. Where solicitation costs are high, an ‘offspring wins’ ESS (offspring get all they ‘want’) is possible especially for forms of conflict that affect future sibs, and a ‘parent wins’ ESS (parent supplies its optimum) is possible especially for conflict that affects contemporary sibs. When parental retaliation takes the form of ignoring offspring solicitation, this can lead to a ‘parent wins’ ESS if costs of ignoring solicitation are negligible, but where parental insensitivity carries costs, the result is an unresolvable evolutionary chase with cycling frequencies of alleles coding for parent and offspring strategies. ‘Pro rata’ ESSs cannot be invaded by ‘ignore solicitation’ mutants but ‘pro rata’ mutants can often invade at certain stages in ‘ignore solicitation’ limit cycles. We therefore conclude that the probable evolutionary end product for most species will be the ‘pro rata’ ESS in which the parent supplies more PI than would be optimal in the absence of conflict, but less PI than would be an ESS for the offspring in the absence of parental retaliation. Such ESSs will be characterized by solicitation costs; offspring will ‘ask’ for more PI than they get. In nature, under similar conditions, highest conflict will occur when both parents sustain equally the effects of conflict, or when conflict affects contemporary rather than future sibs.  相似文献   

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