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The synthetic ACTH/MSH(4-9) analog HOE 427 ("ebiratide"), which is behaviorally the most potent ACTH-derived peptide but which is devoid of endocrine activity, was administered intravenously in a pulsatile mode 4 times (120 micrograms each) at 2200, 2300, 2400 and 0100 to study its effect on the sleep EEG and on concomitant hormonal secretion of cortisol and growth hormone. In comparison to placebo, the peptide produced signs of general activation associated with specific deteriorating effects on the quality of sleep. Sleep onset latency and intermittent wakefulness were increased, slow wave sleep was reduced, but only during the first 3 hours of the sleep period. The nocturnal secretory patterns of cortisol and growth hormone were unaffected by HOE 427. These effects are different from those reported in similar studies in which corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) was applied in humans, and they suggest that peripherally administered neuropeptides have specific nonendocrine behavioral effects.  相似文献   

S Krishnan  R P Maickel 《Life sciences》1991,49(26):2005-2011
Ethanol consummatory patterns of individual male and female rats and the effects of Hoe-427 (Ebiratide), an ACTH4-9 analog, thereon, were studied in a test system using 24 hour, two-bottle free choice consumption between 0.2% saccharin and 10% ethanol in 0.2% saccharin. Single, daily i.p. doses (0.03mg/rat) of either ACTH4-10 or its analog resulted in a significant reduction of daily ethanol consumption with no effects on saccharin consumption. After 4 days of treatment, male rats consistently exhibited a rebound increase in ethanol consumption; this effect was not seen in females. The daily ethanol consummatory patterns of the female animals seemed to exhibit a 4-6 day cyclic rhythymicity, suggesting an interaction with estrous cycles. These results support a role for ACTH4-10 in the initiation of ethanol consummatory behavior in rats and suggests the existence of sex differences in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Three oral doses (5, 10 and 20 mg) of an analog of ACTH 4-9 were compared with a vehicle control and d-amphetamine (10 mg). In a double-blind procedure, five men and five women were tested at weekly intervals with each treatment. In each session, four visual event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded at hourly intervals. Visual ERPs were averaged from the electroencephalogram recorded from the left and right hemisphere. Dosage, time after administration, hemisphere of the brain and sex of the subject influenced the ERP. The ACTH 4-9 analog decreased amplitude of P100 but increased integrated activity of the ERP. This effect peaked at 60 minutes then "recovered." The effects of the peptide were more pronounced with doses of 5 and 10 mg, in the right hemisphere of men and in the left hemisphere of women. The findings indicated that the ACTH 4-9 analog influenced components of ERP commonly related to the perceptual/attentional state of the organism in a sexually dimorphic manner.  相似文献   

ACTH4-7 and its long-acting analog stimulate acetylcholinesterase activity of different areas of the rat brain. Based on the data concerning the effect of an amino acid mixture equivalent to ACTH4-7 and actinomycin D on acetylcholinesterase activity of the white substance of the large hemispheres it is inferred that the oligopeptide-induced increase in the enzyme activity is linked with the induction of the synthesis of new acetylcholinesterase molecules.  相似文献   

The effects of the ACTH 4-9 analog (Org 2766) and the COOH-terminal tripeptide of Org 2766 (Phe-D-Lys-Phe; PDLP) on retrieval of one-trial learning passive avoidance behavior were compared with those of beta-endorphin, [Met5]-enkephalin, [D-Ala2,Met5]-enkephalin, des-Tyr1-[Met5]-enkephalin and des-enkephalin-gamma-endorphin (DE gamma E). Amounts of intracerebroventricularly administered Org 2766, PDLP, [Met5]-enkephalin, [D-Ala2,Met5]-enkephalin and DE gamma E, which induced a comparable attenuation of passive avoidance behavior were determined. Pretreatment with the opiate antagonist naltrexone prevented the attenuating effect of these peptides on passive avoidance behavior except that of DE gamma E. The attenuating effect of Org 2766 and of [Met5]-enkephalin was reversed to facilitation of passive avoidance behavior in the presence of naltrexone. Subcutaneous treatment with Org 2766 and [D-Phe7]-ACTH 4-10 decreased electrical self-stimulation behavior elicited from the medial septal area. Naltrexone prevented the inhibitory effect of Org 2766 on this behavior, but not that of [D-Phe7]-ACTH 4-10. Although the attenuating effect of PDLP on passive avoidance behavior was not reduced by pretreatment with [Met5]-enkephalin- or beta-endorphin-antiserum, and PDLP induced neither analgesia nor excessive grooming, the data suggest that the inhibitory effect of Org 2766 and PDLP on passive avoidance behavior and electrical self-stimulation are mediated by endorphin systems in the brain.  相似文献   

In the rat, the intraventricular administration of ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) has no effect upon the sleep-waking cycle. However, administration of two ACTH-derived peptides is followed by a selective and significant increase of each sleep state: Des-alpha-MSH (Des-acetyl-alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone) administration induces an increase of slow wave sleep, while CLIP (corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide) is followed by an increase of paradoxical sleep.  相似文献   

It is well known that ACTH/MSH-like peptides (melanocortins) have neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems in the early postnatal life. The aim of present work was to study consequences of the ACTH (4-10) analogue Semax influence on the developing brain. The work was carried out in white rat pups. The peptide (0.05 mg/kg, i/p) was injected daily on the 8th-21st postnatal days. Delayed long-lasting effects of such treatment on animal behavior were revealed. At the age of four to eight weeks, Semax-treated rats displayed elevated exploratory activity, decreased anxiety level and improved passive avoidance conditioning. The results suggest that neonatal Semax administration modulates the development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

In vitro trophic effects of adrenocorticotrophin1-24 (ACTH1-24, Synacthen) on adrenal cells were studied, using an in vitro assay system of guinea-pig adrenal segments kept in organ culture. Two separate methods for detecting growth activity were used, namely the measurement of thymidine kinase and a nucleic acid cytophotometric method. Synthetic ACTH was able to induce growth in the adrenal explants at very low concentrations (10-25 fg ml-1). Biphasic dose-response curves were obtained, comparable to those described for other cytochemical bioassays. The principles of this assay system may allow the development of a new bioassay for the measurement of plasma concentrations of ACTH or antibodies mimicking the growth effect of this trophic hormone.  相似文献   

We previously reported that 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-(4-thiomethoxyphenyl)-1H-pyrrole-2,5-dione (1, HMP) has a strong inhibitory effect on prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) production. In this study, the anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of HMP were evaluated on LPS-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages and rats with carrageenan-induced paw edema and adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA). The attenuation of PGE(2) production by HMP was found to be caused by the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) activity, but not COX-1 activity. However, HMP did not affect COX-2 at the protein or mRNA levels, whereas it suppressed the releases and expressions of inflammatory cytokines, such as, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-6 in LPS-induced macrophages. Furthermore, HMP suppressed LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO) production by down regulating the protein and mRNA expressions of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In rats with carrageenan-injected acute inflammation, oral administration of HMP (25 or 50mg/kg, po) reduced paw swelling, and PGE(2) release and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in tissue. Furthermore, HMP (25 or 50mg/kg, po) significantly reduced paw swelling, arthritic indices and plasma PGE(2) concentrations in rat with AIA. These results show that HMP reduces swelling in a model acute inflammation and inhibits arthritic responses in a model of chronic inflammation via the inhibition of PGE(2) production. These results suggest that HMP is a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of arthritis and associated disorders.  相似文献   

To date, UCM707, (5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)-N-(3-furylmethyl)eicosa-5,8,11,14-tetraenamide, has the highest potency and selectivity in vitro and in vivo as inhibitor of the endocannabinoid uptake. Its biochemical, pharmacological and therapeutic properties have been intensely studied recently, but the information on its capability to modify neurotransmitter activity, which obviously underlies the above properties, is still limited. In the present study, we conducted a time-course experiment in rats aimed at examining the neurochemical effects of UCM707 in several brain regions following a subchronic administration (5 injections during 2.5 days) of this inhibitor in a dose of 5 mg/kg weight. In the hypothalamus, the administration of UCM707 did not modify GABA contents but reduced norepinephrine levels at 5 h after administration, followed by an increase at 12 h. Similar trends were observed for dopamine, whereas serotonin content remained elevated at 1 and, in particular, 5 and 12 h after administration. In the case of the basal ganglia, UCM707 reduced GABA content in the substantia nigra but only at longer (5 or 12 h) times after administration. There were no changes in serotonin content, but a marked reduction in its metabolite 5HIAA was recorded in the substantia nigra. The same pattern was found for dopamine, contents of which were not altered by UCM707 in the caudate-putamen, but its major metabolite DOPAC exhibited a marked decrease at 5 h. In the cerebellum, UCM707 reduced GABA, serotonin and norepinephrine content, but only the reduction found for norepinephrine at 5 h reached statistical significance. The administration of UCM707 did not modify the contents of these neurotransmitters in the hippocampus and the frontal cortex. Lastly, in the case of limbic structures, the administration of UCM707 markedly reduced dopamine content in the nucleus accumbens at 5 h, whereas GABA content remained unchanged in this structure and also in the ventral-tegmental area and the amygdala. By contrast, norepinephrine and serotonin content increased at 5 h in the nucleus accumbens, but not in the other two limbic structures. In summary, UCM707 administered subchronically modified the contents of serotonin, GABA, dopamine and/or norepinephrine with a pattern strongly different in each brain region. So, changes in GABA transmission (decrease) were restricted to the substantia nigra, but did not appear in other regions, whereas dopamine transmission was also altered in the caudate-putamen and the nucleus accumbens. By contrast, norepinephrine and serotonin were altered by UCM707 in the hypothalamus, cerebellum (only norepinephrine), and nucleus accumbens, exhibiting biphasic effects in some cases.  相似文献   

A Tartara  P Bo  M Maurelli  F Savoldi 《Peptides》1983,4(3):315-318
Electroencephalographic and behavioral effects of the following ACTH fragments: 1-4, 4-9, 4-11, 1-10, 4-10, 1-13, 1-17 and 1-24 were studied in rabbits. Sequences 4-9, 1-10 and 4-10 displayed some epileptic properties, i.e., they induced epileptic seizures (only electrographic or also behavioral) or increased hippocampal spiking. The 4-9 sequence seemed to be the common sequence responsible for these proconvulsant effects. The possible involvement of the enkephalinergic system is discussed.  相似文献   

Male adults were tested in a dichotic listening task, providing electrophysiological measures of selective attention. Subjects were tested twice, 60 min after oral administration of either 40 mg of ACTH 4-9 analog, or placebo. Averaged auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to tone pips when attended and when unattended, EEG spectra, heart rate and blood pressure, and behavioral performance were measured during task performance. ACTH 4-9 analog treatment impaired selective attention as indicated a) by a diminished difference between evoked potential waveforms to attended and to unattended tone pips, b) by an impaired behavioral signal detection performance. Furthermore, frontal EEG theta activity slowed down after ACTH 4-9 analog. With time on task, however, there was no decay, but an improvement of selective attention after peptide administration. Differences in attention could not be due to concurrent changes in general cortical and autonomic arousal as indicated by EEG alpha activity, blood pressure and heart rate. Since separate analyses of the AEPs revealed an increased processing of the unattended tone pips in the ACTH 4-9 analog sessions the impaired selective attention under ACTH 4-9 analog may be described as an inability to suppress processing of irrelevant or distracting stimuli.  相似文献   

Resmethrin (30 microM) induced release of transmitters was not affected by manipulation of the Na+ current with either choline or tetrodotoxin agents which readily reversed the effects of veratridine, deltamethrin and cypermethrin. Resmethrin (I50: 2.2 microM) inhibited the ATP dependent uptake of Ca2+ but deltamethrin and cypermethrin were much less effective. Resmethrin also displaced Ca2+ from crude synaptosomal membranes. The release promoting effects of resmethrin in rat brain in vitro are better explained by its effects on Ca2+ rather than through a specific effect on the Na+ channel. In contrast, the effects of deltamethrin and cypermethrin promote transmitter release by a Na+ dependent process.  相似文献   

Mercuric-ion promoted condensation of 6-chloropurine with acetylated dimethyl dithioacetals of D-ribose and D-arabinose in nitromethane afforded a separable mixture of 1'(S)-2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-1-(6-chloropurin-9-yl)-1-S-methyl-1-thio-D-ribitol (4) and its 1'(R) diastereomer, and the corresponding 1'(R)-arabinitol analogue (5); the structure of 4 was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. Desulfurization of 4 and 5 by tributylstannane in toluene gave 2,3,4,5-tetra-O-acetyl-1-(6-chloropurin-9-yl)-1-deoxy-D-ribitol (7) and the arabinitol analogue 8, convertible by the action of thiourea into the 1,6-dihydro-6-thioxopurin-9-yl analogues 9 and 10, which on deacetylation furnished the corresponding acyclic-sugar nucleosides 11 and 12.  相似文献   

J Panksepp  L Normansell 《Peptides》1990,11(5):915-919
The effects of centrally administered ACTH(1-24) and ACTH(4-10) on isolation-induced distress vocalizations (DVs) were assessed in the presence or absence of social cues (mirrored and plain environments). A dose-response analysis indicated that ACTH(1-24) at doses of 0.5 nM and above increased DVs relative to controls when the animals were tested in mirrored or social environments which reduce baseline levels of calling. This effect, however, was short-lived (approx. 15 min). When tested again 1 hr after injection, the treated animals did not differ from controls. ACTH/MSH(4-10) had no effect on vocalization when the animals were tested immediately after injection, but marginally increased calling when animals were tested an hour later. In addition to vocalization changes, ACTH(1-24) induced squatting when animals were isolated in the test boxes, and yawning, head shaking, wing flapping and preening when animals were reunited after testing. ACTH(1-24)-treated chicks also exhibited longer latencies to close their eyes when they were held in the cupped hands of the experimenter. Taken together, the results suggest that ACTH(1-24) induces a central state of arousal in chicks that resembles fear/anxiety.  相似文献   

Semax, a member of ACTH-derived peptides family, was used in treatment of ischemic stroke in patients. It decreased neurological deficiency and reduced NO hyperproduction in the rat brain caused by acute cerebral hypoperfusion. We suggest that semax is also capable of protecting the rat heart from ischemic damage 28 days after myocardial infarction (MI) induced by left descendent coronary artery occlusion. Semax (150 microg/kg) was given i. p. in the operating day twice: 15 min and 2 hours after coronary occlusion, and once a day for the following 6 days. In 28 days after infarction, the MI group developed cardiac hypertrophy, cell growth was caused mainly by the increase of contractile filaments not supported by the appropriate mitochondrial growth that indicated an impaired energy supply of the cells. Moreover, cardiac hypertrophy was accompanied by decreased mean arterial blood pressure and cardiac contractile function and increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. Pharmacological change of cardiac afterload revealed that, in 28 days after MI, the rat heart was not able to change its contractile performance in response to either increase or decrease of systemic blood pressure, and as a result could not maintain its diastolic pressure. All these changes obviously reflect development of heart failure. Semax did not affect cardiac work but partially prevented end-diastolic pressure growth in left ventricle as well as ameliorated cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and disproportionate growth of contractile and mitochondrial apparatus, thus exerting beneficial effect on the left ventricular remodeling and heart failure development late after myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Painful stimuli led to a decrease of the radioactive catecholamine pool in adrenalectomized rats. Intraventricular administration of both tritiated noradrenaline and ACTH produced a greater decrease of the labelled catecholamine pool than in the control adrenalectomized rats in 12 to 18 hr following injection. Blocking of monoamino-oxidase activity or biosynthesis by systemic administration of Pargyline or alpha-methyl-tyrosine did not prevent the effect of ACTH on brain catecholamines. It is concluded that ACTH exerts a direct influence on the brain catecholaminergic system and that this effect might be involved in ACTH dependent behavioural responses.  相似文献   

T Hol  B M Spruijt 《Peptides》1992,13(3):541-544
MSH/ACTH-like peptides influence social behavior induced by isolation It has been previously demonstrated that changes in locomotor activity as a result of isolation can be counteracted by Org2766 via the amygdala. The present study investigates whether isolation-induced changes in social behavior can also be affected by this peptide via the amygdala. A fully automated observation system was applied for detailed registration and analysis of movements of group-housed and 7-day isolated rats in a social interaction test. Administration of the MSH/ACTH(4-9) analog into the central nucleus of the amygdala elicited decreased locomotion, approach, and avoidance behaviors after isolation as compared to placebo-treated controls. However, general activity and social interest of group-housed rats were not affected by the MSH/ACTH(4-9) fragment. It is hypothesized that the amygdala is a site of action for neuropeptides in modulating social behavior.  相似文献   

The conformation of the molecules in ACTH 4-10 has been determined as part of a study of the conformations of the biologically active N-terminal fragments of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH 4-10 crystallizes in two different superstructures. The substructure considered in the present work, is monoclinic, space group C2, a = 25.75(1) A, b = 27.78(1) A, c = 20.35(1) A, beta = 114.0(1) degrees, Z = 8 molecules ACTH 4-10 plus 22 weight per cent solvent. The crystals contain antiparallel beta-sheets, the orientations of the side groups are not found, because of disorder. The present crystal structure and those of other linear oligopeptides emphasize that antiparallel beta-sheets are energetically favourable. It is very unlikely, however, that the ACTH 4-10 crystals contain the molecules in their biologically active form.  相似文献   

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