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The sperm-binding properties of egg envelopes are investigated in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Sperm binding was only seen on the uterine envelope when acrosome-reacted sperm were inseminated. No acrosome-intact sperm bound to the envelopes. By scanning electron microscopic observation, acrosome-reacted sperm were revealed to bind to a seat-like structure present on the surface of the uterine envelope. Sperm binding to the uterine envelope was inhibited by treatment of eggs with heparin or heparan sulfate, or treatment of acrosome-reacted sperm with heparinase prior to insemination. A molecule with a molecular mass of 75 kDa was purified from the uterine envelope by affinity chromatography with heparin-Sepharose. These results indicated that sperm binding was mediated by heparin-like molecules expressed on the surface of acrosome-reacted sperm and the 75 kDa molecule was present as a constituent of uterine envelopes.  相似文献   

A factor which dissolves the vitelline layer was extracted from sperm of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Turbidity of the suspension was reduced when isolated vitelline layers were mixed with this sperm factor. When the mixture was subjected to SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, some of the protein bands of the vitelline layer were seen to be missing. The lytic activity of the factor was heat labile, completely inhibited by L-1-tosyl-amide-2-phenyl-ethylchloromethyl ketone and partially inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor. Chymotrypsin activity was detected, but not trypsin, arylsulfatase, or glycosidase. These results suggest that a chymotrypsin-like enzyme participates in lysis of the vitelline layer by the fertilizing spermatozoon.  相似文献   

A glycoprotein of the Xenopus vitelline envelope, gp 69/64, which mediates sperm binding, is closely related to the components of ZPA family, such as the mouse zona pellucida ZP2. To test the generality of these findings, we studied Discoglossus pictus, a species evolutionary distant from Xenopus and identified as a protein of 63 kDa in the vitelline envelope. Preliminary studies suggest that this protein may bind sperm at fertilization. We found that the 63-kDa protein is glycosylated and contains both N- and O-linked chains. We have cloned the cDNA encoding the Discoglossus protein of 63 kDa (Dp ZP2) by screening a Discoglossus cDNA library using Xenopus gp 69/64 cDNA as a probe. Analysis of the deduced sequence of Discoglossus protein revealed 48% identity with Xenopus gp 69/64 and 37-40% identity with mouse ZP2. The sequence conservation included a ZP domain, a potential furin cleavage site and a putative transmembrane domain. The N-terminus region of Dp ZP2 was 40% identical to the corresponding region of Xenopus gp 69/64 which has been shown to be essential for sperm binding to the VE. Although, as of yet, there is no evidence for sperm binding at the Dp ZP2 N-terminus, it is interesting that in this region three potential O-glycosylation sites are conserved in both species, in contrast to N-glycosylation sites. It was found that the Dp ZP2 mRNA is expressed in stage 1 oocytes and in the follicle cells surrounding the oocyte. Similarly, in Xenopus oocytes, the gp 69/64m RNA, was found in the oocytes, as well as in the somatic cells. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59:133-143, 2001.  相似文献   

Vitelline coats (VC) were isolated from the eggs of Bufo japonicus , and were added with sperm in reconstituted salt solution, which mimics the physiological role of jelly envelopes, to determine the rates of sperm binding per unit area (0.2 mm2) of VC. The rate of sperm binding to VC from uterine eggs was high, but was low to VC from coelomic eggs and eggs activated in 1/20 De Boer's solution (DB) and moderately low to VC from eggs activated in DB. The binding rate increased when VC from coelomic eggs were treated with extracts of the pars recta portion of the oviduct. The sperm that bound to VC were not acrosome-reacted and their binding to VC required both a low salinity, assuring motility of sperm, and sufficiently high levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+. The rate of sperm binding was reduced by either coexisting solubilized VC materials, periodate-oxidation of VC or the pretreatment of VC with Fab fragments of anti-VC antibodies, which reacted mostly to carbohydrate residues of VC glycoproteins. Sperm-VC binding assays in combination with gel-filtrated VC components revealed that the fractions containing 36–39 kDa components were most effective both in inhibiting the binding and in neutralizing the antibody induced inhibition of binding. These results indicate that carbohydrate moieties in 36–39 kDa glycoproteins of VC, exposed as a result of hydrolysis by the oviducal pars recta protease, are involved in binding with fertilizing sperm.  相似文献   

The vitelline envelope (VE) participates in sperm-egg interactions during the first steps of fertilization. In Bufo arenarum, this envelope is composed of at least four glycoproteins, with molecular masses of 120, 75, 41, and 38 kDa and molar ratio of 1:1.3:7.4:4.8, respectively. These components were isolated and covalently coupled to silanized glass slides in order to study their sperm-binding capacity. When considering the molar ratio of the glycoproteins in the egg-envelope and assuming that each protein is monovalent for sperm, the assay showed that gp41 and gp38 possess 55 and 25% of total sperm-binding activity. We obtained a full-length cDNA of gp41 (ZPC), comprising a sequence for 486 amino acids, with 43.3% homology with Xenopus laevis ZPC. As in the case of mammalian ZP3 and Xenopus ZPC, Bufo ZPC presented a furin-like (convertase) and a C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD) reflecting common biosynthetic and secretory pathways. As it was reported for some fishes, we obtained evidence that suggests the presence of more than one zpc gene in Bufo genome, based on different partial cDNA sequences of zpc, Southern blots and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of deglycosylated egg-envelope components. As far as we are aware, this is the first observation of the presence of different zpc genes in an Amphibian species.  相似文献   

Morphological features of fertilization envelope assembly in egges from the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus were examind in platinum replicas of samples quick-frozen, deep-etched, and rotary-shadowed at various times after insemination. Unfertilized eggs are surrounded by the vitelline layer, a glycocalyx, which faith-fully follows the contours of the microvillus-studded egg surface. The vitelline layer is secured to the plasma membrane below via a series of short projections called vitelline posts. The vitelline matrix itself is an elaborate meshwork of uniformly sized filaments, which are decorated in places with globular particles. At fertilization, the vitelline layer elevates off the egg surface and by 1 min after insemination appears as a thin, airy network of fibers. In contrast to Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, impressions of the underlying microvilli are not retained in this species. The vitelline template appears to become filled in by the deposition of amorphous secretory material between 1 and 5 min after fertilization. This smooth, amorphous layer is then coated with a thin sheet of paracrystalline material. Paracrystalline coating is incomplete at 5 min, but by 20 min after insemination the coat is complete, consisting of ordered parallel rows of roset-telike particles.  相似文献   

Two distinct groups of female-specific proteins, vitellogenin (VTG) and vitelline envelope proteins (VEP), were detected in the blood of the porcupine fish Diodon holocanthus , and annual changes in concentration were measured immunochemically. Using antisera against yolk proteins (ab.a-E) and VEP (ab. a-VEP), VTG and VEP could be detected in the blood of maturing female fish and oestradiol-17β (E2)-treated fish. Neither protein was detected in the blood of male fish. Immunohistochemistry showed that yolk globules and the vitelline envelope enclosing developing oocytes stained with ab.a-E. The vitelline envelope was stained specifically with ab.a-VEP. Hepatocytes from the E2-treated fish had immunoreactivity with both antisera. Thus, VTG and VEP appear to be synthesized in the liver by direct stimulation of E2, released into the circulation, and incorporated into respective target sites. VTG and VEP in female serum maintained high levels from April until June, suggesting that yolk accumulation, as well as vitelline envelope formation, are occurring actively during these months. Unlike VTG, small amounts of VEP were detected between December and March, suggesting that vitelline envelope formation precedes yolk accumulation and that a slightly different hormonal regulation exists in the synthesis of both proteins in the liver during the early phase of oogenesis.  相似文献   

This review focuses on some of the main features of sperm selection and storage in birds mainly on the basis of studies performed in poultry species, with emphasis on the initial selection of sperm at the female vagina level prior to migration towards the sperm storage tubules. Sperm originating from low-quality males or subjected to inappropriate in vitro storage conditions are rapidly discarded, resulting in impaired fertility in corresponding flocks. In the absence of accessible and appropriate technology for matching the 'storing' potential of sperm in the oviduct, conditions for prolonged sperm storage under a liquid (through the use of semen extenders) or a solid state (cryopreservation) have received only limited attention, despite their potential interest to facilitate male and female management in poultry flocks. Despite this, technology for short-term liquid storage is currently used in turkeys, guinea fowl and muscovy ducks and also in progress in chickens. In addition, technology for cryopreservation of avian semen has become available for some species (chicken, goose) to facilitate the management of genetic resources, including the preservation of rare and economically important breeds.  相似文献   

Our objective was to examine the ability of nucleate and anucleate fragments of artificially activated mouse eggs to transform sperm nucleus into male pronucleus. To this end, zona-free oocytes in metaphase II were activated by ethanol and bisected into halves (one with the spindle, the other anucleate) either within 10 to 20 min (series A) or 3 or 5 hr later (series B). In series A, the fragments were inseminated 3,5, and 8 h after activation, and in series B. 3 and 5 h after activation. Both nucleate and anucleate fragments lose the capability of transforming sperm nucleus into fully formed pronucleus sometime between 3 and 5 h after activation. In 8 h old parthenogenetic fragments, the majority of sperm nuclei remain unchanged or begin decondensation but never reach the stage of an early pronucleus. In over 1/3 of anucleate fragments of this age group, sperm nuclei develop defectively: chromatin decondenses inside the persisting nuclear envelope. In other experimental groups, the incidence of these abnormal sperm nuclei varies between 0 and 10%. In general, the anuclcate fragments retain the capability to transform sperm nuclei (fully or partially) longer than their nuclear counterparts. This difference may be accounted for by a different level of substances required for pronuclcar growth (extrachromosomal constituents of the germinal vesicle and nuclear lamins): high and constant in the cytoplasm of anucleate egg halves and low and progressively decreasing in the nucleate halves because of their putative uptake by the female pronucleus. However, the cytoplasmic factors responsible for the initial stages of transformation (nuclear envelope breakdown, chromatin decondensation) become eventually inactivated both in the presence and in the absence of a female pronucleus.  相似文献   

Theory predicts trade‐offs between pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexually selected traits. This relationship may be mediated by the degree to which males are able to monopolize access to females, as this will place an upper limit on the strength of post‐copulatory selection. Furthermore, traits that aid in mate monopolization may be costly to maintain and may limit investment in post‐copulatory traits, such as sperm performance. Australian painted dragons are polymorphic for the presence or absence of a yellow gular patch (‘bibs’), which may aid them to monopolize access to females. Previous work has shown that there are physiological costs of carrying this bib (greater loss of body condition in the wild). Here, we show that male painted dragons use this bright yellow bib as both an inter‐ and intrasexual signal, and we assess whether this signal is traded off against sperm performance within the same individuals. We found no relationship between aspects of bib colour and sperm swimming velocity or percentage of motile sperm and suggest that the bib polymorphism may be maintained by complex interactions between physiological or life‐history traits including other sperm or ejaculate traits and environmental influences.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies against the major chorionic glycoproteins (ZI1 -2 and ZI3) of unfertilized eggs were used to analyze the differences in the chorion and its surrounding constituents before and after fertilization. The glycoproteins in the inner layers of the chorion and its surrounding material were specifically stained by both of the antibodies. Thirty and 60 min after activation, the thickness of the chorion's inner layers was already reduced and the micropylar canal was closed. At the same time, the broadly diluted mucous area (DMA) of glycoproteins on the outermost layer of the chorion in unfertilized eggs was modified to a thin, compact layer. When unfertilized eggs were treated with trypsin, the inner third portion of the micropylar canal closed and the glycoproteins in the DMA were digested. The incidence of sperm entry into the micropyle of these eggs was extremely reduced. These results suggest that in medaka eggs, the chorionic glycoproteins in the DMA on the chorion surface, which have an affinity for spermatozo, play an important role in sperm guidance into the micropyle.  相似文献   

Oviductins are high-molecular-weight glycoproteins synthesized and secreted by nonciliated oviductal epithelial cells and have been shown to play a role in fertilization and early embryo development. The present study was carried out to examine the in vitro binding capacity of hamster oviductin to homologous sperm and to determine the sites of its localization in untreated, capacitated, and acrosome-reacted spermatozoa. Freshly prepared epididymal and capacitated sperm as well as acrosome-reacted sperm were incubated with oviductal fluid prepared from isolated hamster oviducts, fixed and then probed with a monoclonal antibody against hamster oviductin. Results obtained with pre-embedding immunolabeling experiments revealed binding of oviductin to the acrosomal cap and the apical aspect of the postacrosomal region. Immunolabeling of both regions appeared to be more intense in capacitated spermatozoa. Acrosome-reacted sperm showed an immunoreaction of moderate intensity over the postacrosomal region. The plasma membrane overlying the equatorial segment also exhibited a weak labeling. Quantitative analysis obtained with the surface replica technique indicated that oviductin had a higher binding affinity for the acrosomal cap than the postacrosomal region and that the binding of oviductin to the latter plasma membrane domain was enhanced during capacitation. Binding of oviductin to the postacrosomal region, however, was attenuated after acrosome reaction. Immunolabeling for oviductin was found to be the weakest over the equatorial segment regardless of the experimental conditions. The binding of hamster oviductin to specific membrane domains of the homologous sperm and the changes in its distribution during capacitation and acrosome reaction may be important for the function of hamster oviductin preceding and during fertilization.  相似文献   

The eggs of only 13 macrourid species have been reported hitherto, eight identified from free buoyant eggs and five from ripening oocytes. Eggs of 11 species had raised, hexagonally patterned ornamentation on the envelope, while two species bore only partial ornamentation. Ripening oocytes of a further eight species showed that, overall, the eggs of 13 species had characteristic hexagonal ornamentation and three partial ornamentation, but four were smooth. Fertilized eggs of Coryphaenoides (Coryphaenoides) rupestris were found with smooth envelopes, while ornamented eggs have been reported for this species also. Little taxonomic significance could be attached to these results. Some correlation was found between the three categories of egg envelope ornamentation and species' bathymetric distributions. A recent model of egg development in a slope dwelling trachichthyid species suggested analagous potential ecological advantage for ornamentational variation in macrourids.  相似文献   

Antisperm antibodies are implicated as one causative factor of infertility, but the target antigens have not been identified. Immune responses to sperm antigens are qualitatively variable even within a single mouse strain. We took advantage of this variability and immunized individual female mice to allogeneic sperm to reflect their natural exposure during mating. We determined the ability of the individual sera to inhibit in vitro fertilization and to bind to sperm antigens separated by electrophoresis. Compared to preimmune sera, four of five immune sera significantly inhibited in vitro fertilization. The serum from individual mice bound variable panels of sperm antigens. By comparing the panels, we identified two polypeptides with molecular weights of 40,000 and 44,000 that were bound by all sera. We propose that these molecules may be good candidates for further investigation of the immunoprophylaxis of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis egg extracts cell-free nuclear assembly system was used as an experimental model to study the process of nuclear lamina assembly in nuclear reconstitutionin vitro. The experimental results showed that lamin was involved in the nuclear assemblyin vitro. The assembly of nuclear lamina was preceded by the assembly of nuclear matrix, and probably, inner nuclear matrix assembly provided the basis for nuclear lamina assembly. Inhibition of normal assembly of nuclear Iknina, by preincubating egg extracts cell-free system with anti-lamin antibodies, resulted in abnormal assembly of nuclear envelope, suggesting that nuclear envelope assembly is closely associated with nuclear lamina assembly. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Rat epididymal glycoprotein DE (37 kDa) associates with the sperm surface during maturation and is localized over the dorsal region of the acrosome. In the present study we examine, by indirect immunofluorescence, the localization of DE after in vitro and in vivo capacitation. While 49% of sperm capacitated in vitro for 5 hr still presented fluorescence over the dorsal region, 51% showed labeling distributed over a domain that corresponds to the equatorial segment of the sperm head. This change in the localization of fluorescence was not associated with sperm deterioration or death and increased gradually as a function of capacitation time, reaching the maximum at 5 hr. The presence of labeling over the equatorial segment results from protein migration and cannot be induced by permeabilization, proteinase, or high ionic strength treatments. The omission of Ca2+ from the standard capacitation medium inhibited the relocalization of DE, and incubation with Ca2+ ionophore A23187 for induction of the acrosome reaction (AR) significantly raised the percentage of cells with DE localized over the equatorial region. Finally, while free and cumulus-associated spermatozoa recovered from the oviducts of in vivo inseminated females presented 15% and 21% of cells with redistribution respectively, all perivitelline (acrosome reacted) spermatozoa showed DE over the equatorial segment. These results indicate that epididymal protein DE migrates to the equatorial segment under in vitro and in vivo capacitating conditions and suggest a possible association between the redistribution of DE and the occurrence of the AR.  相似文献   

Sperm penetration through the zona pellucida and fusion of the sperm head with the vitellus were observed continuously and filmed under phase optics in cumulus-free living mouse eggs inseminated in vitro with capacitated epididymal sperm. Most spermatozoa penetrated the zona pellucida, traversed the perivitelline space, and fused with the vitellus at an angle nearly perpendicular to the surface. The mean duration required for sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida was 20 minutes with a range of 15–26 minutes. Sperm traversed the perivitelline space in less than one second. The initial contact of sperm with the vitellus generally took place at the tip of the sperm head. When the tip of the sperm head contacted the vitellus there was an immediate reduction in the rate of flagellation, followed by the gradual sinking of the sperm head into the vitellus.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro matured porcine oocytes were fertilized by subzonal sperm injection (SUZI), and their subsequent development in vitro was examined to determine whether ooplasmic incompetence is the major cause of limited developmental ability of in vitro matured/fertilized porcine oocytes (Experiment 1). There was no significant difference in rates of fertilization (61% vs. 70%), monospermy (37% vs. 45%), and male pronuclear formation (77% vs. 61%) between in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes. Blastocyst formation rate was significantly lower for in vitro matured oocytes (11% vs. 42%; P < 0.001). Forty-six percent of in vivo matured oocytes cleaved to the 2-4 cell stage by 24 hr in culture after SUZI, compared with 3% of in vitro matured oocytes (P < 0.01). In experiment 2, in vitro development of in vitro matured oocytes with evenly and unevenly granulated cytoplasm were compared after SUZI to examine whether developmentally competent in vitro matured oocytes can be identified on the basis of morphological appearance. Most of the blastocysts obtained developed from oocytes with unevenly granulated cytoplasm (7/56 vs. 1/45; P > 0.05). Experiment 3 revealed that the proportion of oocytes with evenly granulated cytoplasm was originally low (11%) in the population of oocytes used for in vitro maturation, and it increased approximately 3-fold (36%; P < 0.001) after maturation. These results suggest that ooplasmic incompetence in porcine in vitro matured oocytes is the major cause of their limited developmental competence. Cytoplasmic maturation measured by male pronucleus formation does not directly reflect developmental competence of the oocytes. It was also shown that evenness of granulation of the cytoplasm is not a useful morphological indicator of developmental competence. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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