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环境因子对乌桕内生真菌生长及脂肪酸的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为探讨内生菌和植物的生态关系,以生物量和脂肪酸组分作为主要指标,研究了乌桕韧皮部分离获得的5种内生真菌(丝核菌、小菌核菌、小单头孢、毛壳菌、拟盘多毛孢)在不同环境因子下的生长.与合成培养基相比,在液体马铃薯培养基上发酵,生物量较高,脂肪酸不饱和指数较低;其脂肪酸主要为棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸.与未添加乌桕汁的合成培养基相比,添加乌桕浸汁对小菌核菌生长有促进作用,对其余4种菌有抑制作用;脂肪酸不饱和指数均进一步增加.在合成培养基中添加NaCl培养小菌核菌,生物量均无显著差异;在0~0.5mol·L-1 NaCl时,脂肪酸不饱和指数无显著差异;在0.6~1.0mol·L-1 NaCl时随着盐浓度增加,脂肪酸不饱和指数却下降;表明该菌有较强的耐盐能力.添加植物油对小菌核菌菌丝生长有促进作用,其中在添加1.5%的植物油时,生物量最大;其脂肪酸随添加植物油而改变.以上特点均和二者的共生关系有关.  相似文献   

高产油小球藻的筛选及其油脂分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小球藻广泛分布于各种生境,特别是淡水环境中,适应性强。其同化产物主要是淀粉,但在环境胁迫条件下可显著积累中性脂,其脂肪酸类型主要为C16和C18,适合作为生物柴油的原料。我们从中国部分地区水体中分离纯化到若干株小球藻,通过薄层层析比较分析了21株产油小球藻的油脂含量,筛选到一株三酰基甘油含量较高的藻株Chlorella sp.NMX37N。其适宜生长温区为15—35℃,在25℃时生长速率最快,比生长速率为0.53/d,生长的最适光强为250μmol photons/(m2.s)。批量培养实验显示,藻细胞的三酰基甘油含量随培养时间延长而增加,并在培养的稳定期达到最大值,此时培养液中氮基本被耗尽。在批量培养条件下培养Chlorella sp.NMX37N约40d,藻细胞中总脂含量可达到33%左右,与此相比通过两步培养方式,将培养至对数后期(约20d)的藻细胞缺氮处理48h后,得到的总脂产率相当。通过两步培养方式可以大大缩短培养时间,使得该藻细胞快速有效积累油脂。另外,气相色谱分析显示,该藻的总脂和三酰基甘油的脂肪酸均以C16∶0和C18∶2为主,占总脂肪酸的70%以上,且不含C20以上的长链脂肪酸,可以作为优质的生物柴油原料。  相似文献   

小球藻的异养生长及培养条件优化   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
张丽君  杨汝德  肖恒 《广西植物》2001,21(4):353-357
对小球藻异养培养中的碳源、氮源、微量元素—镁离子以及其他培养条件的影响进行了探讨 ,并测定了小球藻的生长曲线。优化结果 :C∶ N为 4∶ 1~ 5∶ 1 ,硫酸镁的量为 1 g/L;培养条件为 :p H6~ 7,接种量1 0 % ,温度 3 0°C。在此条件下 ,异养培养小球藻 ,其 OD值可达 1 8,蛋白质为 3 0 % ,叶绿素含量为 1 .2 %。  相似文献   

小球藻高密度培养及油脂提取条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】高密度培养小球藻及优化油脂提取条件。【方法】通过进行单因素实验研究不同培养基组成及环境因子对其细胞生长影响,并采用超声波提取法进行正交实验对藻粉油脂提取条件进行研究。【结果】对椭圆小球藻Y4进行异养培养,最适培养条件为:葡萄糖50 g/L,硝酸钾2 g/L,适宜的培养温度、摇床转速和接种量分别为29°C、180 r/min和20%。在此基础上,进行了1 L发酵罐培养实验,获得了干重18.25 g/L的生物量。通过对油脂提取条件进行优化,Y4的油脂提取率由优化前的25.0%提高到60.2%,提高了35.2%。【结论】优化了小球藻的培养条件及油脂提取条件,促进了小球藻的开发和利用。  相似文献   

小球藻的优化培养及胞内多糖的提取   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小球藻细胞中所含有的多糖和糖蛋白等活性物质具有明显的抗肿瘤,抗病毒感染及增强机体免疫力等作用。首先考察了几个重要的环境因素对小球藻生长及胞内多糖含量的影响。确定了优化的环境条件为:光照17h,培养温度15℃,营养盐KNO3浓度为2mmol/L。在此优化条件下,大批量培养小球藻至平衡期,离心收集藻细胞,再经过冻融与超声波破碎,三氯乙酸沉淀蛋白质,最后通过SephadexG-75凝胶柱分离得到了两种分子量不同的多糖,并结合醋酸纤维素膜电泳证明了同样的结论。  相似文献   

谷氨酸对异养培养小球藻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不添加其他氮源的小球藻异养培养基中,谷氨酸可促进小球藻的生长,但基本不增加叶绿素的合成;在以铵盐为氮源时,谷氨酸可明显促进小球藻对铵盐的利用,促进小球藻生物量增加和叶绿素合成;在以硝酸盐为氮源时,谷氨酸可增加小球藻的生物量,对叶绿素含量无明显影响。  相似文献   

重要理化因子对小球藻生长和油脂产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用通气培养的方法研究了N、P、Fe3 、盐度、光照强度、温度对小球藻(Chlorella sp. XQ-200419)生长速率、生物量和油脂产量的影响。主要结果如下:N浓度对小球藻的生长和油脂产量均有显著的影响,在KNO3浓度0.05—0.3g/L范围内,小球藻生长速率随N浓度的增加而提高,并积累更多的生物量,而油脂含量随之递减,KNO3浓度为0.3g/L时,油脂产量最高。小球藻对P浓度变化的适应范围很大,K2HPO4浓度在10—160mg/L范围内,对小球藻的生长和油脂产量都没有显著影响。在小球藻培养后期补加不同浓度Fe3 对其生长速率没有显著影响,总脂含量随着Fe3 浓度升高呈现上升的趋势,均比对照有极显著提高,Fe3 浓度为0.75mmol/L时油脂产量最高。盐度对小球藻的生长有一定的抑制作用;油脂含量先随着盐度的增大而提高,当NaCl浓度达到0.6mol/L, 油脂含量又显著降低;油脂含量和油脂产量均在盐度为0.2mol/L时最高。光照强度对处于生长后期的小球藻的生长影响不大,但影响其油脂积累,小球藻的油脂含量和产量随光照强度的增大而显著提高,当光照强度增至280μmolm-2s-1时,油脂含量和油脂产量最高。温度对小球藻的生长速率、生物量、油脂含量和油脂产量都有显著的影响,在15-40℃范围内,随着培养温度的升高,生长速率、生物量、油脂含量和油脂产量都经历了一个先上升然后下降的过程,适合小球藻生长、积累油脂的温度范围是20-35℃,30-35℃时油脂产量最高,40℃时生物量、油脂含量和产量都最低。理化因子对生长和油脂含量的影响分为两种情况:1. 温度、光强、铁浓度和盐度的影响表现为在适宜生长的条件下提高油脂含量,这种模式可以称为“适宜模式”;2. 氮浓度的影响表现为在不利于生长的条件下提高油脂含量,这种模式可以称为“胁迫模式”。两种模式都可以提高油脂含量,但是,只有适宜模式才可以提高油脂产量。在筛选小球藻优良产油藻种时要注意,只有在适宜的培养条件下油脂含量高的藻种才具有高产油潜力。  相似文献   

PP333用于藻类培养影响异养小球藻的生长及蛋白质含量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用植物生长物质PS333处理异养小球藻,研究了PP333对异养小球藻的生长及蛋白质含量的影响,实验结果表明,PP333能抑制异养小球藻的生长,同时也能显著提高小球藻的蛋白质含量,选取适当浓度的PP333处理异养小球藻可达到小球藻的细胞密度较高,其蛋白质含量又接近自养水平的目的。用50mg/L PP333处理异养小球藻,摇瓶批次培养时,小球藻的蛋白质含量与生物量分别为47.88%和3.60g/L,而对照的分别为37.34%和4.21g/L,摇瓶分批流加培养时,小球藻的蛋白质含量与生物量分别为50.96%和6.97g/L,而对照的分别为38.56%和10.99g/L,蛋白质量促进率和生物量抑制率摇瓶批次培养时分别为28.2%和14.5%,摇瓶分批流加培养时分别达32.2%和36.6%。  相似文献   

铜与腐殖酸对小球藻生长影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王静  陈出新  陶澍 《生态学报》1992,12(3):201-205

目的:利用恒定均匀磁场研究了不同磁处理方式和磁感应强度对小球藻生长的影响,探索磁处理技术应用于微藻培养的可能。方法:用t检验考察静止磁处理、循环磁处理和磁处理水三种不同的磁处理方式对小球藻生长的影响。结果:静止磁处理和循环磁处理分别在5.15mT和10.35mT范围促进小球藻生长,并且随磁感应强度增强分别从45mT与200mT开始表现出显著抑制生长作用.相同的磁感应强度下静止磁处理比循环磁处理的影响显著。未发现磁处理水对小球藻的生长有显著影响。结论:不同的磁处理方式对小球藻生长有不同的刺激与抑制的强度闽值;0.8T和1.2T磁感应强度处理下比生长速率下降的差别并不明显,说明磁处理的影响在此强度范围趋于稳定;磁处理水无显著影响说明磁场直接对小球藻细胞产生影响。  相似文献   

Nodulation abilities of bacteria in the subclasses Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) were tested. Pseudomonas sp., Burkholderia sp., Klebsiella sp., and Paenibacillus sp. were isolated from surface-sterilized black locust nodules, but their nodulation ability is unknown. The aims of this study were to determine if these bacteria are symbiotic. The species and genera of the strains were determined by RFLP analysis and DNA sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. Inoculation tests and histological studies revealed that Pseudomonas sp. and Burkholderia sp. formed nodules on black locust and also developed differentiated nodule tissue. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis of nodA and a BLASTN analysis of the nodC, nifH, and nifHD genes revealed that these symbiotic genes of Pseudomonas sp. and Burkholderia sp. have high similarities with those of rhizobial species, indicating that the strains acquired the symbiotic genes from rhizobial species in the soil. Therefore, in an actual rhizosphere, bacterial diversity of nodulating legumes may be broader than expected in the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria subclasses. The results indicate the importance of horizontal gene transfer for establishing symbiotic interactions in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Gamete production after exposure to hypoxia or sulphide was studied in the marine macroalga Ulva sp. collected in the Sacca di Goro, Italy. Experiments were carried out on discs (12 mm diameter) of thalli cultured in artificial sea water in laboratory at 20 ± 1 °C, 152 μmol m−2 s−1, 16 h photoperiod and 30‰ salinity. Dehydration of thallus was used as inducer of gametogenesis and growth and gamete release during recovery after 10, 20, 30 or 40 min dehydration (20 ± 1 °C, 25% humidity) were analysed. Unlike non-dehydrated thalli the dehydrated ones produced gametes. Thallus discs, non-dehydrated or subjected to 30 min dehydration, were exposed to hypoxia (1.78–4.02 μmol O2 L−1) or sulphide (1 mM) for 3, 5, or 7 days at 20 °C in the dark. Non-dehydrated and dehydrated thalli maintained in normoxic conditions in the dark were the controls. Gamete density was checked by counting at the end of the incubation period and during the subsequent 7 days of recovery under 16 h photoperiod in normoxic conditions. Non-dehydrated thalli maintained in normoxic conditions in the dark released gametes when returned to light suggesting that dark constitutes a stimulus to gamete production. The presence of gametes at the end of 3 days incubation of dehydrated thalli in normoxia demonstrated that gametogenesis can occur even in the dark. However, gametes were not present at the end of incubation in hypoxic and sulphidic conditions. Actually, during hypoxic incubation oxygen consumption in D-thalli was very low, only 0.117 × 10−3 μmol O2 mg−1 h−1 compared to 5.93 × 10−3 μmol O2 mg−1 h−1 in normoxia, denoting a reduction of the metabolic rate that could not sustain gametogenesis. During recovery after incubation in normoxic, hypoxic or sulphidic conditions densities of gametes from dehydrated thalli showed significant differences and resulted after hypoxia > after normoxia > after sulphide. Differences in non-dehydrated thalli were not significant. Dehydrated thalli, still green at the end of the incubation period, underwent blanching in the course of recovery in parallel to gamete production, while non-dehydrated thalli maintained their green colour even after exposure to sulphide. Our findings suggest that macroalga Ulva sp. can survive exposure to darkness, severe hypoxia and high sulphide levels and can maintain gamete production even when the exposure to these stress conditions is joined to dehydration.  相似文献   

Suspension-feeding bivalves may enhance the energy value of their food supply by sorting particles both before and after ingestion. Previous research has indicated that the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin) (Mollusca: Bivalvia)) is capable of sorting particles within the gut both on the basis of physical properties (particle size and density) as well as chemical properties. In this study, the ability of the sea scallop to sort living from dead material solely on the basis of chemical properties was tested. The microalga Chlorella (Chlorophyta: Chlorophyceae) was chosen as the test particle because its thick cell wall remains physically intact following heat treatment, while its carbon, nitrogen, and chlorophyll a content declines. Scallops were fed a mixture of radiolabelled live and heat-killed Chlorella. We demonstrate that P. magellanicus can distinguish between living and dead algae, retaining live Chlorella cells longer than heat-killed cells. This ability to detect the subtle chemical differences between living algal material and detrital material would enhance the digestive efficiency of this species by reducing the amount of energy expended, digesting poor-quality materials. This paper presents the first study of the ability of a bivalve to distinguish between two physically identical but nutritionally different forms of the same species of microalgae.  相似文献   

A combination of TLC, ESI-MS/MS and GC-MS was used to identify unusual molecular species of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamines containing very-long-chain anteiso branched fatty acids (VLCFAs) from Calothrix sp. collected in Antarctica and determine their component VLCFA up to 33-methyltetratriacontanoic acid as picolinyl ester derivatives using GC-MS.  相似文献   

The Aeromonas group 501, also named Aeromonas sp. HG13, is taxonomically close to A. schubertii. Results obtained in previous studies, including DNA–DNA hybridization and DNA fingerprinting, suggest that Aeromonas group 501 could constitute a different Aeromonas species. In this work we have performed a polyphasic study with the two strains comprising the Aeromonas sp. HG13 in order to propose a formal species name. They could be differentiated from A. schubertii by the indole and lysine decarboxylase tests and the utilization of l-lactate. Phenotypically, both strains were also easily separated from the other Aeromonas species. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene showed high sequence similarities (>97%) between Aeromonas group 501 and all Aeromonas species. Nevertheless, sequence divergences of cpn60, dnaJ, gyrB and rpoD genes were higher than the intraspecific threshold values established for each gene (3.5%, 3.3%, 2.3% and 2.6%, respectively), while sequence divergences between strains CDC 2478-85T and CDC 2555-87 were low (0.6–1.1%). The DNA G+C content of the type strain was 62.2 mol%. Phenotypic and genotypic evidence strongly suggests that the Aeromonas group 501 is a novel species of the genus Aeromonas, for which the name Aeromonas diversa sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is CDC 2478-85T (=CECT 4254T=ATCC 43946T=LMG 17321T).  相似文献   

Two red-pigmented isolates, with optimum growth temperatures between 45 and 50 °C, were recovered from a hot spring in the Furnas, Área da Fonte 1825 on the Island of São Miguel in the Azores. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these organisms represented a new species of the genus Meiothermus. These new isolates could be distinguished from other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus primarily by the fatty acid composition and polar lipid pattern, since they did not possess 2-OH fatty acids or glycolipid variant GL-1a. Moreover, the two new isolates had the lowest growth temperature range of any of the known species of the genus Meiothermus. On the basis of the results presented here we propose the name Meiothermus granaticius for the new species represented by strains AF-68T (=DSM 23260T = LMG 25524T) and AF-49 (=DSM 23259 = LMG 25525).  相似文献   

Hu H  Gao K 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(13):987-992
Nannochloropsis sp. was grown with different levels of nitrate, phosphate, salinity and temperature with CO2 at 2,800 μl l−1. Increased levels of NaNO3 and KH2PO4 raised protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) contents but decreased carbohydrate, total lipid and total fatty acids (TFA) contents. Nannochloropsis sp. grew well at salinities from 22 to 49 g l−1, and lowering salinity enhanced TFA and PUFAs contents. TFA contents increased with the increasing temperature but PUFAs contents decreased. The highest eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5ω3) content based on the dry mass was above 3% under low N (150 μM NaNO3) or high N (3000 μM NaNO3) condition. Excessive nitrate, low salinity and temperature are thus favorable factors for improving EPA yields in Nannochloropsis sp.  相似文献   

Strains VGXO14T and Vi1 were isolated from the Atlantic intertidal shore from Galicia, Spain, after the Prestige oil spill. Both strains were Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria with one polar inserted flagellum, strictly aerobic, and able to grow at 18–37 °C, pH 6–10 and 2–10% NaCl. A preliminary analysis of the 16S rRNA and the partial rpoD gene sequences indicated that these strains belonged to the Pseudomonas genus but were distinct from any known Pseudomonas species. A polyphasic taxonomic approach including phylogenetic, chemotaxonomic, phenotypic and genotypic data confirmed that the strains belonged to the Pseudomonas pertucinogena group. In a multilocus sequence analysis, the similarity of VGXO14T and Vi1 to the closest type strain of the group, Pseudomonas pachastrellae, was 90.4%, which was lower than the threshold of 97% established to discriminate species in the Pseudomonas genus. The DNA–DNA hybridisation similarity between strains VGXO14T and Vi1 was 79.6%, but below 70% with the type strains in the P. pertucinogena group. Therefore, the strains should be classified within the genus Pseudomonas as a novel species, for which the name Pseudomonas aestusnigri is proposed. The type strain is VGXO14T (=CCUG 64165T = CECT 8317T).  相似文献   

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