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环境因子对福建省山仔水库水华微囊藻生长的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究光照、温度和磷酸盐对福建省山仔水库水华微囊藻[Microcystis flos-aquae (Wittr.) Kirchn.]SZ200307生长的影响.结果表明:随着光照强度的增加,水华微囊藻SZ200307的生长加快,但过强的光照强度反而抑制其生长,最适光照强度为4 000~4 500 lx;20℃~30℃,水华微囊藻SZ200307有较高的比增殖率,30℃最适合其生长;当磷的浓度较低而其他条件不变时,添加外源性磷,水华微囊藻SZ200307增长迅速;当磷浓度高于0.258 mg*L-1,磷元素不再是其增长的限制性因子,温度、光照等其他环境因子将限制其增殖. 相似文献
采用套式PCR检测水库产毒微囊藻 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据所测定的微囊藻毒素合成酶mcyB基因的部分核苷酸序列,设计并筛选出两对特异性引物,用于产毒微囊藻的套式PCR检测。套式PCR针对毒素基因的检测结果与ELISA针对微囊藻毒素的检测结果相一致,但灵敏度更高。套式PCR的检测下限达1—10个微囊藻细胞/反应。采用套式PCR对广东12个主要供水水库的247份水样进行了产毒微囊藻检测,共检出阳性水样82份,阳性率为33.2%。这些阳性水样分布于除深圳水库以外的其他11个水库;其中汤溪水库水样套式PCR检出阳性率最高,达67.4%,其水样一步PCR的检出阳性率亦达25.6%,值得引起水文部门重视,并进行进一步跟踪监测。 相似文献
广东省典型大中型供水水库和湖泊微囊藻毒素分布 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了解肝脏促癌剂微囊藻毒素(MCs)在广东省淡水水体中的污染情况,于2003年夏、秋、冬3个季节,采集了广东省12个典型供水水库和4个湖泊的水样;同时于2004年2—12月对7个水库和1个湖泊进行了每隔2个月的加密调查,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和酶联免疫法(ELISA)测定了水体中微囊藻毒素(MCs)含量。结果显示广东省典型供水水库和淡水湖泊微囊藻毒素分布广泛,毒素组成以MC-RR为主,水库微囊藻毒素含量在未检出—0.919μg/L,2004年毒素含量比2003年有一定程度的上升。微囊藻毒素污染较为严重的水库为汤溪、鹤地、契爷石和深圳等水库,广州流花湖和肇庆星湖等城市景观湖泊中微囊藻毒素污染也较为严重。虽然本次调查的所有水样MCs含量均在世界卫生组织和我国饮用水卫生标准以下,但结果说明广东省饮用水源已在一定程度上遭受MCs的污染,需采取有效措施防止水质进一步恶化。 相似文献
【目的】为了研究青草沙水库中土著微生物对藻类生长的抑制作用,从水库水体中筛选出对藻类有抑制作用的细菌并研究其对铜绿微囊藻的抑制效果。【方法】通过对水库水体中的细菌进行划线分离和筛选,挑选出一株对铜绿微囊藻生长有较好抑制作用的菌株CL。考察其对铜绿微囊藻的抑制效果及不同培养时间和菌液浓度对抑藻效果的影响,并对菌株进行16S rDNA序列分析。【结果】实验菌液浓度为4.5×108CFU/mL 8.4×108CFU/mL时,细菌对铜绿微囊藻的抑制率可达45.4%。抑藻效果随培养时间先增后降,在静置培养第6天抑藻效果达到最大。该菌经过16S rDNA序列分析,属于黄单胞菌科的寡养单胞菌。【结论】从青草沙水库中筛选出了对铜绿微囊藻有抑制作用的土著细菌寡养单胞菌,对青草沙水体铜绿微囊藻的控制具有一定的潜在应用价值。 相似文献
对频繁暴发微囊藻水华的西洞庭冲天湖表层底泥和上覆水取样,检测和分析了底泥表层微囊藻休眠体丰度和菌浓度、上覆水中微囊藻细胞丰度和菌浓度以及部分理化性质,结合室内模拟试验。结果表明:2—6月份冲天湖底泥表层和上覆水中总菌浓度均显著上升(P0.05),底泥表层总菌浓度显著高于上覆水(P0.05),优势菌群均为微小杆菌属(Exiguobacterium)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus);4月份底泥表层微囊藻休眠体开始复苏且休眠体丰度下降,6月份休眠体丰度显著低于4—5月份(P0.05),而上覆水中微囊藻细胞丰度上升,6月份显著高于4—5月份(P0.05);复苏优势藻为铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、水华微囊藻(Microcystis flos-aqua)和惠氏微囊藻(Microcystis wesenbergii);复苏期间促休眠体复苏优势菌群浓度显著上升、"底泥-上覆水"界面溶解氧浓度与TN/TP比显著下降(P0.05)。说明冲天湖底泥表层和上覆水优势菌群可能通过改变底泥表层理化环境影响微囊藻休眠体复苏。 相似文献
微囊藻毒素合成酶基因的PCR检测方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对微囊藻毒素合成酶基因簇的核酸序列,筛选特异性引物,探索一种适用于自然水样中微囊藻产毒潜能检测的全细胞PCR方法。经灵敏度测试表明,这种PCR方法的检测下限相当于100cells。该方法不需要提取基因组DNA,检测所需水样量少,具有操作简便、快速、成本低、灵敏度高等优点,能应用于水库等饮用水源水体中具有产毒潜能的微囊藻的检测。 相似文献
为了解广东省水库微囊藻的产毒特征和ITS 序列的遗传多样性,从广东省供水水库中分离得到28 株微囊藻(Microcystisspp.),对它们的产毒特征和15 株微囊藻的ITS 序列进行了分析.高效液相色谱(HPLC)和微囊藻毒素合成酶基因mcyE 的检测结果表明,广东省水库中的微囊藻以产毒藻株占优势,微囊藻毒素的主要类型为MC-RR.广东省15 株藻株的ITS 序列相似性大于93.2%,在用相邻法(NJ)构建的系统树上,不同形态的种和不同地理区域的藻株没有区分开,产毒和非产毒藻株没有形成独立分支.这说明微囊藻ITS 序列的遗传多样性较低,ITS 序列和mcyE 存在没有相关性,表型不能够反映藻株的进化关系.因此,有必要将藻类传统分类方法与分子方法结合起来对蓝藻进行重新分类. 相似文献
两座抽水型水库蓝藻种群与微囊藻毒素的比较分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2008年每隔两月调查1次广东省两座抽水型水库:凤凰山水库和南屏水库的蓝藻组成与微囊藻毒素分布特征.结果共检测到蓝藻有14属,主要为丝状体和群体种类,常见的有假鱼腥藻属(Pseudanabaena)、蓝纤维藻属(Dactylococcopsis)、湖丝藻属(Limnothrix)、拟柱孢藻属(Cylindrospermopsis)和色球藻属(Chroococcus).两座水库的蓝藻细胞密度为119~137373 cells mL-1,微囊藻毒素浓度为0~2.26μg L-1.凤凰山水库的全年微囊藻毒素浓度均低于国家安全标准(1 μg L-1),最高浓度出现在3月份;南屏水库在丰水期微囊藻毒素浓度高于凤凰山水库,最高浓度出现在7月(2.26μgL-1).长水力滞留时间的凤凰山水库的蓝藻细胞密度比短水力滞留时间的南屏水库高出1个数量级.两座水库蓝藻细胞密度的峰值都出现在枯水期的3月,这主要与温度和调水量变化引起的营养盐季节性变化有关.假鱼腥藻、湖丝藻和拟柱孢藻是凤凰山水库的优势蓝藻种类,大多数情况下相对丰度超过50%.在南屏水库,枯水期蓝藻以丝状体种类为优势,丰水期则以群体种类为优势.温度和调水量的季节性变化引起的营养盐季节性变化可能是引起南屏水库不同生活类型优势蓝藻种类季节演替的主要因素. 相似文献
阿哈水库沉积物总汞及甲基汞分布特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为弄清阿哈水库沉积物是否受到历史矿山废水输入对沉积物总汞及甲基汞垂直分布的影响,对沉积物总汞及甲基汞的含量和其垂直分布特征进行了研究.结果表明,阿哈水库沉积物总汞含量变化范围为160~252 ng·g-1,平均为210 ng·g-1,明显高于其他未受到污染的水库沉积物.沉积物中总汞含量随沉积物深度增加呈增加趋势,与其沉积环境有关.沉积物中甲基汞含量变化范围为0.2~7.2 ng·g-1,平均为1.8 ng·g-1,丰水期甲基汞含量随深度增加逐渐下降,且沉积物表层甲基汞含量显著高于枯水期,与丰水期表层有机物的增加和厌氧环境有关. 相似文献
通过测定广东省东部沿海地区4座典型供水水库柱状沉积物主要重金属(Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd和Hg)含量,揭示了这4座水库沉积物重金属的污染特征及历史,并运用地积累指数及潜在生态危害指数法分别对表层沉积物重金属污染状态进行评价,最后分析了重金属可能来源。结果表明,除Cr外,Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd和Hg的含量均高于中国土壤环境质量标准Ⅰ类土标准值和工业化前全球沉积物重金属最高背景值,且4座水库间含量变异较大,表明4座水库沉积物均存在不同程度的重金属污染。据地积累指数评价,各重金属污染程度顺序为:Pb>Zn>Cd>Cu>Cr>Hg。潜在生态危害评价表明,河溪、汤溪及公平水库的生态危害程度要低于赤沙水库,各重金属污染程度顺序为:Cd>Hg>Pb>Cu>Zn>Cr,其中Cd和Hg对综合生态危害指数的贡献最大。4座水库沉积物重金属含量与人类活动强度表现出了较强的相互关系,流域内人类活动较强的公平、赤沙水库污染程度要明显高于人类活动较少的河溪和汤溪水库。 相似文献
太湖水华期间有毒和无毒微囊藻种群丰度的动态变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用荧光定量PCR技术分析太湖3个湖区(梅梁湾、贡湖湾和湖心)水体中有毒和无毒微囊藻基因型丰度及有毒微囊藻比例的季节变化(2010年4-9月),并与环境因子进行统计分析。结果表明,有毒微囊藻基因型丰度及所占比例存在季节和空间差异:从4-8月,有毒微囊藻基因型丰度及其比例呈逐渐增加趋势,到9月开始下降;梅梁湾水体中有毒微囊藻基因型丰度及其比例高于贡湖湾和湖心。梅梁湾、贡湖湾和湖心有毒微囊藻在微囊藻种群中的比例变化范围分别为(26.2±0.8)%-(64.3±2.2)%、(4.4±0.2)%-(22.1±1.8)%和(10.4±0.4)%-(20.6±1.5)%。相关分析结果表明,有毒微囊藻丰度、总微囊藻丰度和叶绿素a浓度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),均与温度呈显著正相关(P<0.05);有毒微囊藻比例与磷浓度呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与温度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。研究结果表明,温度和磷浓度是决定太湖有毒微囊藻种群丰度及其比例的关键因子。 相似文献
小浪底水库排沙对黄河鲤鱼的急性胁迫 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探讨黄河小浪底水库排沙过程中出现"流鱼"现象的原因,在水库排沙开始前和过程中以黄河鲤鱼为对象进行了生理生态观测。结果显示,相对于对照组,排沙组的黄河鲤鱼消化道充塞系数显著下降(P<0.001),消化道内容物含沙质量比率显著上升(P<0.001);肝脏总抗氧化能力显著上升(P=0.036),而脾脏总抗氧化能力显著下降(P=0.017);肝过氧化氢酶CAT活性显著上升(P=0.035);肾脏超氧化物歧化酶SOD活性显著下降(P=0.038);肝脏、脾脏丙二醛MDA含量显著下降(肝脏:P=0.039;脾脏:P=0.027);鳃丝钠钾ATP酶活性显著下降(P=0.001);血清乳酸LD含量显著上升(P=0.019);肝脏乳酸脱氢酶LDH活性显著下降(P=0.001);推测高含沙水流对黄河鲤鱼造成的急性缺氧应激是导致小浪底水库排沙过程中"流鱼"现象的主要原因之一。 相似文献
Coupling between benthic biomass of Microcystis and phosphorus release from the sediments of a highly eutrophic lake 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Variations in microbial biomass and activity in the sediments of hypereutrophic Lake Vallentunasjön were followed during a period of 5 years. The data were compared to the calculated release of phosphorus from the sediments during the same period. A strong co-variation was found between biomass of Microcystis, heterotrophic bacterial activity in the sediments and internal phosphorus loading. These parameters exhibited mainly a declining trend during the investigation period. A pronounced stability of the sediment chemistry, including the fractional composition of the sediment phosphorus, during the studied period indicates that microbial activity affected the phosphorus release from the sediments. Calculations of the percentage of sediment bacteria that was associated to the mucilage of Microcystis colonies imply, together with the specific bacterial production, that Microcystis in the sediment stimulates bacterial production. In the highly phosphorus-saturated sediments of Lake Vallentunasjön this would ultimately lead to an increased release of phosphorus from the sediment. Lake Vallentunasjön does not follow the common pattern of recovery after reduction of external phosphorus loading. The large biomasses and long survival of Microcystis in the sediment are probably important reasons for the delayed recovery of the lake. 相似文献
Chuan-Chuan Tsai Fuu Sheu Amanda Yi-Chuan Yu Chang-Feng Dai 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2005,315(1):49-69
Both field and laboratory studies were used to investigate the effects of temperature limitation and nutrient availability on seasonal growth dynamics of Laurencia papillosa and Gracilaria coronopifolia from a nearshore coral reef in the southern tip of Taiwan during 1999-2000. L. papillosa was a summer blooming alga abundant in August-November and G. coronopifolia was abundant year round except April-May. L. papillosa blooms in the summer were attributed to its preference for high temperatures and highly sensitivity to low temperatures. A wider temperature range and a significant stimulation of growth by high N inputs can explain the appearance of G. coronopifolia year round and also its maximum growth in November-March. Levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in water column were extremely high, but the growth of these two rhodophytes still suffered nutrient limitation that the type and severity of nutrient limitation were variable over time and also between two species. The growth of L. papillosa was limited by P in the early growth stage (August-September) as indicated by decreased tissue P contents, increased C/P and N/P molar ratios and increased alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and in the later growth stage, it was subjected to N-limitation, evidenced by decreased tissue N contents and C/P and N/P molar ratios and increased tissue P contents. The growth of G. coronopifolia was also P-limited as indicated by increased tissue N contents and concomitantly decreased tissue P contents, while marked drops in tissue P contents below the subsistence level in mid September and December 1999 reveal severe P limitation, which was supported by increased alkaline phosphatase activity. Higher critical nutrient contents and nutrient thresholds for maximum growth of G. coronopifolia suggest that G. coronopifolia faced more frequent nutrient limitation compared to L. papillosa. In conclusion, the results from these laboratory and field studies provide evidence that the seasonal abundance of L. papillosa and G. coronopifolia from southern Taiwan was determined by seasonal variations in seawater temperatures and nutrient concentrations as well as different physiological growth strategies. Seawater temperature and nutrient availability were important determinants of seasonal abundance of L. papillosa while the seasonal abundance of G. coronopifolia was influenced by nutrient availability. 相似文献
Feeding pits dug by waterfowl in Zostera noltii meadows are thought to promote seedling recruitment by accumulating seeds and enhancing germination. We tested the latter hypothesis by creating a series of “treatment pits” (resembling natural feeding pits) in the center and at the edge of two meadows near the Island of Sylt (Germany). Seedling density was monitored from the autumn seed set until the following spring. Seedling density (mean, SE) in treatment pits was significantly higher (4.4, 5.3) than in manipulated (2.4, 1.9) and unmanipulated controls (1.4, 0.4), as well as significantly higher in center (2.8, 0.5) relative to edge (2.5, 1.1) locations. Results confirm a facilitating effect of waterfowl grazing on seedling recruitment in spring due to seed accumulation in feeding pits in autumn. The mechanism could provide a valuable tool for the conservation of intertidal Z. noltii meadows in the Wadden Sea. 相似文献
Nypa megafossils dominated by fruits are described from Oligocene and Lower Miocene sediments of Assam and Mizoram, respectively. The origin, past distribution and migration of Nypa are discussed in the light of recent findings. This study indicates that India might be the place of its origin. Its presence, along with some other coastal elements, reinforces the concept that the Bay of Bengal was extending considerably northward during these epochs than its present day boundary. 相似文献
Membrane responses of Salix variegata and Cinnamomum camphora to complete submergence in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region 下载免费PDF全文
In the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of China, periodic flooding has led to plant destruction, causing much ecological damage. Re-vegetation with submergence-tolerant species is a possible solution to this problem. At present, many submergence-tolerant species have been selected for such restoration efforts, but it is unclear why these species can survive complete submergence while other species cannot. In this study, we investigated the response of two species – submergence-tolerant Salix variegata Franch. and submergence-intolerant Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl. – to flooding. Plants were submerged to 2 m for 3, 9, 15, and 30 days, after which malondialdehyde (MDA) (a membrane injury product) and superoxide anion content, as well as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activity, was measured. We found that (1) MDA levels increased in submerged C. camphora seedlings but remained constant in S. variegata; (2) superoxide anion content and SOD activity in the two species responded similarly to submergence; and (3) POD activity in S. variegata seedlings was much higher than in C. camphora. These results demonstrate that plant tolerance to submergence is related to membrane stability, and that POD activity is an important factor in this tolerance. 相似文献
Sergey Dobretsov Martin Wahl 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2008,355(2):137-144
The mussel Mytilus edulis settlement and distribution was studied on plastic panels with manipulated flow regime (faired, bluff, split and angled) with or without water soluble metabolites of the green alga Cladophora rupestris. The panels were exposed vertically on a device (hydrovane) that ensures their constant orientation in the current during the peak of larval settlement at 1 m depth. In order to investigate larval distribution on the panels, half of them were coated with a silicone vacuum grease that prevents larvae from de-attachment. This grease was not toxic and did not attract or repel larvae. Low densities of larvae on the un-greased plates compared to the greased ones suggested that some of larvae left the substratum. The blue mussel larvae initially settled in regions of reduced shear velocity and then redistribute to the regions of high shear velocity. The presence of the alga increased the density of blue mussel larvae and changed their distribution on the panels. Overall, our results demonstrated that larval recruitment of M. edulis is an active process affected both by boundary-layer hydrodynamics and algal waterborne compounds. 相似文献