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阐明水鸟栖息地利用与环境因子的关系有助于制定针对性的水鸟保护对策。本研究在2012~2013年冬季对崇明东滩鸟类栖息地优化区内越冬水鸟的种类、数量以及6种环境因子(植被面积比例、裸地面积比例、水深、地形变异、栖息地结构多样性和干扰)进行调查,以了解水鸟对人工湿地的栖息地利用及其影响因子。野外调查共记录到水鸟24种9 018只,其中优势种为斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)和绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos);栖息地优化区内水鸟休息的个体数量占总数量的79.2%,这表明优化区是大多数水鸟的休息地,而小(Tachybaptus ruficollis)、白骨顶(Fulica atra)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)、白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)和黑脸琵鹭(P.minor)的觅食个体数量超过60%,说明优化区也为这些鸟类提供了觅食地。逐步回归分析表明,裸地面积比例是影响越冬水鸟种类分布的最主要因子;尽管游禽在地形变异较大、植被面积比例较低的区域数量较多,但在休息时游禽更偏好于裸地面积比例较高的区域,而涉禽休息时偏好于地形变异较大的区域。为增加栖息地优化区内的水鸟多样性,建议在优化区内种植水鸟可食的沉水植物以增加水鸟的食物资源,同时增加裸地面积比例和地形变异程度,更好地为水鸟提供栖息地。  相似文献   

Chen JY  Zhou LZ  Zhou B  Xu RX  Zhu WZ  Xu WB 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):540-548
安徽沿江浅水型通江湖泊湿地是东亚-澳大利亚迁徙水鸟的重要越冬地和停歇地。近年来,高强度的渔业养殖使湿地严重退化,对越冬水鸟构成威胁。为了解湿地变化对越冬迁徙水鸟的影响,2007年11-2008年4月和2008年11月-2009年4月,对安徽菜子湖和升金湖11个样带内越冬水鸟的种类、数量及空间分布进行了调查,并分析了湖泊渔业模式对水鸟分布的影响。两个湖泊共统计到越冬水鸟7目12科43种。其中,菜子湖群38种,密度为8.2ind./hm2;升金湖42种,密度为3.5ind./hm2,优势种为鸿雁(Anser cygnoides)、豆雁(Anser fabalis)、小天鹅(Cygnus columbianus)和黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)。越冬水鸟种类和数量在12月底-次年1月上旬达到最大值,但不同类型越冬群最大数量出现的具体时期有所不同。根据水鸟组成的聚类分析,可将水鸟栖息地分为三组。水鸟的分布与渔业模式有关,在自然捕捞区,鹤类、雁鸭类和鸻鹬类密度较大,在围网养殖区密度较小,而鹭类的密度在各湖区变化都较小。本研究结果提示,发展可持续渔业对于长江中下游浅水湖泊湿地越冬水鸟资源的保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖越冬鹤鹬的日间行为节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前有关鸟类越冬行为节律的研究主要集中在大型水鸟。与大型鸟类相比,小型鸟类在体温调节中消耗的能量更多,因此可能呈现不同的日间行为节律。本研究选择鄱阳湖数量较大的小型水鸟——鹤鹬Tringa erythropus为研究对象,于2014年11月—2015年3月在鄱阳湖的子湖——常湖池对越冬期鹤鹬各种行为的时间分配进行了调查研究。结果表明觅食(61.4%)和休息(32.1%)是鹤鹬越冬期最主要的行为,2种行为的比例呈显著负相关。与一些植食性水鸟相比,肉食性鹤鹬的觅食行为比例偏低。而与一些大型食肉性水鸟相比,鹤鹬的觅食行为比例偏高,这可能与其较小的体型在体温调节中消耗的能量较多有关。鹤鹬的警戒行为比例较低(0.8%),越冬期集大群的习性可能是导致其偏低的主要原因。越冬期不同月份间各行为比较中,1月出现了觅食行为比例的高峰和休息行为比例的低谷,这可能与1月平均气温为全年最低有关。觅食行为比例在全天呈缓慢上升趋势,而休息行为比例呈下降趋势。虽然觅食和休息行为的时间分配在全天有一定变化,但是鹤鹬的日间行为节律性并不强。鹤鹬的觅食行为主要发生在跗跖位(0~5.5 cm),而休息行为主要发生在跗跖上位(5.5~8.6 cm),安全性和食物的可利用性可能是影响鹤鹬生境选择的主要因素。  相似文献   

若尔盖湿地水鸟资源季节变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
若尔盖湿地位于青藏高原东缘,是我国最大的高寒泥炭湿地之一。2010年从3月至12月,对若尔盖湿地水鸟种类、数量和分布进行了较为系统的调查。共记录到48种26 050只水鸟,隶属于6目12科,其中雁鸭类水鸟最多,共统计到21 408只,占水鸟总数的82.2%。3月和10月是若尔盖湿地水鸟数量的高峰期;11月是低谷期,主要是由于水鸟的迁离和越冬水鸟尚未到达的缘故。尕海是若尔盖湿地的重要组成部分,全年物种数和水鸟数量占了整个若尔盖湿地较大的比例。卫星跟踪的结果表明,青海湖斑头雁(Anser indicus)在若尔盖湿地与云南和贵州的越冬水鸟汇合,因此加强若尔盖湿地禽流感的防控是非常重要的。  相似文献   

为了解鄱阳湖水鸟的微生境利用及对水位的响应,2014年10月—2015年4月采用样点法对鄱阳湖5个区域52个样点的水鸟数量和微生境利用进行了调查。结果表明:小天鹅(Cygnus columbianus)、鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)和白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)等8种水鸟以浅水生境为主,豆雁(Anser fabalis)、鸿雁(Anser cygnoides)和赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)以浅水和草洲生境为主,白额雁(Anser albifrons)和灰鹤(Grus grus)以草洲生境为主,白骨顶(Fulica atra)和凤头??(Podiceps cristatus)以深水生境为主,红嘴鸥(Larus ridibundus)和小??(Tachybaptus ruficollis)以深水和浅水生境为主。通过分析水鸟数量与星子站水位的关系表明:鄱阳湖水鸟总数量与水位呈负相关,鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区吴城片区、都昌候鸟省级自然保护区和进贤区域在水位为8 m左右出现水鸟数量高峰,而鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区恒丰片区、南矶湿地国家级自然保护区和东鄱阳湖湿地公园在水位为10~12m时数量最多;各区域水位与不同科及不同种水鸟的分布数量主要呈负相关,??科水鸟因潜水取食需要一定水深,其分布数量与水位在一些区域呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

菜子湖位于“东亚-澳大利西亚”候鸟迁徙路线上, 为越冬水鸟提供重要的栖息地。“引江济淮”工程拟通过菜子湖调引长江水, 向巢湖和淮河输送水资源。工程实施后, 菜子湖冬季水位将明显抬升, 改变原有自然节律, 导致湿地景观格局发生重大变化, 可能对在此越冬的水鸟产生重要影响。结合遥感影像、水位季节动态及野外水鸟调查, 分析不同水位时各类湿地景观斑块的分布及面积, 预测工程实施后湖泊水位变化对越冬水鸟栖息地的影响。2016年和2017年两次同步调查共记录到水鸟49450只, 隶属于6目12科42种。菜子湖水位和湿地景观格局具有明显的季节动态, 10月份水位开始下降, 暴露多种湿地景观斑块, 泥滩和草滩面积随水位下降而增加, 为多种越冬水鸟提供觅食地。泥滩和草滩的分布具有空间异质性, 越冬水鸟的空间分布与此相适应。“引江济淮”工程实施后, 菜子湖冬季水位较高, 导致大量泥滩和草滩不能暴露, 越冬水鸟栖息地丧失严重, 如东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)(EN)、白鹤(Grus leucogeranus) (CR)、白头鹤(Grus monacha)(UV)和鸿雁(Anser cygnoides)(UV)等濒危物种。为降低工程对越冬水鸟栖息地的影响, 建议工程实施后菜子湖越冬期水位应不超过11.5米。  相似文献   

2013年12月至2014年2月冬季,采用样点法对广西防城港市防城区江山乡新基村虾塘的越冬鸟类混合群行为进行观察研究。鸟类混合群在深水虾塘与浅水虾塘生境持续的平均时间分别为(51.6±33.6)min/群与(31.9±13.3)min/群。平均水深15 cm的深水虾塘与平均水深5 cm的浅水虾塘中均分布有11种鸟类,深水虾塘的主要水鸟为体型中等的鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)、青脚鹬(T.nebularia)、泽鹬(T.stagnatilis),浅水虾塘的主要水鸟是小型个体的金眶鸻(Charadrius dubius)、青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii)。深水虾塘鸟类混合群的平均物种数及个体数分别为(5.48±1.60)种/群和(18.75±11.67)只/群,浅水虾塘鸟类混合群则分别为(3.93±1.14)种/群和(11.65±5.12)只/群。深水虾塘的核心种鹤鹬以及跟随种青脚鹬、泽鹬在浅水虾塘属于加入种;而浅水虾塘的核心种金眶鸻以及跟随种青脚滨鹬在深水虾塘却属于加入种。研究结果表明,不同类型生境的鸟类混合群结构及其核心种和跟随种均存在明显差异。  相似文献   

张微微  马建章  李金波 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1695-1702
分别于2008年4月至6月和2009 年4月至6月, 采用目标动物取样法在黑龙江省安邦河湿地和大庆龙凤湿地研究了骨顶鸡等水鸟对人为干扰的行为响应。结果表明:骨顶鸡对行人和机动车辆两种干扰的反应距离类似,但耐受程度有所不同,骨顶鸡对机动车辆干扰的耐受性要好于行人干扰。在以游客等行人干扰为主的安邦河湿地,骨顶鸡以及其他游禽对干扰产生行为反应的比例要高于以机动车辆干扰为主的龙凤湿地,说明相对于行人干扰骨顶鸡对机动车辆更容易耐受;在安邦河湿地,骨顶鸡对划船的反应距离以及反应程度要大于人行走,说明骨顶鸡对于侵入性的干扰更为敏感。此外,对凤头(Podiceps cristatus)、黒颈(Podiceps nigricollis)、小(Tachybaptus ruficollis)、黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)、红头潜鸭(Aythya ferina)、赤膀鸭(Anas strepera)、绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)、斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿翅鸭(Anas crecca)、白眉鸭(Anas querquedula)、赤颈鸭(Anas penelope)、琵嘴鸭(Anas clypeata)等游禽对人为干扰的反应距离、耐受距离以及遭受干扰时的反应比例进行了研究,结果显示3种对干扰的耐受距离差异不显著,12种鸭类中红头潜鸭对人为干扰的敏感性要小于其他鸭类,斑嘴鸭和绿头鸭则相对敏感。  相似文献   

2004年11月至2005年11月, 采用逐月定点统计的方法, 对海南北黎湾和后水湾两个湿地黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)的越冬种群和水鸟的季节动态进行了调查。共记录到水鸟50种, 隶属于5目10科, 首次发现海南新记录种半蹼鹬(Limnodromus semipalmatus)。两地水鸟种类和数量的最高峰均发生在11月, 最低谷在次年6月, 与湿地水鸟的全年变化相关。黑脸琵鹭的越冬种群最早到达海南为9月, 离开时间为次年4月, 数量最高峰在北黎湾为12月(75只), 在后水湾为1月和2月(9只)。北黎湾水鸟的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数和最大多样性值均大于后水湾, 湿地面积大小及其生境的多样性是两地水鸟丰富度差异的主要原因, 而人为干扰强度可能是影响黑脸琵鹭对两地越冬地利用的重要因素。研究表明, 北黎湾和后水湾是许多水鸟, 尤其是黑脸琵鹭在海南的重要越冬地, 需进一步加强监测和保护。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖四种水鸟的栖息地利用与水深和食物的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了了解水深和食物资源对水鸟栖息地利用的影响,2012 ~ 2013年越冬期,采用样方法,对鄱阳湖沙湖的白鹤 (Grus leucogeranus)、小天鹅 (Cygnus columbianus)、东方白鹳 (Ciconia boyciana) 和白琵鹭 (Platalea leucorodia) 4种水鸟的数量、觅食地和休息地的水深以及主要食物——沉水植物冬芽的密度和生物量进行了调查。每个样方为150 m? 150 m的栅格,全湖共设置152个样方。结果显示,10月份沉水植物冬芽的平均水深为 (124.2 ± 12.0) cm。4种水鸟觅食地的水深均显著高于其休息地的水深 (白鹤:Z = 11.96, 小天鹅:Z = 4.69, 东方白鹳:Z = 14.44, 白琵鹭:Z = 29.33, 所有P < 0.01);对于2种食冬芽的水鸟,白鹤觅食地的水深、冬芽生物量、取食深度以及休息地水深均显著低于小天鹅 (觅食地水深: Z = 8.56, 冬芽生物量: Z = 2.93, 取食深度: Z = 14.69, 休息地水深: Z = 4.34, 所有P < 0.05),但两者觅食地的冬芽密度差异不显著 (Z = 0.6, P = 0.55);对于2种食鱼性水鸟,东方白鹳觅食地水深、取食深度和休息地水深均显著大于白琵鹭 (觅食地水深: Z = 10.60; 取食深度: Z = 9.35; 休息地水深: Z = 8.47, 所有P < 0.01)。回归分析表明,白鹤、东方白鹳、白琵鹭的觅食个体数量均与水深呈二次项关系,个体数量最大的觅食地水深分别为23.9 cm,33.0 cm和22.6 cm;白鹤、小天鹅的觅食个体数量均与冬芽生物量呈线性关系。3种涉禽均只能分布在一定的水深范围内,且同种食性的水鸟利用不同的水深从而减少在空间生态位的重叠。  相似文献   

The classical niche theory supports the idea that stable coexistence requires ecological differences between closely related species. However, information on waterbirds coexistence in the entirely landlocked freshwater system of Poyang Lake is not well understood, especially when the available biomass of their food in the area decreases. In this study, we tested the ecological segregation mechanisms in the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 wintering periods among eight herbivorous waterbirds (including the Siberian crane Grus leucogeranus, hooded crane Grus monacha, white‐naped crane Grus vipio, common crane Grus grus, greater white‐fronted goose Anser albifrons, bean goose Anser fabalis, swan goose Anser cygnoides, and tundra swan Cygnus columbianus) at Poyang Lake. Using field observations and species niche and foraging habitat selection models, we investigated the abundance, distribution, and food sources of these eight waterbird species to quantify and compare their habitat use and ecological niches. Our results showed that niche segregation among the waterbirds, with respect to food types, time, and spatial location, allow them to coexist and use similar resources. The water level gradually receded in the sub‐lakes of the Poyang Lake, which could provide food sources and various habitats for wintering herbivorous waterbirds to coexist. We demonstrated that the differences in habitat use could mitigate interspecific competition, which may explain the mechanism whereby waterbirds of Poyang Lake coexist during the wintering period, despite considerable overlap in the dietary niches of herbivorous waterbirds.  相似文献   

2012年10月-2013年3月,采用直接计数法对鄱阳湖小天鹅Cygnus columbianus种群数量分布进行了5次调查。结果显示,各调查点小天鹅的种群数量均不稳定,可能与食物丰富度、水位等相关。各次调查中以第2次调查观测到的小天鹅数量最多,合计10756 只;调查区域中以鄱阳县白沙洲自然保护区调查到的小天鹅数量最多。5次调查中鄱阳县的小天鹅数量均占每次调查总数的56%以上,平均2239.80 只。小天鹅在各保护区不同湖泊的数量分布存在时间差异,但分布仅局限在几个湖泊中。调查显示,小天鹅的幼体比例为29.04%(n=1150)。采用瞬时扫描法对小天鹅越冬期的行为进行了研究,其用于静止(43.12%)和取食(27.44%)行为的时间较多,用于运动(16.82%)和梳理(11.48%)行为的时间较少,用于社会行为(1.14%)的时间最少。在小天鹅的日间行为节律中,静止行为高峰出现在07:00-08:00和17:00-18:00时段,取食行为高峰出现在16:00-17:00。下午取食强度的增加与冬季夜间长和气温低有关,鸟类必须获得足够的能量以维持其夜间的能量消耗。对小天鹅成幼体行为分配进行检验,发现除社会行为差异显著(Z=-2.310,P=0.021)外,其余行为差异均不显著。但成幼体的行为节律有较大差异,主要体现在静止和取食行为上。  相似文献   

Water depth requirements, diet, feeding styles and diurnal activity patterns are described for waterbirds using two brackish water lagoon systems in coastal Ghana, the Songor and Keta Lagoons. We project the habitat and activity data on a guild structure defined on the basis of individual feeding style and the sensory mechanism used to detect food. A total of 3199 flocks containing 118,648 individuals of 36 different waterbird species were examined during October-November 1994. Feeding habitats varied from dry mudflats to wet mud and shallow water of not more than 20 cm. The depth of water selected by waterbirds for foraging (but not for roosting) was correlated with tarsus length. Foraging birds exhibited a wide range of feeding styles using visual and/or tactile means for detecting prey: pecking, probing, stabbing, sweeping and ploughing, sometimes feeding singly, communally or socially in loose or dense flocks. Prey items taken ranged from seeds of Widgeongrass Ruppia maritima to invertebrates (mainly polychaetes, molluscs and crabs) and fish, mainly juvenile Tilapia. The daytime was spent on two main activities, feeding and roosting, with a small fraction of the time (average of 10% for 25 species) spent on comfort activities. The waterbirds exhibited either a circadian (most waders, except Common Sandpipers Actitis hypoleucos and Turnstones Arenaria interpres) or a diurnal foraging activity pattern (herons and terns), with no purely nocturnal species. Some species fed throughout the day, others showed peak foraging at various times of the day. The proportion of time spent foraging was related to guild (highest in visual and tactile surfaceforaging waders) and was negatively correlated with the size of the species. We conclude that the observed patterns in the use of the 24-h day by waterbirds for foraging are not species specific but vary depending on conditions on the feeding grounds. Nocturnal foraging is a normal and a regular strategy used by waterbirds to obtain enough food to fulfill their energetic requirements, so that irrespective of the sensory mechanism used to detect prey and the conditions prevailing on the feeding grounds, waterbirds forage day and night as dictated by their energetic needs. Water depth appears to be the key environmental factor controlling the availability of food for the waterbirds in the Ghanaian lagoons.  相似文献   

1999-2003年,在捷克共和国特布盆地生物圈保护区(Tebo Basin Biosphere Reserve)内,我们对13个采矿后形成的人工湖中水鸟群落的形成过程进行了研究.我们假定生活在邻近鱼塘中的水鸟会逐渐向这些人工湖迁移和聚集.在这些人工湖中共记录到42种水鸟,隶属于10个目,其中17种典型的海滨鸟类是该群落的重要组成部分.这些水鸟的季节动态过程与各物种自身的生活史阶段有关(如筑巢、迁徙),同时也被人类的采矿活动所影响.环境因素和人类干扰影响了绿头鸭(Anas platyrhynchos)、疣鼻天鹅(Cygnus olor)和凤头鸊鷉(Podiceps cristatus) 等优势种的分布.沙坑湖作为一种独特的生境为本保护区的濒危物种提供了栖息地,如:小苇(开鸟)(Ixobrychus minutus)、大苇莺(Acrocephalus arundinaceus)及其它潜在分布的鸟类.对南波西米亚地区沙坑湖鸟类的研究,可为其它相似地区水鸟群落演替研究提供了重要经验  相似文献   

Dongting Lake, an important wintering habitat for migratory waterbirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway, has suffered serious degradation in recent decades. To restore habitats for biodiversity conservation and flood control, 459 dykes were demolished and 14 were preserved in 2017. However, the direct impact of dyke demolition on wintering waterbirds was not comprehensively assessed. In this study, based on annual waterbird census and habitat data (2013/14–2020/21), we compared the differences in habitat areas and species composition of waterbirds in the dyke‐demolished and preserved areas, and explored whether habitat changes caused by the dyke demolition were responsible for the changes in the number of species and percentages of waterbird individuals. The results indicate that the areas of water (including shallow water) and mudflat habitats significantly decreased, but the vegetation area significantly increased in the dyke‐demolished areas. The species numbers and percentages of waterbird individuals at the community and foraging guilds levels, and the percentages of nine species, were higher in the dyke‐preserved areas than those in the dyke‐demolished areas. Changes in the numbers of species and percentages of individuals of fish eaters, insectivores, and omnivores positively correlated with drastic changes in the percentages of water habitats (including shallow water) after dyke demolition. Effective measures should be carried out to restore hydrological regimes, providing waterbirds sufficient suitable habitats with different water depths. These findings improve our understanding of the influence of dyke demolition on waterbirds and provide insights for wetland management and waterbird conservation.  相似文献   

水鸟空间分布与环境因子的关系是生态研究的重要内容,环境因子的变化可以通过改变栖息地的生境特征、食物资源从而直接或间接影响水鸟的种类、数量和分布.利用网格单元对2019—2020年菜子湖冬季水鸟及其环境因子进行调查,共记录到水鸟6目12科41种,其优势种为豆雁(Anser fabalis)和黑腹滨鹬(Calidris a...  相似文献   

Although the Gulf of Gabès is recognised as an Important Bird Area, several aspects of the ecology of waterbirds inhabiting this area still need to be investigated. We observed how waterbird foraging guilds varied among habitats. In total, 49 species belonging to 16 families were recorded. Winter visitors accounted for 73% of counts. The avifauna was dominated by shorebirds (52% of records), followed by large wading birds (25%), open-water birds (18%) and waterfowl (5%). However, the structure of local waterbird communities and their composition in terms of foraging guilds varied according to habitat type. The bird communities of sandy beaches were dominated by open-water birds, whereas large mudflats were dominated by shorebirds, and wadi estuaries showed a more even representation of foraging guilds. Locally rare species had narrow distributions, whereas locally abundant species were found widely within the gulf. For four species the 1% population level criterion of the Ramsar Convention was exceeded. Overall, our results show that the Gulf of Gabès hosts important numbers of waterbirds with different ecological requirements, which confirms the importance of this gulf as a wintering area for Palearctic waterbirds.  相似文献   

李凌晨  周立志  程磊  姚简  宋昀微 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7731-7745
水鸟是湿地生境质量的重要指示性动物类群,可敏感地反映湿地环境变化。浅水通江湖泊消落带具有复杂多样的生境和丰富的食物资源,是水鸟特别是越冬水鸟的重要聚集区,其食物资源的丰富度和可获得性受水文节律影响。在极端洪水作用下,消落带生境变化对越冬水鸟群落结构及其多样性的影响是一个值得关注的水鸟及湿地生态学问题。选择了具有典型消落带生境的升金湖作为研究区域,对2019年(正常水位)和2020年(异常水位)两个越冬季水鸟的数量、种类进行调查统计,分析了消落带的生境变化情况对越冬水鸟群落结构的影响。2019年越冬期,记录到水鸟(50984.20±9595.71)只(n=5),隶属7目13科51种;2020年越冬期,记录到水鸟(27923.00±13808.47)只(n=5),隶属7目12科53种。整个越冬季消落带的水鸟种类略增但数量减少,2019年游禽中的优势种为豆雁,2020年游禽中的优势种增加为豆雁和斑嘴鸭,但涉禽中的优势种由白琵鹭、反嘴鹬、凤头麦鸡转变为苍鹭、大白鹭和反嘴鹬。洪水导致的草滩-水域混合区生境面积减小使湿生植物退化,可能是导致以豆雁为主的食苔草水鸟数量大幅度减少的重要原因;因湖水延迟...  相似文献   

Due to loss and degradation of natural wetlands, waterbirds increasingly rely on surrounding human-dominated habitats to obtain food. Quantifying vigilance patterns, investigating the trade-off among various activities, and examining the underlying mechanisms will help us understand how waterbirds adapt to human-caused disturbances. During two successive winters (November-February of 2012–13 and 2013–14), we studied the hooded crane, Grus monacha, in the Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve (NNR), China, to investigate how the species responds to human disturbances through vigilance and activity time-budget adjustments. Our results showed striking differences in the behavior of the cranes when foraging in the highly disturbed rice paddy fields found in the buffer zone compared with the degraded natural wetlands in the core area of the NNR. Time spent vigilant decreased with flock size and cranes spent more time vigilant in the human-dominated buffer zone. In the rice paddy fields, the birds were more vigilant but also fed more at the expense of locomotion and maintenance activities. Adult cranes spent more time vigilant and foraged less than juveniles. We recommend habitat recovery in natural wetlands and community co-management in the surrounding human-dominated landscape for conservation of the hooded crane and, generally, for the vast numbers of migratory waterbirds wintering in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River floodplain.  相似文献   

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