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Chung TC  Liang YC  Yeh JY  Ou BR 《Tissue & cell》2004,36(3):181-187
The objectives were to investigate the function of the small subunit in the calpain system by expression of the autolytic form of this subunit in L8 myoblasts. Rat post-autolysis small subunit (21 kDa) cDNA expression plasmid was transfected into L8 myoblasts and selected by G418 containing medium. The concentrations of cytosolic micro-calpain in transfected cells, SS2 and SS3, were found to be 15.7 and 17.3% higher than that in L8Neo control cells, and the concentrations of cytosolic m-calpain in SS2 and SS3 cells were 23.3 and 16.6% higher than that in control cells (L8Neo). The half-life of micro-calpain in SS3 cells (36.5 h) was longer than that in L8Neo cells (32.4 h), while the half-life of m-calpain in SS3 cells (40.1 h) was longer than that in L8Neo cell (37.5 h). These results indicated that the expression of truncated small subunit increased the stability of micro- and m-calpain large subunits in cytosol.  相似文献   

Patch clamp techniques were applied to outer mitochondrial membranes of giant mitochondria from mice kept on a cuprizone diet or to vesicles produced by fusing membranes derived from the outer membrane ofNeurospora mitochondria. In the negative range of potentials the conductances decreased with increases in the magnitude of voltage, suggesting the closing of channels. Experiments in which mitochondria were treated with the polyanion polymethacrylate maleate styrene (1:2:3) or succinic anhydride suggest that the channels correspond to VDAC. Although sometimes conductance also decreased with increasing potential over a narrow range of positive potentials, more commonly the conductances increased. Although this phenomenon may represent a detachment of the patch, the changes in conductance are reversible, suggesting that they correspond to the formation or the opening of channels.  相似文献   

Patch-clamping studies with native outer mitochondrial membranes show a complex behavior. In the range of potentials in which the polarity of the pipette is positive, the behavior resembles that of VDAC incorporated into bilayers. Accordingly, there is a decrease in conductance with voltage. An involvement of VDAC is also supported by responses of the patches to the presence of polyanion or treatment with succinic anhydride, both of which affect VDAC. In contrast, in the negative range of potential, the conductance of the patches generally increases with the magnitude of the voltage. The increase in conductance shows a biphasic time course which is consistent with a model in which channels are first activated (first phase) and then assembled into larger high-conductance channels (second phase). A variety of experiments support the notion that an assembly takes place. The time course of the conductance increase is consistent with formation of the second-phase channels from 6±1 subunits.  相似文献   

The ionic permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) was studied with the patch clamp technique. Electrical recording of intact mitochondria (hence of the outer membrane (OM)), derived from mouse liver, showed the presence of currents corresponding to low conductances (< 50 pS), as well as of four distinct conductances of 99 pS,152 pS, 220 pS and 307 pS (in 150 mM KCl). The latter were voltage gated, being open preferentially at positive (pipette) potentials. Very similar currents were found by patch clamping liposomes containing the isolated OM derived from rat brain mitochondria. Here a conductance of approximately 530 pS, resembling in its electrical characteristics a conductance already attributed to mitochondrial contact sites (Moran et al. 1990), was also detected. Immunoblot assays of mitochondria and of the isolated OM with antibodies against the outer membrane voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) (Colombini 1979), showed the presence of the anion channel in each case. However, the typical electrical behaviour displayed by such a channel in planar bilayers could not be detected under our experimental conditions. From this study, the permeability of the OMM appears different from what has been reported hitherto, yet is more in line with that multifarious and dynamic structure which apparently should belong to it, at least within the framework of mitochondrial biogenesis (Pfanner and Neupert 1990).  相似文献   

A structural model for the channel in the mitochondrial outer membrane is presented, derived from electron microscopic studies of two-dimensional crystals and inferences from the primary structure of the 30-kDa polypeptide which forms the channel. The channel is represented as a cylindrical beta-barrel, with a carbon backbone diameter of 3.8 nm. The axial projection of the cylinder is divided radially into four sectors by four interchannel contact points. These sectors are characterized in terms of their interactions with lipid and macromolecular ligands, and in terms of the presence or absence of exposed basic amino acids.  相似文献   

The channels of the mitochondrial outer membrane represent a useful model for studies into the mechanisms underlying phenomena of voltage-dependent gating and ion selectivity.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown the existence of an autonomous mitochondrial GDPmannose: dolichylmonophosphate mannosyltransferase, located in mitochondiral outer membrane of liver cells. As nothing is known about glycosylation sites in mitochondria, we have investigated the topological orientation of this enzyme in intact mitochondria, using controlled proteolysis with trypsin. Mitochondria were purified sequentially by mild ultrasonic treatment and sucrose density gradient. Purity and homogeneity of mitochondrial fraction were assessed by electron microscopy and specific marker enzymes measures. Our data provide evidence for a mitochondrial GDPmannose: dolichylmonophosphate mannosyltransferase facing the cytoplasmic side of the outer membrane. However, the exposure of this enzyme to the water phase has been shown to be dependent on the ionic strength of the environment.  相似文献   

The channel protein in the outer membrane ofNeurospora crassa mitochondria, VDAC, forms extended planar crystals on the membrane. The arrays, which are induced by phospholipase A2, are polymorphic, varying from parallelogram (P) to near-rectangular (R) geometry with increased phospholipase treatment. Computer-based analysis of projection images of negatively stained VDAC arrays indicates that the protein forms a transmembrane channel in the P array. Comparison of average images of arrays embedded in different negative stains suggests that the bore of the channel is 2–2.5 nm. The locations of functionally important lysine clusters on VDAC are inferred from the effects of succinylation on projection images of arrays negatively stained with phosphotungstate. Projection images of unstained frozen-hydrated arrays indicate the general shape of the channel and suggest each channel is formed by one 31-kDa VDAC polypeptide.  相似文献   

The polyanion-induced substate of the outer mitochondrial membrane was studiedin vivo andin vitro. Study of the substate in artificial bilayers showed that it is highly cation selective. The induction of the substate in intact mitochondria leads to a complete inhibition of the intermembrane kinases, such as creatine kinase and adenylate kinase, which were excluded from the external ATP pool. Peripheral kinases, such as hexokinase, were blocked when they utilized internal ATP. The results with intact mitochondria suggested the existence of two regions of the outer membrane containing channels of different states, which may be involved in the regulation of intermembrane and peripheral kinases.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction from centrifugally oriented specimens of plant outer mitochondrial membranes suggests that these membranes contain prominent in-plane subunits. The short lamellar repeat which these specimens display (as low as 5.1 nm) points to a predominantly internal localization of the protein components of these membranes. The simplest model for the putative in-plane subunit consistent with autocorrelation analysis of the normal-incidence diffraction data consists of two concentric rings of electron density with diameters of (approx.) 2 and 4 nm. These rings could represent the planar projections of concentric cylindrical shells, aligned normal to the membrane surface.  相似文献   

The PSC (peptide-sensitive Channel), a cationic channel of large conductance, has been characterized in yeast and mammalian mitochondria by three different methods, tip-dip, patch clamp of giant liposomes, and planar bilayers. The yeast and mammalian PSC share the common property to be blocked by basic peptides such as pCyt OX IV (1–12)Y which contains the first 12 residues of the presequence of cytochromec oxidase subunit IV. The electrophysiological data are consistent with a translocation of the peptide through the pore. Analysis of the frequency of observation of the PSC in different fractions indicates that the channel is located in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Uptake measurements of iodinated peptides by intact mitochondria from a porin-less mutant show that the peptides are translocated through the outer membrane, presumably at the level of PSC. Among the peptides active on PSC, several, such as pCyt OX IV (1–22) and the reduced form of the mast cell degranulating peptide, induce an alteration of the voltage dependence or of the inactivation rate subsisting after washing and which is eliminated only by proteolysis of the interacting peptide. These irreversible effects may account for the variability of the properties of the PSC which would interact with cytosolic or intermembrane cations, peptides, or proteins, thus modulating the channel permeability. Finally, several lines of evidence suggest the participation of the PSC in protein translocation and some interaction with the general insertion pore of the outer membrane translocation machinery.  相似文献   

Summary The outer mitochondrial membranes of all organisms so far examined contain a protein which forms voltage-dependent anion selective channels (VDAC) when incorporated into planar phospholipid membranes. Previous reports have suggested that the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) outer mitochondrial membrane component responsible for channel formation is a protein of 29,000 daltons which is also the major component of this membrane. In this report, we describe the purification of this 29,000-dalton protein to virtual homogeneity from yeast outer mitochondrial membranes. The purified protein readily incorporates into planar phospholipid membranes to produce ionic channels. Electrophysiological characterization of these channels has demonstrated they have a size, selectivity and voltage dependence similar to VDAC from other organisms. Biochemically, the purified protein has been characterized by determining its amino acid composition and isoelectric point (pI). In addition, we have shown that the purified protein, when reconstituted into liposomes, can bind hexokinase in a glucose-6-phosphate dependent manner, as has been shown for VDAC purified from other sources. Since physiological characterization suggests that the functional parameters of this protein have been conserved, antibodies specific to yeast VDAC have been used to assess antigenic conservation among mitochondrial proteins from a wide number of species. These experiments have shown that yeast VDAC antibodies will recognize single mitochondrial proteins fromDrosophila, Dictyostelium andNeurospora of the appropriate molecular weight to be VDAC from these organisms. No reaction was seen to any mitochondrial protein from rat liver, rainbow trout,Paramecium, or mung bean. In addition, yeast VDAC antibodies will recognize a 50-kDa mol wt protein present in tobacco chloroplasts. These results suggest that there is some antigenic as well as functional conservation among different VDACs.  相似文献   

The major portion of rat brain hexokinase (HK type I) is bound to the outer membrane of mitochondria and glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) can release the bound enzyme. In an attempt to look at the hydrophobic component of binding, interaction of the enzyme with a purely hydrophobic matrix, palmityl-substituted Sepharose-4B (Sepharose-lipid) was investigated. Hexokinase readily bound to this matrix with retention of its catalytic activity. Glucose-6-phosphate which has a releasing effect on the mitochondrially bound enzyme, enhanced binding of the enzyme on the hydrophobic matrix. Chymotrypsin treatment of hexokinase which causes loss of binding to mitochondria, also results in loss of adsorption to the hydrophobic matrix, thus demonstrating that the hydrophobic tail present at its N-terminal end is essential for binding in both cases. Data presented provide some new information relevant to understanding how hexokinase interacts with its natural binding matrix, the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane protein, Mmm1p, is required for normal mitochondrial shape in yeast. To identify new morphology proteins, we isolated mutations incompatible with the mmm1-1 mutant. One of these mutants, mmm2-1, is defective in a novel outer membrane protein. Lack of Mmm2p causes a defect in mitochondrial shape and loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) nucleoids. Like the Mmm1 protein (Aiken Hobbs, A.E., M. Srinivasan, J.M. McCaffery, and R.E. Jensen. 2001. J. Cell Biol. 152:401-410.), Mmm2p is located in dot-like particles on the mitochondrial surface, many of which are adjacent to mtDNA nucleoids. While some of the Mmm2p-containing spots colocalize with those containing Mmm1p, at least some of Mmm2p is separate from Mmm1p. Moreover, while Mmm2p and Mmm1p both appear to be part of large complexes, we find that Mmm2p and Mmm1p do not stably interact and appear to be members of two different structures. We speculate that Mmm2p and Mmm1p are components of independent machinery, whose dynamic interactions are required to maintain mitochondrial shape and mtDNA structure.  相似文献   

Summary Detergent-free rat brain outer mitochondrial membranes were incorporated in planar lipid bilayers in the presence of an osmotic gradient, and studied at high (1 m KCl) and low (150 mm KCl) ionic strength solutions. By comparison, the main outer mitochondrial membrane protein, VDAC, extracted from rat liver with Triton X-100, was also studied in 150 mm KCl. In 1 m KCl, brain outer membranes gave rise to electrical patterns which resembled very closely those widely described for detergent-extracted VDAC, with transitions to several subconducting states upon increase of the potential difference, and sensitivity to polyanion. The potential dependence of the conductance of the outer membrane, however, was steeper and the extent of closure higher than that observed previously for rat brain VDAC. In 150 mm KCl, bilayers containing only one channel had a conductance of 700 ± 23 pS for rat brain outer membranes, and 890 ± 29 pS for rat liver VDAC. Use of a fast time resolution setup allowed demonstration of open-close transitions in the millisecond range, which were independent of the salt concentration and of the protein origin. We also found that a potential difference higher than approx. ± 60 mV induced an almost irreversible decrease of the single channel conductance to few percentages of the full open state and a change in the ionic selectivity. These results show that the behavior of the outer mitochondrial membrane in planar bilayers is close to that detected with the patch clamp (Moran et al., 1992, Eur. Biophys. J. 20:311–319).The neurotoxicological action of aluminum was studied in single outer membrane channels from rat brain mitochondria. We found that m concentrations of Al Cl3 and aluminum lactate decreased the conductance by about 50%, when the applied potential difference was positive relative to the side of the metal addition.The authors thank Dr. O. Moran for helpful discussions, Dr. M. Colombini for a sample of polyanion, and the Sharing Company for financial support to Dr. T. M. This work was partly supported by funds from the Ministero dell' Universitá e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica of Italy.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play an important role in cellular function. However, their analysis by mass spectrometry often is hindered by their hydrophobicity and/or low abundance. In this article, we present a method for the mass spectrometric analysis of membrane proteins based on the isolation of the resident membranes, isolation of the proteins by gel electrophoresis, and electroelution followed by enzymatic digestion by both trypsin and proteinase K. With this method, we have achieved 82-99% sequence coverage for the membrane proteins carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I), long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (LCAS), and voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), isolated from rat liver mitochondrial outer membranes, including the transmembrane domains of these integral membrane proteins. This high sequence coverage allowed the identification of the isoforms of the proteins under study. This methodology provides a targeted approach for examining membrane proteins in detail.  相似文献   

Summary DNA sequence analysis and the localization of the 5 and 3 termini by S1 mapping have shown that the mitochondrial (mt) small subunit rRNA coding region fromPodospora anserina is 1980 bp in length. The analogous coding region for mt rRNA is 1962 bp in maize, 1686 bp inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, and 956 bp in mammals, whereas its counterpart inEscherichia coli is 1542 bp. TheP. anserina mt 16S-like rRNA is 400 bases longer than that fromE. coli, but can be folded into a similar secondary structure. The additional bases appear to be clustered at specific locations, including extensions at the 5 and 3 termini. Comparison with secondary structure diagrams of 16S-like RNAs from several organisms allowed us to specify highly conserved and variable regions of this gene. Phylogenetic tree construction indicated that this gene is grouped with other mitochondrial genes, but most closely, as expected, with the fungal mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

One of the major outer membrane proteins of yeast mitochondria was isolated and purified. It migrated as a single band with an apparent molecular weight of 30 kDa on a SDS-electrophoretogram. When reconstituted in lipid bilayer membranes the protein formed pores with a single channel conductance of 0.45 nS in 0.1 M KCl. The pores had the characteristics of general diffusion pores with an estimated diameter of 1.7 nm. The pore of mitochondrial outer membranes of yeast shared some similarities with the pores formed by mitochondrial and bacterial porins. The pores switched to substates at voltages higher than 20 mV. The possible role of this voltagedependence in the metabolism of mitochondria is discussed.  相似文献   

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