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We report an unusual case of communal sexual display in thearctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix that we designate "female pheromonalchorusing." As in most moths, female U. ornatrix release a long-distancesexual advertisement pheromone during a nightly activity period.We arranged U. ornatrix females in 2 types of signaling conditions:grouped and solitary. When the females were grouped with neighboringsignaling females (grouped), they initiated pheromone releasesooner, continued release with less interruption and over alonger total period, and performed the release with faster abdominalpumping than observed in isolated females (solitary). This differsfrom the usual form of sexual communication in moths: female(chemical) signalers, male receivers, and a general lack ofinteraction among females. At mating, male U. ornatrix transfera large spermatophore that may enhance female reproductive successand which represents either mating effort or paternal investment.This action results in an extended postmating male refractoryperiod leading to a female-biased operational sex ratio. Weargue that this biased sex ratio generates intrasexual competitionamong females, to which they respond by elevating signalingeffort such that the likelihood of at least matching their neighbors'signals is increased. In the field, U. ornatrix are clusteredaround patches of host plants, and we also explore the possibilitythat pheromonal chorusing is driven by cooperation among groupsof related—or nonrelated—females.  相似文献   

Female Utetheisa ornatrix mate prolifically, a behavior that accrues nuptially transferred gifts of nutrient and defensive alkaloids from males. This behavior also potentially places sperm from numerous males in competition within the female reproductive tract. Here, we investigate sperm interactions within female U. ornatrix by exploring the arrangement and numbers of sperm stored within the spermatheca and by examining sperm deposition in the pseudobursa, a presumed digestive organ in the female reproductive tract. Our results show that females store fewer sperm than they receive from their numerous mates, and the data suggest that unwanted sperm is either shunted to the pseudobursa or expelled from the spermatheca. We found no evidence that the apyrene, or non-nucleated, sperm morph common to the Lepidoptera are involved in forming barriers between ejaculates within the spermatheca. Female U. ornatrix are thus able to control sperm use, which we argue may contribute to the pattern of paternity observed in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Female Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) mate selectively with large males able to transmit sizeable quantities of nutrient and defensive pyrrolizidine alkaloid with the spermatophore. The female gauges male size indirectly by assessment of the male's courtship pheromone.
2. Male Utetheisa invest upward of 10% of body mass in spermatophore production, and could therefore have been expected to be choosy; however, when offered females differing in alkaloid content, body mass, or mating status, males showed disregard of these parameters, both in their choice of partner and in their allocation of resources to the spermatophore.
3. It is concluded that Utetheisa males do not have the option to select females by comparison shopping . Females broadcast their attractant pheromone for less than an hour per day. Given this time constraint and the potentially high cost of mate localisation, males may have no choice but to mate on an opportunistic basis.  相似文献   

1. Female Utetheisa ornatrix mate multiply and may receive up to thirteen spermatophores. Spermatophores provide the female not only with sperm but also with a nuptial gift of pyrrolizidine alkaloid that she transmits to the eggs, protecting them against predation. Thus, through multiple mating the female accrues nuptial gifts that add to the defence of her offspring.
2. Multiple mating in female U. ornatrix brings about increases in fecundity, but not in longevity or egg mass. These increases occur through the third mating; the fourth and fifth matings, however, have no additional effect on fecundity.
3. These results, taken with the fact that spermatophores are sizeable and are digested within the female, suggest that they bear nutritive gifts that the female uses in egg construction. Multiple mating thus allows females to accrue the resources to build additional eggs.
4. These results are discussed in relation to the potential benefits accruing to donating such gifts and to male and female mating strategies.  相似文献   

The polyphagous arctiid Grammia geneura appears well adapted to utilize for its protection plant pyrrolizidine alkaloids of almost all known structural types. Plant-acquired alkaloids that are maintained through all life-stages include various classes of macrocyclic diesters (typically occurring in the Asteraceae tribe Senecioneae and Fabaceae), macrocyclic triesters (Apocynaceae) and open-chain esters of the lycopsamine type (Asteraceae tribe Eupatorieae, Boraginaceae and Apocynaceae). As in other arctiids, all sequestered and processed pyrrolizidine alkaloids are maintained as non-toxic N-oxides. The only type of pyrrolizidine alkaloids that is neither sequestered nor metabolized are the pro-toxic otonecine-derivatives, e.g. the senecionine analog senkirkine that cannot be detoxified by N-oxidation. In its sequestration behavior, G. geneura resembles the previously studied highly polyphagous Estigmene acrea. Both arctiids are adapted to exploit pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants as "drug sources". However, unlike E. acrea, G. geneura is not known to synthesize the pyrrolizidine-derived male courtship pheromone, hydroxydanaidal, and differs distinctly in its metabolic processing of the plant-acquired alkaloids. Necine bases obtained from plant acquired pyrrolizidine alkaloids are re-esterified yielding two distinct classes of insect-specific ester alkaloids, the creatonotines, also present in E. acrea, and the callimorphines, missing in E. acrea. The creatonotines are preferentially found in pupae; in adults they are largely replaced by the callimorphines. Before eclosion the creatonotines are apparently converted into the callimorphines by trans-esterification. Open-chain ester alkaloids such as the platynecine ester sarracine and the orchid alkaloid phalaenopsine, that do not possess the unique necic acid moiety of the lycopsamine type, are sequestered by larvae but they need to be converted into the respective creatonotines and callimorphines by trans-esterification in order to be transferred to the adult stage. In the case of the orchid alkaloids, evidence is presented that during this processing the necine base (trachelanthamidine) is converted into its 7-(R)-hydroxy derivative (turneforcidine), indicating the ability of G. geneura to introduce a hydroxyl group at C-7 of a necine base. The creatonotines and callimorphines display a striking similarity to plant necine monoesters of the lycopsamine type to which G. geneura is well adapted. The possible function of insect-specific trans-esterification in the acquisition of necine bases derived from plant acquired alkaloids, especially from those that cannot be maintained through all life-stages, is discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the polyphagous arctiid Estigmene acrea is well adapted to sequester and specifically handle pyrrolizidine alkaloids of almost all known structural types representative of the major plant families with pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing species, i.e. Asteraceae with the tribes Senecioneae and Eupatorieae, Boraginaceae, Fabaceae, Apocynaceae and Orchidaceae. The adaptation of E. acrea to pyrrolizidine alkaloids includes a number of specialized characters: (i) highly sensitive recognition of alkaloid sources by pyrrolizidine alkaloid-specific taste receptors; (ii) detoxification of pyrrolizidine alkaloids by N-oxidation catalyzed by a specific flavin-dependent monooxygenase; (iii) transfer and maintenance of all types of pyrrolizidine N-oxides through all developmental stages; (iv) conversion of the various structures into the male courtship pheromone hydroxydanaidal most probably through retronecine and insect specific retronecine esters (creatonotines) as common intermediates; (v) specific integration into mating behavior and defense strategies. Toxic otonecine derivatives, e.g. the senecionine analogue senkirkine, which often accompany the common retronecine derivatives and which cannot be detoxified by N-oxidation do not affect the development of E. acrea larvae. Senkirkine is not sequestered at all. Non-toxic 1,2-saturated platynecine derivatives that frequently occur together with toxic retronecine esters are sequestered and metabolized to hydroxydanaidal, indicating the ability of E. acrea to aromatize saturated pyrrolizidines. Although pyrrolizidine alkaloids, even if they are offered continuously at a high level (2%) in the larval diet, are non-toxic, E. acrea larvae are not able to develop exclusively on a pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plant like Crotalaria. Therefore, E. acrea appears to be specifically adapted to exploit pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants as "drug source" but not as a food source.  相似文献   

In the moth Utetheisa ornatrix defensive pyrrolizidine alkaloids are sequestered by both sexes as larvae from their foodplants. The adult male transmits some of this alkaloid to the female at mating for eventual incorporation into the eggs. We now show by chemical analyses that the female herself is the first beneficiary of the alkaloid she receives from the male. By the end of mating the male's alkaloid is found already to be generally distributed throughout the female's body (including even the wings), while it is still largely absent from the ovaries. This result is in line with our earlier finding that the male's alkaloidal gift can itself suffice to render a female fully protected against spiders from the moment she uncouples from the male.  相似文献   

Given the costs of multiple mating, why has female polyandry evolved? Utetheisa ornatrix moths are well suited for studying multiple mating in females because females are highly polyandrous over their life span, with each male mate transferring a substantial spermatophore with both genetic and nongenetic material. The accumulation of resources might explain the prevalence of polyandry in this species, but another, not mutually exclusive, possibility is that females mate multiply to increase the probability that their sons will inherit more‐competitive sperm. This latter “sexy‐sperm” hypothesis posits that female multiple mating and male sperm competitiveness coevolve via a Fisherian runaway process. We tested the sexy‐sperm hypothesis by using competitive double matings to compare the sperm competition success of sons of polyandrous versus monandrous females. In accordance with sexy‐sperm theory, we found that in 511 offspring across 17 families, the male whose polyandrous mother mated once with each of three different males sired significantly more of all total offspring (81%) than did the male whose monandrous mother was mated thrice to a single male. Interestingly, sons of polyandrous mothers had a significantly biased sex ratio of their brood toward sons, also in support of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

It is shown that pyrrolizidine alkaloids are phagostimulants for the caterpillars of two polyphagous arctiid caterpillars, Estigmene acrea and Grammia geneura. The caterpillars will also eat dry glass‐fibre discs containing only pyrrolizidine alkaloid ? an example of pharmacophagy. The tip‐recording technique is used to demonstrate that each species has a neurone in the medial galeal styloconic taste sensillum responding to pyrrolizidine alkaloids, although the species differ in their sensitivities. This neurone responds to at least four different pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N‐oxides, and experiments indicate that it is dedicated to perception of these compounds. The sensory response is phasic–tonic and during the tonic phase remains unchanged for at least 500 ms, resembling the type of response often seen in neurones that are sensitive to plant secondary compounds producing deterrent effects.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Electrophysiological recordings from taste sensilla of the caterpillar Tyria jacobaeae with the pyrrolizidine alkaloids, characteristic compounds from their host plants, demonstrated sensitivity of a pyrrolizidine alkaloid-sensitive cell in the lateral galeal sensilla at concentrations as low as 1 × 10−11 M. Another pyrrolizidine alkaloid-sensitive cell in the medial galeal sensilla responded at higher concentrations. Both pyrrolizidine alkaloid-cells were maximally sensitive to seneciphylline N -oxide and senecionine N -oxide. Seven other pyrrolizidine alkaloids were less stimulating. Monocrotaline N -oxide was the least stimulating. Observation experiments demonstrated that differences in sensitivity to different pyrrolizidine alkaloids at the electrophysiological level were correlated with differences in feeding behaviour; the first feeding bout was of longer duration on diet containing seneciphylline N -oxide than on diet containing monocrotaline N -oxide, and a plain diet was generally not accepted.  相似文献   

Leaf beetles of the genus Platyphora, feeding on plant species containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids of the lycopsamine type, not only sequester these alkaloids and concentrate them in their exocrine defensive secretions, but also specifically process the plant acquired alkaloids. Using P. boucardi as subject, three mechanisms were studied: (i). utilization of host plant alkaloids that are not sequestered per se; (ii). elucidation of the mechanism of the already documented C-7 epimerization of heliotridine O(9)-monoesters; (iii). the specificity of insect catalyzed necine base esterification. P. boucardi does not sequester the triester parsonsine, the principal alkaloid of its host plant Prestonia portobellensis (Apocynaceae). Beetles fed with a purified mixture of nor-derivatives of parsonsine, obtained from Parsonsia laevigata, did not sequester the triesters but transformed them by partial degradation into monoesters that are accumulated in the defensive secretions. The mechanism of the previously described transformation of rinderine into intermedine by C-7 epimerization was elucidated by feeding C-7 deuterated heliotrine (3'-methylrinderine). The transformation of heliotrine into epiheliotrine (3'-methylintermedine) catalyzed by P. boucardi is accompanied by complete loss of deuterium, indicating the same mechanism of an oxidation-reduction process via a ketone intermediate as recently demonstrated in a pyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestering lepidopteran. P. boucardi is able to form ester alkaloids from five different necine bases fed as radioactively labeled substrates. However, besides C-7 epimerization the beetles are not able to convert simple necine bases into retronecine. The functional importance of the various alkaloid transformations is discussed in comparison to striking parallels of analogous reactions known from pyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestering Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) have been identified in six species of Arctiidae reared on Senecio and Crotalaria. These include senecionine, seneciphylline, integerrimine, jacobine, jacozine, jacoline, jaconine and a metabolite (C15H25NO5) from Senecio , and monocrotaline, trichodesmine and crispatine from Crotalaria.
The all-red aberration of Tyria jacobaeae (var. conyi) contained much less of the metabolite than normal examples of this species. Female Spilosoma lutea reared on the same plants of S. jacobaea contained markedly more jacobine and jacoline than die males.
Host plant relationships and secondary plant substances are discussed. It is suggested that the Arctiid moths' own deterrent secretions, directed against vertebrate predators, pre-adapts them for feeding on foliage likewise protected against large herbivores by toxic secondary plant substances such as cardenolides and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These latter substances are more toxic to vertebrate than to insect herbivores, and their dual function of deterrent and insect aphrodisiac puts a premium on their sequestration and storage once a species has achieved the initial steps, and occupied the plant niche concerned. It is further suggested that the polyphagous habits of the Arctiidae result in a more equitable distribution of die secondary plant substances within the Mullerian complex concerned, thus providing a generalized warning message for the potential vertebrate predator.  相似文献   

An analysis of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) of the introduced annual weed, Heliotropium europaeum (Boraginaceae), at two sites in south-eastern Australia showed that percentage PA in above-ground parts of the weed differed significantly between sites and declined markedly through the season, from initial levels of >2.2% in the seedling stage to <0.5% prior to senescence. N-oxide forms of PA predominated at both sites, averaging >95% of total alkaloid. Major PA constituents — europine, heliotrine, and lasiocarpine — varied significantly between sites and sampling dates but no marked seasonal trend was detected. Lasiocarpine and europine content varied reciprocally in the free base and N-oxide forms, indicating that these compounds may be readily interconvertible. Correlation of rainfall and average number of leaves per plant with lasiocarpine and europine levels suggested that rainfall, either directly by altering the metabolism of existing leaves or indirectly through plant growth, initiated large short-term shifts in PA composition of H. europaeum without corresponding changes in total PA concentration. At both sites, sheep consumed H. europaeum, reducing both plant density and biomass. Biomass differences between exclosure and access plots of H. europaeum were correlated with grazing intensity. Since heliotrine, lasiocarpine and europine differ markedly in their toxic properties, large shifts in their relative concentrations may have important consequences for these and other herbivores. Environmentally induced quality shifts in these secondary compounds may be as important as, or even override, changes in total quantity in causing PA toxicity to grazing animals.  相似文献   

Cha DH  Linn CE  Teal PE  Zhang A  Roelofs WL  Loeb GM 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e17033
We investigated the role that the ratio and concentration of ubiquitous plant volatiles play in providing host specificity for the diet specialist grape berry moth Paralobesia viteana (Clemens) in the process of locating its primary host plant Vitis sp. In the first flight tunnel experiment, using a previously identified attractive blend with seven common but essential components ("optimized blend"), we found that doubling the amount of six compounds singly [(E)- & (Z)-linalool oxides, nonanal, decanal, β-caryophyllene, or germacrene-D], while keeping the concentration of other compounds constant, significantly reduced female attraction (average 76% full and 59% partial upwind flight reduction) to the synthetic blends. However, doubling (E)-4,8-dimethyl 1,3,7-nonatriene had no effect on female response. In the second experiment, we manipulated the volatile profile more naturally by exposing clonal grapevines to Japanese beetle feeding. In the flight tunnel, foliar damage significantly reduced female landing on grape shoots by 72% and full upwind flight by 24%. The reduction was associated with two changes: (1) more than a two-fold increase in total amount of the seven essential volatile compounds, and (2) changes in their relative ratios. Compared to the optimized blend, synthetic blends mimicking the volatile ratio emitted by damaged grapevines resulted in an average of 87% and 32% reduction in full and partial upwind orientation, respectively, and the level of reduction was similar at both high and low doses. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the specificity of a ubiquitous volatile blend is determined, in part, by the ratio of key volatile compounds for this diet specialist. However, P. viteana was also able to accommodate significant variation in the ratio of some compounds as well as the concentration of the overall mixture. Such plasticity may be critical for phytophagous insects to successfully eavesdrop on variable host plant volatile signals.  相似文献   

The mutagenicities of 7 pyrrolizidine alkaloids to Salmonella typhimurium TA100 were demonstrated by a modified Ames's method. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids found to be mutagenic were clivorine, fukinotoxin, heliotrine, lasiocarpine, ligularidine, LX201 and senkirkine. Pre-incubation of these alkaloids with S9 mix and bacteria in a liquid medium was essential for demonstration of their mutagenicities.  相似文献   

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