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Sustainable agriculture strives for healthy, high yielding plants with minimal agronomic inputs. Genetic solutions to increase nutrient uptake are desirable because they provide ongoing improvements. To achieve this it is necessary to identify genes involved in uptake and translocation of nutrients. We selected Medicago truncatula L. as a model because of its: i) close genetic relationship to food legumes, ii) use as a pasture legume in southern Australia and iii) availability of mapping populations generated from genetically diverse accessions. We discovered statistically significant differences between eight accessions for: root architecture in growth pouches, % root colonisation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices, and plant tissue concentration of most macro- and micronutrients. Mycorrhizal colonisation had a significant effect on P concentration in roots but not shoots, Mg concentration in both roots and shoots, and the concentration of various micronutrients in shoots including Fe, Ca, but not Zn. Comparison of micronutrient uptake between root and shoot tissues showed that some M. truncatula accessions were more efficient at mobilisation of nutrients from roots to shoots. We are now in a position to use existing mapping populations of M. truncatula to identify quantitative trait loci important for human health and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

The effects of Ni and Cd on growth and nutrient uptake of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings were investigated in a pot experiment. Seedlings were either inoculated with Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton or left uninoculated before being planted in pots containing a mixture of sandy soil from the B-horizon of a coniferous forest, small stones and pure quartz sand. The pots were supplied with small amounts of a balanced nutrient solution every 24 h using peristaltic pumps. Nickel or Cd were added as chlorides to the nutrient solution at levels of 85 M Ni (Ni 1), 170 M Ni (Ni 2), or 8.9 M Cd. Mycorrhizal colonisation of the roots was nearly 100% in the mycorrhizal treatments. The mycorrhizal seedlings grew significantly better than the non-mycorrhizal ones. The weight of mycorrhizal seedlings in the Ni 2 treatment was 29% lower than that of the mycorrhizal controls, but still 34% greater than that of the non-mycorrhizal seedlings not exposed to metals. There was an overall, statistically significant, negative effect of metals on plant yield. Mycorrhizal plants had lower root:shoot (R:S) ratios than non-mycorrhizal plants and the R:S ratio was increased by metal exposure, particularly in the non-mycorrhizal seedlings. Plant concentrations of Cd or Ni were not affected by mycorrhizal colonisation, but total uptake of Cd and Ni was higher in bigger mycorrhizal seedlings. Nickel decreased P concentration in all seedlings and Cd decreased P concentration in the non-mycorrhizal seedlings. Generally, the mycorrhizal seedlings grew better than non-mycorrhizal ones and had better P, K, Mg and S status. Root growth was not significantly affected by the metal treatments. The reduction in mean shoot growth of non-mycorrhizal plants, relative to the metal-free control, appeared higher than in mycorrhizal plants but was not statistically significant due to high variation in the non-mycorrhizal plants not exposed to metals. The main mycorrhizal effect was thus increased nutrient uptake and growth of the seedlings.  相似文献   

A sand culture system was developed for growth of mycorrhizal seedlings under monoxenic conditions, with frequently renewed nutrient solution The composition of the nutrient solution resembled that of a forest soil solution, based on long-term measurements from forest sites at Soiling, northern Germany. Seedlings of Picea abies (L.) Karst. inoculated with Lactarius rufus (Scop.) Fr. were grown in this culture system. Plants developed rapidly, having almost totally mycorrhizal root systems. Nitrate at 2.7 mM in the nutrient solution and applied over a 13 week period had no negative effect on mycorrhizal development. Ammonium at 2.7 mM reduced the degree of mycorrhizal infection slightly, in such a way that the degree of mycorrhizal infection was reduced to a much less extent than the total number of root lips. Hence, the impact of NH+4 may be primarily on root development and not on mycorrhizal fungal colonization. When the concentrations of NO-3 and NH+4 used in the present study are compared to those found in forest soil solutions, NO-3 and NH4+ would not appear to influence mycorrhizal development negatively under natural conditions. Aluminium at 0.8 mM and applied over a 13 week period reduced Mg uptake into roots and needles by 52 and 64%, respectively, resulting in needle chlorosis and strongly reduced photosynthetic activity. From a comparison of this study with others, no major difference in physiological response to aluminium exposure between non-mycorrhizal seedlings and seedlings colonized with Lactarius rufus was found.  相似文献   

不同pH值下丛枝菌根真菌对枳生长及铁吸收的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王明元  夏仁学 《微生物学报》2009,49(10):1374-1379
摘要:【目的】本文对营养液不同pH值下丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza)真菌地表球囊霉(Glomus versiforme)对枳[Poncirus trifoliata]实生苗生长及植株铁营养状况的影响进行了初步研究。【方法】采用盆栽砂培试验,分别施浇pH 5.0、6.0、7.0和8.0的霍格兰营养液(含50 μM Fe-EDTA);常规方法测定植株生长指标;曲利苯蓝染色法测定菌根侵染率;分光光度法测定叶绿素含量和根系三价铁螯合物还原酶活性;原子吸收分光光度法测定叶片钾和活性铁含量;钒  相似文献   

The response to aluminium concentrations was evaluated for birch seedlings ( Betula pendula Roth, formerly Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) by using a growth technique that provides stable internal concentrations of nutrients in plants. Aluminium was added as aluminium nitrate and aluminium chloride and pH was kept at 3.8±0.2 by adding HCl or NaOH. The seedlings were grown in two different series of nutrient treatments, either with near-optimum conditions (relative addition rate 25% day−1) or with constant nutrient stress (relative addition rate 10% day−1) before the aluminium addition. Growth reduction occurred at aluminium concentrations greater than 3 m M , and lethal effects at aluminium concentrations greater than 15 m M . In plants subjected to near-optimum conditions before aluminium addition, the internal nutrient concentrations decreased with increasing aluminium concentration for all macronutrients. The concentration of the macronutrients N, K and P decreased gradually with increasing aluminium concentration, while the concentration of Ca and Mg decreased fairly abruptly when aluminium concentrations exceeded 1 m M . The same tendency was observed in nutrient stressed birch seedlings, but the pattern was more scattered. Relative growth rate of the seedlings was not affected by a low Ca/Al ratio. In all treatments, the molar Ca/Al ratio in/on the roots was below 0.2 at the end of the experiments. As decrease in growth occurs only at high aluminium concentrations, there is no reason to suggest that aluminium in acid soils is growth limiting for natural birch stands.  相似文献   

Lee BR  Muneer S  Avice JC  Jung WJ  Kim TH 《Mycorrhiza》2012,22(7):525-534
To compare the effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and P-supplement on N uptake and N assimilation under well-watered or drought-stressed conditions, Glomus intraradices-colonised, P-supplemented non-mycorrhizal (P) and non-mycorrhizal (control) plants of Lolium perenne were exposed to 12?days of water treatment. Leaf water potential (Ψ (w)), photosynthetic ability, and N and P nutritional status were measured at the beginning (day 0) and end (day 12) of water treatment. N absorption, amino acid and protein synthesis were quantified using the isotopic tracer (15)N at day?12. Under well-watered conditions, growth response and physiological parameters were similar in AM and P plants, as compared to controls. Drought (10% water) significantly decreased these parameters in all three treatments. As compared to control plants, the negative impact of water deficit on the Ψ (w), photosynthesis, biomass, and N and P content was highly alleviated in AM plants, while only slightly improved or remained the same level in P plants. The effect of AM symbiosis on N absorption and N assimilation was greater than that of the P supplement under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions, and this effect was highly enhanced under drought-stressed conditions. At terminal drought stress on day?12, the effect of AM colonisation on de novo synthesis of amino acids and proteins was 4.4- and 4.8-fold higher than that of the P supplement. These results indicate that the AM symbiosis plays an integrative role in N nutrition by alleviating the negative impacts of drought on N or P uptake and N assimilation, whereas the efficiency of a direct P supplement is very limited under drought-stressed conditions.  相似文献   

Johnson  Dale W.  Ball  Timothy  Walker  Roger F. 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):535-545
This paper reports on the results of a controlled-environment study on the effects of CO2 (370, 525, and 700 mol mol-1) and N [0, 200, and 400 g N g soil-1 as (NH4)SO4] on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) seedlings. Based upon a review of the literature, we hypothesized that N limitations would not prevent a growth response to elevated CO2. The hypothesis was not supported under conditions of extreme N deficiency (no fertilizer added to a very poor soil), but was supported when N limitations were less severe but still suboptimal (lower rate of fertilization). The growth increases in N-fertilized seedlings occurred mainly between 36 and 58 weeks without any additional N uptake. Thus, it appeared that elevated CO2 allowed more efficient use of internal N reserves in the previously-fertilized seedlings, whereas internal N reserves in the unfertilized seedlings were insufficient to allow this response. Uptake rates of other nutrients were generally proportional to growth. Nitrogen treatment caused reductions in soil exchangeable K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ (presumably because of nitrification and NO3 - leaching) but increases in extractable P (presumably due to stimulation of phosphatase activity).The results of this and other seedling studies show that elevated CO2 causes a reduction in tissue N concentration, even under N-rich conditions. The unique response of N is consistent with the hypothesis that the efficiency of Rubisco increases with elevated CO2. These results collectively have significant implications for the response of mature, N-deficient forests to evevated CO2.  相似文献   

(1) Increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition has shifted plant dominance from ericaceous plants to grass species. To elucidate the reduced competitiveness of heather, we tested the hypothesis that additions of nitrogen reduce the concentrations of phenolics and condensed tannins in ericaceous leaves and retard mycorrhizal colonisation in ericaceous plants. We also tested the negative effects of reduced light intensity on carbon-based secondary compounds and mycorrhizal colonisation in ericaceous plants. (2) We performed a field inventory at three heathland sites in the Netherlands varying in nutrient supply and light intensity. Leaves of ericaceous plants and grasses were collected and analysed for concentrations of tannins, phenolics and nutrients. Similarly, we took root samples to record mycorrhizal colonisation and soil samples to measure the soil mineralisation. In addition, we conducted two-factorial experiments with Calluna vulgaris plants, in which we varied fertiliser and shade levels under greenhouse and field conditions. (3) The field inventory revealed that nitrogen addition and shading both negatively affected the concentration of total phenolics. The total phenolics and condensed tannin concentrations were positively correlated (< 0.001), but in the field experiment, the condensed tannins were not significantly affected by the treatments. Our results provide the first evidence that the carbon nutrient balance can be used to predict the amount of total phenolics in the dwarf shrub C. vulgaris. (4) In the field experiments, shading of plants resulted in significantly less mycorrhizal colonisation. Only in the greenhouse experiment did addition of nitrogen negatively affect mycorrhizal colonisation. (5) Our results imply that increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition can depress the tannin concentrations in ericaceous plants and the mycorrhizal colonisation in roots, thereby reducing the plants’ competitiveness with respect to grasses. Additionally, if ericaceous plants are shaded by grasses that have become dominant due to increased nitrogen supply, these effects will be intensified and competitive replacement will be accelerated.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of aluminium concentrations between 0.2 and 30 mM at pH 3.8 ±0.2 on small plants of Norway spruce [(Picea abies (L.) Karst], Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and Scots pine infected with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus bovinus (L. ex Fr.) O. Kuntze were investigated. The plants were grown at maximum relative growth rate (RG % day–1) with free access but very low external concentrations of nutrients. Steady-state conditions with respect to relative growth rate (RG) and internal nutrient concentrations were achieved before addition of aluminium, which was added as AlCl3 and/or Al(NO3)3. There were reductions in rg at aluminium concentrations of 0.3 mM in spruce, 6 mM in pine and 10 mM in ectomycorrhizal pine, i. e. at aluminium concentrations considerably higher than those normally occurring in the top layer of the mineral soil where most fine roots are found. Nutrient uptake rate per unit root growth rate was calculated for different nutrient elements. The uptake rate of calcium and magnesium was reduced at aluminium concentrations of 0.2 mM (spruce), 1 mM (pine) and 3 mM (ectomycorrhizal pine), without influencing Rg. The results question the validity of the hypothesis of aluminium toxicity to forest tree species at low external concentrations.  相似文献   

The impact of elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]) on crops often includes a decrease in their nutrient concentrations where reduced transpiration‐driven mass flow of nutrients has been suggested to play a role. We used two independent approaches, a free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment in the South Eastern wheat belt of Australia and a simulation study employing the agricultural production systems simulator (APSIM), to show that transpiration (mm) and nutrient uptake (g m?2) of nitrogen (N), potassium (K), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and manganese (Mn) in wheat are correlated under e[CO2], but that nutrient uptake per unit water transpired is higher under e[CO2] than under ambient [CO2] (a[CO2]). This result suggests that transpiration‐driven mass flow of nutrients contributes to decreases in nutrient concentrations under e[CO2], but cannot solely explain the overall decline.  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grown in a controlled environment with either low or high rates of applied nitrate-N (providing, notionally, insufficient or sufficient N for unrestricted growth), or in the absence of applied N. Plants receiving no nitrate-N were inoculated with Rhizobia and fixed their own N2. All plants were maintained with a maximum of three fully unfolded leaves per apex (lenient defoliation) until day 68 when half of the plants were severely defoliated. The export and translocation of carbohydrates from the first fully unfolded main stolon leaf was measured three days later using 14C.Reduced carbon translocation to stolon tissue and roots, and increased translocation to young branches, occurred following severe defoliation in all three nitrogen treatments. However, N-deficient plants showed large reductions in total export of carbohydrates (44 vs. 17% of 14C assimilated for lenient vs. severe defoliation) whereas N-sufficient plants (either receiving nitrate-N or fixing their own N2) showed small increases in total export (means of 54% vs. 62% in the respective defoliation treatments). Furthermore, carbohydrate translocation to old branches ceased altogether in severely defoliated, N-deficient plants, but increased in severely defoliated, N-sufficient plants, illustrating that plant responses to multiple-factor stresses may differ greatly from those seen as the result of single-factor stresses. Interactions between nitrogen nutrition and defoliation in total carbohydrate export, and in carbohydrate supply to old branches, could have serious negative effects on the short-term C economy and physiological integration, and hence on the adaptability, of clonal plants growing with a mineral deficiency in the presence of grazing animals.  相似文献   

Effects of aluminium on nitrate uptake and assimilation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A study was conducted to examine the hypothesis that the effects of external Al on NO3? uptake and assimilation depend upon the concentration of Al present. Young soybean seedlings [Glycine max (L.) Merrill, cv. Essex], growing under moderate acidity stress at pH 4-2, were exposed to a range of {A13+} in solution for 3d, and to labelled 99 atom %15NO3? during the final hour of Al exposure. Uptake of 15NO3?g?1 root dry weight was increased by about 28% in the presence of Al at {A13+} below 10 mmolm?3, and NO3? uptake was decreased by about 12% when the {A13+} increased to 44mmoln?3. The stimulation phase closely paralleled stimulation of root elongation. At higher {A13+}, the inhibition of root elongation was much more severe than that of NO3? uptake. There was no indication of a separate effect of Al on root 15NO3? reduction in situ, as the accumulation of reduced 15N in the root remained a similar percentage of 15NO3? uptake at all {A13+}. At higher {A13+}, the atom %15N enrichment of the insoluble reduced-N (protein) fraction of root tips increased. This suggests that the Al inhibition of root elongation did not result from disruption of the N supply to the root apex.  相似文献   

 The influence of different N sources on medium pH variation and the effect of the external mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on nutrient dynamics were studied using a two-compartment, aseptic Petri plate system. VA mycorrhizal, transformed roots of carrot (Daucus carota L.) were cultured in the proximal compartment and external mycorrhizal mycelium in the distal compartment. The medium in the distal compartament contained N either as NO3 or as NH4 +. The pH and the anion and cation concentrations were measured every 15 days in filtrates prepared from the distal compartments. Thirteen weeks after colonization, there was a significant basification or a light acidification of the NO3 and NH4 + medium, respectively. There was no change in NO3 concentration but a significant decrease in NH4 + concentration. Treatments containing N as NO3 showed no variation in cations such asCa2+ and Mg2+ or anions such as PO4 2–, and SO4 2– but showed significant increases in the concentration of K+. Treatments containing N as NH4 + showed no variation in cations or anions, except for increases in the concentrations of K+ and Cl. Accepted: 7 March 1996  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was carried out to determine whether the decline of Arnica montana L. in heathland vegetation in the Netherlands could be caused by a detrimental effect of soil acidification on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza of this species. Arnica montana and two non-declining species from the same habitat, Hieracium pilosella L. and Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin., were grown with and without the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxter sensu Gerdemann) Gerd. and Trappe in pots with an extremely nutrient-poor, sandy soil. They were percolated weekly with nutrient solution with different pH values, viz. 5.5, 4.5, 3.5 and 2.5. At intervals of three weeks and up to 12 weeks, measurements were made on growth, nutrient uptake and VAM infection.In the most acid treatments growth and nutrient uptake were reduced in all species. VAM infection decreased only slightly with decreasing pH of the treatments. Without VAM, Arnica montana died and Hieracium pilosella hardly grew at the most acid treatments. Therefore it is concluded that VAM decreased the stress caused by the most acid treatments. Leachate from the most acid treatment had a pH of approximately 4, and contained considerable amounts of aluminium, dissolved from the solid phase of the soil. This might have played a role in the detrimental effects on the plants in the case of the most acid treatment. No evidence was found in this experiment that the decline of Arnica montana was due to detrimental effects of soil acidification on VAM of this species.  相似文献   

Although it is known that floral dimorphism contributes to the maintenance of mixed breeding systems, the consequences of producing progeny of a contrasting genetic background and seeds with differential resource allocation has been practically ignored regarding establishment of belowground organisms–plant interactions. This article evaluates the combined effect of floral dimorphism with cross type and light environment on interactions between Ruellia nudiflora and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). R. nudiflora produces cleistogamous (CL) flowers that exhibit obligate self‐pollination and chasmogamous (CH) flowers with facultative self‐ (CHs) or cross‐ (CHc) pollination. We evaluated the establishment of the plant–AMF interaction in progeny derived from each floral type, under two light conditions (shaded versus open). We established different scenarios depending on the existence of inbreeding depression (ID) and whether the differential resource allocation (DRA) to CH and CL flowers affected the R. nudiflora–AMF interaction. We predicted that under shaded light conditions there might be an intensification of ID, having a negative effect on AMF colonisation. The percentages of hyphae and vesicles in the harvested roots was significantly higher in the shaded plants (F ≥ 4.11, < 0.05), while progeny of CHc and CHs presented a higher percentage of hyphae and vesicle colonisation compared to CL progeny (F = 15.26, < 0.01). The results show that DRA to CH flowers and light availability both determines the establishment of R. nudiflora–AMF interaction. The results also suggest that even under stressful light conditions, endogamy does not affect this interaction, which may explain the success of R. nudiflora as an invasive species.  相似文献   

 The effects of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus and drought stress on the growth, phosphorus, and micronutrient uptake of two wheat genotypes exhibiting differences in drought resistance were investigated. Plants were grown on a low P (4 mg kg–1 soil) silty clay (Typic Xerochrept) soil-sand mix. Mycorrhizal infection was higher under well-watered than under dry soil conditions and the drought-resistant genotype CR057 had a higher mycorrhizal colonization than the drought-sensitive genotype CR006. Total and root dry matter yields and total root length were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants of both genotypes. CR057 had higher total dry matter but not root dry matter than CR006 plants. The enhancement in total dry matter due to AM inoculation was 42 and 39% under well-watered and 35 and 45% under water-stressed for CR057 and and CR006, respectively. For both genotypes, the contents of P, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe were higher in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal plants and higher under well-watered than under dry soil conditions. The enhancement of P, Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe uptake due to AM inoculation was more pronounced in CR006 than in CR057, particularly under water-stressed conditions. Thus CR006 benefitted from AM infection more than the CR057 under dry soil conditions, despite the fact that CR057 roots were highly infected. It appears that CR006 is more dependent on AM symbiosis than CR057. Accepted: 12 February 1997  相似文献   

Of bacterial cells in a sample of activated sludge, 34% contained detectable intracellular polyphosphate inclusions following Neisser staining, when grown on glucose/mineral salts medium at pH 5.5; at pH 7.5 only 7% of cells visibly accumulated polyphosphate. In a sludge isolate of Burkholderia cepacia chosen for further study, maximal removal of phosphate and accumulation of polyphosphate occurred at pH 5.5; levels were up to 220% and 330% higher, respectively, than in cells grown at pH 7.5. During the early stationary phase of growth at pH 5.5 a maximum level of intracellular polyphosphate that comprised 13.6% of cellular dry weight was reached. Polyphosphate kinase activity was detected in actively growing cells only when cultured at pH 5.5. The phenomenon of acid-stimulated phosphate uptake and polyphosphate accumulation in this environmental bacterial population parallels observations previously made by us in the yeast Candida humicola and may thus represent a widespread microbial response to low external pH values.  相似文献   

The effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonisation on phosphorus (P) uptake and growth of clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in response to soil compaction were studied in three pot experiments. P uptake and growth of the plants decreased as the bulk density of the soil increased from 1.0 to 1.6 Mg m-3. The strongest effects of soil compaction on P uptake and plant growth were observed at the highest P application (60 mg kg-1 soil). The main observation of this study was that at low P application (15 mg kg-1 soil), P uptake and shoot dry weight of the plants colonised by Glomus intraradices were greater than those of non-mycorrhizal plants at similar levels of compaction of the soil. However, the mycorrhizal growth response decreased proportionately as soil compaction was increased. Decreased total P uptake and shoot dry weight of mycorrhizal clover in compacted soil were attributed to the reduction in the root length. Soil compaction had no significant effect on the percentage of root length colonised. However, total root length colonised was lower (6.6 m pot-1) in highly compacted soil than in slightly compacted soil (27.8 m pot-1). The oxygen content of the soil atmosphere measured shortly before the plants were harvested varied from 0.18 m3m-3 in slightly compacted soil (1.0 Mg m-3) to 0.10 m3m-3 in highly compacted soil (1.6 Mg m-3).  相似文献   

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