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Mortality processes from egg to final instar larval stage are examined in the papilionid butterfly Luehdorfia japonica for two generations in a natural populations. Special attention is given to the effects of initial egg cluster size on the survival rate by the 3rd instar. Mean egg cluster sizes for the two generations were 11.3 and 10.7. The hatching rate was not affected by the egg cluster size. Up to 3rd instar, larvae in a group were more likely to die en masse rather than to die individually, whereas most larvae in later instars died independently. The egg clusters of the average (and the most frequent) size class (11±1) had the second highest survival rate until the 3rd instar. A slightly higher survival rate occurred in clusters a little larger (14±1). The average size clusters were least likely to be exterminated and about 70% of them produced at least one individual surviving to the 3rd instar. Factors affecting the observed mortality patterns were discussed.  相似文献   

  1. Population dynamics of a univoltine butterfly Parnassius glacialis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) was studied with mark-recapture methods for three successive generations in a hilly region in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan in 1981–1983.
  2. Jolly (1965) andSeber's (1973) method was applied to the mark-recapture data to estimate population parameters (daily survival rate, longevity, population size, sex ratio, etc.).
  3. Sampling ratios were at least 50% and 30% for males and females, respectively.
  4. Mean daily survival rate for males ranged 0.81–0.86 and that for females 0.80–0.84. Mean longevity was about 4–7 days for the males and about 5 days for the females. Spiders killed more males than females. Maximum longevity for an individual recorded during the study was 31 days for males and 18 days for females.
  5. Emergence of the butterflies was later and less synchronous in 1981 than in 1982 and 1983. This was thought to be due to later extinction of heavier snow in 1981 than in the other years.
  6. The population remained relatively stable for the three successive generations, with estimated total numbers of 914, 1277, and 869.
  7. Estimated sex ratio (% females) was 30–40% at emergence

  1. Inflorescences of some Curcuma and Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in tropical Asia provide an unique aquatic habitat being discrete, small, and made of numerous smaller compartments (the bracts).
  2. The aquatic community in inflorescences of Curcuma in northern Thailand was composed of immature Diptera, of which the biting midge Dasyhelea and the mosquito Armigeres theobaldi were the commonest. No important competitors, predators or pathogenic parasites for the mosquito were confirmed.
  3. Inter-inflorescence distribution of the mosquito was contagious. Within each inflorescence, the fourth-instar larvae or pupae usually occupied bracts singly.
  4. The k-value analysis detected density-dependent mortality due to contest competition in the mosquito larvae.
  5. Variations in the larval and pupal mosquito size were density-independent and remarkably small as compared with size variations known for other mosquitoes.
  6. These population attributes (large density-dependent mortality with density-independent, minimally variable individual size) appear unique among mosquitoes, arising from conspecific killing, efficient foraging (inter-bract movement by crawl and single occupation of bracts), and availability of host plant tissues as supplementary food.
  7. A simple population model suggested that a small proportion of adult females lay eggs.

Difficulty arises in applying marking-and-recapture methods to insects when the probability of recapture of marked individuals is changed with advancing age, either due to detachment of the mark by moulting (in the case of larvae) or to changes in their survival rate or their behaviour. A modification of the re-recapture method (Leslie et al., 1953) has been devised to analyze the capture-recapture data of the 5th-instar larvae and adults of Nezara viridula L. Estimation of the rate of moulting to the adult stage is made with the aid of additional information on larval survival. Migration rates of the larvae between the two halves of the census field is estimated byIwao's (1963) method. Through these analyses, the dynamic feature of the population during transition from the 5th instar to, adult is revealed. Several problems involved in the application of marking-and-recapture methods to insect populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The changes in spatial distribution pattern during larval stage of the fall webworm,Hyphantria cunea were quantitatively investigated in the field experimental populations. The female adult deposits eggs as a cluster and the hatchlings make a compact colonial-web. In this period, the all-or-none type mortality which is characteristic in gregarious insect species was occasionary recognized before spinning a compact colonial-web. Once making a compact colonial-web, the larvae feed the leaves in the colonial-web up to about 5th instar. In this period, the movement of larvae occurred due to the local food shortage in a colonial-web and the expansion of colonial-web. As the larvae developed, the colonial-web was separated into several small groups. These larvae began to disperse about 5th instar. In this period, the local food shortage seems to be an important trigger for the larval dispersal. The mean concentration of larvae on leaves abruptly decreased, and finally the larvae became solitary at the 6th or 7th instars. The dispersal process in later larval stage is not necessarily due to the complete food shortage. The dispersal prior to the occurrence of food shortage may be a safety mechanism to protect the larvae from the food shortage.  相似文献   

The relationship between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and mating success was studied within males of the sphragis-baring butterfly Luehdorfia japonica, which were collected at various periods during their mating season. FA was measured on the forewing and hindwing radius lengths of male butterflies. Mating frequency of males was estimated by assessing the degree of scale loss from their claspers. Males consume scales and use them to form sphragis on the female abdomen during copulation, sealing the ostium bursa for life. Age of males was scored as wing age 0 to 4 according to the wearing of the wing. FA was negatively correlated with mating frequency but positively correlated with wing age, and average FA decreased with mating season. As females have little chance to express mate choice, it is likely that FA is an indicator of male viability: symmetrical males live longer and/or fly more actively, resulting in a higher lifetime mating success compared to asymmetrical males.  相似文献   

Intraspecies competition in a field population of Gregopimpla himalayensis (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) parasitic on the prepupae of Malacosoma neustria testacea (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) was investigated. The parasite oviposits the sufficient number of progeny (5 individuals/0.1 g dry weight of host) to exhaust a single host in a single attack. However, at the intensity less than 22–26 individuals/0.1 g d.w. of host, all individuals can emerge, i.e. density-dependent mortality does not occur. Within this range of intensity, survival of parasite larvae is guaranteed by diminution in body size and decreasing sex ratio. In contrast, total biomass of parasites showed a peak at 5 individuals/0.1 g d.w. of host at which a single host is exhausted. Above the intensity of 22–26, extraordinary minute individuals appeared and they died before maturation. If intraspecies competition play a role in regulation of G. himalayensis population in the field, the process is usually not through density-dependent mortality but through decreasing reproductive rate caused by decrease in the sex ratio, adult longevity and fecundity.  相似文献   

The effects of group size on the survival and development of young larvae of Pryeria sinicaMoore were investigated by laboratory and field experiments. Under laboratory conditions, about 20% of isolated larvae died of unsuccessful feeding in the first instar, however, larvae survived successfully in aggregations of four or more individuals. In the field, larvae emerge in early spring and wait for new leaves to open before feeding. In this period, the larger the group size of hatchlings the survival rate became higher. The nest-web spun by hatchlings was considered to play an important role in protecting them from desiccation. In the period that larvae began to feed on leaves, more than 36 larvae are necessary to aggregate for the successful establishment of feeding groups. The nest-web played an important role also in the establishment of feeding group. However, the natural group size of the first instar larvae was larger than the minimum group size to spin a sound nest-web in the field experiment. On the other hand, in later stage, larvae in a large group did not have an excess advantage in survival or developmental rate over larvae in a small group. It was found that the experiments on survival and developmental rates could not explain the reason that this species maintain large compact groups in the most part of larval period.  相似文献   

A population of the butterfly Luehdorfia japonica dependent on a small stand of an unusual host plant, Asarum caulescens, was found and observed for 5 years. The plant was growing in patchy clumps in a forest and in an adjoining clearing, but the number of leaves in the clearing decreased during the 5 year study period. Butterflies laid eggs mostly in or near the clearing, and the number of eggs steadily decreased year by year, along with the decrease in the number of leaves. The survival rate of the larvae was similar to that of the same species feeding on the usual host plant, Asarum takaoi, in an adjacent habitat. It is considered that A. caulescens is rarely a host of L. japonica because the plant grows in shady conditions and the butterfly prefers a host plant growing in a sunny locations for oviposition.  相似文献   

1. The swallowtail butterfly Battus polydamas archidamas Boisduval, 1936, exhibits polyphenism for pupal coloration (green and brown). It is distributed across arid regions with winter rains and is monophagous on Aristolochia plants, which emerge after the winter rains and dry out the during summer. Thus, day length does not covary positively with host plant productivity. It was hypothesised that pupal colour was driven by food availability, not photoperiod. The benefits of pupal coloration matching the colour of pupation sites in terms of field survival were also investigated to evaluate the adaptive value of pupa colour. 2. Larvae were reared under a factorial array of two photoperiods (LD 10:14 h and LD 14:10 h) and two food availability regimes (leaves ad libitum and available every other day) to assess the frequency of green and brown pupae. Field survival of green and brown pupae was quantified in three commonly used habitats that differ in background coloration (cacti, rocks and shrubs). 3. Food availability determined pupal colour. Larvae in the ad libitum regime resulted mostly in green pupae, while those with restricted food were mostly brown. In contrast, photoperiod did not influence pupal colour. Survival probability of pupae placed on cacti was higher than those placed on rocks and shrubs, and the lowest predation risk across habitats was for green pupae on cacti. 4. Food availability plays a major role in the seasonal polyphenism for pupal colour of specialist butterflies inhabiting arid environments with winter rains.  相似文献   

Under natural conditions insects are occasionally subjected to thermal stresses. Data concerning the effects of these temperature extremes on tolerance and on life history parameters of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) have been lacking.  相似文献   

A simple simulation model was developed to simulate the population dynamics of the system of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorumWestwood ) and the parasitoid Encarsia formosaGahan . On the assumption that temperature is constant, the whitefly population was described as theLeslie Matrix model. Parasitization and host feeding by the parasitoid population were modelled by means of a modified disc equation. The validity of the model was demonstrated by comparing the predictions of the model with the observed values obtained in greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   

Experiments are described showing the long-term dynamics of two species of bruchid beetles (Callosobruchus chinensis and C. maculatus) in arenas in which the resource of 50 black-eyed beans is divided between 5, 10 or 50 ‘patches’. Both species of adult beetles exhibit clumped distributions between patches. Within a patch there is a tendency for a density dependent reduction in (1) eggs laid per female, (2) the proportion of eggs hatching per bean (C. chinensis only) and (3) larval survival which is strongly overcompensating (particularly in C. maculatus). A discrete generation model is used as a framework to draw these results together and show how the different factors affecting natality and mortality can influence the population dynamics. Finally, the importance of the resource renewal interval in influencing the period of the population cycles is discussed.  相似文献   

One species of Drepaninae, Tridrepana crocea (Leech), is added to the Korean fauna. Up to now, 23 species of Drepaninae are known in Korea. Diagnosis and the photographs of male and female genitalia of T. crocea are provided.  相似文献   

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