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A study was conducted with hypophysectomized hamsters to determine effects of administration of prolactin (PRL), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-alone or in combination-on testicular PRL receptors and in vitro testosterone production. Hormonal injections commenced the second day after hypophysectomy, and hamsters were killed on Day 5, approximately 13 h after the last hormonal injection. PRL receptor numbers were reduced by hypophysectomy, and PRL administration alone lessened the extent of this decrease. By themselves, neither LH nor FSH affected PRL receptors, but a combination of PRL + FSH + LH produced the greatest effect on these receptors. Receptor affinity was only modestly affected by any treatments. In vitro testosterone synthesis was measured after addition of 0, 2, 10, and 50 mIU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to incubations of testicular tissue. Neither PRL nor FSH by themselves in vivo affected basal or hCG-stimulated testosterone production. However, PRL + FSH increased (p less than 0.05) the magnitude of the in vitro testosterone response to hCG, as well as the sensitivity of that response (slope of the dose-response curve). LH alone increased both basal and hCG-stimulated testosterone production. PRL + LH provided no additional increase in the magnitude of the testosterone response, but increased (p less than 0.05) the sensitivity. PRL + FSH + LH in vivo provided for the greatest sensitivity of the testosterone response to hCG.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the developing male rat around 40 days of age, the testis appears to contain the maximum amount of lutropin receptors per unit weight. During this period, circulating levels of testosterone markedly increase without the concomitant major surges in lutropin levels. The increased sensitivity and responsiveness of tests to basal levels of circulating lutropin during this period is accompanied by enhanced serum prolactin levels suggesting that this hormone may be involved in this process. The finding that prolactin treatment of pubertal rats for 3 days induced the formation of more testicular lutropin receptors supports the above premise. However, shortterm immunoneutralisation of endogenous prolactin did not significantly alter the specific binding of [ 125 I ]-labelled lutropin to testicular membranes. Interestingly, during development, a close correction exists between receptor occupancy and capacity of the tissue to bind labelled lutropin. The apparent dissociation between serum lutropin levels, on the one hand and tissue occupancy and free receptor contents on the other, suggests that factors other than lutropin (presumably prolactin) are involved in the modulation of the sensitivity and the responsiveness of the testis to lutropin during early development.  相似文献   

The effect of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on the percent conversion of a 14C-progesterone (14C-P) substrate to 14C-testosterone (14C-T) when added to incubates fo rat testicular homogenates has been measured. Similarly the effect of DES administered parenterally to intact adult rats at 9 dose regimens on such conversion has been evaluated. In addition, in the latter group serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were assessed simultaneously. DES added in-vitro significantly reduced T formation at every level. Only the large parenteral dose of DES affected T synthesis after 24 hours, while every parenteral dose significantly reduced T synthesis with 4 and 8 day regimens. Mean serum LH levels failed to reflect a significant decrease at the 1 and 4 day dose level, but did decrease significantly in 2 of 3 groups on the 8 day regimen. These results suggest that there is a direct effect of DES at a testicular level inhibiting T synthesis not associated with a simultaneous drop in mean serum LH levels. A measurable decrease in LH concentration does occur with continued treatment.  相似文献   

In vitro testosterone synthesis by rat testicular tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Gonadotropin receptor sites and adenylate cyclase activity were analyzed in luteinized rat ovaries following injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Gonadotropin binding capacity and hormonal stimulation of adenylate cyclase declined rapidly to a minimum at 6 to 12 h, remained depressed for 4 days, and returned to the control level between 5 and 7 days. Total adenylate cyclase activity measured in the presence of fluoride fell by 50% within a few hours but returned to normal by 24 h. A close correlation was observed between the number of gonadotropin receptors and the ability of adenylate cyclase to be stimulated by hormone. Assay of tissue-bound hormone showed that the initial loss of hormone sensitivity and binding capacity was associated with occupancy of luteinizing hormone receptor sites, but that the prolonged changes in these activities were not attributable to receptor occupancy. These studies have demonstrated that induction of a refractory or desensitized state in ovarian adenylate cyclase by gonadotropin results from the loss of specific hormone receptor sites.  相似文献   

The action of adenosine on lutropin (LH)-stimulated cyclic AMP production and LH-induced desensitization of adenylate cyclase in rat Leydig tumour cells was investigated. Adenosine and N6-(phenylisopropyl)adenosine caused a dose-dependent potentiation of LH-stimulated cyclic AMP production at concentrations (0.01-10 microM) which alone did not produce an increase in cyclic AMP production. However, 2-deoxyadenosine had no effect either alone or in combination with LH on cyclic AMP production. The potentiation produced by adenosine was unaffected by concentrations of the specific nucleoside-transport inhibitor dipyridamole, which inhibited [3H]adenosine uptake by up to 90%. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine, but not RO-10-1724, inhibited the adenosine-induced potentiation. In the presence of adenosine, the kinetics of LH-stimulated cyclic AMP production were linear with time up to 2h, compared with those with LH alone, which showed a characteristic decrease in rate of cyclic AMP production after the first 15-20 min. Consistent with the altered kinetics, adenosine also inhibited the LH-induced desensitization of adenylate cyclase. These results suggest that adenosine has effects on rat tumour Leydig cells through receptors on the external surface of the plasma membrane. This receptor has characteristics similar to those of the R-type receptors, which have been shown either to stimulate or to inhibit adenylate cyclase. However, the effects of adenosine in the present studies does not involve a direct inhibition or activation of adenylate cyclase, but may involve an as yet undefined receptor-mediated modulation of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Lutropin-sensitive adenylate cyclase ((EC ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing)) in purified rat ovarian plasma membranes is stimulated by lutropin 2- to 3-fold in the absence, but 15- to 20-fold in the presence of GTP or p(NH)ppG. Following 10 to 15 min of incubation at 30 degrees C in the presence of lutropin, enzyme activity declined (50%) in the presence of GTP but not in the presence of p(NH)ppG. This desensitizing process induced by lutropin and GTP is not seen if NaF is also included in the incubation medium. The desensitized state of the enzyme persists at 4 degrees C in membranes washed free of the incubation medium. In this state the enzyme is characterized by: (i) a reduced response to lutropin even in the presence of p(NH)ppG; (ii) its response to NaF is not different from that of untreated enzyme; (iii) it reconverts to a fully responsive state following incubation (10 min, 30 degrees C) in GTP-free medium, a process accelerated by p(NH)ppG; (iv) the receptor content as well as the stability of the receptor.hormone complex does not differ from that of untreated fully responsive enzyme. It is proposed that desensitization results from a GTP-dependent, hormone-stimulated reaction that leads to impaired coupling of the enzyme system. The desensitized state induced is transient and may revert to a responsive one under specified conditions.  相似文献   

Measurement of receptor-bound unlabelled physiologically active lutropin (luteinizing hormone, LH) was possible by a modified radioimmunoassay. The conventional radioimmunoassay conducted at 4 degrees C was inadequate, whereas the modified assay performed at 37 degrees C could measure receptor-bound lutropin. The radioimmunoassay at 37 degrees C takes only 36h for completion compared with 5-7 days at 4 degreesC. The sensitivity and range of dose-response curves are, however, unaltered. The validity of the technique was established by a number of criteria.  相似文献   

Testes from rats, mice and hamsters were incubated for 4 h with 0, 3.125 or 12.5 mIU hCG/ml. The LH receptor concentration in incubated testes of rats and mice was higher than that observed in hamsters. Testosterone levels in incubation media were significantly different among species (mice greater than rats greater than hamsters). During the incubation, hCG caused an increase in testosterone levels in all three species, but produced no significant changes in LH receptor concentration. Furthermore, a correlation between LH receptor concentration and testosterone only in hamsters is observed. The efficiency of the LH receptor-steroidogenesis interaction was estimated from the ratio of testosterone levels to receptor concentration under basal conditions and was found to differ among species (mice greater than hamster greater than rats). The levels of PGE and PGF in incubation media were higher in mice than in rats or hamsters, and hCG did not alter prostaglandin levels in any of the species. The present results indicate that acute in vitro hCG stimulation of testosterone synthesis does not involve appreciable changes in testicular LH receptor levels.  相似文献   

A system to study lutropin-induced desensitization of tumour Leydig cells in vitro has been investigated. Tumour Leydig cells were purified on a Percoll gradient and then incubated for 30 min with lutropin (0-1000ng/ml). The cells were then washed and incubated in suspension media at 32 degrees C. 125I-labelled human choriogonadotropin binding and basal and lutropin-stimulated cyclic AMP production were determined at various times. Initially the cells showed a dose-dependent decrease in human choriogonadotropin binding (1.18 and 0.13fmol/10(6) cells respectively) followed by an increase at 1 h (2.32 and 0.87fmol/10(6) cells respectively). Human choriogonadotropin binding remained elevated in the cells pre-incubated without lutropin, whereas the cells pre-incubated with lutropin showed a dose-dependent decrease over the next 10 h (2.20-0.18fmol/10(6) cells respectively). Basal production of cyclic AMP initially reflected the pre-incubation conditions (1.17-21.19ng/10(6) cells per h for 0-1000ng of lutropin/ml respectively). However, by 1 h there was a marked rise in basal cyclic AMP production which returned to the initial lower values by 4 h. At all time intervals studied, lutropin-induced cyclic AMP production showed a decrease that was proportional to lutropin concentration in the pre-incubated media. The decreases in human choriogonadotropin binding produced by pre-incubations with lutropin (100ng/ml) was partially inhibited by the presence of cycloheximide in the pre-incubation media and totally prevented by the continuous presence of cycloheximide. These results demonstrate that desensitization of tumour Leydig cells occurs after exposure to lutropin in vitro. This desensitization involves both a loss of plasma membrane receptors for lutropin and lutropin-stimulated adenylate cyclase. These events can be prevented by cycloheximide and are therefore probably dependent on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

During aging, the male Japanese quail exhibits a loss of fertility, increased morphological abnormalities in the testes, and a higher incidence of Sertoli cell tumors. Although there is a coincident loss of reproductive behavior, plasma androgen levels remain high until testicular regression occurs in association with senescence. The purpose of this study was to compare mean specific binding of chicken luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as a measure of testicular receptors during identified stages during aging. Males were categorized according to age (young = 9 months, middle aged = 24 months, or old = 36+ months) and sexual behavior (active or inactive). Testicular samples were collected immediately after perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde from the following groups: young active (n = 8), young photoregressed (n = 5), young photoregressed plus testosterone implant (n = 4), middle-aged active (n = 8), middle-aged inactive (n = 4), old inactive (n = 5), and old inactive plus testosterone implant (n = 6). A crude plasma membrane fraction was prepared from the testes of each bird and an aliquot deriving from 10 mg of testicular tissue was used for binding assay. Specific binding of labeled LH or FSH was expressed as percentage of total radioactive hormone. Results showed significant (P < 0.05) age-related decreases in both FSH and LH receptor numbers. The highest FSH binding was found in young and middle-aged active males, with low binding in old inactive males. Testicular LH binding decreased during aging, with a sharp decrease in middle-aged males, which was similar to old males. Testosterone implants weakly stimulated FSH and LH binding in old males. Both LH and FSH binding decreased in photoregressed young males. However, testosterone implants stimulated increased LH binding, but did not affect FSH binding in young photoregressed males. These results provide evidence for separate regulation of testicular LH and FSH receptors, with testosterone stimulation of LH receptor, but not FSH receptor number in young males. However, during aging there appears to be a loss of this response, potentially because of the reduced efficacy of testosterone stimulation, thereby implying a diminished capacity for response with aging.  相似文献   

By using radioimmunoassay, the interaction of sheep lutropin (luteinizing hormone, LH) beta-subunit with rat ovarian receptors was investigated. The binding of beta-subunit was specific, although of much lower order than that of lutropin. Sheep lutropin beta-subunit effectively inhibited the binding of human choriogonadotropin (chorionic gonadotropin, gCG) to the ovary, showing that both occupy the same sites. The binding of sheep lutropin beta-subunit to ovary was not followed by any detectable increase in cyclic AMP. The ovarian response to lutropin in terms of cyclic AMP production was inhibited in the presence of free beta-subunit. The alpha-subunit of lutropin, when used at concentrations where contamination with whole lutropin was negligible, enhanced the degree of binding of beta-subunit; this did not lead to increased cyclic AMP in the tissue. Surprisingly, the binding of beta-subunit in vitro was drastically decreased by the prior removal of all endogenous rat lutropin bound to receptors. The implications of these data are discussed in the light of the reported biological activity of the beta-subunit.  相似文献   

Until now, more than 800 distinct G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been identified in the human genome. The four subtypes of the adenosine receptor (A(1), A(2A), A(2B) and A(3) receptor) belong to this large family of GPCRs that represent the most widely targeted pharmacological protein class. Since adenosine receptors are widespread throughout the body and involved in a variety of physiological processes and diseases, there is great interest in understanding how the different subtypes are regulated, as a basis for designing therapeutic drugs that either avoid or make use of this regulation. The major GPCR regulatory pathway involves phosphorylation of activated receptors by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), a process that is followed by binding of arrestin proteins. This prevents receptors from activating downstream heterotrimeric G protein pathways, but at the same time allows activation of arrestin-dependent signalling pathways. Upon agonist treatment, adenosine receptor subtypes are differently regulated. For instance, the A(1)Rs are not (readily) phosphorylated and internalize slowly, showing a typical half-life of several hours, whereas the A(2A)R and A(2B)R undergo much faster downregulation, usually shorter than 1 h. The A(3)R is subject to even faster downregulation, often a matter of minutes. The fast desensitization of the A(3)R after agonist exposure may be therapeutically equivalent to antagonist occupancy of the receptor. This review describes the process of desensitization and internalization of the different adenosine subtypes in cell systems, tissues and in vivo studies. In addition, molecular mechanisms involved in adenosine receptor desensitization are discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of action of lutropin on the stimulation of the synthesis of a specific lutropin-induced protein in rat testis Leydig cells was investigated. Lutropin-induced protein has a mol.wt. of approx. 21000 and is detected by labelling the Leydig-cell proteins with [35S]methionine, followed by separation by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and radioautography of the dried gel. The incorporation of 35S into lutropin-induced protein was used as an estimate for the synthesis of the protein. Incubation of Leydig cells with dibutyryl cyclic AMP or cholera toxin also resulted in the stimulation of synthesis of the protein. Synthesis of lutropin-induced protein, when maximally stimulated with 100ng of lutropin/ml, could not be stimulated further by addition of dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Addition of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, further increased synthesis of the protein in the presence of a submaximal dose of lutropin (10ng/ml) but not in the absence of lutropin or with maximal amounts of lutropin (100 and 1000ng/ml). Actinomycin D prevented the effect of lutropin on the stimulation of lutropin-induced protein synthesis when added immediately or 1h after the start of the incubation, but not when added after 5–6h. This is interpreted as reflecting that, after induction of mRNA coding for lutropin-induced protein, lutropin had no influence on the synthesis of the protein in the presence of actinomycin D. Synthesis of the protein was also stimulated in vivo by injection of choriogonadotropin into rats 1 day after hypophysectomy, and the time course of this stimulation of lutropin-induced protein synthesis in vivo was similar to that obtained by incubating Leydig cells in vitro with lutropin. From these results it is concluded that stimulation of lutropin-induced protein synthesis by lutropin is most probably mediated by cyclic AMP and involves synthesis of mRNA.  相似文献   

Porcine lutropin (pLH) and human choriogonadotropin (hCG) recognize the same hormonal receptor and elicit the same steroidogenic response in porcine Leydig cells in primary culture. We compared the variation in the number of occupied and free receptors present on the cell surface under short-term stimulation by the two hormones at 35 degrees C. Both hormones produced a rapid dose-dependent decrease in the total number of the gonadotropin receptors present on the cell surface with a half-life of 8-10 min. This decrease was reversible upon hormone removal and receptors were recovered on the cell surface with the same half-life of 8-10 min. With pLH, the receptors were recycled in a free state, but in the presence of hCG the receptors were recycled in an occupied state. This difference could be related to the higher affinity of hCG for the receptor in 150 mM NaCl buffer (Ka = 1.6 X 10(9) for hCG and 1.5 X 10(7) for pLH) and higher stability to acid pH of the hCG-receptor complex (dissociation pK = 3.7 for hCG and 4.5 for pLH).  相似文献   

A membrane preparation from the testis of maturing Dorset-Leicester-Suffolk sheep, capable of discriminating pituitary LH (lutropin) from placental gonadotropins human choriogonadotropin (hCG) and equine choriogonadotropin is described. Maximum binding of 125I-oLH (ovine lutropin) to the testicular receptors occurred at 4 degrees C in a rapid manner, attaining equilibrium in 12-16 h. Under such optimal conditions, only unlabeled ovine LH or the structurally identical bovine LH effectively competed for receptor occupation. Other highly purified pituitary LH preparations from rat and human pituitaries were weakly (4-10%) active in displacement assays. Purified hCG or equine choriogonadotropin, which were highly potent in rat testicular LH receptor assays, could not compete with 125I-oLH for binding to the sheep LH receptor at 4 degrees C. Thus, the sheep testicular LH receptor was highly specific in recognizing pituitary LH conformation. The presence of an ovine/bovine LH alpha- or beta-subunit in recombinants with hCG subunit counterparts was required to generate an effective conformation capable of receptor recognition. Chemically deglycosylated hCG, containing 75% less carbohydrate and which showed greater binding to other LH receptors, failed to recognize sheep LH receptor, suggesting that excess carbohydrate in hCG was not a factor in hindering binding of the native placental hormone. Scatchard analysis using 125I-hCG/125I-oLH revealed that there were separate sites with similar affinities but vastly different capacities. The hCG binding sites, which could also be effectively occupied by oLH, were less than 10% of oLH binding sites. Thus, the Dorset-Leicester-Suffolk sheep testicular receptor provides an important and unique in vitro test system to distinguish pituitary LH from placental LH-like hormones. We infer that temperature-dependent conformational restrictions of the sheep testicular LH receptor are involved in recognizing differences in these highly similar and structurally homologous hormones.  相似文献   

Incubation of human astrocytoma cells (1321N1) with low concentrations of isoproterenol results in a specific loss of responsiveness to catecholamines as evidenced by a decreased accumulation of cAMP in intact cells, a reduction in isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity, and a decrease in beta-adrenergic receptor density, as measured by the specific binding of 125I-hydroxybenzylpindolol. The kinetics of desensitization suggest the involvement of two different reactions. The initial reaction involves a rapid loss of adenylate cyclase activity with little loss of beta-adrenergic receptors. Subsequently, a slower reaction results in the loss of measurable beta-adrenergic receptors. The degree of loss of both parameters was similar after 24 h of desensitization. It is concluded that the loss of beta-adrenergic receptors is an event that occurs as a result of the initial uncoupling of the beta-receptor-linked adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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