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本文记述隧蜂亚属12种,其中三个新种:拟黄带隧蜂 Halictus (Halictus) pseudotakuiricus;扎达隧蜂Halictus (Halictus) zadaensis;红足斑点隧蜂Halictus (Halictus) frostus;一个新纪录种:黄带隧蜂Halictus (Halictus) takuiricus Blüthgen。文中附有12种的种检索表。  相似文献   

吴燕如 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):466-475
杜隧蜂属Dufourea是杜隧蜂亚科Dufoureinae的一个属。其主要特征是雌性触角粗短,雄性触角长度一般不超过胸部,各节表面正常;中足距端部尖,栉不明显;雄性腹部第6腹板端部三齿状;第7背板具臀板;第7腹板端部分叉,被羽状长毛;生殖刺突细长,与生殖突基节分离,阳茎基腹铗宽而扁平,不活动;中足及后足腿节及胫节正常,不特化。 中国过去曾记载有三种杜隧蜂,即高原杜隧蜂Dufourea metallica Mor.青海杜隧蜂Dufourea armata Popov及变色杜隧蜂Dufourea versicola Alfken。本文记述了云南杜隧蜂Dufourea yunnanensis sp.nov.绿光杜隧蜂Dufourea chlora sp.nov.,西藏杜  相似文献   

范建国 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):234-240
文中记述中国胫淡脉隧蜂亚属Lasioglossum(Evylaeus)九新种。所有正模、配模和大多数副摸标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所,少量副横标本保存于奥地利国P.Andreas Werner Ebmer处。 1.拟闪光淡脉隧蜂Lasioglossum(Eoylueus)subfuigens新种♀体长5mm。头长等于宽(图1)。唇基微隆起,唇基端部无刻点,具几条深的纵沟,  相似文献   

报道中国澳彩带蜂亚属4种,并给出了物种检索表.这些物种包括:塔克彩带蜂Nomia(Austronomia)takaoensis Friese、克氏彩带蜂N.(A.)krombeini Hirashima、小齿突彩带蜂N.(A.)notiomorpha Hirashima与大胫板彩带蜂N.(A.)fruhstorferi Pérez,其中小齿突彩带蜂为中国新纪录种.研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

何琬  吴燕如 《动物学研究》1985,6(2):185-187
本文记述云南省产棒腹蜂属Rhopalomelissa一新种。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所,部分副模保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。 云南棒腹蜂 Rhopalomelissa (Trichorhopalomelissa) yunnanensis Wu et He,新种。 体长4—6毫米,黑褐色;腹部棒状。头扁平,宽大于长;复眼内侧稍凹入;上颚细长,具二齿,基半部深褐色,端半部黄褐色;颅顶后缘稍圆;额区中央具一明显纵脊;触角黑褐色,鞭状,长稍超过后胸,第一节最长,等于第三、四两节总长,第二节近球形,其余各节几等长;唇基及颜侧区密被褐黄色毛;侧单眼距稍短于复眼至单眼距离;胸部黑色;前胸、中胸背板、小盾片、后盾片被金黄色短毛,后盾片毛较密,小盾片上者混有少量金黄色长毛;颅顶后缘被少量金黄色毛;腹部黑褐色,第一、二及第三  相似文献   

本文两作者在研究苏联科学院动物所及中国科学院动物所939个标本的基础上记述中国小彩带蜂族Nomioidini 7个种,其中海南艳小彩带蜂Ceylalictus(Alronomiaides)hainanicus为新种。  相似文献   

本文报道采用浙江庆元百山祖自然保护区的潜水蜂属Agriotypus Curtis1新种;浙江潜水蜂A;zhejiangensis He et Chen,sp;.nov。模式标本存浙江农业大学。  相似文献   

The family Halictidae includes four subfamilies, Halictinae, Nomioidinae, Nomiinae and Rophitinae, apparently monophyletic. Systropha Illiger is the most diverse genus in Rophitinae (the Holartic genus Dufourea excluded). Several unique morphological, biogeographical and ecological features characterise the species within this taxon raising its interest for evolutionary studies. Now, to date there has been no extensive revision of the genus. The present work aims to alleviate this lack. In the first part, the authors propose an exhaustive catalogue, including the synonymy of the 26 described species. The last described species, Systropha heinzi Dubitzky 2004 syn. nov. is proposed as a junior synonym of S. kazakhstaniensis Patiny 2004, described one day earlier. The next parts of the study include a comprehensive key for the World species and the analysis of the species phylogeny based on 34 morphological characters. Converging with the conclusions of several former studies, this analysis points out the existence of 3 clades within the genus. These latter are described as 3 subgenera: S. (Systropha) Illiger 1806, S. (Systrophidia) Cockerell 1936 and S. (Austrosystropha) n. sg. Lastly, distribution and floral choices of taxa are specified.  相似文献   

Summary Proximate control of colony dynamics was studied in the primitively eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum (Dialictus) zephyrum using allozyme markers. The results indicate that workers produce on average 15% of the male brood (range=0–50%) in small laboratory colonies made up of unrelated, single-generation, uninseminated females. This proportion is not influenced by colony size, but is influenced by the relative size of the queen. Large queens are more successful in dominating their workers than are small queens, the queen being defined as the female that is the mother of most of the brood produced in the colony. Older and larger females tend to become queens. Thus, while small differences in age (up to 4 days) influence which female becomes a queen, her ability to control her workers is primarily influenced by her relative size. The proportion of reproduction that is co-opted by the queen is negatively correlated with colony reproductivity (the number of males/day/female). Colony reproductivity is also negatively correlated with the standard deviation in size among females.  相似文献   

In a survery of the bee fauna of Horand forests in East Azerbaijan province of Iran during 2008 and 2009, 46 species belonging to the families Anthophoridae, Halictidae and Megachilidae were identified. Eight species are new to the fauna of Iran: Evylaeus albipes (Fabricius, 1781), E. corvinus (Morawitz, 1878), E. israelensis (Ebmer, 1974), Seladonia desertorum (Morawitz, 1876), Heriades crenulatus Nylander, 1856, Hoplitis anthocopoides (Schenck, 1853), H. manicata (Morice, 1901) and H. rufohirta (Latreille, 1811).  相似文献   

D. Yanega 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):169-180
Summary Several years' observations of population of a primitively social halictine bee,Halictus rubicundus, revealed the following: (1) there is a correlation between ambient temperatures during the spring provisioning phase and the sex ratio of the resulting brood, such that warmer temperatures are associated with an increase in male bias; (2) over the course of the season, the degree of male bias of eggs laid appears to correspond with photoperiod; and (3) increasing male bias in the first brood is associated with decreasing proportions of social colonies formed in the population, and this effect may be accentuated by small population size. These phenomena suggest that abiotic environmental conditions at the time of brood production may profoundly influence the demography of this population, and that the demography in turn determines the degree to which sociality is expressed. These findings are related to hypotheses dealing with caste determination in temperate halictine bees, viewed in the context of the evolution and maintenance of sociality, and it is proposed that these phenomena reveal a mechanism by which social behavior (the occurrence of a worker caste, in particular) is facultatively fine-tuned to suit the characteristics of the environment.  相似文献   

采用最大似然法、贝叶斯法、最大简约法对来自角蟾科Megophryidae(Anura)9属20种及外群2种共30号标本的DNA序列进行了系统发育分析,所用片段为线粒体16S rRNA和cytb基因部分序列。结果表明,用于分析的所有角蟾科物种形成两大支。Ophryophryne、Brachycarsophrys、Atympanophrys同属第一支,前两者的系统关系较近。第二支5属间系统发育关系为(Leptolalax,((Leptobrachium,Vibrissaphora),(Oreolalax,Scutiger)))。  相似文献   

Bees are among the most important pollinators of angiosperm plants. Many bee species show narrow host‐plant preferences, reflected both in behavioral and morphological adaptations to particular attributes of host‐plant pollen or floral morphology. Whether bee host‐plant associations reflect co‐cladogenesis of bees and their host plants or host‐switches to unrelated host plants is not clear. Rophitinae is a basal subfamily of Halictidae in which most species show narrow host‐plant preferences (oligolecty). We reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships among the rophitine genera using a combination of adult morphology (24 characters) and DNA sequence data (EF‐1α, LW rhodopsin, wingless; 2700 bp total). The data set was analyzed by parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. All methods yielded highly congruent results. Using the phylogeny, we investigated the pattern of host‐plant association as well as the historical biogeography of Rophitinae. Our biogeographical analysis suggests a number of dispersal/vicariance events: (1) a basal split between North America and South America (most likely a dispersal from South America to North America), and (2) at least two subsequent interchanges between North America and Eurasia (presumably via the northern hemisphere land bridges). Our analysis of host‐plant associations indicates that Rophitinae specialized on a closely related group of angiosperm orders in the Euasterid I clade (mainly Gentianales, Lamiales and Solanales). However, there is little evidence of cocladogenesis between bees and plants and strong evidence of host switches to unrelated host plants. Based on our phylogenetic results we describe two new tribes of Rophitinae: Conanthalictini new tribe (including the genus Conanthalictus) and Xeralictini new tribe (including Xeralictus and Protodufourea). © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

Korean species of the family Sphecidae are reviewed, and seventeen species in nine genera belonging to three subfamilies are confirmed. Among them, Ammophila campestris and Sceliphron caementarium are new to South Korea. Korean occurrence of Sceliphron madraspatanum is confirmed with an actual Korean specimen. This paper provides the first determination keys to higher taxa and species occurring in South Korea. Taxonomic information of each species including original publication of valid name and justifiable references for Korean occurrence is provided. Digital images and line drawings for selective characteristics are also available.  相似文献   

I studied reproductive behavior of females of the gregarious ground-nesting bee Dieunomia triangulifera (Halictidae). During peak bloom of the host plant, Helianthus annuus, some females consistently brought pollen to one nest (provisioning bees), whereas others visited many nests without taking pollen to any (searching bees). Searching bees were more likely to have two or more developed oocytes and crops full of pollen. The ingested pollen probably provided protein for egg production. The differing behavior of provisioning and searching bees combined with contrasting internal morphology, indicated that these two sets of behaviors were alternative reproductive strategies. Three possible explanations for the searching bees' behavior included: usurpation, floating, or intraspecific cleptoparasitism. Each of these is evaluated as a possible function of searching behavior. Given the evidence I conclude that intraspecific cleptoparasitism is the most likely explanation.  相似文献   

Details of the variation in sting morphology for all subfamilies of bees are presented for the first time. A considerable amount of variation, potentially of great utility for phylogenetic studies, has been discovered in every part of this complex structure. Additional probable synapomorphies of bees were found; these include loss of the specialized sensilla-bearing area at the apex of the gonostyli and the reduction and reorientation of the processi mediani at the base of the sting shaft. Synapomorphies for particular subtaxa of bees were found. These include a long, ventral emargination to the second valvifer in Nomiinae and a blister-like protrusion of the lamina spiracularis of the 7th hemitergite in the Megachilinae. Sting reduction and some details of sting morphology would seem to support a relationship between the Stenotritidae and Oxaeinae. Loss of sting function has occurred in four families of bees and repeatedly within the Andrenidae. In some instances loss of function as a sting is associated with increased development of certain structures indicating a change in function for the sting sclerites. It is suggested that all future studies of bee systematics above the species level should include assessment of variation of the sting apparatus and that sting preparations, made and stored in the same manner as preparations of male genitalia, become routine. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 138 , 1–38.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the family Dactylopteridae is inferred cladistically. The family lacks a close relationship with the Scorpaeniformes, owing to the posterior extension of the infraorbital in the former not being homologous with the scorpaeniform suborbital stay. Monophyly of the Dactylopteridae and percoid family Malacanthidae is supported by 20 synapomorphies, the former having a sister relationship with the malacanthid genusHoplolatilus supported by three synapomorphies. The former Dactylopteridae plus Malacanthidae are redefined as a percoid family. Dactylopteridae. being subdivided into the following four subfamilies: Branchiosteginae (includingBranchiostegus andLopholatilus), Malacanthinae (Caulolatilus andMalacanthus), Hoplolatilinae subfam. nov. (Hoplolatilus) and Dactylopterinae (Dactylopterus andDactyloptena).  相似文献   

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