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Summary In the previous three reports in this series we demonstrated that the EF-hand family of proteins evolved by a complex pattern of gene duplication, transposition, and splicing. The dendrograms based on exon sequences are nearly identical to those based on protein sequences for troponin C, the essential light chain myosin, the regulatory light chain, and calpain. This validates both the computational methods and the dendrograms for these subfamilies. The proposal of congruence for calmodulin, troponin, C, essential light chain, and regulatory light chain was confirmed. There are, however, significant differences in the calmodulin dendrograms computed from DNA and from protein sequences. In this study we find that introns are distributed throughout the EF-hand domain and the interdomain regions. Further, dendrograms based on intron type and distribution bear little resemblance to those based on protein or on DNA sequences. We conclude that introns are inserted, and probably deleted, with relatively high frequency. Further, in the EF-hand family exons do not correspond to structural domains and exon shuffling played little if any role in the evolution of this widely distributed homolog family. Calmodulin has had a turbulent evolution. Its dendrograms based on protein sequence, exon sequence, 3′-tail sequence, intron sequences, and intron positions all show significant differences.  相似文献   

Summary In the first report in this series we described the relationships and evolution of 152 individual proteins of the EF-hand subfamilies. Here we add 66 additional proteins and define eight (CDC, TPNV, CLNB, LPS, DGK, 1 F8, VIS, TCBP) new subfamilies and seven (CAL, SQUD, CDPK, EFH5, TPP, LAV, CRGP) new unique proteins, which we assume represent new subfamilies.The main focus of this study is the classification of individual EF-hand domains. Five subfamilies—calmodulin, troponin C, essential light chain, regulatory light chain, CDC31/caltractin-and three uniques—call, squidulin, and calcium-dependent protein kinase-are congruent in that all evolved from a common four-domain precursor. In contrast calpain and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (SARC) each evolved from its own one-domain precursor. The remaining 19 subfamilies and uniques appear to have evolved by translocation and splicing of genes encoding the EF-hand domains that were precursors to the congruent eight and to calpain and to SARC.The rates of evolution of the EF-hand domains are slower following formation of the subfamilies and establishment of their functions. Subfamilies are not readily classified by patterns of calcium coordination, interdomain linker stability, and glycine and proline distribution. There are many homoplasies indicating that similar variants of the EF-hand evolved by independent pathways.Offprint requests to: R. H. Kretsinger  相似文献   

Summary The relationships among 153 EF-hand (calcium-modulated) proteins of known amino acid sequence were determined using the method of maximum parsimony. These proteins can be ordered into 12 distinct subfamilies-calmodulin, troponin C, essential light chain of myosin, regulatory light chain, sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein, calpain, aequorin,Strongylocentrotus purpuratus ectodermal protein, calbindin 28 kd, parvalbumin, -actinin, and S100/intestinal calcium-binding protein. Eight individual proteins-calcineurin B fromBos, troponin C fromAstacus, calcium vector protein fromBranchiostoma, caltractin fromChlamydomonas, cell-division-cycle 31 gene product fromSaccharomyces, 10-kd calcium-binding protein fromTetrahymena, LPS1 eight-domain protein fromLytechinus, and calcium-binding protein fromStreptomyces—are tentatively identified as unique; that is, each may be the sole representative of another subfamily. We present dendrograms showing the relationships among the subfamilies and uniques as well as dendrograms showing relationships within each subfamily.The EF-hand proteins have been characterized from a broad range of organismal sources, and they have an enormous range of function. This is reflected in the complexity of the dendrograms. At this time we urge caution in assigning a simple scheme of gene duplications to account for the evolution of the 600 EF-hand domains of known sequence.  相似文献   

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