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U. Schleiff 《Plant and Soil》1986,94(1):143-146
Summary The water uptake rates of roots in saline soils are depressed by the simultaneously decreasing matric and osmotic water potentials in the soil surrounding the roots (rhizospheric soil). Unfortunately there are no reliable tools available for direct measurements of the effect of decreasing water potentials in the rhizospheric soil on the uptake rate of soil water by roots. This paper presents some results of a vegetation technique for studying the effect of different combinations of osmotic and matric water potentials in the rhizospheric soil on the water uptake rates of barley roots. Water uptake rates were reduced to a greater extent by decreasing soil matric water potentials than by decreasing soil osmotic water potentials. According to the results of this experiment, there was no relationship between the total soil water potential of a sandy soil and the water uptake rates when the roots were exposed to different combinations of and .  相似文献   

The tepary bean ( Phaseolus acutifolius Gray var. latifolius ), a drought resistant species, was compared under water stress conditions with the more drought susceptible P. vulgaris L. cvs Pinto and White Half Runner (WHR). In order to better understand the basis for the superior drought resistance of tepary, this study was designed to determine the relationships among leaf water potential, osmotic potential, turgor potential, and relative water content (RWC).
Plants were prestressed by withholding irrigation water. These stress pretreatments changed the relation between leaf water potential and relative water content of both species so that prestressed plants had lower water potentials than controls at the same leaf RWC. Tepary had lower water potentials at given RWC levels than Pinto or WHR; this can account for part of the superior resistance of tepary. In all genotypes, prestressed plants maintained osmotic potentials approximately 0.2 MPa lower than controls. Tepary reached osmotic potentials that were significantly lower (0.15 to 0.25 MPa) than Pinto or WHR. Both control and prestressed tepary plants had 0.05 to 0.25 MPa more turgor than Pinto or WHR at RWC values between 65 and 80%. Both prestressed and control tepary plants had greater elasticity (a lower elastic modulus) than Pinto or WHR. This greater turgor of tepary at low RWC values could be caused by several factors including greater tissue elasticity, active accumulation of solutes, or greater solute concentration.
Tepary had significantly lower osmotic potentials than the P. vulgaris cultivars, but there was little difference in osmotic potential between Pinto and WHR. Knowledge of differences in osmotic and turgor potentials among and within species could be useful in breeding for drought resistance in Phaseolus.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were done to test whether N fixation is more sensitive to high soil temperatures in common bean than in cowpea or soybean. Greenhouse experiments compared nodulation, nitrogenase activity, growth and nitrogen accumulation of several host/strain combinations of common bean with the other grain legumes and with N-fertilization, at various root temperatures. Field experiments compared relative N-accumulation (in symbiotic relative to N-fertilized plants) of common bean with cowpea under different soil thermal regimes. N-fertilized beans were unaffected by the higher temperatures, but nitrogen accumulation by symbiotic beans was always more sensitive to high root temperatures (33°C, 33/28°C, 34/28°C compared with 28°C) than were cowpea and soybean symbiosis. Healthy bean nodules that had developed at low temperatures functioned normally in acetylene reduction tests done at 35°C. High temperatures caused little or no suppression of nodule number. However, bean nodules produced at high temperatures were small and had low specific activity. ForP. vulgaris some tolerance to high temperature was observed among rhizobium strains (e.g., CIAT 899 was tolerant) but not among host cultivars. Heat tolerance ofP. acutifolius andP. lunatus symbioses was similar to that of cowpea and soybean. In the field, high surface soil temperatures did not reduce N accumulation in symbiotic beans more than in cowpea, probably because of compensatory nodulation in the deeper and cooler parts of the soil.  相似文献   

D. Kumar 《Plant and Soil》1984,79(2):261-272
In a micro-plot study of 6 cultivars of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) it was observed that germination of seeds and seed yield per plot decreased linearly with rising salinity levels. On the contrary, seed yield per plant increased with the salinity until at a critical salinity level it fell abruptly. Compared to the cultivars of the sensitive group the tolerant ones exhibited a higher magnitude of reduction in number of leaf stomata per unit area (stomatal frequency of leaf) at the critical salinities (12 mmhos/cm and above) of irrigation water, whereas the decrease in leaf water potential (-leaf) was not so marked at the same salinity levels. Tolerant cultivars were also notable for having a wider K/Na ratio (1.63 and 1.28) and a higher accumulation of free proline (2.10 and 2.30 mole/g) at EC irrigation water of 12 and 16 mmhos/cm respectively. Reductions in yield at these salinities were rather lower being 27.0 and 79.8% respectively in tolerant cultivars compared with 59.0 and 94.2% respectively in sensitive ones.  相似文献   

土壤水分状况及环境条件对水稻蒸腾的影响   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
在南方红壤区用田间测坑试验,研究了高、中、低3种土壤水分条件下的早、晚稻蒸腾速率和水分利用效率的变化,蒸腾日变化结果表明,蒸腾速率受许多田间小气候因子的影响,相关分析及多元逐步回归分析表明,叶片与空气相对湿度差和叶面温度对水稻叶片蒸腾影响最大,处理B(中等土壤水分条件)可以明显提高叶片水利用率和产是,处理C提高了叶片水分利用效率,却导致晚稻减产,早稻中、低土壤水分条件可以减小叶片蒸腾速率,而晚稻上并不能明显减少叶片蒸腾。  相似文献   

Abstract Water-stressed pigeonpea leaves have high levels of osmotic adjustment at low leaf water potentials. The possible contribution of this adjustment of dehydration tolerance of leaves was examined in plants grown in a controlled environment. Osmotic adjustment was varied by withholding water from plants growing in differing amounts of soil, which resulted in different rates of decline of leaf water potential. The level of osmotic adjustment was inversely related to leaf water potential in all treatments. In addition, at any particular water potential, plants that had experienced a rapid development of stress exhibited less osmotic adjustment than plants that experienced a slower development of stress. Leaves with different levels of osmotic adjustment died at water potentials between –3.4 and –6.3 MPa, but all leaves died at a similar relative water content (32%). Consequently, leaves died when relative water content reached a lethal value, rather than when a lethal leaf water potential was reached. Osmotic adjustment delayed the time and lowered the leaf water potential when the lethal relative water content occurred, because it helped maintain higher relative water contents at low leaf water potentials. The consequences of osmotic adjustment for leaf survival in water-stressed pigeonpea are discussed.  相似文献   



Common bean is a major source of protein for many people worldwide. However, the crop is often subjected to drought conditions and its advantage in undertaking symbiotic nitrogen fixation can be severely decreased. The primary objective of this study was to compare the resistance of nitrogen fixation of 12 selected genotypes to soil drying.


Twelve common bean genotypes of diverse genetic background were compared. Plants were grown in pots and subjected to soil drying over about 2 weeks. Nitrogen fixation was measured daily using a flow-through acetylene reduction technique. The plants were exposed to acetylene for only a short time period allowing repeated measures. The acetylene reduction rate of plants on drying soil was normalized against the rates measured for well-watered plants.


Substantial variability was identified among genotypes in the threshold soil water content at which nitrogen fixation was observed to decrease. Genotypes SER 16, SXB 412, NCB 226, and Calima were found to have the greatest delay in their decrease in nitrogen fixation rates based on soil water content. These four genotypes expressed substantial tolerance of nitrogen fixation to soil drying. These experiments also resulted in data on the threshold soil water contents at which transpiration rates decreased. A decrease in transpiration rates at high soil water contents is potentially advantageous since it allows soil water conservation for use as the severity of the drought increases. There was a general trend of those genotypes with sustained nitrogen fixation rates to low soil water contents also expressing decreased transpiration rates at high soil water contents.


This study identified genetic variation among common bean genotypes in their response of nitrogen fixation and transpiration to soil drying. Five genotypes (SER 16, SXB 412, NCB 226, Calima, and SEA 5) expressed the desired traits for water-limited conditions, which might be exploited in breeding efforts.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of silicon on manganese tolerance of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. ‘Red Kidney’) grown in water culture was studied at different levels of manganese supply. Without silicon, growth depression and toxicity symptoms occurred already at 5 × 10−4 mM Mn in the nutrient solution. After addition of Aerosil (0.75 ppm Si), the plants tolerated 5 × 10−3 mM Mn and, at a higher silicon supply of 40 ppm, as much as 10−2 mM Mn in the nutrient solution without any growth depression. This increase in manganese tolerance was not caused by a depressing effect of silicon on uptake or translocation of manganese but rather by an increase in the manganese tolerance of the leaf tissue. In absence of silicon, 100 ppm Mn was already toxic for the leaf tissue, whereas with a supply of 40 ppm Si, this ‘critical level’ in the leaves was increased to more than 1000 ppm Mn. At lower manganese levels in the leaf tissue, a molar ratio Si/Mn of 6 within the tissue was sufficient to prevent manganese toxicity. Above 1000 ppm Mn, however, even a much wider Si/Mn ratio (> 20) could not prevent growth depression by manganese toxicity. With54Mn and autoradiographic studies, it could be demonstrated that, in absence of silicon, even at optimal manganese supply (10−4 mM), the distribution of manganese within the leaf blades was inhomogeneous and characterized by spot-like accumulations. In presence of silicon, however, the manganese distribution was homogeneous in the lower concentration range of manganese and still fairly homogeneous in the high concentration range. This effect of silicon on manganese distribution on the tissue level was also reflected on the cellular level. In the presence of silicon, a higher proportion of the leaf manganese could be found in the press sap,i.e., had been transported into the vacuoles, than in the absence of silicon. The increase in manganese tolerance of bean leaves by silicon therefore seems to be primarily caused by the prevention of local manganese accumulation within the leaf tissue which leads to local disorders of the metabolism and, correspondingly, growth depression.  相似文献   

A radiobioassay was performed in rats with or without iron depletion to evaluate the iron bioavailability of diets enriched with common beans and with “multimixture”, a nutritional supplement based on parts of foods that are not usually eaten. The full-body 59Fe level was determined after 5 h, the absorbed 59Fe level was determined after 48 h, and the amount of 59Fe retained was determined after 7 days. Iron bioavailability was assessed by the full-body radioactivity of the animals, determined using a solid scintillation detector. The iron bioavailability of common beans was higher in the iron-depleted animals (55.7%) than in the non-depleted animals (25.12%) because of the higher absorption rate in the iron-depleted animals. The multimixture did not influence dietary iron bioavailability. In addition, the iron bioavailability of common beans was similar to that observed in the standard source of iron for Wistar rats. Hence, common beans may be considered an adequate dietary iron source because of its high bioavailability.  相似文献   

Summary The salt sensitivity of carnations, gerberas, anthuriums, chrysanthemums and hippeastrums was studied in an investigation. The crops were grown in basins filled with soil and irrigated with the aid of low level sprinklers. Two different cultivars of each crop were included in the experiments. The crops were irrigated with water containing different levels of salts. The EC of the irrigation water (ECw) ranged between 0.2 and 3.9 mS.cm–1 at 25°C.The salt applications had a deleterious effect on the development of all the flower crops used in the investigation. Carnations and chrysanthemums proved to be the least sensitive. Gerberas and hippeastrums showed a medium sensitivity and anthuriums proved to be the most salt sensitive. The latter crop also showed a specific sensitivity to sodium chloride.The salinity threshold values were low for most crops,i.e. ECw<0.6. Slightly higher values were found for carnations only. The salinity decrease values of ECw showed very wide variations and ranged from 6 to 34%. A method is proposed for the conversion of ECw values into EC values for the saturation extract (ECe) with the aid of the soil analytical results.The results of tissue analyses showed that the sodium and chloride contents in particular were affected by the salt applications. The effects of the salt applications on the uptake of the major nutrient elements varied from crop to crop.  相似文献   

Salt tolerant cell lines have been selected from Medicago sativa, by a single step selection process on tissue culture medium containing 1% NaCl. Plants regenerated from these lines show improved salt tolerance compared to parent plants. The regenerated plants are vigorous, have flowered and are self fertile. The cellular salt tolerance characteristic can be passaged through the regenerated plants, since callus cultures initiated from immature ovaries of the salt tolerant regenerated plants are salt tolerant without additional selection on 1% NaCl. Several of these second generation callus cultures have been regenerated to produce vigorous plants which maintain the salt tolerance characteristic. The tolerance phenotype appears dominant in seeds obtained from self fertilization of the tolerant plants. The regenerated salt tolerant plants are therefore a valuable source as genotypes in plant breeding for salt tolerance and isolation, identification and manipulation of genes which confer salt tolerance in alfalfa.Abbreviations SH Schenk and Hildebrandt medium - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid  相似文献   

The diurnal and seasonal changes in plant water relations of two Japonica rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars, Nipponbare and Tachiminori, were studied under flooded conditions at Kyoto University. The dryland cv. Tachiminori maintained higher predawn and midday leaf osmotic potentials relative to the wetland cv. Nipponbare during the vegetative stage, but the ranking was reversed after flowering. The relationship between leaf water potential and leaf osmotic potential showed that prior to panicle emergence Nipponbare was able to adjust osmotically to maintain turgor, whereas after heading there was little turgor maintenance. Tachiminori showed little difference in osmotic adjustment before and after panicle emergence. Fertilizer treatment during panicle development also helped to maintain the degree of osmotic adjustment in both cultivars.  相似文献   

土壤水势对水曲柳幼苗水分生态的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用根区渗灌控水技术,将土壤水势长期控制在0~-20kPa(W1)、-20~-40kPa(W2)、-40~-60kPa(W3)、-60~-80kPa(W4)、-80~-160kPa(W5)范围内,系统地研究了不同土壤水势条件下水曲柳幼苗的蒸腾过程、吸水过程、根叶水势13动态过程及SPAC体系的水流阻力,结果表明,在亚饱和土壤水分状态下(W1),细根水势最高,水分由土壤进入细根的阻力最小,根系吸水速率最高,从而支持了13间强烈的蒸腾作用.在田间持水量土壤水分状态下(W2),细根吸水阻力成倍增加,吸水速率和蒸腾速率显著下降,但尚未改变蒸腾作用13动态过程的单峰模式.当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(W3-W5)时,随着土壤水势递降,细根吸水阻力急剧增加至几倍乃至几十倍,根系吸水速率过低,吸水与蒸腾矛盾加剧,叶水势降至很低,气孔关闭,蒸腾作用受到严重抑制,呈现明显的午休低谷.在实验范围内(0~-160kPa),土壤水分对水曲柳幼苗是非等效的,当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(<-40kPa)时,水曲柳全光苗发生显著的水分胁迫。  相似文献   

Cultivar differences in root elongation under B toxic conditions were observed in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). A significant increase in the length and width of the root meristematic zone (RMZ) was observed in Sahara 3771 (B tolerant) when it was grown under excessive B concentration, compared to when grown at adequate B supply. This coincided with an increase in cell width and cell numbers in the meristematic zone (MZ), whereas a significant decrease in the length and no significant effect on the width of the MZ was observed in Clipper (B intolerant) when it was grown under excessive B supply. This was accompanied by a decrease in cell numbers, but an increase in the length and width of individual cells present along the MZ. Excessive B concentrations led to a significantly lower osmotic potential within the cell sap of the root tip in SloopVic (B tolerant) and Sahara 3771, while the opposite was observed in Clipper. Enhanced sugar levels in the root tips of SloopVic were observed between 48 and 96 h after excess B was applied. This coincided with an increase in the root elongation rate and with a 2.7-fold increase in sucrose level within mature leaf tissue. A significant decrease in reducing sugar levels was observed in the root tips of Clipper under excessive B concentrations. This coincided with significantly lower root elongation rates and lower sucrose levels in leaf tissues. Results indicate a B tolerance mechanism associated with a complex control of sucrose levels between leaf and root tip that assist in maintaining root growth under B toxicity.  相似文献   

采用根区渗灌控水技术,将土壤水势长期控制在0~-20kPa(W1)、-20~-40kPa(W2)、-40~-60kPa(W3)、-60~-80kPa(W4)、-80~-160kPa(W5)范围内,系统地研究了不同土壤水势条件下水曲柳幼苗的蒸腾过程、吸水过程、根叶水势日动态过程及SPAC体系的水流阻力.结果表明,在亚饱和土壤水分状态下(W1),细根水势最高,水分由土壤进入细根的阻力最小,根系吸水速率最高,从而支持了日间强烈的蒸腾作用.在田间持水量土壤水分状态下(W2),细根吸水阻力成倍增加,吸水速率和蒸腾速率显著下降,但尚未改变蒸腾作用日动态过程的单峰模式.当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(W3~W5)时,随着土壤水势递降,细根吸水阻力急剧增加至几倍乃至几十倍,根系吸水速率过低,吸水与蒸腾矛盾加剧,叶水势降至很低,气孔关闭,蒸腾作用受到严重抑制,呈现明显的午休低谷.在实验范围内(0~-160kPa),土壤水分对水曲柳幼苗是非等效的,当土壤水分在田间持水量状态以下(<-40kPa)时,水曲柳全光苗发生显著的水分胁迫.  相似文献   

Forty one strains ofRhizobium phaseoli were screened for the ability to multiply at high temperatures on yeast extract-mannitol agar. Most strains were tolerant of 30°C, eight strains were tolerant of 45°C and two of 47°C although the rate of multiplication was reduced at 45–47°C. The high temperature-tolerant strains were isolated from Kenyan soils and were fast-growing. Seven of the eight strains tolerant of 45–47°C lost their infectiveness after incubation at high temperature but four strains tolerant of 40°C remained infective after incubation at that temperature.Thirty six strains were resistant to 200 g ml–1 streptomycin sulphate and 29 strains to 200 g ml–1 spectinomycin dihydrochloride. Eight strains were resistant to both antibiotics each at 200 g ml–1. Two of the double-labelled antibiotic-resistant mutants lost their infectiveness onPhaseolus vulgaris. The response to acidity was unaltered and two of the mutants showed a decrease in temperature tolerance. The doublelabelled mutants were recoverable from two Kenyan soils.  相似文献   

The relation between decomposition rates and soil salinity and moisture conditions in tidal marshes of the Westerschelde estuary was investigated. In the first part of the study, these soil factors were experimentally manipulated in field plots which were either screened from rainwater or which received an additional weekly supply of freshwater from April to September 1989. These treatments had no clear effect on soil salinities and moisture conditions in a low marsh site. Decomposition rates of Spartina anglica leaves (kept in litterbags in the plots) also did not differ between treatments. In screened plots of a middle marsh site, decomposition rate of Elymus pycnanthus leaves decreased significantly. The effect of the experimental treatments on soil moisture content was variable, but comparatively high soil salinity values (up to 61.3) were consistently found in these plots. It is suggested that the elevated salinity levels induced the decrease in decomposition rate.In the second part of the study, cellulolytic decomposition, measured by loss of tensile strength of strips of cotton test cloth, was investigated in relation to a non-manipulated range of soil salinities (3.8–24.2), by exposing the strips in a series of tidal marshes along the salt gradient of the Westerschelde estuary. No correlation between decomposition rate and soil salinity was found. In addition, no relation was found between decomposition rate and soil water content. The results of both parts of this study lead us to the hypothesis that rate limitation of decomposition in estuarine tidal marsh soils is found at high soil salinities only.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out under glasshouse conditions with melon (Cucumis melo) cv. “Tempo F1” in a mixture of peat, perlite and sand (1:1:1) to investigate the effects of external proline and potassium nitrate applications to salinity-treated (150 mM) plants with respect to fruit yield, plant growth, some physiological parameters and ion uptake. Treatments were—(i) control (C): plants receiving nutrient solution, (ii) salinity treatment, as for control plus 150 mM NaCl. Salinity treatment was combined with or without either 5 mM supplementary KNO3 or 10 mM proline. The salt treatment (150 mM NaCl) led to significant decreases in plant growth, fruit yield, relative water content (RWC), stomatal density, uptake of Ca2+, K+ and N, and chlorophyll a and b contents, accompanied by significant increases in Na+ uptake, proline concentration and membrane permeability. Supplementary KNO3 and proline treatments significantly ameliorated the adverse effects of salinity on plant growth, fruit yield and the physiological parameters examined. This could be attributed to the effects of all the external supplements in maintaining membrane permeability, and increasing concentrations of Ca2+, N and K+ in the leaves of plants subjected to salt stress.  相似文献   

Summary A full diallel cross among four diverse homozygous strains of dry edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was evaluated for yield, protein content, and culinary quality traits in the F2 and F3 generations in two locations. Interpretation of diallel effects [Method 1 Model I] using a fixed-effect genetic model made it possible to combine data from two generations into a single analysis and quantify the relative contributions of additive and dominance genetic effects to general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities. GCA was found to arise from three potential sources: additive effects, dominance interactions at homozygous loci, and average dominance interactions in hybrids involving the parent in question. SCA was found to be a function solely of dominance. Additive effects were the primary determinant of GCA and were highly significant. Specific dominance interactions were significant for seed yield, cooked bean moisture content, and texture but not for protein content. Texture was the only trait for which the additive-dominance model failed to provide an adequate fit to the data, suggesting that texture is significantly affected by epistatic interaction. One cross (Brazil-2 × Sanilac) was identified that exhibited a large heterotic effect for seed yield although the parents' additive effects were nonsignificant. Such a nicking effect was attributed to complementation between the two parents.Cooperative investigations of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at Michigan State University. Approved for publication by the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Article No. 11791. Research supported by USAID under a Title XII Bean/Cowpea CRSP and cooperative with Washington State University, Pullman, WA99164  相似文献   

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