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Removal of the lens from the eye of an adult newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) is followed by regeneration of a new lens from the dorsal iris epithelial cells at the pupillary margin. This process is dependent upon the neural retina for its normal completion in vivo and in vitro. To examine the relationship between the retina and lens regeneration, we have conducted experiments that delimit the time period during which the retinal presence is critical (in vivo) and have investigated the influence of extracts of the retina on the progress of regeneration (in vitro). In vivo, removal of the retina at day 11 seriously retards further progression of regeneration while removal of the retina at day 15 does not retard regeneration significantly. This defines a "critical period" in regeneration of the lens during which the retina is required. Explantation of regenerates 11 or 12 days after lentectomy to organ culture medium enriched with either crude retinal homogenate or extracts prepared from chick or bovine retinas according to Courty et al. ('85, Biochimie, 67:265-269) reveals that the progress of regeneration can be supported in culture by the crude extract. This is the first demonstration of complete iris-lens transformation in culture in the presence of retinal extract. It is possible that the retina acts indirectly by promoting passage of the iris epithelial cells through the critical number of mitoses required before redifferentiation into lens cells can occur (as proposed by Yamada, '77, Monogr. Dev. Biol., 13:126). It is also possible that the retina acts by directly instructing the iris cells to redifferentiate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Removal of the ocular lens in adult newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) is followed by a series of cellular events leading to regeneration of a new lens by cell type conversion of pigmented iris epithelial cells at the dorsal pupillary margin (Yamada, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 2:247-283, 1967). Following depigmentation and five to seven cell divisions, iris epithelial cells redifferentiate into lens fiber cells and synthesize crystallin proteins (Yamada, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 2:247-283, 1967). This process is dependent upon neural retina in vivo (Stone, Anat. Rec. 131:151-172, 1958; Reyer, Dev. Biol. 14:214-225, 1966) and in vitro (Yamada et al., Differentiation 1:65-82, 1973). Acting on the hypothesis that the role of the neural retina is to promote passage of iris epithelial cells through the requisite number of cell cycles which will then allow them to redifferentiate as lens fiber cells (Yamada, in: Cell Biology of the Eye. Academic Press, New York, 1982), we undertook testing of the effects of eye-derived mitogenic substances, as well as other mitogens, on regeneration of lens from iris in organ culture. We have previously defined a critical period for the retinal influence in vivo and in vitro, and have shown that crude extracts of retina can enhance regeneration of lenses in culture (Connelly et al., J. Exp. Zool., 240:343-351, 1986). In this paper, we report on the lens regeneration enhancing activity (LRA) of more highly purified fractions of the retinal extracts. Heparin-sepharose chromatography of the crude retinal extract yields three fractions (Courty et al., Biochemie 67:265-269, 1985) called EDGF I, II, and III. EDGF I and II have affinity for heparin, while EDGF III does not. In our bioassay, LRA appears only in the EDGF III fraction. Dialysis of EDGF III against 0.1 N acetic acid yields a fraction which has affinity for cibacron blue sepharose (eluting at 2.15 M salt) and also has significant LRA. Because insulin at high doses has a marginal effect on lens regeneration in culture (Williams and McGlinn, Am. Zool. 19:923, 1979; Connelly, Differentiation 16:85-91, 1980), we tested IGF-I. Because of the putative neurotrophic effects of transferrin (Tf) (Mescher and Munaim, J. Exp. Zool., 230:485-490, 1986), we tested Tf for its ability to enhance regeneration of the lens in culture. IGF-I seems to have an enhancing effect on lens regeneration; Tf does not.  相似文献   

Adult newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) were lentectomized and at intervals from 4 to 21 days after lentectomy iridocorneal complexes from these animals were examined by scanning electron microscopy to allow a full appreciation for the shape of the regenerating lens. Until around day 12 after lentectomy the posterior surface of the iris is covered by a dense mat of fibrous material which cannot be removed without damage to the iris and which obscures the events of cytoplasmic shedding. The regenerate becomes visible first around stage IV (day 12). A small but clear groove demarcates the regenerate from the rest of the iris. As regeneration progresses there is a marked reduction in debris on the iris surface and the regenerate appears as a U-shaped thickening occupying about one-third of the dorsal half of the iris. During later stages (VI–X) the regenerate protrudes into the pupil inferiorly and posteriorly towards the retina, but does not encroach laterally on the remaining pigmented iris tissue. Prior to secretion of the lens capsule the outline of individual cells is visible on the surface of the regenerate and some regenerates exhibit a prominent dimple on their posterior aspects. Following secretion of the capsule the surface of the regenerate becomes smooth. Quantitative studies show that volume and maximum section area of the regenerate are both more strongly correlated with developmental stage of regeneration than with time after lentectomy.  相似文献   

Stages in the development of sensory ganglia in the regenerating newt tail after amputation are described by taking advantage of the rostrocaudal developmental gradient of the regenerating tail. A series of ganglia, beginning at the tip of the regenerate and progressing rostrally, were examined. Eight-week regenerates were used because they showed the most complete array of stages. The first recognizable ganglia appear as small clusters of cells sitting dorsally on the already established ventral roots. The cluster of ganglionic cells steadily expands with the addition of many new cells. Signs of cell differentiation within the ganglion precede the formation of the dorsal root rudiment, which assumes several different configurations but most commonly enters the cord close to the ventral root. Our material suggests that ganglion precursor cells originate in the ventral region of the developing spinal cord and migrate out of the cord by travelling along the ventral root until, at a suitable distance from the cord, they halt, proliferate, and eventually differentiate. In the regenerate, we saw no evidence of neural crest cells--such as those that give rise to ganglia in the trunk region during development--forming at the dorsal region of the regenerated neural tube. Nor was there any morphological evidence of mesenchymal contribution to the ganglion cell clusters.  相似文献   

Summary Following lentectomy newts were injected with indomethacin in a variety of carrier solutions at doses ranging from 1.2–120 mg/kg body weight every other day for 15–17 days. The results show that injection of this drug according to the regimen used has no significant effect on regeneration of the lens. The data suggest, but do not prove, that prostaglandins may not play a major role in the early phases of lens regeneration in the newt.  相似文献   

It is well documented that growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy will restore normal limb regeneration to hypophysectomized adult newts. However, it is also known that the GH preparations used in previous reports were contaminated by other pituitary hormones shown to support regeneration when administered free of GH. The recent availability of bioengineered human GH was studied for its ability to restore the regenerative capacity to hypophysectomized newts. Five days posthypophysectomy adult newts were subject to forelimb amputation distal to the elbow. Animals were divided into three groups (n greater than 20). Each received one of three GH preparations: pituitary-derived bovine GH, pituitary-derived human GH, or bioengineered human GH. GH was administered via intraperitoneal injection (0.029 IU/50 microliters) on alternate days for either the first 5 days (total of 3 injections) or for 35 days (total of 18 injections). Pituitary-intact and hypophysectomized control newts were subjected to forelimb amputation and injected with hormone diluent. All newts that received GH demonstrated normal limb regeneration to the early digitiform stage by 35 days postamputation. None of the hypophysectomized control newts showed any evidence of regeneration. We conclude that GH alone can restore the ability to undergo normal limb regeneration to hypophysectomized newts.  相似文献   

Untreated adult newts do not undergo normal limb regeneration following hypohysectomy. A fibrocellular dermal barrier (cicatrix) atypically forms between the apical epithelium and the underlying mesenchymal tissues. Historically, continuous administration of growth hormone or of prolactin in combination with thyroxine restored regenerative capacity to these newts. In a previous investigation, we demonstrated that the initial effect of these two hormone treatments, when administered on alternate days to hypophysectomized newts beginning eight days post-amputation, was to facilitate the erosion of the fibrocellular barrier and establish the epithelial mesenchymal interface that is observed in a regenerating limb. The present investigation was designed to evaluate the necessity of continuous hormone therapy to maintain limb regeneration in hypophysectomized newts. One, two, or three injections of growth hormone or of prolactin in combination with thyroxine was administered on successive alternate days to hypophysectomized newts either immediately following limb amputation (ID) or beginning eight days post-amputation (DD). The ID and DD newts receiving one, two, or three injections of growth hormone showed evidence of regeneration to the digitiform stage by day 30 post-amputation, while those receiving prolactin and thyroxine underwent wound healing. While both hormone treatments initially promoted a dermis-free apical epithelium, only hypophysectomized newts that had received growth hormone were able to continue regenerating. We have, therefore, concluded that discontinuous growth hormone therapy is sufficient to initiate and maintain the conducive environment for limb regeneration to advanced stages in the hypophysectomized newt. While initiating this process, prolactin and thyroxine therapy on a discontinuous regime does not maintain regeneration. The direct and indirect role of growth hormone in supporting limb regeneration in normal and hypophysectomized newts is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Wounded amphibian skin heals initially by a migration of epithelial cells from the cut edge towards the center of the wound. The density of currents leaving wounds made in Notophthalmus viridescens skin was manipulated in order to determine whether electrical fields associated with these currents might have a significant role in promoting this cell migration during wound healing. Wounds were made with either a needle (200 m) or a biopsy punch (500 m). Currents leaving the wounds were measured with a vibrating probe, and the wounds fixed at various times after wounding. When the Na+-dependent currents were reduced by blocking Na+ channels with benzamil, wound healing, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy and by paraffin histology, was impaired. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that there is an electrical component to wound healing.  相似文献   

In urodele amphibians, limb regeneration is dependent on innervation and is blocked by the administration of colchicine. The objective of this experiment was to determine if colchicine blocks limb regeneration by a direct action on the blastema cells or by an indirect action on the nerves, specifically, if colchicine treatment of the brachial nerves would inhibit limb regeneration in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Colchicine was applied to the nerves by implanting a colchicine-loaded silastin block adjacent to the brachial nerves of an amputated newt limb. With appropriate dose levels of colchicine, limb regeneration was completely inhibited. Contralateral control limbs, carrying unloaded silastin blocks, and control limbs with colchicine-loaded blocks implanted equidistant from the blastema, but not adjacent to the brachial nerves, regenerated normally. Thus, the results indicate that the colchicine inhibition of limb regeneration is mediated by colchicine effects on the nerves. The possible mechanism of colchicine action on nerves may involve either wallerian degeneration, or inhibition of axoplasmic transport, or both.  相似文献   

Cone stage forelimb blastemata from adult newts were separated into proximal and distal regions and cultured along with dorsal root ganglia in both transfilter and cis (same side) configurations, for a period of 96 h in modified Parker's medium (CMRL-1415) containing insulin and l-thyroxin. Mitotic index and differentiation of cartilage were assessed in ganglionated and nonganglionated, proximal and distal explants after 4 days in vitro. The results show that the nerve influence on the regeneration blastema appears to be mediated by a chemical substance capable of transmission through thin filters of low porosity Moreover the neurotrophic substance has mitogenic properties. The ganglia stimulated blastema cell proliferation transfilter, increasing it from a basal level (mitotic index = 0.339), observed in noninnervated explants to almost threefold values (M.I. = 1.124) in corresponding distal innervated explants. In addition, this transfilter mitogenic effect was manifested in the form of a proximodistal gradient with the highest mitotic index close to the neurons, which diminished with distance from the nerve source. When blastema explants were grown in physical contact with ganglionic neurons (cis configuration), they transcended the proliferation phase within the 4 days of culture and differentiation of cartilage whorls resulted. Presumably, a critical mass of blastema cells is achieved earlier in the presence of a higher concentration of neurotrophic factor.  相似文献   

Summary Differential counts of the leucocytes of newts,Notophthalmus viridescens, were made at four times of day (200, 900, 1400 and 2100), 72 hours after the injection of hydrocortisone acetate (experimentais) or distilled water (controls). At all times, increases in neutrophils and decreases in lymphocytes were observed in experimentais as compared to the controls (Table 1). The increases in neutrophils in the experimental newts were most pronounced at 1400, and the decreases in the lymphocytes were greatest at 2100. The least degrees of neutrophilia and lymphopenia occurred at 900. Consequently, circadian variations in response to the hydrocortisone are indicated. The possible mechanism of mediation of the variations is discussed.Supported in part by National Science Foundation grant, GY-7661, to Sweet Briar College.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that the immune system might figure prominently in the regulation of forelimb regeneration. However, neither the nature of this influence nor the aspect(s) of regeneration influenced are clearly known. The determination of which components of the immune system are indispensable for regeneration would be a logical first step in attempting to address such questions. This investigation, therefore, examined the effects of removing the spleen, a major lymphoid organ in the newt, upon the progress of regeneration. Splenectomies performed concomitantly with or after forelimb amputation failed to alter the time course of regeneration. Splenectomies, but not sham-splenectomies, performed prior to amputation reduced the time required to achieve successive stages of regeneration under some, but not all conditions, i.e., when performed 10–20 days before amputation, during the late fall and winter. Up until 35 days after amputation, no gross morphological distortions were observed as a result of splenectomy. It was concluded that the spleen is not required for regeneration to occur.Portions of this work constitute part of the thesis submitted by M.E. Fini in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.S. degree in Biology at Boston College  相似文献   

In one series of experiments (in vitro), distal portions of cone-stage newt forelimb blastemata were cultured, transfilter to a pair of dorsal root ganglia, both with and without apical epidermis. At the termination of the culture period, the epidermis of the epidermis-intact explants was removed leaving the mesenchymal portion of the blastema for a comparative analysis of cellular activities influenced by the apical epidermal cap (AEC). Blastema explants, in which the AEC had been removed prior to explantation (epidermis free), exhibited decreased DNA synthetic activity and a significantly lower overall mitotic index than the mesenchymal portions of their epidermisintact counterparts. Moreover, cartilage nodules were precociously formed in the epidermis-free explants. In a second series of experiments (in vivo), the distal portion of a cone-stage blastema was removed and the wound epithelium was permitted to reestablish itself over the proximal blastema tissue. The mitotic index of the originally proximal (now distal) mesenchyme, increased as a function of time after reestablishment of the AEC and cartilage differentiation was suppressed, when compared with proximal AEC-free blastema controls. We propose that the developmental pathway (i.e., division or differentiation) followed by blastema cells is influenced by the AEC; the intact AEC provides the “division signal” for cycling cells, which differentiate in its absence. A mechanism for the normal proximodistal progression of cartilage differentiation, in terms of the AEC influence, is discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the epidermal cells which migrate over the wound surface of the amputated limb of the adult newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, was observed with transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy. In order to aid in the visualization of polyanionic surface materials on the wound epithelium and wound surface with TEM, the basic dye, ruthenium red, was introduced into the fixatives and buffer. Control limbs were processed without ruthenium red. Shortly after amputation, basal cells at the wound margin possessed elongated, flattened profiles with long pseudopodial projections (lamellipodia and filopodia) that appeared to make contact with the fibrin exudate covering the stump tissues. Epidermal cells proximal to the site of amputation were also in a state of mobilization. Large intercellular spaces and a reduction in the number of desmosomes were observed in the migrating cells. Epidermal cell nuclei became characteristically euchromatic with well-developed nucleoli. Microfilaments were seen within the cytoplasm, extending toward the plasma membrane of cellular processes. Phagocytosed material was also present in the migrating cells. By approximately 9 hours post-amputation, wound closure was complete, and the wound epithelium consisted of three to four cell layers of a non-cornified epidermis. Generally, the amount of extracellular material present on the surface and in the enlarged intercellular spaces of migrating epidermal cells remained the same throughout the period of wound closure. A layer of polyanionic material was observed consistently over the fibrin meshwork covering the wound surface with TEM.  相似文献   

Genetic variation is described at 15 loci in 2 neotenic and 12 nonneotenic populations of red-spotted newts. Though high levels of genetic similarity (I=0.990) were found among all populations, allele frequencies at six of the eight most polymorphic loci show significant heterogeneity across populations. Change in allele frequencies at two of these loci (Pep-2 and Ldh-1) is significantly correlated with latitude. Interspecific homologies are established for newt peptidases based on substrate specificities and lactate dehydrogenases based on tissue distribution, thermal stability, and kinetic properties. Nonneotenic populations are highly variable (H=0.157) and neotenic populations are only slightly, but significantly, less variable (H=0.120). The high levels of heterozygosity detected in nonneotenic populations may result from large effective population size and/or environmental heterogeneity. The unexpectedly high heterozygosity values obtained for the neotenic populations may indicate adult dispersal or the presence of some previously undetected red efts at these localities. In any case, a major change in life history has apparently had little effect on the genetic structure of these populations.This research was supported by grants from the Blakeslee Fund of Smith College.  相似文献   

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