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1. A wide variety of procedures was used to test the motility of mammalian sperm after plunging them into liquid nitrogen at –195°C. and later rapidly warming them to 35°C. by plunging them into a suitable balanced and isotonic medium. 2. Using seminal fluid sperm from the same human donor, maximal numbers of motile sperm survived vitrification when the samples were (a) very fresh, (b) untreated with plasmolysing solutions, (c) plunged into the refrigerant in the form of a foam. The maximum yield of motile human sperm recoverable from the liquid nitrogen was 50 per cent. Since in this sample only 75 per cent of the sperm were alive before immersion, 67 per cent of the living sperm survived vitrification. 3. Experiments with sperm from 31 rabbits were made with a variety of conditions of pretreatment to obtain maximal yields of recoverable, motile sperm after vitrification by liquid nitrogen. (a) A consistent recoverable yield of about 0.5 per cent was obtained when the untreated suspension of sperm was smeared on cellophane and partially dried in air before immersing in liquid nitrogen. (b) On a few out of many occasions plasmolysis for several minutes with hypertonic Ringer solution gave a recoverable yield of 0.1 per cent as did (c) pretreatment with hypertonic Ringer and butyric acid.  相似文献   

A correlated thin-sectioning and freeze-fracturing study has been made of guinea pig and rat spermatozoa. In sections, the cell membrane over the acrosome has a concanavalin A and ruthenium red reactive glycocalyx which exhibits an ordered pattern related to the lattice of crystalline domains within the plane of the membrane revealed by freeze-fracturing. The cleaved acrosomal membrane also shows a finer linear periodicity in some areas. The membrane over the equatorial segment of the guinea pig acrosome is marked by a palisade of oblique ridges not observed in the rat. The plasmalemma of the postacrosomal region is rich in membrane intercalated particles, many randomly dispersed, others clustered in rectilinear arrays. A particle-poor zone is found just anterior to the posterior ring. The fold of redundant nuclear envelope posterior to the ring has many nuclear pores in close hexagonal array. The nuclear envelope lining the implantation fossa is devoid of pores. When cleaved it has a particle-free central area surrounded by a broad zone of large, closely packed, hollow particles. The membrane of the mid-piece in the guinea pig (but not the rat) contains linear strands of 6–8-nm particles oriented circumferentially. The membrane investing the principal piece exhibits the usual randomly distributed particles but in addition, a double row of larger (9 nm) particles runs longitudinally within the membrane over outer dense fiber 1. In the corresponding position in thin sections a local thickening of the membrane is discernible. These observations form a basis for further studies on the functional correlates of these regional specializations of the sperm membrane.  相似文献   

Sperm swimming speed is an important determinant of male fertility and sperm competitiveness. Despite its fundamental biological importance, the underlying evolutionary processes affecting this male reproductive trait are poorly understood. Using a comparative approach in a phylogenetic framework, we tested the predictions that sperm swim faster with (1) increased risk of sperm competition, (2) shorter duration of female sperm storage, and (3) increased sperm length. We recorded sperm swimming speed in 42 North American and European free-living passerine bird species, representing 35 genera and 16 families. We found that sperm swimming speed was positively related to the frequency of extrapair paternity (a proxy for the risk of sperm competition) and negatively associated with clutch size (a proxy for the duration of female sperm storage). Sperm swimming speed was unrelated to sperm length, although sperm length also increased with the frequency of extrapair paternity. These results suggest that sperm swimming speed and sperm length are not closely associated traits and evolve independently in response to sperm competition in passerine birds. Our findings emphasize the significance of both sperm competition and female sperm storage duration as evolutionary forces driving sperm swimming speed.  相似文献   

Male scale insects of the species Parlatoria oleae Colvée (Homoptera: Coccoidea) produce motile sperm bundles. The bundle is a syncytium consisting of 10 to 20 closely packed, filamentous spermatozoa, which share a common cytoplasm and are enclosed in a common membrane. The individual spermatozoon is not surrounded by a plasma membrane, but is delimited by a scroll-like sheath composed of 45 to 50 microtubules. The microtubules run parallel to the long axis of the spermatozoon and are arranged in a spiral pattern as seen in transection. The outside diameter measures approximately 140 to 220 A and the inside diameter, 70 to 100 A. The spermatozoon is about 300 µ long and tapers gradually from a diameter of approximately 0.3 µ anteriorly to 0.1 µ posteriorly. The anterior half (150 µ) has a threadlike core of chromatin about 0.07 µ in diameter. A homogeneous cytoplasm surrounds the nuclear core and fills the posterior half of the spermatozoon. Neither osmium tetroxide nor glutaraldehyde fixation revealed the presence of a nuclear envelope, acrosomal membranes, mitochondria, flagellum, or centrioles. In spite of the apparent lack of orthodox cell organelles, the spermatozoon is actively motile upon release from the bundle. It exhibits capactiy for motility throughout its entire length. Since the sheath of microtubules is the only structure which extends the full length of the spermatozoon, it probably plays a significant role in spermatozoan motility.  相似文献   

The mammalian sperm acrosome reaction is a unique form of exocytosis, which includes the loss of the involved membranes. Other laboratories have suggested the involvement of hydrolytic enzymes in somatic cell exocytosis and membrane fusion, and in the invertebrate sperm acrosome reaction, but there is no general agreement on such an involvement. Although reference was made to such work in this review, the focus of the review was on the evidence (summarized below) that supports or fails to support the importance of certain hydrolytic enzymes to the mammalian sperm acrosome reaction. Because the events of capacitation, the prerequisite for the mammalian acrosome reaction, and of the acrosome reaction itself are not fully understood or identified, it is not yet always possible to determine whether the role of a particular enzyme is in a very late step of capacitation or part of the acrosome reaction. (1) The results of studies utilizing inhibitors of trypsin-like enzymes suggest that such an enzyme has a role in the membrane events of the golden hamster sperm acrosome reaction. The enzyme involved may be acrosin, but it is possible that some as yet unidentified trypsin-like enzyme on the sperm surface may play a role in addition to or instead of acrosin. Results obtained by others with guinea pig, ram and mouse spermatozoa suggest that a trypsin-like enzyme is not involved in the membrane events of the acrosome reaction, but only in the loss of acrosomal matrix. Such results, which conflict with those of the hamster study, may have been due to species differences or the presence of fusion-promoting phospholipase-A or lipids contaminating the incubation media components, and in one case to the possibly damaging effects of the high level of calcium ionophore used. The role of the trypsin-like enzyme in the membrane events of the hamster sperm acrosome reaction may be to activate a putative prophospholipase and/or to hydrolyse an outer acrosomal or plasma membrane protein, thus promoting fusion. A possible role of the enzyme in the vesiculation step rather than the fusion step of the acrosome reaction cannot be ruled out at present. (2) Experiments utilizing inhibitors of phospholipase-A2, as well as the fusogenic lysophospholipid and cis-unsaturated fatty acid hydrolysis products that would result from such enzyme activity, suggests that a sperm phospholipase-A2 is involved in the golden hamster sperm acrosome reaction. Inhibitor and LPC addition studies in guinea pig spermatozoa have led others to the same conclusion. The fact that partially purified serum albumin is important in so many capacitation media may be explained by its contamination with phospholipase-A and/or phospholipids. Serum albumin may also play a role, at least in part, by its removal of inhibitory products released by the action of phospholipase-A2 in the membrane. The demonstration of phospholipase-A2 activity associated with the acrosome reaction vesicles and/or the soluble component of the acrosome of hamster spermatozoa, and the fact that exogenous phospholipase A2 can stimulate acrosome reactions in hamster and guinea pig spermatozoa, also support a role for the sperm enzyme. The actual site or the sites of the enzyme in the sperm head are not yet known. The enzyme may be on the plasma membrane as well as, or instead of, in the acrosomal membranes or matrix. A substrate for the phospholipase may be phosphatidylcholine produced by phospholipid methylation. It is possible that more than one type of ‘fusogen’ is released by phospholipase activity (LPC and/or cis-unsaturated fatty acids, which have different roles in membrane fusion and/or vesiculation. In addition to acting as a potential ‘fusogen’, arachidonic acid released by sperm phospholipase-A2 probably serves as precursor for cyclo-oxygenase or lipoxygenase pathway metabolites, such as prostaglandins and HETES, which might also play a role in the acrosome reaction. Although much evidence points to a role for phospholipase-A2, phospholipase-C found in spermatozoa could also have a role in the acrosome reaction, perhaps by stimulating events leading to calcium gating, as suggested for this enzyme in somatic secretory cells. (3) A Mg2+-ATPase H+-pump is present in the acrosome of the golden hamster spermatozoon. Inhibition of this pump by certain inhibitors of ATPases (but not by those that only inhibit mitochondrial function) leads to an acrosome reaction only in capacitated spermatozoa and only in the presence of external K+. The enzyme is also inhibited by low levels of calcium, and such inhibition, combined with increased outer membrane permeability to H+ and K+, and possibly plasma membrane permeability to H+ (perhaps by the formation of channels), may be part of capacitation and/or the acrosome reaction. The pH of the hamster sperm acrosome has been shown to become more alkaline during capacitation, and such a change may result in the activation of hydrolytic enzymes in the acrosome or perhaps in a change in membrane permeability to Ca2+. A similar Mg2+-ATPase has not been found in isolated boar sperm head membranes. However, that conflicting result could have been due to the use of noncapacitated boar spermatozoa for the preparation of the membranes or to protease modification of the boar sperm enzyme during assay. (4) Inhibition of Na+, K+-ATPase inhibits the acrosome reaction of golden hamster spermatozoa, and the activity of this enzyme increases relatively early during capacitation. A late influx of K+ is important for the acrosome reaction. However, this late influx may not be due to Na+, K+-ATPase, but instead may be due to a K+ permeability increase (possibly via newly formed channels) in the membranes during capacitation. It is suggested in this review that Na+, K+-ATPase has a role early in capacitation rather than directly in the acrosome reaction (although such a role cannot yet be completely ruled out). One possible role for the enzyme in capacitation might be to stimulate glycolysis (which appears to be essential for capacitation and/or the acrosome reaction of hamster and mouse spermatozoa). The function of the influx of K+ just before the acrosome reaction is probably to stimulate, directly or indirectly, the H+-efflux required for the increase in intraacrosomal pH occurring during capacitation. Direct stimulation of the acrosome reaction by a change in membrane potential resulting directly from K+-influx is not a likely explanation for the hamster results. However, the importance of an earlier membrane potential change, due to increased Na+, K+-ATPase during capacitation, and/or of later membrane potential changes resulting from the pH change, cannot be ruled out. Although K+ is required for the hamster acrosome reaction, other workers have reported that K+ inhibits guinea pig sperm capacitation. However, the experimental procedures used in the guinea pig sperm studies raise some questions about the interpretation of those inhibition results. (5) Ca2+-influx is known to be required for the acrosome reaction. Others have suggested that increased Ca2+-influx due to inhibition or stimulation of sperm membrane calcium transport ATPases are involved in the acrosome reaction. There is as yet no direct or indirect biochemical evidence that inhibition or stimulation of such enzymatic activity is involved in the acrosome reaction, and further studies are needed on those questions. (6) I suggest that the hydrolytic enzymes important to the hamster sperm acrosome reaction will also prove important for the acrosome reaction of all other eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Cinemicrography of sea urchin fertilization reveals that the fertilizing sperm is one of the first sperm to attach to the egg. Just before the cortical reaction the fertilizing sperm ceases motility and then is incorporated into the egg without flagellar beating. The rate of incorporation is 5–11 μm/sec and is constant. Lytechinus pictus sperm rendered immotile by azide treatment can bind to and fertilize eggs but binding, and therefore fertilization, is blocked by azide treatment of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus gametes.  相似文献   

雌核发育银鲫和两性生殖彩鲫精子蛋白组份的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对雌核发育银鲫和两性融合彩鲫精子蛋白组份进行了比较分析。通过分级抽提得到精子的不同组份精浆、精头的膜、鞭毛和脱膜精头等,然后经不同的凝胶电泳系统,比较分析了银鲫精子和其两性亲缘种彩鲫精子相应组份可溶性蛋白成份的差异。研究表明,经分级抽提的银鲫精子和彩鲫精子的各个组份都含有其特定的蛋白谱带。精浆蛋白在两种鱼之间和两种鱼的不同个体之间都存在一定差异。精头膜、鞭毛和脱膜精头的可溶性蛋白在同种鱼不同个体间高度一致,但在两种鱼之间表现出差异。两种鱼精头膜的可溶性蛋白在SDS-PAGE电泳图谱上基本一致,而在非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱上则具有各自的特征性谱带。鞭毛可溶性蛋白的SDS-PAGE分析在雌核发育银鲫中揭示出一条特异的蛋白带。脱膜精头的可溶性蛋白在SDS-PAGE电泳图谱上差异明显,存在几条特征性蛋白带,并经Acid-Urea PAGE系统分析,证实这些特征性蛋白为碱性蛋白。这些发现为进一步鉴定雌核发育银鲫雄鱼精子的特异性蛋白和揭示其分子机制打下了基础。  相似文献   

Some recent analyses of three mitochondrial DNA regions suggest that sperm whales are the sister group to baleen whales and, therefore, the suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales) constitutes a paraphyletic group. I cladistically analyzed the available morphological data, including that from relevant fossil taxa, for all families of extant cetaceans to test this hypothesis. The results of this analysis unambiguously support a monophyletic Odontoceti including the sperm whales. All synapomorphies that support the Odontoceti node are decisive, not related to the evolution of highly correlated characters, and provide the same result regardless of what order of mammals is used as an outgroup. These numerous, anatomically diverse, and unambiguous characters make this clade one of the best-supported higher-level groupings among mammals. In addition, the fossil evidence refutes a sperm whale/baleen whale clade. Both the molecular and morphological data produce the same unrooted tree. The improper rooting of the molecular tree appears to be producing these seemingly incongruent phylogenies.  相似文献   

Chromosomes isolated from mouse leukemia L1210 cells were taken up by mouse macrophages, HeLa cells, and rat embryo fibroblasts following simple exposure in vitro. The process, which resembles pinocytosis or phagocytosis, was traced by autoradiography of chromosomes prelabeled with thymidine-H3, and by staining techniques and phase contrast microscopy. During the first six hours, the uptake of chromosomes was restricted to the cytoplasm, but there was some evidence of penetration into the nucleus after 16 and 26 hours of exposure. Treatment of rat fibroblasts with glucose and insulin markedly enhanced the uptake of chromosomes, whereas iodoacetate inhibited their penetration.  相似文献   

Comparative studies tend to differ from optimality and functionality studies in how they treat adaptation. While the comparative approach focuses on the origin and change of traits, optimality studies assume that adaptations are maintained at an optimum by stabilizing selection. This paper presents a model of adaptive evolution on a macroevolutionary time scale that includes the maintenance of traits at adaptive optima by stabilizing selection as the dominant evolutionary force. Interspecific variation is treated as variation in the position of adaptive optima. The model illustrates how phylogenetic constraints not only lead to correlations between phylogenetically related species, but also to imperfect adaptations. From this model, a statistical comparative method is derived that can be used to estimate the effect of a selective factor on adaptive optima in a way that would be consistent with an optimality study of adaptation to this factor. The method is illustrated with an analysis of dental evolution in fossil horses. The use of comparative methods to study evolutionary trends is also discussed.  相似文献   

Although two clonal isolates of two different binucleate dinoflagellates Peridinium balticum (Levander) Letnmermann and Glcnodinium foliaceum Stein share a number of unique biochemical and ultrastructural attributes, comparative analysis for sixteen isozyme systems shows that these isolates are quite distinct from each other. Of the 129 different isozyme bands observed, only 28 were common to both organisms. These results support the contention based on plate tabulations that these two isolates should be placed in different genera and suggest that despite certain general biochemical and ultrastructural similarities that the isolates differ significantly at the biochemical and genetic levels and perhaps exhibit different adaptations between host and endosymbiont.  相似文献   


Previous work from this laboratory has shown that the β-amino acid taurine can support and stimulate hamster sperm motility during in vitro capacitation in the presence or absence of epinephrine. The present report describes in vitro results which demonstrate that hypotaurine, a precursor of taurine, can also support and stimulate motility under these conditions and that a higher number of acrosome reactions occur in the presence of taurine as compared to hypotaurine (both in the presence and absence of epinephrine). In all cases, the greates percentage of acrosome reactions occurs in the presence of epinephrine. Whether these β-amino acids act independently of epinephrine of in a synergistic manner with it remains to be determined. In addition to these in vitro studies, we report that hypotaurine and taurine are present at high levels in bovine follicular fluid, rabbit uterine and ampullar oviductal fluid (11 hr after mating, i.e., 1 hr after ovulation), monkey oviductal fluid, bovine adrenal cortex “motility factor” preparation and human, guinea pig and hamster sperm preparations. Based on these results, we suggest the possibility that taurine and hypotaurine may have roles in vivo in the maintenance and stimulation of sperm motility and stimulation of capacitation and/or acrosome reactions.  相似文献   

A dual-channel integrating micro-flame-photometer was evaluated for simultaneous analysis of sodium and potassium in aqueous extracts from nanogram samples of frozen-dried mammalian nervous tissue. Calibrated quartz constriction micropipettes delivered 10−8 l. of extraction fluid to a 100 μ platinum-iridium wire for insertion directly into the flame. Over-all reproducibility was 4 per cent for twenty samples containing 6.5 × 10−11 g K and 2.2 × 10−11 g Na. Large amounts of anions decreased the emissions for both sodium and potassium, but no interference between sodium and potassium was found over the range adopted for biological analyses. The micro-flame-photometer gave results for a few nanolitres of aqueous extracts of brain homogenates which were within 3-5 per cent of those obtained on larger volumes with a conventional flame photometer. Macroanalysis and microanalyses of microgram quantities of frozen-dried tissue sections of cerebral cortex were also in agreement. Nanogram samples from frozen-dried spinal ganglia of a rabbit gave average values for sodium and potassium (calculated/g wet wt.) which were similar to those for aqueous extracts of rabbit brain homogenates. Samples from peripheral ganglia in vivo, 10 minpost mortem and 20 min post mortem had significantly different average K/Na ratios of 1.97, 2.64 and 3.23, respectively.  相似文献   

棉酚对几种动物精子ATP酶抑制作用的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了棉酚对几种动物精子ATP酶的抑制作用。实验所测为精子细胞的总ATP酶活力;采用的棉酚浓度为10μM至80μM。20μM时精子酶的相对活力为海胆7604%,大鼠74%,家兔51.6%;40μM时酶的相对活力百分数下降至海胆52.5,大鼠35和家兔29.7;达80μM时酶的相对活力进一步下降至海胆26.7,而大鼠及家兔仅余13.2。结果表明(1)棉酚对精于ATP酶的抑制作用是依赖浓度的变化;(2)各种动物精子ATP酶活力的下降情况显示,大鼠及家兔(哺乳动物)精子ATP酶对棉酚的敏感性比海胆(无脊椎动物)要高些。这种差异性可能对棉酚在临床上的应用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

鳗鲡属六种鱼类形态判别研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用方差分析、判别分析及主成分等方法对鳗鲡属下6种鱼类(花鳗鲡Anguilla marmorata、菲律宾鳗鲡 A.bicolor Pacifica、美洲鳗鲡 A.rostrala、欧洲鳗鲡 A.anguilla、日本鳗鲡 A.Japonica、澳洲鳗鲡 A.australis australis脊椎骨数、传统可量数据及现代的框架数据进行了研究.结果表明:1)脊椎骨数方面,6种鳗鲡在总脊椎骨数、背鳍前脊椎骨数、背鳍一臀鳍起点间脊椎骨数等几个参数上几乎都存在显著差异,可据此予以区分,主成分分布图上6种鳗鲡彼此分开;2)外形的12项可量数据和16项框架数据的分析结果表明,背鳍前长/全长、背鳍起点一脊椎末端/全长两个比例性状在6种鳗鲡之间均表现出显著差异,可以作为判别这几种鳗鲡的特定参数,互相证实准确率为99.2%,前3个主成分的方差贡献率累积达67.74%,它包含了28个变量中的23个,这些变量分布在鱼体的前、中、后各部位,由此可见6种鳗鲡的区别散布于全身,而非集中于某一区段;3)上述两大类数据的聚类结果完全一致,菲律宾鳗鲡与花鳗鲡、美洲鳗鲡与日本鳗鲡最为相似.  相似文献   

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