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Numerous authors have studied human cemetery remains with an eye toward identifying different socially stratified ethnic or kinship groups within the same population. The interments of the protohistoric graveyard of Alfedena, Abruzzo, Italy, show recurrent organization in separate structures, suggesting to several involved archaeologists that these structures express family groups and/or differences in social function of the occupants. This has induced us to analyze the possible biological implications of specific models for kinship groups, lineages, or mating forms in graveyards. One hundred ninety-six metric and nonmetric skeletal and dental variables were collected. The analysis of metric features was performed by analysis of variance and by calculating divergences between each pair of individuals. The position parameters of the inter-and intragroup distance distributions were then compared by means of nonparametric tests. The nonmetric features were analyzed by contingency tables. The partition of intercircle variance is twice as frequently significant for males (20 variables) as for females (10). For metric variables in males, 20.9% displayed a probability level less than 5% for the null hypothesis of random distribution of individuals in the circles. Fewer (10.3%, but still more than expected at random) reached this level of significance for the females. In the male groups, 19% of nonmetric features showed significant frequency differences, but this was true in only 4.3% of the females.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The geographical location and shape of Apulia, a narrow land stretching out in the sea at the South of Italy, made this region a Mediterranean crossroads connecting Western Europe and the Balkans. Such movements culminated at the beginning of the Iron Age with the Iapygian civilization which consisted of three cultures: Peucetians, Messapians, and Daunians. Among them, the Daunians left a peculiar cultural heritage, with one-of-a-kind stelae and pottery, but, despite the extensive archaeological literature, their origin has been lost to time. In order to shed light on this and to provide a genetic picture of Iron Age Southern Italy, we collected and sequenced human remains from three archaeological sites geographically located in Northern Apulia (the area historically inhabited by Daunians) and radiocarbon dated between 1157 and 275 calBCE. We find that Iron Age Apulian samples are still distant from the genetic variability of modern-day Apulians, they show a degree of genetic heterogeneity comparable with the cosmopolitan Republican and Imperial Roman civilization, even though a few kilometers and centuries separate them, and they are well inserted into the Iron Age Pan-Mediterranean genetic landscape. Our study provides for the first time a window on the genetic make-up of pre-Roman Apulia, whose increasing connectivity within the Mediterranean landscape, would have contributed to laying the foundation for modern genetic variability. In this light, the genetic profile of Daunians may be compatible with an at least partial autochthonous origin, with plausible contributions from the Balkan peninsula.  相似文献   

Preliminary data on the skeletal biology of 78 Taino skeletons belonging to Juan Dolio, an archaeological site of the Maguana province, 80 Km. east of S. Domingo, are presented. The minimum number of individuals, sex, age, stature, and morphologic and morphometric characters were determined. Dental wear and pathology of cranial and post-cranial bones were also recorded.  相似文献   

Human slow skeletal troponin T (HSSTnT) shares a high degree of homology with cardiac TnT (CTnT). Although the presence of HSSTnT has not been confirmed in the heart at the protein level, detectable levels of HSSTnT mRNA have been found. Whether HSSTnT isoforms are expressed transiently remains unknown. Because transient re-expression of HSSTnT may be a potential mechanism of regulating function, we explored the effect of HSSTnT on the regulation of cardiac muscle. At least three HSSTnT isoforms have been found to exist in slow skeletal muscle: HSSTnT1 (+exons 5 and 12), HSSTnT2 (+exon 5, −exon 12), and HSSTnT3 (−exons 5 and 12). Another isoform, HSSTnT hypothetical (Hyp) (−exon 5, +exon 12), has only been found at the mRNA level. Compared with HCTnT3 (adult isoform), Tn complexes containing HSSTnT1, -2, and -3 did not alter the actomyosin ATPase activation and inhibition in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. HSSTnTHyp was not evaluated as it did not form a Tn complex under a variety of conditions. Porcine papillary skinned fibers displaced with HSSTnT1, -2, or -3 and reconstituted with human cardiac troponin I and troponin C (HCTnI·TnC) complex showed a decrease in the Ca2+ sensitivity of force development and an increase in maximal recovered force (HSSTnT1 and -3) compared with HCTnT3. In contrast, HSSTnTHyp showed an increase in the Ca2+ sensitivity of force development. This suggests that re- or overexpression of specific SSTnT isoforms might have therapeutic potential in the failing heart because they increase the maximal force of contraction. In addition, circular dichroism and proteolytic digestion experiments revealed structural differences between HSSTnT isoforms and HCTnT3 and that HSSTnT1 is more susceptible to calpain and trypsin proteolysis than the other HSSTnTs. Overall, HSSTnT isoforms despite being homologues of CTnT may display distinct functional properties in muscle regulation.  相似文献   

The thoracic appendicular skeletal development of five common marmosets was monitored radiographically at weekly intervals from 1 day to 94 weeks of age and the times of appearance and fusion of 47 ossification centers were recorded. A range and average age for the appearance and fusion of each ossification center were calculated and compared to data available for the rhesus monkey and man.  相似文献   

The iron binding properties and antioxidant activities of compounds with hydroxy-keto binding sites, 3-hydroxychromone, 5-hydroxychromone, and sulfonated morin were investigated. For these compounds, prevention of iron-mediated DNA damage and kinetics of FeII oxidation were studied in aqueous solutions close to physiological pH (pH 6). 3-Hydroxychromone and sulfonated morin inhibit iron-mediated DNA damage at lower concentrations than 5-hydroxychromone. All three compounds bind iron, but 3-hydroxychromone and sulfonated morin promote FeII oxidation much faster than 5-hydroxychromone. These results indicate that DNA damage inhibition by flavonols with competing hydroxy-keto binding sites is primarily due to iron binding at the 3-hydroxy-keto site. Iron oxidation rate also plays a significant role in antioxidant activity. In addition to iron binding and oxidation, reactive oxygen species scavenging occurs at high concentrations for the hydroxychromones. This study emphasizes the importance of iron binding in polyphenol antioxidant behavior and provides insights into the iron binding antioxidant activity of similar flavonols such as quercetin and myricetin.  相似文献   

党凯  高云芳 《动物学杂志》2016,51(3):497-506
非冬眠动物的骨骼肌在废用条件下会发生明显的萎缩。冬眠动物在历经数月的冬眠期骨骼肌废用后,仍能保持较完整的形态结构与良好的收缩功能,成为天然的抗废用性肌萎缩动物模型。探明冬眠动物骨骼肌对废用的生理适应机制,是生理生态学领域的重要课题之一。本文从形态结构、肌纤维类型和收缩功能等方面综述了冬眠动物对冬眠期骨骼肌废用状态的生理适应,并从蛋白质代谢、生长与分化的调控、代谢类型的调控、氧化应激以及线粒体结构与氧化能力等方面分析了冬眠期骨骼肌生理适应的可能机制。  相似文献   

To obtain information about the evolution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), we undertook a study of the enzyme from the skeletal muscle of the lamprey Petromyzon marinus, a primitive vertebrate. We found that the cholinesterase activity of lamprey muscle is due to AChE, not pseudocholinesterase; the enzyme was inhibited by 1,5-bis(4-allyldimethylammonium phenyl) pentane-3-one (BW284C51), but not by tetramonoisopropyl pyrophosphortetramide (iso-OMPA) or ethopropazine. Also, the enzyme had a high affinity for acetylthiocholine and was inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. A large fraction of the AChE was found to be glycoprotein, since it was precipitated by concanavalin A-agarose. Optimal extraction of AChE was obtained in a high-salt detergent-containing buffer; fractional amounts of enzyme were extracted in buffers lacking salt and/or detergent. These data suggest that globular and asymmetric forms of AChE are present. On sucrose gradients, enzyme that was extracted in high-salt detergent-containing buffer sedimented as a broad peak of activity corresponding to G4; additionally, there was usually a peak corresponding to A12. Sequential extraction of AChE in conjunction with velocity sedimentation resolved minor forms of AChE and revealed that the G1, G2, G4, A4, A8, and A12 forms of AChE could be obtained from the muscle. The identity of the forms was confirmed through high-salt precipitation and collagenase digestion. The asymmetric forms of AChE were precipitated in low ionic strength buffer, and their sedimentation coefficients were shifted to higher values by collagenase digestion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Ferrochelatase in membrane preparations fromAzospirillum brasilense displayed an activity of 2.17 mol protoheme formed · h–1 · mg protein–1 which is 10-fold greater than previous reports for other bacteria. This ferrochelatase showed an apparentK m of 20.9 M for Fe2+, a pH optimum of 6.0–6.5, and stimulation by oleic or stearic acids. Co2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ inhibited the incorporation of Fe2+ into protoporphyrin IX while Ni2 and Mg2+ had no effect on protoheme synthesis. Activity with Fe2+ and mesoporphyrin IX was less than with protoporphyrin IX but deuteroporphyrin IX produced the highest rate of protoheme synthesis. The membrane fraction containing ferrochelatase activity was found to insert Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ enzymatically into protoporphyrin IX to produce metalloporphyrins. Cu2+ incorporation into protoporphyrin IX proceeded at a rate greater than with Fe2+ and theK m for Cu2+ was 21.9 M.  相似文献   

Juveniles and adults from a prehistoric Amerindian skeletal series from Tennessee are compared for differences in the means and variances of the buccolingual dimensions of their permanent teeth. While there are no significant differences in variance, it is found that juveniles exhibit significantly smaller mandibular canines, first premolars, and first molars. The results are similar to those of a previous examination of an Amerindian skeletal collection from South Dakota. There is evidence to suggest that teeth may fail to develop to their maximum genetic size potential when there is interference from exogenous chronic stressors such as malnutrition or disease. Archeological and biological evidence demonstrates that both the Tennessee and South Dakota series represent groups that suffered considerably from environmental stressors. It is suggested that those persons who suffered most were more likely to die prematurely, thus explaining why juvenile skeletons tend to have smaller teeth. The conclusion is that the examination of age variation in crown size can be a useful supplement to other osteological indicators of stress in skeletal collections. The factor of sex ratio and the implications of the results for other kinds of dental metric studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Patch-clamp experiments in the sarcolemma of frog skeletal muscle evidenced the presence of three types of voltage-dependent single-channel K+ currents. According to their unitary conductance at a membrane voltage of +40 mV, we classified them as 16-, 13-, and 7-pS K+ channels. The 16-pS K+ channels are active close to a membrane voltage of −80 mV and they do not become inactivated during voltage pulses of 100 ms. Within 10 min after beginning the recording, these channels developed rundown with an exponential time course. The 13-pS K+ channels are active near −60 mV; upon a 100-ms depolarization, they exhibited inactivation with an approximate exponential time course. The 7-pS K+ channels were recorded at voltages positive to 0 mV. In patches containing all three types of K+ channels, the ensemble average currents resemble the kinetic properties of the macroscopic delayed rectifier K+ currents recorded in skeletal muscle and other tissues. In conclusion, the biophysical properties of unitary K+ currents suggest that these single-channel K+ currents may underlie the macroscopic delayed K+ currents in frog skeletal muscle fibers. In addition, since the 16- and 13-pS channels were more frequently recorded, both are the main contributors to the delayed K+ currents.  相似文献   

本文对内蒙古中南部地区青铜—早期铁器时代5个考古地点出土人骨的龋病患病情况做了研究, 在与其他国内材料对比的基础上, 探讨了文化类型与龋病患病率之间的关系。龋病在以农业经济为主的人群中患病率最高, 在农牧兼营的人群中龋病率其次, 在以畜牧业为生的游牧人群中患病率最低。龋病是反映内蒙古地区该时段古代居民经济模式的一个有效指标。  相似文献   

Patterning in the carbonized seed assemblages from Iron Age sites in Britain has led to the development of several explanatory models. The most influential of these, by Martin Jones, proposed that grain-rich assemblages represent producer sites and weed-/chaff-rich assemblages consumer sites. The assumptions underlying this model and the method of constructing the diagrams are discussed and a new approach is put forward, stressing the need for appropriate levels of analysis and interpretation. It is concluded that a predominance of grain-rich samples is far more likely to be an indicator of the scale of production and consumption, than a means of distinguishing between the two. A review of the evidence from Iron Age Britain indicates that grain-rich site assemblages primarily occur in the south of the country, and frequently co-occur with pits, used for the storage of surplus grain. Moreover, such pits are concentrated in hillforts. It is proposed that the grain stored in such pits may have been used in large communal feasts and that the hillforts functioned as locations for feasting.
Marijke van der VeenEmail: Phone: +44-116-252-2611Fax: +44-116-252-5005

Charcoal analysis was carried out as part of an interdisciplinary project focusing on the copper mining history of the former mining area of Schwaz and Brixlegg, a region pivotal as a copper source in prehistoric Europe. The goal was to use remains of carbonised wood to investigate environmental implications of prehistoric mining, as well as to gain new insight about the ancient mining technique of fire-setting. Charcoal samples from seven copper mining sites (Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age) were analysed. The results reveal a strong preference for coniferous wood as fuel in fire-setting, but not in ore smelting/roasting processes. Species composition at the ore-processing sites indicates moderate forest degradation processes caused by human intervention.  相似文献   

A female chimpanzee developed premature sex skin swelling, breast budding, advanced bone age, and moderate estrogen effect of the vaginal cytology. Extensive radiographic and hormonal studies excluded all the known causes of precocious puberty and pseudopuberty, yielding a diagnosis of idiopathic true precocious puberty. To our knowledge this is the first observation of idiopathic true precocious puberty in a chimpanzee.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the genealogy of two nested mutant alleles, assuming the constant-size neutral coalescent model with infinite sites mutation. We study the conditional genealogy and derive explicit formulas for the joint and marginal site frequency spectra for the double, single and zero mutant allele. In addition, we find the mean ages of the two mutations. We show that the age of the youngest mutation does not depend on the frequency of the single mutant allele and that the frequency spectra for the single mutant allele and the zero mutant allele are the same.  相似文献   

To establish a skeletal muscle profile for elite sprinters, we obtained muscle biopsy samples from the vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius and soleus of African cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Muscle ultrastructure was characterized by the fiber type composition and mitochondrial volume density of each sample. Maximum enzyme activity, myoglobin content and mixed fiber metabolite content were used to assess the major biochemical pathways. The results demonstrate a preponderance of fast-twitch fibers in the locomotor muscles of cheetahs; 83% of the total number of fibers examined in the vastus lateralis and nearly 61% of the gastrocnemius were comprised of fast-twitch fibers. The total mitochondrial volume density of the limb muscles ranged from 2.0 to 3.9% for two wild cheetahs. Enzyme activities reflected the sprinting capability of the cheetah. Maximum activities for pyruvate kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in the vastus lateralis were 1519.00 ± 203.60 and 1929.25±482.35 μmol min−1 · g wet wt−1, respectively, and indicated a high capacity for glycolysis. This study demonstrates that the locomotor muscles of cheetahs are poised for anaerobically based exercise. Fiber type composition, mitochondrial content and glycolytic enzyme capacities in the locomotor muscles of these sprinting cats are at the extreme range of values for other sprinters bred or trained for this activity including greyhounds, thoroughbred horses and elite human athletes. Accepted: 5 June 1997  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(5):385-391
Microdialysis probes were inserted into the tibialis anterior muscle and into the femoral vein of anaesthetised Sprague-Dawley rats for monitoring of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) extracellular glutathione. The dialysates were analysed using HPLC. The levels of GSH and GSSG were high immediately after implantation in the skeletal muscle and declined to steady state levels after 90 minutes into the same range as that found in the venous dialysate. Total ischemia was induced two hours after implantation of the dialysis probe after steady state levels had been reached. The extracellular levels of GSH increased during total ischemia and had doubled at the end of the ischemic period compared to preischemic values. During the following initial 30 minutes of reperfusion the levels increased further to four-fold the preischemic levels. The levels of GSSG also increased (100%) during the initial 30 minutes of reperfusion. The extracellular GSH levels remained elevated for 1 hour of reperfusion, but the GSSG levels returned to preischemic levels. The results indicate that intermittent hypoxia or anoxia in muscle tissue through hypoperfusion or ischemia decreases intracellular GSH stores by leakage, reducing the intracellular antioxidative capacity and increasing the risk for oxidative reperfusion injury upon final normalization of tissue blood supply.  相似文献   

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