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The high aromatic content of the deep and narrow active-site gorge of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a remarkable feature of this enzyme. Here, we analyze conformational flexibility of the side chains of the 14 conserved aromatic residues in the active-site gorge of Torpedo californica AChE based on the 47 three-dimensional crystal structures available for the native enzyme, and for its complexes and conjugates, and on a 20-ns molecular dynamics (MD) trajectory of the native enzyme. The degree of flexibility of these 14 aromatic side chains is diverse. Although the side-chain conformations of F330 and W279 are both very flexible, the side-chain conformations of F120, W233, W432, Y70, Y121, F288, F290 and F331 appear to be fixed. Residues located on, or adjacent to, the Ω-loop (C67-C94), namely W84, Y130, Y442, and Y334, display different flexibilities in the MD simulations and in the crystal structures. An important outcome of our study is that the majority of the side-chain conformations observed in the 47 Torpedo californica AChE crystal structures are faithfully reproduced by the MD simulation on the native enzyme. Thus, the protein can assume these conformations even in the absence of the ligand that permitted their experimental detection. These observations are pertinent to structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase (ACHE, BCHE) from evolutionarily distant species display a high degree of primary sequence homology and have biochemically similar catalytic properties, yet they differ in substrate specificity and affinity for various inhibitors. The biochemical information derived from analyses of ACHE and BCHE from human, Torpedo, mouse, and Drosophila, as well as that from the recombinant forms of their natural variants and site-directed mutants, can currently be re-examined in view of the recent X-ray crystallography data revealing the three-dimensional structure of Torpedo ACHE. The picture that emerges deepens the insight into the biochemical basis for choline ester catalysis and the complex mechanism of interaction between cholinesterases and their numerous ligands.  相似文献   

Because of the pivotal role that the nerve enzyme, acetylcholinesterase plays in terminating nerve impulses at cholinergic synapses. Its active site, located deep inside a 20 Å gorge, is a vulnerable target of the lethal organophosphorus compounds. Potent reactivators of the intoxicated enzyme are nucleophiles, such as bispyridinium oxime that binds to the peripheral anionic site and the active site of the enzyme through suitable cation–π interactions. Atomic scale molecular dynamics and free energy calculations in explicit water are used to study unbinding pathways of two oxime drugs (Ortho‐7 and Obidoxime) from the gorge of the enzyme. The role of enzyme‐drug cation–π interactions are explored with the metadynamics simulation. The metadynamics discovered potential of mean force (PMF) of the unbinding events is refined by the umbrella sampling (US) corrections. The bidimensional free energy landscape of the metadynamics runs are further subjected to finite temperature string analysis to obtain the transition tube connecting the minima and bottlenecks of the unbinding pathway. The PMF is also obtained from US simulations using the biasing potential constructed from the transition tube and are found to be consistent with the metadynamics‐US corrected results. Although experimental structural data clearly shows analogous coordination of the two drugs inside the gorge in the bound state, the PMF of the drug trafficking along the gorge pathway point, within an equilibrium free energy context, to a multistep process that differs from one another. Routes, milestones and subtlety toward the unbinding pathway of the two oximes at finite temperature are identified. Proteins 2014; 82:1799–1818. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To delineate the role of peptide backbone flexibility and rapid molecular motion in acetylcholinesterase catalysis and inhibitor association, we investigated the decay of fluorescence anisotropy at three sites of fluorescein conjugation to cysteine-substitution mutants of the enzyme. One cysteine was placed in a loop at the peripheral site near the rim of the active center gorge (H287C); a second was in a helical region outside of the active center gorge (T249C); a third was at the tip of a small, flexible omega loop well separated from the gorge (A262C). Mutation and fluorophore conjugation did not appreciably alter catalytic or inhibitor binding parameters of the enzyme. The results show that each site examined was associated with a high degree of segmental motion; however, the A262C and H287C sites were significantly more flexible than the T249C site. Association of the active center inhibitor, tacrine, and the peripheral site peptide inhibitor, fasciculin, had no effect on the anisotropy decay of fluorophores at positions 249 and 262. Fasciculin, but not tacrine, on the other hand, dramatically altered the decay profile of the fluorophore at the 287 position, in a manner consistent with fasciculin reducing the segmental motion of the peptide chain in this local region. The results suggest that the motions of residues near the active center gorge and across from the Cys(69)-Cys(96) omega loop are uncoupled and that ligand binding at the active center or the peripheral site does not influence acetylcholinesterase conformational dynamics globally, but induces primarily domain localized decreases in flexibility proximal to the bound ligand.  相似文献   

The dynamics of ligand movement through the constricted region of the acetylcholinesterase gorge is important in understanding how the ligand gains access to and is released from the active site of the enzyme. Molecular dynamics simulations of the simple ligand, tetramethylammonium, crossing this bottleneck region are conducted using umbrella potential sampling and activated flux techniques. The low potential of mean force obtained is consistent with the fast reaction rate of acetylcholinesterase observed experimentally. From the results of the activated dynamics simulations, local conformational fluctuations of the gorge residues and larger scale collective motions of the protein are found to correlate highly with the ligand crossing.  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of acetylcholine catalyzed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE), one of the most efficient enzymes in nature, occurs at the base of a deep and narrow active center gorge. At the entrance of the gorge, the peripheral anionic site provides a binding locus for allosteric ligands, including substrates. To date, no structural information on substrate entry to the active center from the peripheral site of AChE or its subsequent egress has been reported. Complementary crystal structures of mouse AChE and an inactive mouse AChE mutant with a substituted catalytic serine (S203A), in various complexes with four substrates (acetylcholine, acetylthiocholine, succinyldicholine, and butyrylthiocholine), two non-hydrolyzable substrate analogues (m-(N,N,N-trimethylammonio)-trifluoroacetophenone and 4-ketoamyltrimethylammonium), and one reaction product (choline) were solved in the 2.05-2.65-A resolution range. These structures, supported by binding and inhibition data obtained on the same complexes, reveal the successive positions and orientations of the substrates bound to the peripheral site and proceeding within the gorge toward the active site, the conformations of the presumed transition state for acylation and the acyl-enzyme intermediate, and the positions and orientations of the dissociating and egressing products. Moreover, the structures of the AChE mutant in complexes with acetylthiocholine and succinyldicholine reveal additional substrate binding sites on the enzyme surface, distal to the gorge entry. Hence, we provide a comprehensive set of structural snapshots of the steps leading to the intermediates of catalysis and the potential regulation by substrate binding to various allosteric sites at the enzyme surface.  相似文献   

Six organophosphorus compounds linked to fluorophore groups were prepared in an effort to selectively modify the active site of acetylcholinesterase and deliver probes to the gorge region. Two compounds that vary by the length of a methylene (CH2) group, pyrene-SO2NH(CH2)nNHC(O)CH2CH2P(O)(OEt)(F) (where n = 2 or 3) were found to be potent, irreversible inhibitors of recombinant mouse AChE (Ki approximately 10(5) M(-1) min(-1)). Size exclusion chromatography afforded a fluorescently-labeled cholinesterase conjugate.  相似文献   

To examine the influence of individual side chains in governing rates of ligand entry into the active center gorge of acetylcholinesterase and to characterize the dynamics and immediate environment of these residues, we have conjugated reactive groups with selected charge and fluorescence characteristics to cysteines substituted by mutagenesis at specific positions on the enzyme. Insertion of side chains larger than in the native tyrosine at position 124 near the constriction point of the active site gorge confers steric hindrance to affect maximum catalytic throughput (k(cat)/K(m)) and rates of diffusional entry of trifluoroketones to the active center. Smaller groups appear not to present steric constraints to entry; however, cationic side chains selectively and markedly reduce cation ligand entry through electrostatic repulsion in the gorge. The influence of side chain modification on ligand kinetics has been correlated with spectroscopic characteristics of fluorescent side chains and their capacity to influence the binding of a peptide, fasciculin, which inhibits catalysis peripherally by sealing the mouth of the gorge. Acrylodan conjugated to cysteine was substituted for tyrosine at position 124 within the gorge, for histidine 287 on the surface adjacent to the gorge and for alanine 262 on a mobile loop distal to the gorge. The 124 position reveals the most hydrophobic environment and the largest hypsochromic shift of the emission maximum with fasciculin binding. This finding likely reflects a sandwiching of the acrylodan in the complex with the tip of fasciculin loop II. An intermediate spectral shift is found for the 287 position, consistent with partial occlusion by loops II and III of fasciculin in the complex. Spectroscopic properties of the acrylodan at the 262 position are unaltered by fasciculin addition. Hence, combined spectroscopic and kinetic analyses reveal distinguishing characteristics in various regions of acetylcholinesterase that influence ligand association.  相似文献   

A 10-ns trajectory from a molecular dynamics simulation is used to examine the structure and dynamics of water in the active site gorge of acetylcholinesterase to determine what influence water may have on its function. While the confining nature of the deep active site gorge slows down and structures water significantly compared to bulk water, water in the gorge is found to display a number of properties that may aid ligand entry and binding. These properties include fluctuations in the population of gorge waters, moderate disorder and mobility of water in the middle and entrance to the gorge, reduced water hydrogen-bonding ability, and transient cavities in the gorge.  相似文献   

Theoretical calculations performed on the interactions of acetylcholine with the aromatic gorge of acetylcholinesterase indicate the existence of a number of local minima for the substrate. These minima are clustered in four regions of increasing interactions from top to bottom of the gorge, culminating in the region of the active site. The results allow the delineation of the role of the different aminoacids lining the walls, emphasizing, in particular, that of Trp 279 and Trp 84 while smaller interactions involve tyrosines 70, 121, 130, 334 and Phe 330. The influence of D72 is stressed, as well as the orientating role of A 201 and the strong driving influence of E199.  相似文献   

Molecular transport across the nuclear envelope in eukaryotic cells is solely controlled by the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The NPC provides two types of nucleocytoplasmic transport: passive diffusion of small molecules and active chaperon-mediated translocation of large molecules. It has been shown that the interaction between intrinsically disordered proteins that line the central channel of the NPC and the transporting cargoes is the determining factor, but the exact mechanism of transport is yet unknown. Here, we use coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to quantify the energy barrier that has to be overcome for molecules to pass through the NPC. We focus on two aspects of transport. First, the passive transport of model cargo molecules with different sizes is studied and the size selectivity feature of the NPC is investigated. Our results show that the transport probability of cargoes is significantly reduced when they are larger than ∼5 nm in diameter. Secondly, we show that incorporating hydrophobic binding spots on the surface of the cargo effectively decreases the energy barrier of the pore. Finally, a simple transport model is proposed which characterizes the energy barrier of the NPC as a function of diameter and hydrophobicity of the transporting particles.  相似文献   

A method to identify and sequence recombinant mouse acetylcholinesterase (rMoAChE) including the native and organophosphate-modified active-site peptides was developed using capillary liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization, quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Addition of 2-propanol to the reversed-phase gradient system and a decreased gradient slope improved the peptide resolution and the signal of the active-site peptide. The highest protein coverage and active-site peptide signal were achieved when the rMoAChE:chymotrypsin ratio of 5:1 was used with digestion at 37 degrees C. rMoAChE and the active-site peptide were identified and sequenced from chymotryptic digests of native, methyl paraoxon-, and ethyl paraoxon-inactivated rMoAChE showing unequivocally that the exact modification site was the active-site serine.  相似文献   

Six novel AChE reactivators with a (Z)-but-2-ene linker were synthesized using the known synthetic pathways. Their ability to reactivate AChE, which had been previously inhibited by nerve agent tabun or pesticide paraoxon, was tested in vitro and compared to pralidoxime, HI-6, obidoxime, and K075. The novel synthesized compounds were found to be ineffective against GA-inhibited AChE but the ability of (Z)-1,4-bis(4-hydroxyiminomethylpyridinium)-but-2-ene dibromide to reactivate paraoxon-inhibited AChE was comparable with that of oxime K075. Notably, the oxime group in position four substantially increased the ability of the novel compounds to reactivate paraoxon-inhibited AChE.  相似文献   

Donepezil is used to treat symptomatically the Alzheimer's disease (AD). This drug is a specific inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), whose main physiological function is to hydrolyze the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. The main objective of this work was to study the effect of donepezil on human erythrocytes as AChE is present in its membrane. For this purpose, human erythrocytes and molecular model of its membrane built-up of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE) were used. The latter correspond to classes of phospholipids present in the outer and inner monolayers of the human erythrocyte membrane, respectively. Our experimental evidences obtained from X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis indicated that donepezil was capable of interacting with both phospholipids. Fluorescence spectroscopy results showed a moderate increase in the fluidity of the hydrophobic tails of DMPC and isolated unsealed human erythrocyte membranes (IUM). On the other hand, results by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical defocusing microscopy (DM) showed that the drug changed the normal biconcave shape of the erythrocytes inducing the formation of stomatocytes (cup-shaped cells). This effect was explained by the incorporation of donepezil molecules into the erythrocyte membrane and interactions with AChE.  相似文献   

ACTH4-7 and its long-acting analog stimulate acetylcholinesterase activity of different areas of the rat brain. Based on the data concerning the effect of an amino acid mixture equivalent to ACTH4-7 and actinomycin D on acetylcholinesterase activity of the white substance of the large hemispheres it is inferred that the oligopeptide-induced increase in the enzyme activity is linked with the induction of the synthesis of new acetylcholinesterase molecules.  相似文献   

Alkali cations can affect the catalytic efficiency of enzymes. This is particularly true when dealing with enzymes whose substrate bears a formal positive charge. Computational and biochemical approaches have been combined to shed light on the atomic aspects of the role of Li(+), Na(+), and K(+) on human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE) ligand binding. In this respect, molecular dynamics simulations and our recently developed metadynamics method were applied to study the entrance of the three cations in the gorge of hAChE, and their effect on the dynamical motion of a ligand (tetramethylammonium) from the bulk of the solvent into the deep narrow enzyme gorge. Furthermore, in order to support the theoretical results, K(M) and k(cat) for the acetylcholine hydrolysis in the presence of the three cations were evaluated by using an approach based on the Ellman's method. The combination of computational and biochemical experiments clearly showed that Li(+), Na(+), and K(+) may influence the ligand binding at the hAChE gorge.  相似文献   

5-Hydroxyisourate hydrolase (HIUase) and transthyretin (TTR) are closely related phylogenetically and structurally, while performing quite different functions. The former catalyzes the hydrolysis of 5-hydroxyisourate within the urate degradation pathway, and the latter is a carrier protein involved in the extracellular transport of thyroid hormones and in the cotransport of retinol. The evolution of HIUase into TTR represents a remarkable example of adaptation of a new function by active-site modification of an enzyme. On the basis of phylogenetic reconstructions and structural comparison of HIUase and TTR, two mutations (Y116T and I16A) were likely to be crucial events in order to induce, after a gene duplication event, the conversion of the enzyme into a binding protein. By rational reshaping of the active sites of HIUase and functional analyses of its mutant forms, we have provided insights into how its neofunctionalization could be achieved. We show here that the two mutations at the active sites of HIUase open up the two ends of the channel that transverses the entire tetrameric protein, generating two cavities accessible to the thyroxine molecule and abrogating, at the same time, the enzymatic activity. Our data indicate that a small number of critical mutations affecting the active site of an enzyme may be sufficient to generate a drastically different function, while a large number of additional mutations may be required for the fine-tuning of the structural and functional features of new proteins.  相似文献   

Using N-acetylglucosaminono-1,5-lactone (1) as the reference, the inhibitory activity of its (formal) derivatives N-acetylglucosaminono-1,5-lactone oxime (2) and N-acetylglucosaminono-1,5-lactone O-(phenylcarbamoyl)-oxime (3) was tested against beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase of different origins (animal, plant, fungus). Displaying inhibition constants of 0.45 microM and 0.62 microM, for the animal and plant enzyme, respectively, the simple oxime 2 was about equally potent as the parent lactone 1, and 50-400 times more efficient than two recently described new beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase inhibitors. The (phenylcarbamoyl)oxime 3 performed even better, particularly with the fungal enzyme (Ki = 40 nM), i.e. was about 350 times more potent than the lactone. In all cases competitive inhibition was observed with 4-nitrophenyl-beta-N-acetylglucosaminide as the substrate. With Ki/Km ratios up to 3300 for 2 and 13,600 for 3, the mode of action of these novel inhibitors is probably that of transition state mimicry. Suggestions are made for their use as a tool in biological research.  相似文献   

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