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The influence of temperature on the growth rate, sporulation density and zoospore release of Phytophthora infestans, cultivated on rye agar, has been studied. Temperature significantly influenced all the features of the fungus mentioned above. The highest yield of sporangia per 1 cm2 of aerial mycelium occurred at 24°C while the highest percentage of sporangia releasing zoospores was observed when the fungus was grown at 15 °C. When considering the size of the fungal colony the highest production of sporangia was obtained at 20°C. It was concluded that the temperature at which the fungus was cultured predetermined the way it germinated.  相似文献   

Potato Solanum tuberosum L. plants expressing an antisense M21334 fragment were obtained by agrobacterial transformation. A manifold decrease in activity of anionic isoperoxidase with pI ~ 3.5 in the transformed plants demonstrated that the enzyme is encoded by M21334. The transformed plants showed a decrease in lignin accumulation and a dramatically lower resistance to the late blight agent Phytophthora infestans, implicating the enzyme in the response to P. infestans infection.  相似文献   

Examination of the carbohydrates of cell walls prepared fromtuber discs of a susceptible variety of potato showed an increase,with time, in all the polysaccharide fractions in control discs,but a slower increase in the pectic fraction and a more rapidincrease in the extraction residue to discs infected with Phytophthorainfestans. These differences were related to the monosaccharidecomposition of hydrolysates; there was no increase in galactose,found predominantly in the pectic fraction, but a rapid increasein glucose which is confined almost exclusively to the extractionresidue. Part of the increased glucose was due to an accumulationof hyphal wall of P. infestans which contains mainly an alkali-insolubleglucan. Galactanase activity, which was demonstrated in infecteddiscs, could account for the divergence of galactose contentfrom that of the controls. There was an enhanced accumulationof a lignin-like polymer associated with the cell-wall fractionof infected discs.  相似文献   

The time courses of sesquiterpenoid phytoalexin accumulation were examined in compatible and incompatible interactions of leaves and tubers from five different R genotypes of potato (Solanum tuberosum) with corresponding pathotypes of Phytophthora infestans, as well as in non-host interactions of all five potato cultivars with Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea and in elicitor-treated tubers from five, and cell suspension cultures from two, of the cultivars. In tubers, rishitin and several structurally related sesquiterpene derivatives accumulated rapidly in non-host incompatible interactions, less rapidly in host incompatible interactions, and more slowly in compatible interactions. Treatment of tubers or cell cultures with fungal culture filtrate or arachidonic acid elicited in most cases a transient accumulation of the sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins. None of these compounds was detectable under any of the applied conditions either in infected or in elicitortreated leaves. Sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins might therefore be helpful, but appear not to be essential, in disease resistance of potato.Abbreviations CF concentrated culture filtrate of Pi - cv. cultivar - Pi Phytophthora infestans (numbering indicates pathotypes corresponding to R genes in potato) - Pmg Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea  相似文献   

Eight isolates of Phytophthora infestans were recovered from late blight infected samples collected from the districts of Mbale and Mbarara in the Eastern and Western highlands of Uganda in 2001 and analysed using mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) haplotype and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Polymerase chain reaction amplification with the P2 primer followed by digestion with MspI yielded a three‐fragment pattern characteristic of isolates belonging to the US‐1 clonal lineage; the polymorphism was confirmed by DNA sequencing. AFLP analysis yielded 60 markers, analysis of which clustered the Ugandan isolates with reference to US‐1 isolates (US930258 and US940501). These results suggest that the examined Ugandan isolates belong to the US‐1 clonage lineage.  相似文献   

Local treatment of potato plants with arachidonic acid caused a repeated increase of ribonuclease and proteinase activities in leaves that were directly sprayed with this inducer. Immunization caused no significant systemic changes in the enzyme activity of other potato leaves. However, leaves above the induction zone in the first days after the challenge were found to have a pronounced ribonuclease activity increase in comparison to that gradually rising with disease development in inoculated leaves from plants that were not induced. The proteolytic activity in the leaves of immunized plants after the challenge was decisively on a lower level than that in the leaves of noninduced plants subjected to inoculation.  相似文献   

Phytophthora injestans infection of potato leaves causes abnormal opening of the stomata in the tissue colonized by the fungus before sporangiophores emerge through them. The affected area, which may be up to 7 mm wide, extends from the necrotic tissue to within 1–2 mm of the advancing edge of the colonizing mycelium. These stomata open wider than those in uninfected parts of the leaf, and do not close in the dark, but closure can be induced experimentally by a high water deficit. Affected guard cells have an increased osmotic value, reduced starch content, and show degradation of the chloro-plasts. No direct infection of the guard cells has been observed. Autoradiography of infected leaflets which had been exposed to 14CO2 in the light, showed that a zone of increased photosynthesis occurs in the region of wide-open stomata.  相似文献   

Abstract Inoculum concentration, length of incubation period and passages on leaves of potato R–genotypes were found to influence the detectability of virulence genes in Phytophthora infestans.
At lower inoculum concentrations, only a few virulence genes were detected, these were usually 1 and 4. Coupled with an increase of the inoculum dose a gradual increase was found in the number of detected genes and their multiple combinations. An increased incubation time also resulted in the detection of additional virulence genes and their combinations. Two successive passages on respective potato R-genotypes produced a 2--3 fold rise in the number of detected genes.
To explain this phenomenon, a hypothesis has been proposed which suggests that for a virulence gene to be detected, certain infection thresholds have to be reached, which may be different for particular differential host genotypes or virulence genes.  相似文献   

Systemically induced resistance against Phytophthora infestans in the potato cultivar ‘Bintje’ was studied histologically at the light microscopy level on the leaf surface, in the epidermis and in the mesophyll of challenged potato leaves. Systemic disease resistance was induced by a local pre-infection with the same fungus. On the leaf surface of induced plants, the germination of cysts was enhanced. In the epidermis of induced plants, papilla deposition increased and penetration decreased, whereas in the mesophyll of induced plants the spread of hyphae was reduced. It is suggested that the reduction of disease severity in induced plants is the result of the combined action of several successive defence reactions.  相似文献   

ATPase, pyrophosphatase and tripolyhosphatase activities were found in a cell-free Phytophtora infestans micelium extract. No polyphosphatase activity, hydrolyzing high molecular weigh polyphosphates to orthophosphate, was observed in the fungi. It was demonstrated that, unlike ATPase, the activity of pyrophosphatase was inhibited by Ca2+ at concentrations from 0.1 to 20 mM, and it was considerably decreased in the presence of a Ca2+ transport inhibitor, ruthenium red (0.01--0.1 mM). Possible relation of Ph. infestans pyrophosphatase activity with the process of active calcium transport is suggested.  相似文献   

The Dissociation transposable element (Ds) of maize containing NPTII was introduced into the diploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) clone J91-6400-A16 through Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. Genomic DNA sequences flanking the T-DNAs from 312 transformants were obtained with inverse polymerase chain reaction or plasmid rescue techniques and used as probes for RFLP linkage analysis. The RFLP map location of 60 T-DNAs carrying Ds-NPTII was determined. The T-DNA distribution per chromosome and the relative distance between them appeared to be random. All 12 chromosomes have been covered with Ds-containing T-DNAs, potentially enabling tagging of any gene in the potato genome. The T-DNA insertions of two transformants, BET92-Ds-A16-259 and BET92-Ds-A16-416, were linked in repulsion to the position of the resistance gene R1 against Phytophthora infestans. After crossing BET92-Ds-A16-416 with a susceptible parent, 4 desired recombinants (Ds carrying T-DNA linked in coupling phase with the R1 gene) were discovered. These will be used for tagging the R1 gene. The efficiency of the pathway from the introduction to localization of T-DNAs is discussed. Key words : Solanum tuberosum, Phytophthora infestans, Ds element, transposon tagging, R genes, euchromatin.  相似文献   

Systemically induced resistance in potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) against late blight Phytophthora infestans was studied macroscopically on three potato cultivars with different degrees of resistance to late blight. The cultivars, were Bintje(2), Elin(3) and Matilda(4). Figures within brackets represent resistance to leaf late blight on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 denotes the highest level of resistance. In vitro propagated cuttings were used in the experiments, which were, performed under controlled environmental conditions. Disease resistance was induced by a local pre-infection with P. infestans or with the nonpathogen P. cryptogea. Induced resistance was observed on all cultivars. The protection causedby, induced resistance tended to be most intense on cv. Matilda, with 50–60% reduction in lesion formation 4 days after challenge inoculation.  相似文献   

Resistance of plants to their pathogens may be systemically enhanced by a localized induction treatment, a characteristic named systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Changes in amounts and proportions of sucrose, glucose and fructose were examined in induced and noninduced potato plants ( Solarium luberosum L. ev. Matilda) before, and 1–9 days after challenge inoculation. The potato plants were induced and challenged with Phytophthora infesians (Mont.) de Bary. Plants which were non-induced and non-challenged were also tested (referred to as non-treated). The sugars were analysed using high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed electrochemical detection, HPAE-PED (Dionex system). The amounts as well as the proportions of sucrose, glucose and fructose were similar throughout the experimental period in the non-treated plants. In induced plants, before challenge inoculation, the amount of sucrose was 44% lower than in non-treated plants. One day after challenge inoculation, the amount of sucrose had decreased by 79% in non-induced plants compared with non-treated plants, while the induced plants were much less affected. The total amount of all sugars were approximately the same 1 day hefore and 9 days after the challenge inoculation in ail treatments. However, 1 day after challenge inoculation, a 65% decrease in total amount was observed in the non-induced plants compared with the smaller reduction of 37% in the induced plants. The large differences in sugar amounts and proportions between the different treatments are discussed.  相似文献   

In leaves of potatoes inoculated with Phytophthora infestans early in the growing season, more but smaller lesions with later onset of sporulation and fewer sporangia developed than on those inoculated later. None of these factors was uniform on detached leaves of all clones, so could not be used separately to forecast field resistance satisfactorily; when considered together, a reasonable prediction was feasible. With some clones, tests of detached leaflets gave a better indication of behaviour in the field than laboratory tests of whole plants.  相似文献   

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