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张永清,男,1963年10月生于湖北。1985年毕业于华中农业大学,获学士学位,1988年7月获北京农业大学(现中国农业大学)硕士学位,1991年12月获北京农业大学博士学位。1992—1993年在中国科学院微生物研究所作博士后,1994年1月—1995年8月任中国科学院微生物研究所副研究员。1994年6月—1994年12月,荷兰瓦赫宁根(Wageningen)大学访问学者,1995年9月—1997年12月英国剑桥大学博士后,1998年1月—2002年10月美国犹他大学博士后,2002年11月—2004年12月,美国范德比尔特(Vanderbilt)大学博士后,2005年1月起任中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员,当年入选中国科学院"百人计划",并获国家"杰出青年基金"资助。  相似文献   

肖方 《生命世界》2015,(2):72-79
<正>人物名片1915年2月22日出生于广东省南海(现海南省);1935年6月北平燕京大学毕业(新闻系);1935年7月—1945年8月在4家中外媒体任记者、编辑工作,其间1941年12月—1942年5月在日本宪兵队牢房度过;1945年10月—1946年12月在北平民国政府做官员;1947年1月—1950年3月在美国大使馆武官处任中文秘书,1948年6月参加革命工作,主要服务于北平地下党组织;1951年3月—1953年3月在北京西郊  相似文献   

放线菌和霉菌菌种保藏研究报告   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方善康   《微生物学通报》1993,20(6):344-347
用砂管法室温保藏放线菌244株29年。其存活率(%)为:6年96;9年91;11年88;14年78;15年76;17年74;20年70;22年59;25年47;27年40;29年37。保藏29年尚存活的放线菌的抗曾活性与保藏前基本相同。用麸曲法室温保藏木霉、曲霉和青霉等12属共216株,存活率因种而异。保藏12年,不同种属霉菌的存活率为0—100%;保藏至16年,全部失活。  相似文献   

青宁生 《微生物学报》2018,58(8):1503-1504
正蔡金科,俄文名ЦайЦзинь-ко,1926年1月24日生于山东高密县城,2018年4月7日卒于北京。蔡金科1933年9月入高密县城的小学,1941年7月在高密私立崇实小学毕业后,考入高密县县立中学初级部,1945年至1948年在青岛礼贤中学工程科求学,1949年考入山东大学文学院外文系,1950年转入植物系,1953年7月毕业。1953年8月他被分  相似文献   

依据2002~2006年版《中国科技期刊引证报告》中9种植物学核心期刊被引频次和影响因子的具体统计数据,对2001~2005年出版的9种期刊的年季变化动态进行分析,以探讨我国植物学期刊的发展,明确各学报在本学科中的学术影响力。表1 2001~2005年9种植物学类核心期刊被引频次和影响因子动态变化期刊编号名称被引频次2001年2002年2003年2004年2005年影响因子2001年2002年2003年2004年2005年Ⅰ植物生态学报*826 1 045 1 626 2 008 2 383 0.791 0.968 1.483 1.373 1.523Ⅱ植物学报*1 861 2 927 2 806 2 944 3 134 0.865 0.904 0.817 0.705 0.746Ⅲ西北…  相似文献   

金武祚,1947年出生于日本大阪府。1970年毕业于朝鲜大学理学部。1979年获得京都大学农学博士学位,1983年在美国加州大学伯克利分校担任博士研究员。1988年任日本一家食品公司研究所所长。1998年任韩国高丽大学生命工学院教授。1999年就任Pharma Foods研究所董事长。1994年获日本农艺化学会技术奖,2002年获第一届生物风险投资大奖近畿生物工业振兴会议奖,2004年荣获京都中小企业技术大奖。[编者按]  相似文献   

正主办单位:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院、中国生理学会主编:管又飞出版:科学出版社1999年、2003年、2005年连续3次荣获"国家期刊奖";2009年荣获"新中国60年有影响力的期刊"称号;2013年至2018年连续荣获"中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊"称号。国家自然科学核心期刊和生物类核心期刊;2001年入选双奖"中国期刊方阵";2005~2016年多  相似文献   

天目山自1956年被国务院划为森林禁伐区,1982年正式成立天目山自然保护区管理处,至今已50年了。最早的几位“看山人”已经离开了这片他们钟爱着的土地,但是“看山人”的接力棒仍在一代代传递着。值此50周年之际,我们访问了5位曾经和现任天目山自然保护区管理处和管理局的“一把手”:徐观德(1979年9月-1982年6月,任临安县天目山管理委员会委员;1982年7月-1983年9月,任天目山自然保护区管理处主任)、谭维贵(1984年2月-1986年9月,任管理处主任;1986年10月一1996年12月,任管理局局长)、柳兴根(1997年1月-1999年10月,任管理局局长)、潘承文(1999年3月-2004年11月,任管理局局长)、杜晴洲(2004年11月-2005年4月,任管理局副局长,主持工作;2005年5月至今,任管理局局长)。回顾50年,既有成功的经验和欣慰,也有惨痛的教训,他们对天目山的未来寄予厚望。[编者按]  相似文献   

以桂北地区的4年生、20年生桉树林和22年生马尾松林为研究对象.于2012年 9~11月分别对这3种林分的土壤呼吸及其组分、土壤温度、土壤湿度进行了3个月的观测.结果表明:(1)4年生桉树林及22年生马尾松林的土壤呼吸速率显著大于20年生桉树林,4年生桉树林与22年生马尾松林无显著差异;(2)3种林分自养呼吸速率 4年生桉树林显著大于20年生桉树林及22年生马尾松林:异养呼吸速率22年生马尾松林显著大于 4年生桉树林及20年生桉树林.4年生桉树林的自养呼吸贡献率明显大于20年生桉树林和22年生马尾松林;(3)相关性分析表明,土壤温度是影响土壤呼吸及其组分的主要环境因子,3种林分土壤温度与土壤呼吸均呈显著的指数关系.22年生马尾松林的土壤呼吸与土壤含水量呈显著负相关关系,2种桉树林的土壤呼吸与土壤含水量的相关性不显著;(4)对温度敏感性系数 Q10值的分析表明,3种林分中20年生桉树林和22年生马尾松林的温度敏感性较大,4年生桉树林最小.  相似文献   

西北农林科技大学森林保护科教开创于1937年、成长于1956年、发展于1977年,1985年获得硕士学位授予权,2003年获森林保护博士学位授予权,2007年建立博士后流动站。2009年入选985第三期科技创新平台建设计划,2009年在陕西省教学名师李盂楼教授的带领下获森林保护学国家教学团队称号。  相似文献   

Competing hypotheses of early turtle evolution contrast sharply in implying very different ecological settings-aquatic versus terrestrial-for the origin of turtles. We investigate the palaeoecology of extinct turtles by first demonstrating that the forelimbs of extant turtles faithfully reflect habitat preferences, with short-handed turtles being terrestrial and long-handed turtles being aquatic. We apply this metric to the two successive outgroups to all living turtles with forelimbs preserved, Proganochelys quenstedti and Palaeochersis talampayensis, to discover that these earliest turtle outgroups were decidedly terrestrial. We then plot the observed distribution of aquatic versus terrestrial habits among living turtles onto their hypothesized phylogenies. Both lines of evidence indicate that although the common ancestor of all living turtles was aquatic, the earliest turtles clearly lived in a terrestrial environment. Additional anatomical and sedimentological evidence favours these conclusions. The freshwater aquatic habitat preference so characteristic of living turtles cannot, consequently, be taken as positive evidence for an aquatic origin of turtles, but must rather be considered a convergence relative to other aquatic amniotes, including the marine sauropterygians to which turtles have sometimes been allied.  相似文献   

Abstract: To examine effects of relocation on eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina), we compared home ranges and movement patterns of 10 resident and 10 relocated box turtles in Davidson, North Carolina, USA. Home ranges of relocated turtles were approximately 3 times larger than those of resident turtles when measured by minimum convex polygons, 6 times larger than resident turtles when measured with 95% kernels and 7.5 times larger than resident turtles when measured by 50% kernels. Relocated turtles also moved a greater average distance per day than resident turtles. Additionally, 5 relocated turtles experienced mortality or disappearance compared to no mortality or disappearance of resident turtles. Our results raise questions about the success of relocation as a management strategy for eastern box turtles. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):772–777; 2008)  相似文献   

The prevalence of spirorchiid fluke infections of marine turtles is high and may cause the death of the hosts throughout their ranges. Virtually nothing has been reported regarding the infective status of sea turtles stranded on Taiwan. Between 2007 and 2010, 30 green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and 2 loggerhead turtles ( Caretta caretta ), stranded and dead, were examined for spirorchiid flukes and their eggs. Twenty-four of the green turtles were juveniles, and the stranded loggerhead turtles were subadults. Adult spirorchiid flukes were found in 13 green turtles but not in the loggerheads. Four species of flukes were identified, namely, Leardius learedi , Hapalotrema postorchis , H. mehrai , and Carettacola hawaiiensis . The main infection sites were the major arteries and heart. Seventy percent of the green turtles harbored spirorchiid eggs, but no eggs were found in loggerheads. The largest eggs with bipolar spines, type I eggs, were found in every case. Although more than half of the stranded turtles were infected, parasite infections were not the main cause of death in the green turtles. Fishery by-catch is probably responsible for the mortality of these stranded turtles.  相似文献   

Blood biochemical parameters were compared for green turtles (Chelonia mydas) with and without green turtle fibropapillomatosis (GTFP) from both captive and wild populations in Hawaii (USA) and from a captive population from California (USA), during the period between 1994 and 1996. Statistical analysis did not detect an influence of disease in any of the blood parameters for free-ranging turtles; however, captive turtles in Hawaii with GTFP had significantly higher levels of alkaline phosphatase and significantly lower levels of lactate compared to non-tumored captive turtles. Multivariate analysis found that biochemical profiles could be used to accurately predict if turtles were healthy or afflicted with GTFP. Discriminant function analysis correctly classified turtles as being with or without GTFP in 89% of cases, suggesting that diseased animals had a distinct signature of plasma biochemistries. Measurements of blood parameters identified numerous differences between captive and wild green turtles in Hawaii. Levels of corticosterone, lactate, triglyceride, glucose, and calcium were significantly higher in wild green turtles as compared to captive turtles, while uric acid levels were significantly lower in wild turtles as compared to captive turtles. Additionally, turtles from Sea World of California (San Diego, California, USA), which had been in captivity the longest, had higher levels of alanine aminotransferase and triglycerides as compared to nearly all other groups. Differences in diet, sampling methods, environmental conditions, and turtle size, help to interpret these results.  相似文献   

Sea turtles were targeted by fisheries in the Mediterranean from 1920 to 1970 and have undergone severe exploitation. At least 30,000 to 40,000 turtles were caught along the Palestinian coastline during the 1920s to 1930s. Although intentional cap- ture of marine turtles is now illegal, sea turtles are still incidentally caught by the fishing industry, making it a major cause of sea turtle mortality. The present study as- sesses the impact of the Israeli fishery fleet on the turtle population in the Levantine basin based on on-board observations and a fishermen survey. The results show that gillnets and trawlers are the main threats to sea turtles in this area. 21 turtles were caught during 1385.5 hours of trawling observations – a catch rate of 0.015 turtles per hour. We estimate that a total of 1,315 turtles are caught annually by Israeli trawlers. According to the fishermen survey, ~21 turtles are caught each year by a single gillnet vessel, yielding an annual estimate of 1,672 turtles for the whole gillnet fleet. We have also found that only a small fraction of the turtles injured by trawlers is represented in the strandings. The mortality rate through trawling and the stranding density is the highest in the region, emphasizing the urgent need to regulate the Israe- li fishery. This fishery poses a major threat to the whole Levantine sea turtle popula- tion, especially during the vulnerable reproduction stage.  相似文献   

We describe the epizootiology of spirorchiid trematode infections in Hawaiian green turtles (Chelonia mydas) by quantifying tissue egg burdens in turtles submitted for necropsy and by assessing antibody response to crude adult worm and egg antigens among a variety of age groups. Hapalotrema sp. and Laeredius sp. predominated in turtles infected with spirorchiids. Tissue egg burdens decreased with increasing size and increased with deteriorating body condition of turtles. No relationship was found between tissue egg burdens and sex or fibropapillomatosis status. Tissue egg burdens increased in turtles from southeast to northwest in the main Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii to Kauai). Hatchling and captive-reared turtles had significantly lower levels of antibodies against crude worm and egg antigens. Based on tissue egg burdens and antibody status, we hypothesize that immature turtles become infected with spirorchiids shortly after recruiting into coastal foraging pastures from the pelagic environment, that infection levels decrease with age, and that spirorchiids detrimentally affect the body condition of sea turtles independent of tumor burden. The low intensity of infection in turtles with the endemic trematode Carettacola hawaiiensis suggests either that turtles are less susceptible to infection with this parasite or that the parasite is outcompeted by species of Hapalotrema and Laeredius. Given that the 2 latter species are found in the Pacific and other oceans, they are not likely endemic and were probably introduced into Hawaii through an undetermined route.  相似文献   

Arsenic in the liver, kidney and muscle of three species of sea turtles, e.g., green turtles (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), were determined using HG-AAS, followed by arsenic speciation analysis using HPLC-ICP-MS. The order of arsenic concentration in tissues was muscle > kidney > liver. Unexpectedly, the arsenic concentrations in the hawksbill turtles feeding mainly on sponges were higher than the two other turtles primarily eating algae and mollusk which accumulate a large amount of arsenic. Especially, the muscles of the hawksbill turtles contained remarkably high arsenic concentrations averaging 153 mg kg–1 dry weight with the range of 23.1–205 mg kg–1 (n=4), even in comparison with the data from other organisms. The arsenic concentrations in the tissues of the green turtles were significantly decreased with standard carapace length as an indicator of growth. In arsenic compounds, arsenobetaine was mostly detected in the tissues of all the turtles. Besides arsenobetaine, a small amount of dimethylarsinic acid was also observed in the hawksbill turtles.  相似文献   

Sterli J 《Biology letters》2008,4(3):286-289
Turtles have been known since the Upper Triassic (210Myr old); however, fossils recording the first steps of turtle evolution are scarce and often fragmentary. As a consequence, one of the main questions is whether living turtles (Testudines) originated during the Late Triassic (210Myr old) or during the Middle to Late Jurassic (ca 160Myr old). The discovery of the new fossil turtle, Condorchelys antiqua gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle to Upper Jurassic (ca 160-146Myr old) of South America (Patagonia, Argentina), presented here sheds new light on early turtle evolution. An updated cladistic analysis of turtles shows that C. antiqua and other fossil turtles are not crown turtles, but stem turtles. This cladistic analysis also shows that stem turtles were more diverse than previously thought, and that until the Middle to Upper Jurassic there were turtles without the modern jaw closure mechanism.  相似文献   

夏中荣  古河祥 《四川动物》2012,31(3):435-438,513
自2001年来,惠东港口海龟国家级自然保护区已成功地利用卫星追踪了21只海龟的洄游路线。本文利用美国卫星信号发射器(Tag)和法国Argos系统追踪3只成年雌性绿海龟。跟踪海龟"西沙"和"南沙"26d,二者均在海口市附近海域消失;"东沙"从阳江市海陵岛出发,取东南向至菲律宾,然后沿菲律宾西海岸向南,最后在巴拉望岛西侧海域逗留,共追踪111d。该试验说明港口海龟具有不同的洄游线路,偏爱沿岸的浅海洄游;洄游路线与等温线之间无显著关系;海龟洄游具有明确的目的地。建议政府相关部门采取科学策略来保护海龟。  相似文献   

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