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头花蓼化学成分研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从苗药头花蓼(Polygonum capitatumBuch.-Ham.ex D.Don)乙酸乙酯部位中分离得到9个化合物,根据理化性质结合波谱学技术分别鉴定为槲皮素-3-O-(4″-O-乙酰基)-α-L-鼠李糖苷(1)、槲皮素(2)、槲皮苷(3)、杨梅苷(4)、槲皮素-3-O-(2″-没食子酰基)-鼠李糖苷(5)、原儿茶酸(6)、胡萝卜苷(7)、没食子酸(8)、没食子酸乙酯(9)。其中化合物1为首次从该属植物中分得,化合物4为首次从该植物中分得。同时,对黄酮苷类化合物中鼠李糖不同位置乙酰基取代后的1HNMR和13C NMR波谱数据进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

种子是活的有机体,是植物生命的基础,它对农林园艺生产的关系十分密切。植物学上的种子,是指受精后发育成熟的胚珠。生产上所指的种子,是泛指能“传宗接代”的播种材料,包括种子、播种用的果实和无性繁殖器官。  相似文献   

建立头花蓼、头状蓼HPLC指纹图谱鉴定方法。用RP—HPLC(DAD)法,梯度洗脱,测定不同产地头花蓼及头状蓼的指纹图谱,并作相似度比较分析。不同产地头花蓼指纹图谱相似度较好,而头花蓼与头状蓼的指纹图谱有明显差异。HPLC指纹图谱具有重现性好,特征性强,方法简便等特点,可用于头花蓼、头状蓼药材的鉴别。  相似文献   

头花蓼挥发性成分研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:研究头花蓼(Herba Polygoni Capitati)挥发性成分.方法:利用水蒸汽蒸馏法提取头花蓼挥发性成分,用GC/MS进行分离测定,结合计算机检索技术对分离的化合物进行结构鉴定,应用色谱峰面积归一化法计算各成分的相对百分含量.结果:分离出88个成分,确定了51个化合物,占挥发油总量的73.10%.结论:头花蓼挥发油成分大于2%的为1-辛烯-3-醇15.205%,2-己烯醛4.444%,γ-古芸烯4.220%,2-庚烯醛4.047%,壬醛3.280%,长叶冰片2.722%,蓝桉醇2.544%.含量最高的化合物为1-辛烯-3-醇.  相似文献   

贵州和四川头花蓼居群的RAPD多态性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)方法研究了来自贵州、四川10个头花蓼(Polygonum capitatum)居群的遗传多样性。结果表明:由6个引物扩增得到74条带。其中,有11条RAPD谱带是所有材料共有的。各居群间相似系数介于0.622~0.892之间。UPGMA法聚类分析表明,供试材料可分为2类,类Ⅰ包含四川都江堰和贵州施秉居群,具有独特的一条带S53-650,并缺少其它居群共同具有的两条带S53-400和S67-790。类Ⅱ有四川马尔康和贵州的其它7个居群,它们彼此间遗传变异较小。  相似文献   

不同居群不同部位头花蓼总黄酮含量研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杜明凤  陈庆富 《广西植物》2008,28(4):561-565
以原产贵州、四川的10个头花蓼收集系为材料,采用紫外分光光度法,研究了各头花蓼收集系植株不同部位总黄酮含量的变异,以便找出总黄酮含量较高的头花蓼收集系及其头花蓼植株上总黄酮含量较高的部位,为头花蓼药业提供指导。结果表明,不同部位头花蓼总黄酮含量差异很大,其含量大小依次为老茎>花>嫩叶>老叶>嫩茎。头花蓼老茎、花中总黄酮含量在不同居群间差异显著,其它部位差异不显著。四川都江堰居群老茎总黄酮含量最高,达2.761%,显著高于其它收集系。  相似文献   

头花蓼(Polygonumcapitatum)又名石辣蓼、石缝草、骨虫草等,蓼科蓼属多年生草本。其茎平卧多分枝,节间多不定根。叶为椭圆形或卵形,先端尖,基部心形,叶柄基部有2枚圆形小耳,叶鞘杯状,苞片卵形,花序头状1—3枚,花被5裂,粉红色。花期春夏季。头花蓼分布广西、广东、贵州、云南等省区以及印度、不丹等地。在广西的主要分布区是桂北山区。酸性母岩,海拔400—600米。天然分布于沟谷的沙滩、乱石滩、水边、路边的坡地等有一定湿度和阳光充足的地方。广西融水苗族自治县滚贝乡的一个小村屯里,其屋边、地边数百米长的卵石…  相似文献   

含水量对种子贮藏寿命的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
建立以收集种子为主体的基因库乃是当今保护植物种质资源最为普遍且可靠易行的方式,在世界库存约 61 0 0 0 0 0份种质资源中,近 90 %是以种子形式保存于约 1 30 0个基因库中。低温贮藏仍是目前基因库中种子种质保存的主要方法。种子含水量和贮藏温度是影响种子在贮藏期间生活力和活力保持的关键因素。传统的经验认为控制温度比控制水分来得安全有效,因而趋向于向低温或超低温的贮藏方向发展。国际植物遗传资源研究所(IPGRI)曾推荐 5%~ 6%的含水量和 - 1 8~- 2 0℃低温作为各国长期保存种子的理想条件。目前,世界各国都把更多的…  相似文献   

应用ISSR-PCR和HPLC方法研究了头花蓼的遗传多样性与没食子酸之间的关系。ISSR结果显示居群总的遗传变异较大(Ht=0.2746),居群内的遗传变异较小(Hs=0.0804),居群间的遗传分化大于居群内的遗传分化。没食子酸含量经SPSS17.0分析显示,各居群间和居群内个体的没食子酸含量差异较大,居群间没食子酸含量范围在0.1738%~0.3306%,其中云南腾冲县,贵州台江县、纳雍县、余庆县、晴隆和毕节县居群间没食子酸含量差异均达到显著水平。通过对头花蓼48个地理居群的遗传多样性与没食子酸含量的相关分析,表明云南腾冲,贵州台江、毕节市亮岩镇、晴隆、盘县居群的遗传多样性指数、没食子酸含量较高,不仅可以作为人工育种的选育材料,而且对于头花蓼种植适生地区划研究具有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

贮藏温度和种子含水量对洋葱种子发芽率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贮藏温度低于15℃时,温度对洋葱种子发芽率影响变小,种子含水量低于8.8%时,其衰老过程变慢,高含水量种子在高温下贮存,衰老过程加快,含水量为100%和13%的种子在25℃下贮存分别不到5个月和2个月就失去商品性。  相似文献   

头花蓼的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1植物名称 头花蓼[Polygonum capitatum Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don Prodrl,别名四季红、红酸。 2材料类别 茎尖。 3培养条件 基本培养基为MS。(1)丛芽诱导培养基:MS+铀A0.2~1.0mg.L^-1(单位下同)+NAA0.1:(2)增殖培养基:MS+6.BA0.5~2.0+NAA0.1~0.5:(3)生根培养基:1/2MS+NAA0.5。  相似文献   

The Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don was founded in 1912. There are now 18 species throughout the world. USSR, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan, Nepal d Kashanmir each has only 1 species; Korea, Philippines and USA each has 2; India 3; Japan 6; and China 7 (including 3 endemics and 1 new variety). And northeast China, north China and northwest China each has 2; central China and southwest China each 4; eastern China 5. Thus the distribution centre of this genus seems to be in the region covering Japan and eastern, central, and southwest China. This genus is divided into two sections: Sect. Simplicifoliae Engl. and Sect. Astilbe. Sect. Simplicifoliae may be considered as the primitive one because it has 5 ordinary petals. This section consists of about 10 species: 5 in China (east China 4; southwest China 3; central China, north China and northeast China each 2; Northwest China 1), 5 in Japan, 2 in Korea, 1 in Philippines and India each. According to the distribution of this section, the author suggests that the centre of origin of this genus be in the forested parts from Japonthrough east China to southwest China.  相似文献   

This work describes the isolation and characterization of thirty-one compounds from Polygonum capitatum Buch-Ham. ex D. Don, including two triterpenes (12), ten flavonoids (716), nine lignans (1725), nine phenolic compounds (47, 2631) and one anthraquinones (3). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of various spectroscopic methods (UV, IV and NMR, including 2D experiments). It was the first report of compounds 13, 15, 17, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 from the genus Ploygonum, and the first report of compounds 13, 15, 17, 24, 25 from the family Polygonaceae.  相似文献   

β-微管蛋白是影响细胞新陈代谢和行使功能的重要结构物质,研究β-微管蛋白基因的序列信息对揭示其蛋白结构与功能具有重要指导意义。从千里光全长cDNA文库中分离得到β-微管蛋白基因,并采用生物信息学软件进行序列分析。结果显示,该基因长度为1750 bp,编码的蛋白质长度为448个氨基酸,与柚子β-微管蛋白的同源性最高,达96%;其蛋白质分子量为50.01 kD,理论等电点为4.83。β-微管蛋白二级结构主要组成为无规则卷曲结构和α螺旋结构;结构域分析发现该蛋白具有两个保守结构域;三级结构预测为相对稳固的类球形结构;信号肽分析将该蛋白主要定位于细胞质、过氧化物酶体、线粒体基质等亚细胞器位置。将该基因序列上传至GenBank所获得的登录号为KF887495。本实验结果为千里光β-微管蛋白的作用机制揭示和应用研究提供了基础数据,也为植物β-微管蛋白基因的分子研究提供了理论依据及基础资料。  相似文献   

InBupleurum tenue stomata have been observed on leaf, stem,stalk of compound umbel and umbellet, bract of involucre andinvolucel, pedicel of flower, both surfaces of petal, outerepidermis of pericarp, and the stylopodium. Their developmentis of the syndetocheilic type in vegetative as well as the reproductiveorgans. In the stylopodium the stomata are anomocytic whilein the rest of the organs they are anisocytic.  相似文献   

A rare anthocyanin, malvidin 3-O-rhamnoside, was isolated from the blue flowers of Parochetus communis Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don along with two known flavonols: kaempferol 3-O-(2-O-glucosyl-6-O-rhamnosyl)-glucoside and kaempferol 3-O-(2,6-di-O-rhamnosyl)-glucoside. These structures were identified using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Mass Spectrometry (MS).  相似文献   

为阐明泛素(Ubiquitin)在高等植物中结构与功能的关系,从千里光全长cDNA文库中分离到泛素基因,采用生物信息学方法对其进行系统分析.碱基序列和系统进化树结果显示,千里光泛素基因与果子蔓泛素基因的核苷酸序列(GenBank登录号:GQ890686.1)的同源性最高(87%);尽管碱基位点出现较大的变异,但高度保守氨基酸序列结果提示,泛素的保守位点对维持蛋白质结构和功能发挥关键作用;蛋白质的理化性质、三维结构预测与亚细胞定位结果表明,作为辅酶,泛素主要参与高等植物细胞的信号转导、转录调控和物质转运等功能.  相似文献   

千里光(Senecio scandens Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)是具有良好开发前景的传统抗菌中草药。为了探讨该物种有性生殖的细胞学机制,实现在物种的遗传育种过程中的指导作用,本研究从细胞学角度观察了千里光配子体发育、配子形成和双受精作用。结果表明,在生殖核分裂为精细胞的过程中,其位置和形态呈现差异,表现为"二态"精细胞;此外,雌配子体的形成符合孢子发育模式,成熟胚囊的形态结构为卵形或梨形,成熟的卵细胞和极核位于珠孔端。根据上述结果可推断,合子在随后二分裂时表现为"基细胞-顶细胞"极性,可能与"二态"精细胞导致的合子细胞质不均一有关。此外,从植物分类学角度,千里光的"二态"精细胞,胚囊极性和合子极性可成为菊科近缘植物分类的细胞学依据。  相似文献   



Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. has been used conventionally by many communities in the Himalayan region for the management of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and vascular complications. Set against this background, this study was carried out to justify the scientific basis to validate folkloric uses of fruits of Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. (Pp.Cr) in traditional systems of medicine.


The crude ethanol extract of fruits of Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. (Pp.Cr) was tested in vitro on isolated rabbit jejunum, tracheal, and aorta preparations. The responses of tissues were recorded using isotonic transducers coupled with a PowerLab data acquisition system.


The Pp.Cr on application (0.01–5.0 mg/ml) to isolated rabbit jejunum preparation exhibited relaxation through decrease in magnitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions. The Pp.Cr also exerted a relaxant (0.01–5.0 mg/ml) effect on K+(80 mM) induced contractions in isolated rabbit jejunum preparations and caused shifting of the Ca2+ curves (1.0–3.0 mg/ml) toward right in a manner similar to that of verapamil (3μM), possibly suggesting presence of Ca2+ channel blocking activity. Subsequently, Pp.Cr in a concentration-dependent fashion (0.01–10.0 mg/ml) caused relaxation of CCh (1μM) and K+ (80 mM) induced contractions in isolated rabbit tracheal preparations in a manner comparable to that of dicyclomine, suggesting that the observed relaxant effect is likely to be mediated through antimuscarinic and/or Ca2+ channel blocking activities. Moreover, when evaluated against isolated rabbit aortic preparations, the Pp.Cr in concentrations up to 10 mg/ml exhibited a contractile response that was found to be abolished subsequent to pretreatment of isolated tissue preparation with cyproheptadine (1μM), phentolamine (1μM), and losartan (1μM), suggesting that Pp.Cr may have some α-adrenergic, muscarinic, serotonergic, and angiotensin II activities.


The aqueous ethanolic extract of Pyrus pashia (Pp.Cr) exhibited spasmolytic, bronchodilator, and vaso-constrictive activities possibly through different mechanisms. The spasmolytic and bronchodilator activities are likely to be mediated through blockade of Ca2+ channels, while vasoconstrictive activity may be due to presence of a α-adrenergic, muscarinic, serotonergic, and angiotensin II agonistic component.  相似文献   

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