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SCF ubiquitin protein ligases and phosphorylation-dependent proteolysis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Many key activators and inhibitors of cell division are targeted for degradation by a recently described family of E3 ubiquitin protein ligases termed Skp1-Cdc53-F-box protein (SCF) complexes. SCF complexes physically link substrate proteins to the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34, which catalyses substrate ubiquitination, leading to subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome. SCF complexes contain a variable subunit called an F-box protein that confers substrate specificity on an invariant core complex composed of the subunits Cdc34, Skp1 and Cdc53. Here, we review the substrates and pathways regulated by the yeast F-box proteins Cdc4, Grr1 and Met30. The concepts of SCF ubiquitin ligase function are illustrated by analysis of the degradation pathway for the G1 cyclin Cln2. Through mass spectrometric analysis of Cdc53 associated proteins, we have identified three novel F-box proteins that appear to participate in SCF-like complexes. As many F-box proteins can be found in sequence databases, it appears that a host of cellular pathways will be regulated by SCF-dependent proteolysis.  相似文献   

Intramembrane-cleaving proteases (I-CLiPs) are membrane embedded proteolytic enzymes. All substrates identified so far are also membrane proteins, involving a number of critical cellular signaling as well as human diseases. After synthesis and assembly at the endoplasmic reticulum, membrane proteins are exported to the Golgi apparatus and transported to their sites of action. A number of studies have revealed the importance of the intracellular membrane trafficking in i-CLiP-mediated intramembrane proteolysis, not only for limiting the unnecessary encounter between i-CLiPs and their substrate but also for their cleavage site preference. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in our understanding of how each i-CLiP proteolysis is regulated by intracellular vesicle trafficking. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Intramembrane Proteases.  相似文献   

Calcium-independent receptor of α-latrotoxin (CIRL-1) is an adhesion G protein-coupled receptor implicated in the regulation of exocytosis. CIRL-1 biosynthesis involves constitutive proteolytic processing that takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum, requires the receptor's GPS domain, and yields heterologous two-subunit receptor complexes. It was proposed that the GPS-directed cleavage is based on cis-autoproteolysis. In this study, we demonstrate that activators of protein kinase C - PMA and ionomycin, can inhibit the cleavage of CIRL-1 precursor in transfected cells. Both reagents also downregulate trafficking of CIRL-1 to the cell surface that results in accumulation of the uncleaved receptor precursor inside the cells. Experiments with a non-cleavable soluble mutant of CIRL-1 showed that the downregulation of the receptor trafficking is independent of its cleavage. Our data suggest that the GPS proteolysis of CIRL-1 is not a purely autocatalytic process and may involve auxiliary proteins or factors that become available in the course of CIRL-1 trafficking.  相似文献   

A soluble ATP/Mg2-dependent proteolytic system from rabbit cardiac muscle has been identified (m ca. 310 kDa) and purified ca. 9-fold. This enzyme which splits the substrate [3H]globin and 125I-bovine serum albumin (125I-BSA) has many similarities to the ATP-dependent proteolytic enzyme system from reticulocytes which utilizes ubiquitin: 1) The specific activities in reticulocyte lysates and cardiac muscle extracts are of the same magnitude (0.5-1 arb. unit/mg). 2) The binding and elution behavior on DEAE-cellulose is similar. 3) In both cases the pH optimum (substrate 125I-BSA) is pH 7.6. 4) Both enzymes are inhibited by hemin, NEM and iodoacetate but not e.g. by leupeptin, or inhibitors of serine proteases. 5) Neither enzyme system can utilize ATP-analogs such as AMP-CPP, AMP-PCP, AMP-PNP or ATP-gamma-S. There are however also significant differences: 1) The enzyme system from cardiac muscle is fully active in the absence of ubiquitin and cannot be activated by this peptide. 2) The enzyme from cardiac muscle can degrade methylated BSA. 3) The cardiac muscle enzyme can be further purified on Sepharose 4B; the enzyme from reticulocytes is inactivated by this procedure. 4) The cardiac enzyme cannot be inactivated by ribonuclease as the reticulocyte counterpart. Although ubiquitin does not appear to play a role in the isolated ATP/Mg2-dependent proteolytic system from cardiac muscle, it is demonstrated for the first time that 125I-ubiquitin can be conjugated to a wide variety of cardiac muscle proteins in vitro in an ATP-dependent manner. Apparent molecular masses of major conjugates were: 185 kDa, 140 kDa, 85 kDa, 65 kDa, 46 kDa, 38 kDa and 36 kDa as estimated by discontinuous SDS gel electrophoresis. Addition of purified phosphorylase kinase to cardiac muscle extract changed the ubiquitination pattern by the appearance of two novel protein bands. It is concluded that the ATP/Mg2-dependent proteolytic system of cardiac muscle must be differentiated from the proteolytic system of reticulocytes mainly because of its ubiquitin-independence. Nevertheless the conjugation of 125I-ubiquitin to many muscle proteins is a strong indication for a crucial role of this interesting peptide in striated muscle.  相似文献   

T Gilon  O Chomsky    R G Kulka 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(10):2759-2766
Combinations of different ubiquitin-conjugating (Ubc) enzymes and other factors constitute subsidiary pathways of the ubiquitin system, each of which ubiquitinates a specific subset of proteins. There is evidence that certain sequence elements or structural motifs of target proteins are degradation signals which mark them for ubiquitination by a particular branch of the ubiquitin system and for subsequent degradation. Our aim was to devise a way of searching systematically for degradation signals and to determine to which ubiquitin system subpathways they direct the proteins. We have constructed two reporter gene libraries based on the lacZ or URA3 genes which, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, express fusion proteins with a wide variety of C-terminal extensions. From these, we have isolated clones producing unstable fusion proteins which are stabilized in various ubc mutants. Among these are 10 clones whose products are stabilized in ubc6, ubc7 or ubc6ubc7 double mutants. The C-terminal extensions of these clones, which vary in length from 16 to 50 amino acid residues, are presumed to contain degradation signals channeling proteins for degradation via the UBC6 and/or UBC7 subpathways of the ubiquitin system. Some of these C-terminal tails share similar sequence motifs, and a feature common to almost all of these sequences is a highly hydrophobic region such as is usually located inside globular proteins or inserted into membranes.  相似文献   

Heterozygous germline mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein type II receptor gene (BMPRII) are associated with hereditary pulmonary arterial hypertension (HPAH). Missense mutations, both in the extracellular ligand-binding and cytoplasmic kinase domains, mostly involve substitution of conserved Cys residues. Singular substitution at any of those Cys residues causes cytoplasmic, perinuclear localization of BMPR with reduced cell surface expression and BMP signaling. The present study examined the effect of Cys residue substitution on BMPR endocytic trafficking and lysosome degradation. We demonstrate that endocytosis/lysosomal degradation of BMPR occurs by two distinct pathways. SMURF1 ubiquitin ligase induces lysosomal degradation of BMPR, while ligase-inactive SMURF1 maintains BMPR protein level and cell surface expression. Substitution of BMPR Cys residues increases lysosomal degradation which is blocked by ligase-inactive SMURF1, elevating protein levels of Cys-substituted BMPRs. Expression of Cys-substituted BMPR suppresses basal BMP signaling activity which is also up-regulated by ligase-inactive SMURF1. Cys-residue substitution thus appears to cause BMPR endocytosis to lysosomes in a SMURF1 ubiquitin ligase-associated pathway. Kinase-activated BMPR undergoes endocytic/lysosomal degradation by a pathway with certain unique properties. Therefore, our results describe a novel mechanism whereby SMURF1 ubiquitin ligase regulates constitutive endocytosis of BMPR which may be mediated by its conserved Cys residues.  相似文献   

delta and micro opioid receptors are homologous G protein-coupled receptors that are differentially sorted between divergent degradative and recycling membrane pathways following agonist-induced endocytosis. Whereas delta opioid receptors are selectively sorted to lysosomes, micro opioid receptors recycle rapidly to the plasma membrane by a process that has been proposed to occur via bulk membrane flow. We have observed that micro opioid receptors do not recycle by default and have defined a specific sequence present in the cytoplasmic tail of the cloned micro opioid receptor that is both necessary and sufficient for rapid recycling of internalized receptors. This sequence is completely distinct from a sequence shown previously to be required for recycling of the beta2 adrenergic receptor yet is functionally interchangeable when tested in chimeric mutant receptors. These results indicate that signal-dependent recycling is a more common property of G protein-coupled receptors than previously appreciated and demonstrate that such a modular recycling signal distinguishes the regulation of homologous receptors that are naturally co-expressed.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination is a regulated post-translational modification that conjugates ubiquitin (Ub) to lysine residues of target proteins and determines their intracellular fate. The canonical role of ubiquitination is to mediate degradation by the proteasome of short-lived cytoplasmic proteins that carry a single, polymeric chain of Ub on a specific lysine residue. However, protein modification by Ub has much broader and diverse functions involved in a myriad of cellular processes. Monoubiquitination, at one or multiple lysine residues of transmembrane proteins, influences their stability, protein-protein recognition, activity and intracellular localization. In these processes, Ub functions as an internalization signal that sends the modified substrate to the endocytic/sorting compartments, followed by recycling to the plasma membrane or degradation in the lysosome. E3 ligases play a pivotal role in ubiquitination, because they recognize the acceptor protein and hence dictate the high specificity of the reaction. The multitude of E3s present in nature suggests their nonredundant mode of action and the need for their controlled regulation. Here we give a short account of E3 ligases that specifically modify and regulate membrane proteins. We emphasize the intricate network of interacting proteins that contribute to the substrate-E3 recognition and determine the substrate's cellular fate.  相似文献   

The loss of activity due to proteolysis of purified L-asparaginase and beta-galactosidase from different sources correlates with the thermal instability of the enzymes. A similar correlation is found when populations of soluble proteins from micro-organisms grown at different temperatures are compared for proteolytic susceptibility and thermal stability. It is proposed that there is a general correlation between the thermostability of proteins and their resistance to proteolysis.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants can be perturbed in their ubiquitin system by expression of a ubiquitin variant with a lys to arg change at position 48. Plants expressing this ubiquitin variant have a tendency to form necrotic lesions resembling those occurring as defense reactions against some pathogens. Using the interaction between tobacco and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), it was investigated whether the ubiquitin variant influences plant responses to pathogen infection. Expression of the ubiquitin variant leads to changes in the response of both resistant and susceptible tobacco varieties. Resistant plants form fewer, but darker lesions. In sensitive plants, TMV replication is inhibited, but not completely abolished. Moreover, susceptible plants expressing the ubiquitin variant induce PR-1 mRNA in response to virus, whereas controls do not express PR-1 under these conditions.  相似文献   

The glycine-alanine (GA) repeat of the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 inhibits in cis ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in mammalian cells through a yet unknown mechanism. In the present study we demonstrate that the GA repeat targets an evolutionarily conserved step in proteolysis since it can prevent the degradation of proteasomal substrates in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Insertion of yeast codon-optimised recombinant GA (rGA) repeats of different length in green fluorescent protein reporters harbouring N-end rule or ubiquitin fusion degradation signals resulted in efficient stabilisation of these substrates. Protection was also achieved in rpn10delta yeast suggesting that this polyubiquitin binding protein is not required for the rGA effect. The conserved effect of the GA repeat in yeast opens the possibility for the use of genetic screens to unravel its mode of action.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent proteolytic pathway is an attractive target for therapeutics because of its critical involvement in cell cycle progression and antigen presentation. However, dissection of the pathway and development of modulators are hampered by the complexity of the system and the lack of easily detectable authentic substrates. We have developed a convenient reporter system by producing N-end rule and ubiquitin fusion degradation (UFD)-targeted green fluorescent proteins that allow quantification of ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent proteolysis in living cells. Accumulation of these reporters serves as an early predictor of G2/M arrest and apoptosis in cells treated with proteasome inhibitors. Comparison of reporter accumulation and cleavage of fluorogenic substrates demonstrates that the rate-limiting chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome can be substantially curtailed without significant effect on ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. These reporters provide a new powerful tool for elucidation of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and for high throughput screening of compounds that selectively modify proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   

N-glycanase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Png1) preferentially removes N-glycans from misfolded proteins. The ability of Png1 to distinguish between folded and misfolded glycoproteins is reminiscent of substrate recognition by UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyl transferase, an enzyme that possesses this trait. The only known in vivo substrates of Png1 are aberrant glycoproteins that originate in the endoplasmic reticulum, and arrive in the cytoplasm for proteasomal degradation. The substrate specificity of Png1 is admirably suited for this task.  相似文献   

Retrograde trafficking from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) depends on the formation of vesicles coated with the multiprotein complex COPI. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae ubiquitinated derivatives of several COPI subunits have been identified. The importance of this modification of COPI proteins is unknown. With the exception of the Sec27 protein (β'COP) neither the ubiquitin ligase responsible for ubiquitination of COPI subunits nor the importance of this modification are known. Here we find that the ubiquitin ligase mutation, rsp5-1, has a negative effect that is additive with ret1-1 and sec28Δ mutations, in genes encoding α- and ε-COP, respectively. The double ret1-1 rsp5-1 mutant is also more severely defective in the Golgi-to-ER trafficking compared to the single ret1-1, secreting more of the ER chaperone Kar2p, localizing Rer1p mostly to the vacuole, and increasing sensitivity to neomycin. Overexpression of ubiquitin in ret1-1 rsp5-1 mutant suppresses vacuolar accumulation of Rer1p. We found that the effect of rsp5 mutation on the Golgi-to-ER trafficking is similar to that of sla1Δ mutation in a gene encoding actin cytoskeleton proteins, an Rsp5p substrate. Additionally, Rsp5 and Sla1 proteins were found by co-immunoprecipitation in a complex containing COPI subunits. Together, our results show that Rsp5 ligase plays a role in regulating retrograde Golgi-to-ER trafficking.  相似文献   

Understanding the formation of feeding links provides insights into processes underlying food webs. Generally, predators feed on prey within a certain body-size range, but a systematic quantification of such feeding niches is lacking. We developed a size-constrained feeding-niche (SCFN) model and parameterized it with information on both realized and non-realized feeding links in 72 aquatic and 65 terrestrial food webs. Our analyses revealed profound differences in feeding niches between aquatic and terrestrial predators and variation along a temperature gradient. Specifically, the predator–prey body-size ratio and the range in prey sizes increase with the size of aquatic predators, whereas they are nearly constant across gradients in terrestrial predator size. Overall, our SCFN model well reproduces the feeding relationships and predation architecture across 137 natural food webs (including 3878 species and 136,839 realized links). Our results illuminate the organisation of natural food webs and enables novel trait-based and environment-explicit modelling approaches.  相似文献   

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