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The chick embryo is a versatile model system, in which classical embryology can be combined with modern molecular approaches. In the last two decades, several efficient methods have been developed to introduce exogenous genes into the chick embryo. These techniques allow alteration of gene expression levels in a spatially and temporally restricted manner, thereby circumventing embryonic lethality and/or eliminating secondary effects in other tissues. Here, we present the current status of avian somatic transgenic techniques, focusing on electroporation and retrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Electroporation allows quick and efficient gain-of-function studies based on transient misexpression of genes. Retroviral vectors, which are capable of integrating exogenous genes into the host chromosome, permit analysis of long-term effects of gene misexpression. The variety of methods available for somatic transgenesis, along with the recent completion of the chicken genome, are transforming the chick embryo into one of the most attractive model systems to examine function of genes that are important for embryonic development.  相似文献   

After 25 years, the search for the avian cell that can be cultured indefinitely, genetically modified, and clonally derived while retaining its ability to enter the germline has ended. van de Lavoir et al. [2006a, Nature 441:766–769] have defined the conditions for culture and genetic modification of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and shown that these cells are transmitted at high rates through the germline. The advent of this technology provides the ability to introduce transgenes of any size and to make site-specific changes to the genome. Although PGCs are committed to the germline, they can be induced into somatically committed embryonic germ (EG) cells by changing the culture conditions. EG cells resemble embryonic stem (ES) cells that are also committed to the somatic lineages (van de Lavoir 2006b, Mech Dev 123:31–41). These cell-based systems facilitate insertion of larger transgenes that provide high level, developmentally regulated and tissue-specific expression in transgenic chimeras and their offspring. Following introduction of a transgene, high-grade somatic chimeras can be made with ES and EG cells within 4 weeks and 4 months respectively, allowing quick assessment of the transgenic phenotype. Following introduction of a tansgene into PGCs, high-grade germline chimeras can be made within 8–9 weeks and the high rate of germline transmission of G0 chimeras produces a large cohort of transgenic chicks in 16–17 weeks. PGC, EG and ES cells can be grown in conventional laboratory settings and small flocks of recipient birds or third-party vendors can supply recipient embryos to make somatic and/or germline chimeras. In general, animal management is routine although some specialized equipment and technical skill is required to incubate chimeras in surrogate shells.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Sperm-mediated transgenesis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Gandolfi F 《Theriogenology》2000,53(1):127-137
The idea of using a sperm cell for introducing exogenous DNA into an oocyte at the time of fertilization would be brilliant if only we were sure that it can be done. Since 1989, contradictory reports have appeared in the literature and, at present, no consensus has been reached on the topic. Given the potential impact of this method for the generation of transgenic animals, for both mammalian and non-mammalian species, this review summarizes what has been achieved in this field. While some aspects, such as the binding of DNA molecules to spermatozoa, have now a solid experimental base, others, such as the generation of real transgenic individuals, are still based on disputed evidence. A critical analysis of the most relevant data will be presented in order to provide the tools for an objective evaluation of the efficiency of this method.  相似文献   

Lentiviral transgenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Transgenic animals are relevant for many fields of modern biomedicine and agriculture. However, the inefficiencies of the presently available techniques – DNA microinjection and retroviral gene transfer – have led to an explosion of costs for transgenics especially in farm animals. The recent success in transferring genes to early embryos of different species (mouse, rat, pig, cattle) by viral vectors derived from lentiviruses, has established lentiviral transgenesis as an exciting alternative to the classical method of DNA microinjection. In addition, lentiviral vectors can be used to transfer genes into embryonic stem cells. Due to its high efficacy and versatility, lentiviral transgenesis should have a big impact on transgenic research.  相似文献   

Thermal imaging, or infrared thermography, has been used in avian science since the 1960s. More than 30 species of birds, ranging in size from passerines to ratites, have been studied using this technology. The main strength of this technique is that it is a non‐invasive and non‐contact method of measuring surface temperature. Its limitations and measurement errors are well understood and suitable protocols have been developed for a variety of experimental settings. Thermal imaging has been used most successfully for research on the thermal physiology of captive species, including poultry. In comparison with work on mammals, thermal imaging has been less used for population counts, other than for some large bird species. However, more recently it has shown greater success for detection of flight paths and migration. The increasing availability and reduced cost of thermal imaging systems is likely to lead to further application of this technology in studies of avian welfare, disease monitoring, energetics, behaviour and population monitoring.  相似文献   

获取鸟类活动及生境信息是鸟类生态学研究的基础, 而遥感技术弥补了传统野外调查方法的缺陷, 提供了获取多种信息的新途径。应用遥感技术的鸟类生态学研究热点从最初的种群行为观察, 到栖息地选择, 再到生境适宜性、破碎化及人为干扰探究等, 随着技术的不断发展也在扩展和变化。不同波段或组合下的遥感技术各有所长。光学遥感应用广泛, 尤其是信息量较大的红外波段图像和作为野外鸟巢及物种活动监测常用工具的红外相机; 多光谱图像常用于栖息地制图以及地物识别, 高空间分辨率的数据甚至可对鸟类种群进行直接计数; 高光谱数据则可对光谱特征相似的地物进行更为精确的区分和反演; 激光雷达遥感主要用于栖息地植被结构的三维探测, 为了解鸟类栖息地选择提供更好的依据。微波遥感在飞鸟探测上应用颇多, 近年来多极化数据在复杂栖息地精确制图上也具有优势, 但成本较高、解译复杂且推广度较低。在实际应用中, 遥感数据时空尺度的选择会影响研究结果, 部分遥感反演参数也缺乏生态学意义。多源遥感数据的结合应用能够提升制图分类的精度, 实现数据的时空分辨率互补, 优化鸟类生态研究所需参数。未来的遥感技术在鸟类生态学中的应用应致力于提供更加明确的光谱信息、相对简便的解译方法, 以及更为合理的多源数据组合方式等。  相似文献   

Applications of stable isotope analyses to avian ecology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RICHARD INGER  & STUART BEARHOP 《Ibis》2008,150(3):447-461
In the past 20 years the use of stable isotope analysis has become increasingly common in ecological studies. In fact, in some instances these techniques have yielded remarkable insights into the foraging preferences and migrations of birds. Despite these advances and the potential of the approach, it is possibly still not as widely used as might be expected. In this paper we aim to illustrate the potential of the approach in the hope of encouraging more avian ecologists to think again about how these techniques might provide insights in the systems on which they work. We discuss some of the principles behind the approach, and review some of the more recent ornithological studies that have used stable isotope techniques to trace trophic pathways or infer migratory origins. We follow this by discussing some of the latest ideas on how stable isotopes may be used to generate community metrics and close by detailing the important assumptions and caveats that should be considered before undertaking any studies using this technique.  相似文献   

Genome sequences for Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni are now available. The schistosome genome encodes ~13,000 protein encoding genes for which the function of only a minority is understood. There is a valuable role for transgenesis in functional genomic investigations of these new schistosome gene sequences. In gain-of-function approaches, transgenesis can lead to integration of transgenes into the schistosome genome which can facilitate insertional mutagenesis screens. By contrast, transgene driven, vector-based RNA interference (RNAi) offers powerful loss-of-function manipulations. Our laboratory has focused on development of tools to facilitate schistosome transgenesis. We have investigated the utility of retroviruses and transposons to transduce schistosomes. Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVG) pseudotyped murine leukemia virus (MLV) can transduce developmental stages of S. mansoni including eggs. We have also observed that the piggyBac transposon is transpositionally active in schistosomes. Approaches with both VSVG-MLV and piggyBac have resulted in somatic transgenesis and have lead to integration of active reporter transgenes into schistosome chromosomes. These findings provided the first reports of integration of reporter transgenes into schistosome chromosomes. Experience with these systems is reviewed herewith, along with findings with transgene mediated RNAi and germ line transgenesis, in addition to pioneering and earlier reports of gene manipulation for schistosomes.  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) are widely used in studies of vertebrate gene regulation and function because they often closely recapitulate the expression patterns of endogenous genes. Here we report a step-by-step protocol for efficient BAC transgenesis in zebrafish using the medaka Tol2 transposon. Using recombineering in Escherichia coli, we introduce the iTol2 cassette in the BAC plasmid backbone, which contains the inverted minimal cis-sequences required for Tol2 transposition, and a reporter gene to replace a target locus in the BAC. Microinjection of the Tol2-BAC and a codon-optimized transposase mRNA into fertilized eggs results in clean integrations in the genome and transmission to the germline at a rate of ~15%. A single person can prepare a dozen constructs within 3 weeks, and obtain transgenic fish within approximately 3-4 months. Our protocol drastically reduces the labor involved in BAC transgenesis and will greatly facilitate biological and biomedical studies in model vertebrates.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel method for mouse transgenesis. The procedure relies on a hyperactive Tn5 transposase to insert a transgene into mouse chromosomes during intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This procedure integrates foreign DNA into the mouse genome with dramatically increased effectiveness as compared to conventional methods such as pronuclear microinjection and traditional sperm injection-mediated transgenesis. Our data indicate that with this method, transgenic mice, both hybrids and inbreds, can be produced more consistently and with lower numbers of manipulated oocytes required for traditional microinjection methods. The transposase-mediated transgenesis technique is also effective with round spermatids, offering the potential for rescuing the fertility of azoospermic animals using sperm precursor cells.  相似文献   

Insect transgenesis by site-specific recombination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wimmer EA 《Nature methods》2005,2(8):580-582

The recent establishment of broadly applicable genetic transformation systems will allow the analysis of gene function in diverse insect species. This will increase our understanding of developmental and evolutionary biology. Furthermore, insect transgenesis will provide new strategies for insect pest management and methods to impair the transmission of pathogens by human disease vectors. However, these powerful techniques must be applied with great care to avoid harm to our environment.  相似文献   

New life for sperm-mediated transgenesis?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Position effects in animal transgenesis have prevented the reproducible success and limited the initial expectations of this technique in many biotechnological projects. Historically, several strategies have been devised to overcome such position effects, including the progressive addition of regulatory elements belonging to the same or to a heterologous expression domain. An expression domain is thought to contain all regulatory elements that are needed to specifically control the expression of a given gene in time and space. The lack of profound knowledge on the chromatin structure of expression domains of biotechnological interest, such as mammary gland-specific genes, explains why most standard expression vectors have failed to drive high-level, position-independent, and copy-number-dependent expression of transgenes in a reproducible manner. In contrast, the application of artificial chromosome-type constructs to animal transgenesis usually ensures optimal expression levels. YACs, BACs, and PACs have become crucial tools in animal transgenesis, allowing the inclusion of distant key regulatory sequences, previously unknown, that are characteristic for each expression domain. These elements contribute to insulating the artificial chromosome-type constructs from chromosomal position effects and are fundamental in order to guarantee the correct expression of transgenes.  相似文献   

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