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Telomeres are specialized DNA-protein structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomeric DNA is synthesized by telomerase, which is expressed only at the early stages of development [ [1] and [2] ]. To become malignant, any cell has to be able to replenish telomeres [3]. Thus, understanding how telomere length is monitored has significant medical implications, especially in the fields of aging and cancer. In yeast, telomerase is constitutively active. A large network of genes participates in controlling telomere length [ [4] , [5] , [6] , [7] and [8] ]. Tor1 and Tor2 (targets of rapamycin [9]) are two similar kinases that regulate cell growth [10]. Both can be found as part of the TOR complex 1 (TORC1 [11]), which coordinates the response to nutrient starvation and is sensitive to rapamycin [12]. The rapamycin-insensitive TOR complex 2 (TORC2) contains only Tor2 and regulates actin cytoskeleton polarization [13]. Here we provide evidence for a role of TORC1 in telomere shortening upon starvation in yeast cells. The TORC1 signal is transduced by the Gln3/Gat1/Ure2 pathway, which controls the levels of the Ku heterodimer, a telomere regulator. We discuss the potential implications for the usage of rapamycin as a therapeutic agent against cancer and the effect that calorie restriction may have on telomere length.  相似文献   

Shelterin/telosome is a multi-protein complex at mammalian telomeres, anchored to the double-stranded region by the telomeric-repeat binding factors-1 and -2. In vitro modification of these proteins by poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation through poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases-5 (tankyrases) and -1/-2, respectively, impairs binding. Thereafter, at least telomeric-repeat binding factor-1 is degraded by the proteasome. We show that pharmacological inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in cells from two different species leads to rapid decrease in median telomere length and stabilization at a lower setting. Specific knockdown of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 by RNA interference had the same effect. The length of the single-stranded telomeric overhang as well as telomerase activity were not affected. Release of inhibition led to a fast re-gain in telomere length to control levels in cells expressing active telomerase. We conclude that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activity and probably its interplay with telomeric-repeat binding factor-2 is an important determinant in telomere regulation. Our findings reinforce the link between poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation and aging/longevity and also impact on the use of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors in tumor therapy.  相似文献   

Replication-dependent histone mRNAs are the only metazoan mRNAs that are not polyadenylated, ending instead in a conserved stem-loop sequence. Histone pre-mRNAs lack introns and are processed in the nucleus by a single cleavage step, which produces the mature 3' end of the mRNA. We have systematically examined the requirements for the nuclear export of a mouse histone mRNA using the Xenopus oocyte system. Histone mRNAs were efficiently exported when injected as mature mRNAs, demonstrating that the process of 3' end cleavage is not required for export factor binding. Export also does not depend on the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP) since mutations of the stem-loop that prevent SLBP binding and competition with a stem-loop RNA did not affect export. Only the length of the region upstream of the stem-loop, but not its sequence, was important for efficient export. Histone mRNA export was blocked by competition with constitutive transport element (CTE) RNA, indicating that the mRNA export receptor TAP is involved in histone mRNA export. Consistent with this observation, depletion of TAP from Drosophila cells by RNAi resulted in the restriction of mature histone mRNAs to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Chico L  Ciudad T  Hsu M  Lue NF  Larriba G 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23732
The heterodimeric Ku complex has been shown to participate in DNA repair and telomere regulation in a variety of organisms. Here we report a detailed characterization of the function of Ku70 in the diploid fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Both ku70 heterozygous and homozygous deletion mutants have a wild-type colony and cellular morphology, and are not sensitive to MMS or UV light. Interestingly, we observed complex effects of KU70 gene dosage on telomere lengths, with the KU70/ku70 heterozygotes exhibiting slightly shorter telomeres, and the ku70 null strain exhibiting long and heterogeneous telomeres. Analysis of combination mutants suggests that the telomere elongation in the ku70 null mutant is due mostly to unregulated telomerase action. In addition, elevated levels of extrachromosomal telomeric circles were detected in the null mutant, consistent with activation of aberrant telomeric recombination. Altogether, our observations point to multiple mechanisms of the Ku complex in telomerase regulation and telomere protection in C. albicans, and reveal interesting similarities and differences in the mechanisms of the Ku complex in disparate systems.  相似文献   

We have used the SV40 in vitro replication system to analyze the replication efficiencies of SV40 minichromosomes associated with normal or hyperacetylated histones. We found that elongation of replication occurs with higher efficiency in hyperacetylated minichromosomes in comparison with normal minichromosomes. Our results indicate that the movement of the replication machinery through nucleosomal DNA is facilitated by charge neutralization due to acetylation of the histone tails. Edited by: A. Wolffe  相似文献   

Ku86 plays a key role in nonhomologous end joining in organisms as evolutionarily disparate as bacteria and humans. In eukaryotic cells, Ku86 has also been implicated in the regulation of telomere length although the effect of Ku86 mutations varies considerably between species. Indeed, telomeres either shorten significantly, shorten slightly, remain unchanged, or lengthen significantly in budding yeast, fission yeast, chicken cells, or plants, respectively, that are null for Ku86 expression. Thus, it has been unclear which model system is most relevant for humans. We demonstrate here that the functional inactivation of even a single allele of Ku86 in human somatic cells results in profound telomere loss, which is accompanied by an increase in chromosomal fusions, translocations, and genomic instability. Together, these experiments demonstrate that Ku86, separate from its role in nonhomologous end joining, performs the additional function in human somatic cells of suppressing genomic instability through the regulation of telomere length.  相似文献   

NKT cells expressing phenotypic markers of both T and NK cells seem to be pivotal in murine models of immune-mediated liver injury, e.g., in Con A-induced hepatitis. Also alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer), a specific ligand for invariant Valpha14 NKT cells, induces hepatic injury. To improve the comprehension of NKT-cell mediated liver injury, we investigated concomitants and prerequisites of alpha-GalCer-induced hepatitis in mice. Liver injury induced by alpha-GalCer injection into C57BL/6 mice was accompanied by intrahepatic caspase-3 activity but appeared independent thereof. alpha-GalCer injection also induces pronounced cytokine responses, including TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-4, and IL-6. We provide a detailed time course for the expression of these cytokines, both in liver and plasma. Cytokine neutralization revealed that, unlike Con A-induced hepatitis, IFN-gamma is not only dispensable for alpha-GalCer-induced hepatotoxicity but even appears to exert protective effects. In contrast, TNF-alpha was clearly identified as an important mediator for hepatic injury in this model that increased Fas ligand expression on NKT cells. Whereas intrahepatic Kupffer cells are known as a pivotal source for TNF-alpha in Con A-induced hepatitis, they were nonessential for alpha-GalCer-mediated hepatotoxicity. In alpha-GalCer-treated mice, TNF-alpha was produced by intrahepatic lymphocytes, in particular NKT cells. BALB/c mice were significantly less susceptible to alpha-GalCer-induced liver injury than C57BL/6 mice, in particular upon pretreatment with d-galactosamine, a hepatocyte-specific sensitizer to TNF-alpha-mediated injury. Finally, we demonstrate resemblance of murine alpha-GalCer-induced hepatitis to human autoimmune-like liver disorders. The particular features of this model compared with other immune-mediated hepatitis models may enhance comprehension of basic mechanisms in the etiopathogenesis of NKT cell-comprising liver disorders.  相似文献   

In propionic acidemia, propionate acts as a metabolic toxin in liver cells by accumulating in mitochondria as propionyl-CoA and its derivative, methylcitrate, two tricarboxylic acid cycle inhibitors. Little is known about the cerebral metabolism of propionate, although clinical effects of propionic acidemia are largely neurological. We found that propionate was metabolized oxidatively by glia: [3-(14)C]propionate injected into mouse striatum or cortex, gave a specific activity of glutamine that was 5-6 times that of glutamate, indicating metabolism in cells that express glutamine synthetase, i.e., glia. Further, cultured cerebellar astrocytes metabolized [3-(14)C]propionate; cultured neurons did not. However, both cultured cerebellar neurons and astrocytes took up [3H]propionate, and propionate exposure increased histone acetylation in cultured neurons and astrocytes as well as in hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons of wake mice. The inability of neurons to metabolize propionate may be due to lack of mitochondrial propionyl-CoA synthetase activity or transport of propionyl residues into mitochondria, as cultured neurons expressed propionyl-CoA carboxylase, a mitochondrial matrix enzyme, and oxidized isoleucine, which becomes converted into propionyl-CoA intramitochondrially. The glial metabolism of propionate suggests astrocytic vulnerability in propionic acidemia when intramitochondrial propionyl-CoA may accumulate. Propionic acidemia may alter both neuronal and glial gene expression by affecting histone acetylation.  相似文献   

The core histone tail domains play important roles in different stages of chromatin condensation. The tails are required for folding nucleosome arrays into secondary chromatin structures such as the approximately 30 nm diameter chromatin fiber and for mediating fiber-fiber interactions important for formation of tertiary chromatin structures. Crosslinking studies have demonstrated that inter-nucleosomal tail-DNA contacts appear in conjunction with salt-induced folding of nucleosome arrays into in higher order chromatin structures. However, since both folding of nucleosome arrays and fiber-fiber interactions take place simultaneously in >2-3 mM MgCl(2) such inter-nucleosome interactions may reflect short range (intra-array) or longer range (inter-array) interactions. Here, we describe a novel technique to specifically identify inter-array interactions mediated by the histone tail domains. In addition, we describe a new method for the preparation of H3/H4 tetramers.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, the Ku autoantigen is an end- binding DNA protein required for the repair of DNA breaks [Troelstra, C. and Jaspers, N.G.J. (1994) Curr. Biol., 4, 1149- 1151]. A yeast gene (HDF1) encoding a putative homologue of the 70 kDa subunit of Ku has recently been identified [Feldmann, H. and Winnacker, E. L. (1993) J. Biol. Chem., 268, 12895- 12900]. We find that hdf1 mutant strains have substantially shorter telomeres than wild-type strains. We speculate that Hdf1p may bind the natural ends of the chromosome, in addition to binding to the ends of broken DNA molecules. Strains with both an hdf1 mutation and a mutation in TEL 1 (a gene related to the human ataxia telangiectasia gene) have extremely short telomeres and grow slowly.  相似文献   

Chromosome ends in Drosophila melanogaster can be elongated either by terminal attachment of the telomere-specific retrotransposons HeT-A and TART or by terminal gene conversion. Here we show that a decrease in Ku70 or Ku80 gene dosage causes a sharp increase in the frequency of HeT-A and TART attachments to a broken chromosome end and in terminal DNA elongation by gene conversion. Loss of Ku80 has more pronounced effects than loss of Ku70. However, lower Ku70 concentration reduces the stability of terminally deficient chromosomes. Our results suggest a role of the end-binding Ku complex in the accessibility and length regulation of Drosophila telomeres.  相似文献   

In previous studies we have shown melanotic melanomas to be exquisitely more sensitive to hydroquinone (HQ) inhibition than non-melanotic cell lines in vitro. Indeed, incorporation of [H3] Urd and [H3] Thd have been shown to be respectively 80 and 35 times more sensitive to HQ inhibition. The difference between the cell lines studied was their derivation, marked by their different melanin contents. The presence of melanin was proposed as a possible explanation of the differences. However, comparative experiments reported here demonstrate that amelanotic melanoma cell lines are equally susceptible to HQ inhibition. Thus, the action of HQ is apparently independent of the melanin content of the cell. Significantly, the tyrosinase levels in the melanomas and the amelanomas were found to be comparable and markedly different from that in the non-melanoma control cell lines. Thus, the results reported here support the hypothesis put forward by other workers that hydroquinone melanotoxicity is independent of cellular melanin content but requires the presence of active tyrosinase.  相似文献   

当前,精神活性物质的滥用和成瘾呈上升趋势,其既是一个严重的社会问题,又是一个非常重要的医学问题.表观遗传学的研究发现,基因表观事件的发生与精神活性物质的滥用和成瘾有着密切的关系,其中组蛋白乙酰化修饰起了关键作用,基因表观事件的发生与精神活性物质的滥用和成瘾有着密切的关系,其中组蛋白乙酰化起了关键作用.本文着重阐述了可上卡因、苯丙胺、甲基苯丙胺、吗啡和酒精等多种精神活性物质对组蛋白乙酰化的影响.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a neurovirulent mosquito-borne flavivirus, which main natural hosts are birds but it also infects equines and humans, among other mammals. As in the case of other plus-stranded RNA viruses, WNV replication is associated to intracellular membrane rearrangements. Based on results obtained with a variety of viruses, different cellular processes have been shown to play important roles on these membrane rearrangements for efficient viral replication. As these processes are related to lipid metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, as well as generation of a specific lipid microenvironment enriched in phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PI4P), has been associated to it in other viral models. In this study, intracellular membrane rearrangements following infection with a highly neurovirulent strain of WNV were addressed by means of electron and confocal microscopy. Infection of WNV, and specifically viral RNA replication, were dependent on fatty acid synthesis, as revealed by the inhibitory effect of cerulenin and C75, two pharmacological inhibitors of fatty acid synthase, a key enzyme of this process. However, WNV infection did not induce redistribution of PI4P lipids, and PI4P did not localize at viral replication complex. Even more, WNV multiplication was not inhibited by the use of the phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase inhibitor PIK93, while infection by the enterovirus Coxsackievirus B5 was reduced. Similar features were found when infection by other flavivirus, the Usutu virus (USUV), was analyzed. These features of WNV replication could help to design specific antiviral approaches against WNV and other related flaviviruses.  相似文献   

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