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The mating sounds (boatwhistles) of nesting batrachoidid Halobatrachus didactylus males were recorded in the Tagus Estuary from piers. Thirteen males with 16 boatwhistles per fish were analysed for 20 acoustic features. All variables showed larger between‐male than within‐male variation and differed significantly among individuals. Discriminant function analyses (DFA) considering seven of these variables assigned 90–100% of boatwhistles to the correct individual, depending on the number of males and number of sounds per male included in the model. The acoustic features that consistently best discriminated individuals were the dominant frequency of the middle tonal segment of the boatwhistle (P2) and dominant frequency modulation, followed by P2 pulse period, amplitude modulation and sound duration. These results suggest the possibility of individual recognition based on acoustic cues.  相似文献   

Male courtship acoustic signals from five Lake Malawi cichlid fish species of the Pseudotropheus zebra complex were recorded and compared. Sounds made by males of P. zebra , Pseudotropheus callainos and the undescribed species known as Pseudotropheus 'zebra gold' from Nkhata Bay, and Pseudotropheus emmiltos and Pseudotropheus faizilberi from Mphanga Rocks, differed significantly in the number of pulses and in pulse period. The largest differences in acoustic variables were found among the sympatric Mphanga Rocks species that, in contrast to the other three species, show relatively minor differences in male colour and pattern. These findings suggest that interspecific mate recognition is mediated by multimodal signals and that the mass of different sensory channels varies among sympatric species groups. This study also showed that sound peak frequency was significantly negatively correlated with male size and that sound production rate increased significantly with courtship rate.  相似文献   

Disturbance and advertisement calls of the Argentine croaker Umbrina canosai were recorded from coastal Uruguayan waters. Dissections indicate typical sciaenid extrinsic swimbladder muscles present exclusively in males. Disturbance calls were produced when captive U. canosai were startled, chased with a net or grabbed by the tail. Calls were unusual for sciaenids because each pulse consisted of multiple cycles. The number of cycles per pulse and dominant frequency did not change with U. canosai size, but pulse duration and interpulse interval increased. Advertisement calls were recorded from unseen choruses in the field and confirmed with captive individuals in a large tank. Advertisement calls were recorded throughout the known range of the species in Uruguay indicating a continuous belt of spawning populations. Tank recordings of the same individuals permitted explicit comparisons between the two calls. Advertisement call pulses averaged 2·4 more cycles (11·0–8·6) although pulses of both calls were basically similar as were durations and dominant frequencies. Pulse number, however, differed markedly, averaging 13·6 and 3·4 pulses for disturbance and advertisement calls respectively. Furthermore, disturbance calls were produced as a rapid series with an interpulse interval of 26–31 ms whereas advertisement call patterns were less stereotyped and ranged from <100 to 450 ms. Multicycle pulses distinguished U. canosai from other sympatric sciaenids.  相似文献   

We quantified crepuscular variation in the emission rate and call properties of the boatwhistle advertisement call of Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, from a field recording of a natural population of nesting males in the Florida Keys. Their calls are more variable and complex than previously reported. A call typically starts with a grunt followed by one to five tonal boop notes (typically two or three) and lasts for over a second. The first boop is considerably longer than later ones, and intervals between boops are relatively constant until the final interval, which approximately doubles in duration. Positions of fish are fixed and calls are sufficiently variable that we could discern individual callers in field recordings. Calling rate increases after sunset when males tend to produce shorter calls with fewer notes. Analysis by number of notes per call indicates some individuals decrease the number of initial grunts and the duration of the first note, but most of the decrease results from fewer notes. To our knowledge this sort of call plasticity has not been demonstrated before in fishes. We suggest that call shortening lowers the chances of overlapping calls of other males and that the small amount of time actually spent producing sound (total on time) is an adaptation to prevent fatigue in sonic muscles adapted for speed but not endurance.  相似文献   

Fine‐scale temporal patterning in grunt production and variation in grunt attributes in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and pollack Pollachius pollachius was examined. Pollachius pollachius produced only a single sound type, the grunt, similar to that previously described for G. morhua. Sound production and egg production were correlated in P. pollachius but not in G. morhua. Only G. morhua displayed a strongly cyclical pattern, producing more grunts at night. Finer‐scale temporal patterning in grunt production was observed in both species which produced significantly fewer grunts following a period of high grunt production. These quieter periods lasted up to 45 min for P. pollachius and up to 1 h in G. morhua. Grunts were not always produced in isolation but organized into bouts in both species. Longer bouts were more frequent during periods of increased sound activity and were linked with changes in grunt characteristics including increased grunt duration, pulse duration and repetition period of each pulse combined with decreased dominant frequency. This study provides the first evidence of acoustic signalling being used by spawning P. pollachius and presents the most detailed analysis of the complexity of gadoid sound production.  相似文献   

Communication structures vary greatly in size and can be structurally and behaviorally integrated with other systems. In structurally integrated systems, dramatic changes in size may impose trade-offs with the size of neighboring structures. In spiny lobsters (Palinuridae), there is a fivefold difference in size of the antennular plate, on which sound producing apparatus is located, such that the antennular plate reaches 38% carapace length in some sound producers (Stridentes) compared to only 4% carapace length in non-sound producing spiny lobsters (Silentes). We examined whether this major variation in antennular plate size imposes trade-offs with the adjoining antennae, specifically in the context that the signal producing structures and antennae are both used in predator defense. We recorded and analyzed lobster sounds in order to test whether size increases in the acoustic morphology were correlated with production of particular signal features. Antennal and antennular plate structures were measured across the family, including both Stridentes and Silentes. Phylogenetic comparative methods were used to test for correlated evolutionary change among the structures and signal features. We analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of the Palinuridae based on morphological characters and ribosomal DNA evidence (16S, 18S and 28S nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene regions). We found that the number of sound pulses was positively correlated with length of the sound producing apparatus. Opposite to the predicted trade-offs, we found that the size of the antennular plate was positively correlated with size of the surrounding antennae within Stridentes. Nevertheless, when Stridentes were compared to Silentes, the latter had relatively larger antennae for a given antennular plate size than did the sound producing taxa. These results suggest that body size does not limit size increases in acoustic structures within Stridentes, however the presence and associated constructional costs of a sound producing apparatus may impose a trade-off when taxa with and without the apparatus are compared. Alternatively, since both systems are used in predator defense, this pattern may indicate greater selection for antennal force production in Silentes, which lack the additional acoustic mode of predator defense.  相似文献   

An acoustic deterrent system producing 20–600 Hz sound was used to repel estuarine fishes away from a power station cooling water inlet. During sound emission, total fish impingement decreased by 60%. The avoidance response varied among species from no effect to highly efficient deflection. Lampetra fluviatilis and Pleuronectiformes were less affected by the sound system while the deflection of clupeoid species was particularly effective. Average intake rates of Clupea harengus and Sprattus sprattus decreased by 94·7 and 87·9%, respectively. The results were explained as a function of species‐specific differences in hearing ability and swimming performance. In general, species without swimbladders showed no or a moderate response while intake rates of species with accessory structures increasing the hearing abilities, such as a swimbladder or a functional connection between the swimbladder and the inner ear, were significantly reduced during test periods.  相似文献   

This study reports the use of a long‐term acoustic recording system (LARS) to remotely monitor white seabass Atractoscion nobilis spawning sounds at three sites along the southern California coastline, adjacent to Camp Pendleton. On the basis of previous studies of A. nobilis sound production relative to periods of known spawning activity, LARS were set to continuously record ambient sounds for a 2 h period around sunset from April to June 2009. Acoustic analyses identified A. nobilis courtship sounds on 89, 28 and 45% of the days at the three locations, respectively. From 474 h of acoustic data, spawning‐related sounds (chants) were detected on 19 occasions in 2009 with an additional 11 spawning chants recorded during a 2007 validation period. Most spawning chants occurred within 30 min of sunset during the months of May and June at a mean ±s.d . surface temperature of 18·2 ± 1·2° C. Consecutive daily spawning activity was not apparent at any sites in 2009. Atractoscion nobilis spawning chants were recorded at all three sites, suggesting that shallow rocky reefs which support kelp forests provide suitable A. nobilis spawning habitat. Results confirm the utility of passive acoustic recorders for identifying A. nobilis spawning periods and locations.  相似文献   

The acoustic adaptation hypothesis is based on the assumption that senders are directionally selected to maximize transmission and minimize degradation; however, the two aims are not necessarily convergent. In complex habitats, where more effects that might potentially cause attenuation and degradation co‐occur and longer transmission must incur a higher cost, signals should attenuate faster and have shorter transmission ranges. At the same time, such signals should be more resistant to degradation in order to preserve their communicatory function. Based on a sound transmission experiment, we tested the evidence for these predictions using territorial calls of three sympatric species of rails, inhabiting habitats with increasing complexity: Corncrake Crex crex, Spotted Crake Porzana porzana and Water Rail Rallus aquaticus. In the experiment, the calls were broadcasted with similar amplitudes through a heterogeneous habitat inhabited by all three species and rerecorded at different distances up to 320 m. Despite standardized amplitudes and habitats, calls of the species living in simpler habitats had longer transmission ranges but were more susceptible to degradation than calls of the species living in more complex habitats. Our results suggest that narrow frequency bandwidth is an adaptation of species inhabiting complex habitats that helps their calls to degrade less at the cost of stronger attenuation and shorter transmission range. By contrast, wide frequency bandwidth extends the range but increases degradation and thus it is used only by species inhabiting structurally simpler habitats. This study shows that, in more complex habitats, the clarity of the message is preserved at the cost of range.  相似文献   

The fawn cusk-eel Lepophidium profundorum (Ophidiidae) has an unusual sound-producing system with sexually dimorphic sets of antagonistic muscles. Outside the mating season, the dorsal and ventral muscles are well developed and larger in males than in females, but the tiny intermediate muscles are smaller, suggesting a minor role, if any, in male advertisement call production. We examined summer individuals with more developed gonads and find a fourfold hypertrophy of the intermediate but not the other muscles. This result suggests androgen dependence and an important role in sound production for the intermediate muscle. Even though both sexes gain weight in the summer, the ventral and dorsal muscles in females lose weight, suggesting that sound production is less important in females and that muscle mass may be used to support egg growth.  相似文献   

Amphibians, specially anurans, are excellent model systems for studying acoustic communication. After hatching, anurans exist in two forms; these have two distinct mode of sound perception. Aquatic larvae are perceptive to waterborne sound stimuli; then, following metamorphosis, as terrestrial adults, perceptive to airborne sound stimuli. Added to this, the metamorphosing tadpole presents an equally interesting study as it could recapitulate the events which occurred during the evolution of hearing in vertebrates at the lime of the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. Metamorphosis entails the loss of a prominent aquatic sensory system—the lateral line system—and the simultaneous gain of another, the inner ear, along with the coevolution of the tympanic middle ear, a basilar papilla and a periotic labyrinth in the inner ear. Another interesting feature is that anurans are believed to be the first terrestrial vertebrates to use vocalization as a part of their reproductive behaviour. Vocal communication plays an important role in behaviour, ranging from territorial defense to reproduction, and calls are classified according to the particular behaviors that they subserve. Adult male anurans produce a species-specific mating call which is used to attract conspecific females dung their mating season, and this call serves as a mechanism in maintaining reproductive isolation from other sympatric species.  相似文献   

Many songbirds learn their songs early in life from a song model. In the absence of such a model, they develop an improvised song that often lacks the species-typical song structure. Open-ended learners, such as the domesticated canary, are able to modify their songs in adulthood, although the mechanisms that guide and time the song-learning process are still not fully understood. In a previous study, we showed that male domesticated canaries lacking an adult song model in their first year substantially change their song repertoire and composition when exposed to normally reared conspecifics in their second year. Here, we investigate song development in descendants of canaries that were raised and kept as a peer group without a song model. Such males represent tutors with abnormal song characteristics. Interestingly, the F1 generation developed quite normal song structure, and when brought into an environment with normally raised canaries in their second year, they did not modify their songs substantially. These results suggest that contact with an adult song model early in life is crucial for song crystallization, but also that song development is at least partly guided by innate rules. They also question the existing classification of canaries as open-ended learners.  相似文献   

Toothed whales rely on sound to echolocate prey and communicate with conspecifics, but little is known about how extreme pressure affects pneumatic sound production in deep-diving species with a limited air supply. The short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) is a highly social species among the deep-diving toothed whales, in which individuals socialize at the surface but leave their social group in pursuit of prey at depths of up to 1000 m. To investigate if these animals communicate acoustically at depth and test whether hydrostatic pressure affects communication signals, acoustic DTAGs logging sound, depth and orientation were attached to 12 pilot whales. Tagged whales produced tonal calls during deep foraging dives at depths of up to 800 m. Mean call output and duration decreased with depth despite the increased distance to conspecifics at the surface. This shows that the energy content of calls is lower at depths where lungs are collapsed and where the air volume available for sound generation is limited by ambient pressure. Frequency content was unaffected, providing a possible cue for group or species identification of diving whales. Social calls may be important to maintain social ties for foraging animals, but may be impacted adversely by vessel noise.  相似文献   

We investigated acoustic and visual communication concurrently in wild caught adult and captive-born, first generation offspring of the East African Rift Lake cichlid fish Tramitichromis intermedius. Only males emit sound during courtship. Sound production is always accompanied by quivering, but quiver behavior is not always accompanied by sound. This separation of quivering and sound supports the hypothesis that sound production is intentional serving a communicative role. As spawning nears, both sound production and quiver behavior increase. In terms of the ontogeny of sound production, the first observation of courtship occurs just days before the first spawning event and the first sound emission accompanies the first courtship activity. The accompaniment of quivering with sound as well as the escalation of the two behaviors with the approach of spawning follows similar patterns in wild caught and captive-born males. The tight correlation between behavior and sound production in both groups indicates their simultaneous performance plays an important role in reproduction. It is probable that the ability to produce sound and perform quiver behavior at the same time may be a measure of mate quality.  相似文献   

The acoustic adaptation hypothesis (AAH) predicts that acoustic signals are selected to propagate more efficiently in the habitat where they are normally transmitted. Several studies corroborated the AAH for primates and birds, but evidence for frogs is contentious: While most studies failed to support the AAH, recent studies have shown that within-species variation conforms to the predictions of the AAH. Herein, we test the AAH by comparing advertisement calls of Phyllomedusa nordestina from two contrasting habitats (Atlantic Rainforest and Caatinga) and by testing the influence of the amount of vegetation around calling sites on acoustic parameters of frog calls. The interval between pulses was significantly different between individuals from the Atlantic Rainforest and from the Caatinga, and the number of pulses was correlated with the amount of vegetation around calling sites. Hence, our results indicate that multiple evolutionary forces may act simultaneously on the advertisement calls of frogs.  相似文献   

Sound‐producing mechanisms in fishes are extraordinarily diversified. We report here original mechanisms of three species from two families: the pempherid Pempheris oualensis, and the terapontids Terapon jarbua and Pelates quadrilineatus. All sonic mechanisms are built on the same structures. The rostral part of the swimbladder is connected to a pair of large sonic muscles from the head whereas the posterior part is fused with bony widenings of vertebral bodies. Two bladder regions are separated by a stretchable fenestra that allows forward extension of the anterior bladder during muscle contraction. A recoiling apparatus runs between the inner face of the anterior swimbladder and a vertebral body expansion. The elastic nature of the recoiling apparatus supports its role in helping the swimbladder to recover its initial position during sonic muscle relaxation. This system should aid fast contraction (between 100 and 250Hz) of sonic muscles. There are many differences between species in terms of the swimbladder and its attachments to the vertebral column, muscle origins, and morphology of the recoiling apparatus. The recoiling apparatus found in the phylogenetically‐related families (Glaucosomatidae, Pempheridae, Terapontidae) could indicate a new character within the Percomorpharia. J. Morphol. 277:717–724, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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