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Summary Ten nitrate reductase-deficient Hordeum vulgare mutants were characterized for NADH and FMNH2 nitrate reductase (NR), cytochrome C reductase (CR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) activities. The mutants sort into four major groups. Group I represented by mutants Az 12, Az 23, Az 29 and Az 30 have low Nr and Cr activities. Group II represented by mutants Az 13, Az 31, Az 33 and Az 34 have low NR activities but intermediate CR activities. Group III represented by mutant Az 28 has low NR activity, but above normal CR activity. Group IV represented by Az 32 has low NADH-NR, low CR, but above normal FMNH2-NR activity. All ten mutants have elevated NiR activities. None of the ten mutants were constitutive for nitrite reductase activity. Only Az 34 showed a definite high temperature sensitivity when the NADH nitrate reductase activity was compared in the 12 to 26° C range. The mutants Az 12, Az 13, Az 23, Az 28, Az 29, Az 30, Az 31, Az 32 and Az 33 are allelic and were assigned the locus designation nar1. Mutant Az 34 represents a different genetic locus designated nar2. The nar1 gene is codominant and the nar2 gene is recessive.Scientific Paper No. 5463. College of Agriculture Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman, Project Nos. 0233 and 0430. Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grants PCM 78-07649 and PCM 78-16025  相似文献   

Summary Ten nitrate reductase (NR)-deficient mutants have been characterized for their cross-reactivity against specific barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) nitrate reductase antibodies. The rabbit antibodies raised against the purified barley wild type (cv. Steptoe) enzyme quantitatively inactivate nitrate reductase in crude extracts. All nitrate-grown (induced) mutants show positive precipitin reaction against the antiserum by Ouchterlony double diffusion test and all have the ability to neutralize antisera in a NR protection assay. Under induced growth conditions, mutants Az 12, Az 23, Az 29 and Az 30 which have low NR associated catalytic activities also have the lowest level of antigenicity; mutants Az 13, Az 31, Az 33 and Az 34 have intermediate level of both NR associated catalytic activities and antigenicity, while mutants Az 28 and Az 32 have the highest level of both NR associated catalytic activities and antigenicity. Under noninduced growth conditions, all mutants except Az 12 contain detectable but very low levels of NR antigenicity. These results support the concept that these NR-deficient mutants with various levels of NR associated catalytic activities represent different mutation events at the loci coding the NR structural components.Abbreviations NR nitrate reductase - DTT dithiothreitol - FAD flavin adenine dinucleotide - BSA bovine serum albumin - NRCRM nitrate reductase cross-reacting materials Scientific Paper No. 5765. College of Agriculture Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman, Project Nos. 0233 and 0430. Supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant #PCM7807649, and U.S. Department of Agriculture CRGO Grant #7900536  相似文献   

Summary In vitro complementation of the nitrate reductase-deficient barley mutant nar2a extracts with molybdenum cofactor from commercial xanthine oxidase resulted in reactivation of NADH: nitrate reductase activity. Maximum reactivation was achieved with 7.5 g/ml xanthine oxidase (final concentration), 10 mM glutathione (final concentration) and incubation for 30 min at room temperature (ca. 25°C). This in vitro complementation assay was used to determine the presence of functional apoprotein and molybdenum cofactor in 12 nitrate reductase-deficient barley mutants. Extracts of all nar1 alleles contained functional molybdenum cofactor (complemented with nar2a) but they lacked functional apoprotein (did not complement with molybdenum cofactor from xanthine oxidase). The nar2a, nar3a and nar3b extracts were able to donate functional apoprotein, but were poor sources of functional molybdenum cofactor. These data are in agreement with our previous assignment of nar1 to the barley NADH: nitrate reductase structural locus and nar2 and nar3 to molybdenum cofactor functions. Wild type cv. Steptoe barley seedlings grown in the absence of nitrate and lacking nitrate reductase activity contained low levels of molybdenum cofactor. Nitrate induction resulted in a several-fold increase in the measurable molybdenum cofactor levels that was correlated with the increase in nitrate reductase activity.Scientific Paper No. 6839. College of Agriculture Research Center, Washington State University, Pullman. Project Nos. 0430 and 0233. This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant PCM 81-19096 and USDA Competitive Research Grant 82-CRCR-1-1112  相似文献   

Summary Chlorate resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana were isolated, of which 10 exhibited a lowered nitrate reductase activity and 51 were chlorate-resistant because of an impaired uptake of chlorate. The 51 mutants of this type are all affected in the same gene. The mutants with a lowered nitrate reductase activity fall into 7 different complementation groups. Three of these mutants grow poorly on media with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source, while the others apparently can reduce sufficient nitrate to bring about growth. In all cases a low nitrate reductase activity coincides with an enhanced nitrite reductase activity. After sucrose gradient centrifugation of wildtype extracts nitrate reductase is found at the 8S position, whereas cytochrome-c reductase is found both at 4 and 8S positions. It is suggested that the functional nitrate reductase is a complex consisting of 4S subunits showing cytochrome-c reductase activity and a Mo-bearing cofactor. All mutants except B25 are capable of assembling the 4S subunits into complexes which for most mutants have a lower S value and exhibit a lower nitrate reductase activity than the wildtype complexes. Since the mutants B25 and B73 exhibit a low xanthine dehydrogenase activity, the Mo-bearing cofactor is probably less available in these mutants than in the wildtype. B73 appears to be the only mutant which is partly repaired by excessive Mo. The possible role of several genes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The use of increasing knowledge on regulation of nitrate reductase activity in Nicotiana cell cultures is the basis for the described optimization of in vitro selection for nitrate reductase-deficient mutants by screening for chlorate resistance. Selection was carried out on haploid mesophyll protoplast-derived cell cultures of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. It is demonstrated that revised selection results in high variant detectability and increased variant confirmability in comparison with the hitherto used selection scheme.  相似文献   

Wu S  Harper JE 《Plant physiology》1990,92(4):1142-1147
It was previously reported that three soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) nodulation mutants (NOD1-3, NOD2-4, and NOD3-7) were partially tolerant to nitrate when nitrate was supplied simultaneously with inoculation at the time of transplanting. The current study evaluated the effect of short-term nitrate treatment on nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction per plant and per nodule weight) and on relative abundance of ureides when nitrate application was delayed until plants were 3 weeks old and nodules were fully developed. Nitrogenase activity of the mutants was similar to that of Williams after an initial 3-week growth period, prior to nitrate treatment. Application of 5 millimolar nitrate resulted in greater inhibition of nitrogenase activity in Williams than in the three mutants. NOD1-3 was most tolerant of nitrate among the mutants tested and showed the highest relative abundance of ureides. Although C2H2 reduction activity per plant for NOD1-3 was higher than for Williams in the presence of nitrate, C2H2 reduction activity per gram of nodules was lower for NOD1-3 than for Williams in the presence and absence of nitrate. Compared to Williams, NOD1-3 had higher nodule ureide concentration and had similar glutamine synthetase activity in nodule tissue, indicating its nodules have normal nitrogen assimilation pathways. Nitrate application resulted in ureide accumulation in nodule tissue as well as in all plant parts assayed. Unexpectedly, nitrate treatment also increased the rate of ureide degradative capacity of leaves in both NOD1-3 and Williams. The data confirmed that nitrogenase activity of the selected nodulation mutants was more, but still only partially, tolerant of nitrate compared with the Williams parent.  相似文献   

We examined molybdenum cofactor activity in chlorate-resistant (chl) and nitrate reductase-deficient (nar) insertion mutants and wild-type strains of Escherichia coli K-12. The bacterial molybdenum cofactor was assayed by its ability to restore activity to the cofactor-deficient nitrate reductase found in the nit-1 strain of Neurospora crassa. In the wild-type E. coli strains, molybdenum cofactor was synthesized constitutively and found in both cytoplasmic and membrane fractions. Cofactor was found in two forms: the demolybdo form required additional molybdate in the assay mix for detection, whereas the molybdenum-containing form was active without additional molybdate. The chlA and chlE mutants had no detectable cofactor. The chlB and the narG, narI, narK, and narL (previously designated chlC) strains had cofactor levels similar to those of the wild-type strains, except the chlB strains had two to threefold more membrane-bound cofactor. Cofactor levels in the chlD and chlG strains were sensitive to molybdate. When grown in 1 microM molybdate, the chlD strains had only 15 to 20% of the wild-type levels of the demolybdo and molybdenum-containing forms of the cofactor. In contrast, the chlG strains had near wild-type levels of demolybdo cofactor when grown in 1 microM molybdate, but none of the molybdenum-containing form of the cofactor. Near wild-type levels of both forms of the cofactor were restored to the chlD and chlG strains by growth in 1 mM molybdate.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposon mutagenesis was carried out in Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA 110 to produce defective mutants. From over one thousand clones expressing low levels of nitrate reductase activity as free-living bacteria, approximately five percent had significantly different ratios of nodulation, N2 fixation or nitrate reductase activity compared to the wild strain when determined in bacteroids from soybean nodules. Tn5 insertions were checked previously and mutants were arranged into four different groups. Only one of these groups, designated AN, was less effective at N2 fixation than the wild strain, suggesting a mutation in a domain shared by nitrogenase and NR. The remaining groups of insertions successfully nodulated and were as effective at N2 fixation as the wild strain, but showed diminished ability to reduce nitrate both in nodules and in the isolated bacteroids when assayed in vitro with NADH or methyl viologen as electron donors. PCR amplification demonstrated that Tn5 insertions took place in different genes on each mutant group and the type of mutant (CC) expressing almost no nitrate reductase activity under all treatments seemed to possess transposable elements in two genes. Induction of nitrate reductase activity by nitrate was observed only in those clones expressing a low constitutive activity (AN and AE). Nitrate reductase activity in bacteroids along nodule growth decreased in all groups including the ineffective AN group, whose nodulation was highly inhibited by nitrate at 5 mmol/L N. Host-cultivar interaction seemed to influence the regulation of nitrate reductase activity in bacteroids. Total or partial repression of nitrate reductase activity in bacteroids unaffected by N2 fixation (CC, AJ and AE groups) improved nodule resistance to nitrate and N yields of shoots over those of the wild strain. These observations may suggest that some of the energy supplied to bacteroids was wasted by its constitutive NRA.  相似文献   

Summary Five nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of tomato were isolated from an M2 population after ethyl-methanesulphonate (EMS) seed treatment by means of selection for chlorate resistance. All mutations were monogenic and recessive and complementation analysis revealed that they were non-allelic. Biochemical and molecular characterization of these mutants showed that four of them are cofactor mutants while one is an apoenzyme mutant.  相似文献   

Two nitrate reductase (NaR)-deficient mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.), E1 and A300, both disturbed in the molybdenum cofactor function and isolated, respectively, from cv Rondo and cv Juneau, were tested for allelism and were compared in biochemical and growth characteristics. The F1 plants of the cross E1 × A300 possessed NaR and xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activities comparable to those of the wild types, indicating that these mutants belong to different complementation groups, representing two different loci. Therefore, mutant E1 represents, besides mutant A300 and the allelic mutants A317 and A334, a third locus governing NaR and is assigned the gene destignation nar 3. In comparison with the wild types, cytochrome c reductase activity was increased in both mutants. The mutants had different cytochrome c reductase distribution patterns, indicating that mutant A300 could be disturbed in the ability to dimerize NaR apoprotein monomers, and mutant E1 in the catalytic function of the molybdenum cofactor. In growth characteristics studied, A300 did not differ from the wild types, whereas fully grown leaves of mutant E1 became necrotic in soil and in liquid media containing nitrate.  相似文献   

Mutants of Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC 12837 were isolated which could fix N2 in the presence of high tungsten concentrations. The most studied of these mutants (WD2) grew well in N-free modified Burk broth containing 10 mM W, whereas the wild type would not grow in this medium. WD2 would also grow in Burk N-free broth at about the same rate as the wild type. WD2 in broth containing W exhibited 22% of the whole cell acetylene reduction activity of the wild type in broth containing Mo and showed a lowered affinity for acetylene. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis experiments showed that N2-fixing cells of WD2 from broth containing W or Mo did not produce significant amounts of component I of native nitrogenase protein. Electron spin resonance spectra of whole cells and cell-free extracts of WD2 from broth containing W lacked any trace of the g = 3.6 resonance associated with FeMoCo.  相似文献   

All species of Rhizobium except R. lupini had nitrate reductase activity. Only R. lupini was incapable of growth with nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen. However, the conditions necessary for the induction of nitrate reductase varied among species of Rhizobium. Rhizobium japonicum and some Rhizobium species of the cowpea strains expressed nitrate reductase activities both in the root nodules of appropriate leguminous hosts and when grown in the presence of nitrate. Rhizobium trifolii, R. phaseoli, and R. leguminosarum did not express nitrate reductase activities in the root nodules, but they did express them when grown in the presence of nitrate. In bacteroids of R. japonicum and some strains of cowpea Rhizobium, high N2 fixation activities were accompanied by high nitrate reductase activities. In bacteroids of R. trifolii, R. leguminosarum, and R. phaseoli, high N2 fixation activities were not accompanied by high nitrate reductase activities.  相似文献   

Summary Fusion complementation experiments between nitrate reductase (NR) deficient lines CNX 20, 27, 82 and 103 of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia were performed with the already characterized N. plumbaginifolia mutants nx 1, 24 and 21, belonging respectively to the complementation groups cnx A, B and C. CNX 20 and 82 were identified as belonging to the group of cnx A. CNX 27 complemented with NX 1 and NX 21 but not with NX 24 indicating another B type. The fourth line, CNX 103 showed complementation with CNX 20, NX 21 and NX 24, revealing a fourth cnx complementation group, cnx D, that until now has not been described in higher plants. Genetic crosses inside respectively the NIA and the CNX group, and between NIA and CNX confirmed the fusion complementation results, and showed allelism for the nia mutants  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase-deficient barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutants were assayed for the presence of a functional molybdenum cofactor determined from the activity of the molybdoenzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase, and for nitrate reductase-associated activities. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used to detect nitrate reductase cross-reacting material in the mutants. The cross-reacting material levels of the mutants ranged from 8 to 136% of the wild type and were correlated with their nitrate reductase-associated activities, except for nar 1c, which lacked all associated nitrate reductase activities but had 38% of the wild-type cross-reacting material. The cross-reacting material of two nar 1 mutants, as well as nar 2a, Xno 18, Xno 19, and Xno 29, exhibited rocket immunoprecipitates that were similar to the wild-type enzyme indicating structural homology between the mutant and wild-type nitrate reductase proteins. The cross-reacting materials of the seven remaining nar 1 alleles formed rockets only in the presence of purified wild-type nitrate reductase, suggesting structural modifications of the mutant cross-reacting materials. All nar 1 alleles and Xno 29 had xanthine dehydrogenase activity indicating the presence of functional molybdenum cofactors. These results suggest that nar 1 is the structural gene for nitrate reductase. Mutants nar 2a, Xno 18, and Xno 19 lacked xanthine dehydrogenase activity and are considered to be molybdenum cofactor deficient mutants. Cross-reacting material was not detected in uninduced wild-type or mutant extracts, suggesting that nitrate reductase is synthesized de novo in response to nitrate.  相似文献   

Genetic regulation of nitrogen fixation in rhizobia.   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文

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