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Recent studies have indicated that avian social behavior is influenced by olfactory cues. During the reproductive season a change in the chemical composition of uropygial gland secretion has been reported in some species and the hypothesis that olfactory signals may be produced by this gland has been proposed. To examine this hypothesis we performed two behavioral experiments to determine whether a female’s uropygial gland produce chemical signals that stimulate mating behaviors in domestic chickens. In Experiment 1 the role of the female’s uropygial gland in male mating behavior was examined by removing and examining the female’s uropygial gland. The frequency of mounts and copulations of intact male birds with sham-operated female birds was significantly higher than with uropygial glandectomized female birds. With respect to the number of waltzing that is one of the courtship displays intact males showed no significant difference between sham-operated female birds and uropygial glandectomized female birds. In Experiment 2 the relationship between male olfaction and the female’s uropygial gland was investigated using olfactory bulbectomized male birds. The number of mounts and copulations of sham-operated male birds with sham-operated female bird was significantly higher than with uropygial glandectomized female birds. In contrast olfactory bulbectomized male birds showed no significant differences in the number of mounts and copulations between sham-operated female birds and uropygial glandectomized female birds. These results indicate that intact and sham-operated male birds prefer to mate with female birds with the uropygial gland. The number of courtship waltzing of sham-operated male birds showed no significant difference. However olfactory bulbectomized male birds significantly courted to uropygial glandectomized female birds. Summarizing our results show that while anosmic males did not have any preference both intact and sham-operated male birds chose to mate with female birds having an intact uropygial gland suggesting that mate preference involves in male olfaction and that the female’s uropygial gland acts as a source of social odor cues in domestic chickens.  相似文献   

Hens with bilateral ablations in the hyperstriatal complex were compared with birds with bilateral ablations in the posterior telencephalon and sham-operated controls with regard to their behaviour in their home pens, exploratory behavior and their responses to (1) a simulated aerial predator, (2) a startling stimulus and (3) an auditory stimulus. Ablations involving the ventral hyperstriatum made the birds less reactive to frightening stimuli while ablations in the posterior telencephalon resulted in the bird “freezing” in the experimental situations.  相似文献   

Summary The domestic fowl is reported to be extremely resistant toE. coli endotoxemia. We reported (Merrill et al., 1978) that in our hands this species displayed a lowlevel sensitivity similar to that seen in mammals. The discrepancy between previous reports and our recent findings could result from 1) seasonal differences in the responses of the domestic fowl to endotoxemia, 2) the age and nutritional status of animals used in these various studies, and/or 3) the toxicity of the different endotoxins used. Since there is a paucity of information regarding seasonal influences on the responses of experimental animals to shock and trauma, we have extended our earlier studies (conducted in October, fall group) to each of the remaining seasons of the year.Overnight, fasted, unanesthetized white Leghorn roosters (N=38) weighing 2.44±0.6 kg were injected intravenously with anE. coli endotoxin suspension (2.5 mg/kg). A separate group of birds (N=8) were injected with 0.9% saline. Plasma glucose, lactate, corticosterone, arterial blood gases and pH and selected hemodynamic variables were monitored for 24h or until death. Only four of eleven endotoxemic fall birds survived 24 h (LD64). All winter birds (N=9) survived the challenge (LDO), while seven of nine spring and summer-challenged animals (N=9 each group) survived for 24 h (LD22 both groups). The preterminal hypoglycemia and progressive lactacidemia seen in similarly-challenged mammals did not occur in any group. Plasma glucose levels in the fall group (least resistant) were significantly lower than in all other groups. The winter group (most resistant) showed the highest glucose levels. Elevation of plasma corticosterone following the endotoxin challenge was greatest in the winter group and least in the fall group. Similar corticosterone increases were seen in the spring and summer groups. We conclude that resistance to endotoxemia in the domestic fowl is influenced by the season of the year and that such seasonal influences are reflected, in part, by circulating levels of glucose and corticosterone.  相似文献   

Little is known about the navigational abilities of domestic fowl. The question of how chickens represent and orient in space becomes relevant when they are kept in non-cage systems. Since the sun is known to be the dominant spatial organiser in other diurnal bird species, we started our investigation of the chicken’s spatial abilities by subjecting them to a food-searching task with the sun as the only consistent visual cue. In an additional experiment we tried to rule out the use of auditory cues in finding a food reward.

Eight ISA Brown chicks were housed in outdoor pens. A separate test arena comprised an open-topped, opaque-sided wooden octagon (2 m wide and 1.5 m high). Eight goal boxes with food pots were attached to each of the arena sides; a wooden barrier inside each goal box prevented the birds from seeing the food pot before entering. After habituation we tested during five daily 5 min trials whether the chicks were able to find food in a systematically allocated goal direction. Food residue in every foot pot controlled for the use of olfactory cues and no external landmark cues were visible. Every day each box was unpredictably moved to a randomly assigned side of the arena and the side to face north was also randomly allocated, to prevent the chicks from using cues other than the sun’s position. Circular statistics were used to determine whether birds moved in a non-random direction and if so, if they significantly oriented goalwards. The results showed that seven of the eight birds moved significantly in the goal direction. It seems likely that the chicks used the sun to orient. Due to weather constraints only four chicks received the same treatment on a new location, to rule out the use of auditory cues. Two of these four chicks significantly moved in the goal direction.

The results from our experiments show that domestic chicks use spatial memory to orient towards a hidden goal. Moreover, their orientation is most likely to be based on sun cues opening up the possibility that the sun compass may dominate even in this ancestrally predominantly ground-living forest bird.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is known to induce and regulate maternal behaviors in mammals via the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus (PVN), whereas the function of mesotocin (MT; the avian homolog of OT) is poorly understood in birds. To elucidate the association of MT and the regulation of maternal behaviors in birds, we studied changes in the number of MT-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in native Thai chickens using immunohistochemistry. We observed that MT-ir neurons and fibers appeared in discrete regions located close to the third ventricle from the level of the preoptic area through the anterior hypothalamus with an abundance observed in the nucleus supraopticus, pars ventralis (SOv), nucleus preopticus medialis (POM), and PVN. The number of MT-ir neurons was low in the SOv, POM, and PVN of non-laying hens, but it increased gradually when the hens entered the laying stage, and peaked in incubating and rearing hens. We compared the number of MT-ir neurons in the SOv, POM, and PVN of native Thai hens rearing chicks (R) with that of non-rearing chicks (NR). The number of MT-ir neurons was high in the R hens, but low in the NR hens in these nuclei. For the first time, these results indicate that the association between the MT neurons and the presence of chicks might, in part, play a role in the neuroendocrine reorganization to establish and maintain maternal behaviors in native Thai chickens. MTergic activity is likely related to the contribution of rearing behavior in this equatorial precocial species.  相似文献   

Response, approach, and stay-near tendencies of 248 purebred and 270 crossbred domestic chicks exposed to an audiovisual imprinting model at 24±2 hr post-hatching were examined for genetic and non-genetic effects. No sex or sex linked maternal differences were found, but genetic stock of the subjects was found to be an important consideration. Length of incubation period varied greatly among genetic stocks. Significant, but low correlations between length of incubation period and behaviour responses were found. Relationships between time-of-day tested and behaviour responses could not be described with precision.  相似文献   

It is most probable that during natural copulation the semen of the fowl is ejaculated into a shallow position in the vagina of the hen, but during the commercial application of artificial insemination it is generally considered necessary to evert the distal vagina and deposit semen to a depth of at least 5 cm to produce optimal fertilisation of the succession of eggs laid daily by a female for a week post-insemination. Aspects of the artificial insemination technique in relation to the types of semen that are obtained from the male fowl artificially are re-appraised in relation to their effect on fertility. It was confirmed that a smaller number of spermatozoa (50 × 106) than is normally used in commercial practice (>80 × 106) produced good fertility, even when inseminated within 0.5 cm of the vaginal opening in the cloaca. The results were achieved whether or not glucose was present in the inseminate. When semen was deposited in the cloaca, a better fertilisation rate was obtained if ductus-deferens semen was diluted with transparent fluid, which is produced by tumescent tissue in the cloaca during semen collection. However, the same advantageous effect was shown by dilution with synthetic aqueous fluids with and without glucose. The likely role of transparent fluid during natural copulation is discussed. On the basis of the number of spermatozoa found to maintain good fertility by artificial insemination, only 10 μl semen would be required to be ejaculated into each hen during copulation. This may account for the well-known ability of the male fowl to copulate frequently in a day, because the small volume of semen would be replenished, naturally, very quickly in the ductus deferens.  相似文献   

The relation of fear and arousal to peeping in socially-reared chicks was investigated in a series of four experiments. Pre-test exposure to loud noise or shock resulted in decreased peeping in chicks tested in isolation, while in the presence of a mirror, pre-test exposure to loud noise reduced peeping, but pre-test shock had no effect. It was also shown that neither transquilizer (Pacitran) ingestion nor experimenter proximity had any significant influence on peeping. An inverse relationship between peeping and activity latency was also revealed in these experiments, and peeping was usually found to precede the initiation of activity. The relationship between fear and the peep vocalization of sociallyreared chicks is discussed.  相似文献   

Heterosexual or unisexual contact of juvenile males from two lines divergently selected for male mating frequency, and a control line had little, if any influence on their subsequent mating behaviour. The interaction of lines x social environments for mating behaviour was not significant, showing that lines responded in a similar manner to the environments. It is hypothetized that selection for low cumulative number of completed matings (CNCM) was primarily for higher neural thresholds, whereas selection for high CNCM affected loci operative after neural thresholds are attained. The magnitude of the sexual component of a court was found to be dependent on the genetic background of the population, being less in the low mating than in the high mating line.  相似文献   

In this work, the presence of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α) was determined in different cell subpopulations in the left growing and right regressing ovaries of Gallus domesticus from 13-day-old chicken embryos to one-month-old chickens by immunohistochemistry. Results revealed positive ER-α immunostaining in both ovaries during development, but the percentage, staining intensity, and cellular distribution of ER-α immunostaining changes according to whether it is the left or right ovary and with the animal’s age. In the left ovary, the ER-α was localized in the nuclei of the germinal epithelium and in germ cells of the ovarian cortex, as well as in the interstitial cells, undifferentiated cells, and epithelial cells of the lacunar channels of the ovarian medulla in all ages. In contrast, in the right ovary from 13-day-old chicken embryos to one-week-old chickens, only the epithelial cells of lacunar channels were ER-α immunoreactive, but in the right ovary of one-month-old chickens both the epithelial cells of lacunar channels and the interstitial cells presented ER-α. These results demonstrate differential expression of ER-α in both chicken ovaries during development in a cell type-specific distribution, suggesting that these differences may be regarded as an important cause in the process of asymmetric ovarian development in the chicken.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the development of spatial behaviour of the domestic chicken is influenced by light exposure of the embryo, as is known to be the case for some other lateralized visual functions. Ninety-six chicks were incubated in the dark or exposed to light during the final days of incubation. Half of the chicks in each group had the experience of moving behind opaque screens from 10 to 12 days of age. The other half were given transparent screens as a control. Chicks were tested in a detour test and a rotated floor test and their dispersal in groups was observed in larger pens. In the rotated floor test, chicks that had had experience with opaque screens used distal cues significantly more often than chicks that had experience with transparent screens (P = 0.042), regardless of whether they had been exposed to light before hatching or incubated in the dark. There were no significant differences between treatments in the detour test or in the dispersal behaviour. Hence, visual lateralization has no influence on the development of the spatial behaviour that we tested, whereas the occlusion experience is quite specific and results in shifted attention to distal spatial cues.  相似文献   

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