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Summary The application of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA, 10 mg·g-1 in lanolin) to the stem of intact pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.) inhibited the basipetal transport of 14C from indoleacetic acid-1-14C (IAA-1-14C) applied to the apical bud, but not the transport of 14C in the phloem following the application of IAA-1-14C or sucrose-14C to mature foliage leaves. It was concluded that fundamentally different mechanisms of auxin transport operate in these two pathways.When TIBA was applied at the same time as, or 3.0 h after, the application of IAA-1-14C to the apical bud, 14C accumulated in the TIBA-treated and higher internodes; when TIBA was applied 24.0 h before the IAA-1-14C, transport in the stem above the TIBA-treated internode was considerably reduced. TIBA treatments did not consistently influence the total recovery of 14C, or the conversion of free IAA to indoleaspartic acid (IAAsp). These results are discussed in relation to the possible mechanism by which TIBA inhibits auxin transport,.Attention is drawn to the need for more detailed studies of the role of the phloem in the transport of endogenous auxin in the intact plant.Abbreviations TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid - IAAsp indoleaspartic acid  相似文献   

A comparison between the effects of DIHB and TIBA on growth and gravireaction of 15 mm primary maize ( Zea mays L. cv. LG 11) roots is presented. Intact roots were pretreated in the dark for 1 h with buffered solutions (pH 5.0 or 6.0) containing DIHB (10, 50, 100 μ M ). The plantlets were then maintained either vertically or horizontally in the dark or the light, and growth and gravireaction were recorded using a macrophotographic technique. Pretreatment with DIHB slightly inhibited growth and delayed gravireaction. These effects were most marked with DIHB at 100 μ M and were enhanced when DIHB was applied at pH 5.0. Similar effects were observed in roots pretreated with TIBA, but at a lower concentration (1 μ M ). The similarities between DIHB and TIBA as regards both chemical structure and the inhibition of gravireaction and growth, lead us to suggest that a major mode of action of DIHB, like TIBA, is the inhibition of indol-3yl-acetic acid transport.  相似文献   

The influence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) on the transport and metabolism of indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) was studied in etiolated lupin (Lupinus albus L) hypocotyls. Double isotope-labeled IAA [(5-3H)-IAA plus (1-14C)-IAA] was applied to the cut surface of decapitated seedlings. This confirmed that the species mobilized was unaltered IAA and permitted us to measure the in vivo decarboxylation of applied IAA. A pretreatment with TIBA applied to the cut surface produced a partial or drastic inhibition in the basipetal IAA movement at 0.5 or 100 M, respectively. Since TIBA inhibits auxin polar transport by interfering with the efflux carrier, the above results suggest that 100 M TIBA is sufficient to saturate the binding sites in the transporting cells. Compared to the control plants, in vivo decarboxylation of IAA was enhanced in 0.5 M TIBA-treated plants, while no decarboxylation was detected after treatment with 100 M TIBA. The in vitro decarboxylation of (1-14C)-IAA catalyzed by purified peroxidase was moderately activated by 100 M and unaffected by 0.5 M TIBA. The paradoxical effect of TIBA in vivo vs in vitro assays suggests that the in vivo effect of TIBA on IAA oxidation might be the consequence of the action of TIBA on the auxin transport system. Thus, transport reduction by 0.5 M TIBA caused a temporary accumulation of IAA in that apical region of the hypocotyl which has the highest capacity to decarboxylate IAA. In the presence of 100 M TIBA, a concentration which presumably saturates the efflux carriers, most of the added IAA can be expected to be located in the transporting cells where, according to the present data, IAA decarboxylation cannot take place.  相似文献   

Cotyledon explants of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) zygotic embryos produced somatic embryos at a high rate (68%) on medium without any growth regulators. Under this culture condition, apparent polar somatic embryogenesis occurred near the basal-excised portion of the cotyledons. When the cotyledon explants were cultured on medium containing 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), an auxin polar-transport inhibitor, the frequency of somatic embryo formation markedly decreased and was completely inhibited on medium containing 20 μM TIBA. On medium containing 5–10 μM, somatic embryos developed sporadically on the surface of the cotyledons and had a normal embryo axis but jar-shaped cotyledons. Embryos with jar-shaped cotyledons were also observed to occur at a high frequency when the early globular embryos formed on hormone-free medium were transferred to medium containing 20 μM TIBA. From these results, it was deduced that endogenous auxin in the cotyledon explants plays an important role in the induction of somatic embryos and that the cotyledon development in somatic embryos is also related to the polar transport of endogenous auxin. Received: 11 October 1996 / Revised version received: 8 January 1997 / Accepted: 26 January 1997  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - The 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) is an iodine contrast agent used for visualization of tissue in X-ray techniques. However, TIBA induces physiological complications...  相似文献   

An explanation is sought for the inhibition of maize root growth and gravireaction brought about by treatment with 3,5-diiodo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (DIHB). The effects of DIHB and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) on the uptake and efflux of [3H]-indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) were tested using segments prepared from the elongation zone (2 to 7 mm region) of maize (Zea mays L. cv. LG11) roots. The uptake of [3H]-IAA (21 nM) by root segments incubated in buffered solutions (pH 5.0) was measured over a 5-min time-course. No significant effect of DIHB at 100 μM was observed, whereas TIBA at 10 μM slightly stimulated the uptake of [3H]-IAA. This experiment was repeated with the addition of non-radioactive IAA (total IAA concentration 1.0 μM). Up to 3 min DIHB (100 μM) had no significant effect, but thereafter a slight stimulation of IAA net uptake was observed. Treatment with TIBA (10 μM) stimulated the accumulation of IAA in the segments. The effects of DIHB (10, 50, 100 μM) and TIBA (10 and 50 μM) on the efflux of [3H]-IAA from segments that had been pretreated in [3H]-IAA (22 nM) were then tested. Treatment with DIHB or TIBA at pH 5.0 inhibited IAA efflux; the inhibition by TIBA was more marked than that produced by DIHB. This experiment was repeated using DIHB (10, 50, 100 μM) buffered at pH 6.0, and an inhibition of IAA efflux was again observed. Both DIHB (10 μM) and TIBA (10 μM) inhibited the binding of [3H]-NPA to a 5000–48000 g membrane fraction prepared from whole maize roots. The effects of the two substances were similar: 40% inhibition of specific binding by DIHB and 41% inhibition by TIBA. This indicates that DIHB, like TIBA, binds to the N-1-naphthyl-phthalamic acid-sensitive carrier for IAA efflux. It is concluded that DIHB, like TIBA, inhibits IAA transport at the level of efflux. The similarity between DIHB and TIBA as regards chemical structure and their inhibitory effects on IAA efflux and NPA binding strongly suggest that they act on the same carrier for IAA efflux across the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

The effect of two auxin antagonists, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) and 2-( p -chlorophenoxy)-2-methyl propionic acid (CMPA) on IAA-induced ethylene production in etiolated mung bean hypocotyl ( Vigna radiata L. Rwilcz cv. Berken) segments was studied. Both TIBA and CMPA inhibited IAA-induced ethylene production and CO2 production at concentrations from 0.001 m M to 0.1 m M and 0.01 m M to 1.0 m M , respectively. The optimum concentration for inhibition of ethylene production by TIBA was 0.05 m M and CMPA was 0.5 m M . At the optimum concentration of TIBA and CMPA, there was a significant decrease in IAA-induced ethylene production without a decrease in respiration rates below control levels. After 18 h, mung bean hypocotyl segments treated with 0.05 m M TIBA for 6 h or 0.5 m M CMPA for 8 h showed a maximum inhibition of IAA-induced ethylene production. Treatments longer than 8 h caused no further inhibition. The uptake of [14C]-naphthaleneacetic acid by mung bean segments was greatly reduced by the addition of either TIBA (0.05m M ) or CMPA (0.5 m M ) to the incubation media. The results of treatment sequences showed that TIBA needed to be applied prior to IAA in order to inhibit IAA-induced ethylene production, but CMPA caused the same inhibitory effect whether applied before or after IAA treatment. These findings provide evidence that TIBA inhibits auxin-induced ethylene production in etiolated mung bean hypocotyl segments by blocking auxin movement into the tissue whereas CMPA may work on both auxin transport and action.  相似文献   

Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor ((Marie) Orton), strain S238 N, in axenic conditions. The presence of the fungus slowed tap–root elongation by 26% during the first 15 d after inoculation and then stimulated it by 136%. In addition, it multiplied in vitro lateral root formation by 4.3, the epicotyl growth of the seedlings by 8.4 and the number of needles by 2. These effects were maintained when the fungus was separated from the roots by a cellophane membrane preventing symbiosis establishment, thus suggesting that the fungus acted by non-nutritional effects. We tested the hypothesis that IAA produced by L. bicolor S238 N would be responsible for the stimulation of fungal induced rhizogenesis. We showed in previous work that L. bicolor S238 N can synthesize IAA in pure culture. Exogenous IAA supplies (100 and 500 μ m ) reproduced the stimulating effect of the fungus on root branching but inhibited root elongation. The presence of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) in the culture medium significantly depressed lateral root formation of inoculated seedlings. As TIBA had no significant effect on IAA released in the medium by L. bicolor S238 N, but counteracted the stimulation of lateral rhizogenesis induced by an exogenous supply of IAA, we suggest that TIBA inhibited the transport of fungal IAA in the root. Furthermore TIBA blocked the colonization of the main root cortex by L. bicolor S238 N and the formation of the Hartig net. These results specified the role of fungal IAA in the stimulation of lateral rhizogenesis and in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis establishment.  相似文献   

Root and rhizome of fourHelleborus species:H. viridis, H. odorus, H. niger, H. foetidus were examined throughout a two-year period in order to determine the variation of lipid content and fatty acid composition during the ontogenetic cycle. In the deciduous geophytesH. viridis andH. odorus subsp.laxus the lipid content reaches its maximum during the quiescent phase, whereas in the evergreen geophyteH. niger the lipid content is highest during the main growth period. In the chamaephyteH. foetidus lipid content is always very low and it does not show variation throughout the year. In all species the fatty acids detected in the neutral fraction are myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid. Palmitic and linoleic acid are always present in larger quantities. The pattern of the relative content of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids seems to be linked to the life form of these species.  相似文献   

In rice, light is known to inhibit the growth of coleoptiles and seminal roots of seedlings through phytochrome. Here we investigated the light-induced growth inhibition of seminal roots and compared the results with those recently determined for coleoptiles. Although three rice phytochromes, phyA, phyB and phyC functioned in a similar manner in coleoptile and seminal root, the Bunsen-Roscoe law of reciprocity was not observed in the growth inhibition of seminal root. We also found coiling of the seminal root at the root tip which appeared to be associated with the photoinhibition of seminal root growth. This could be a new light-induced phenomenon in certain cultivars of rice.Key words: growth, hypocotyl, Oryza sativa, phytochrome, seminal rootPhytochrome-mediated growth inhibition was reported for both coleoptiles and seminal roots of rice seedlings in the same year by two research groups in Nagoya and Tohoku University in Japan, respectively.1,2 Forty years after the findings, a detailed photobiological study was carried out for the coleoptile growth inhibition.3 In this study, we examined photoinhibition of seminal root growth, and found similarities and differences between light-induced growth inhibition of the two organs in rice seedlings. Although coleoptile growth was inhibited by pulses of light, growth inhibition of seminal roots required light irradiation longer than 6 h. The Bunsen-Roscoe law of reciprocity was not observed in the growth inhibition of seminal root. Action spectra were determined for the growth inhibition of coleoptiles, and the mode of inhibition was found to depend on the age of the coleoptiles. At the early stage of development [40 h after inducing germination (AIG)], photoinhibition was predominantly due to the phyB-mediated low-fluence response (LFR), but at the late developmental stage (80 h AIG), it consisted of the phyA-mediated very low-fluence response (VLFR) as well as the phyB-mediated LFR.3,4 In the case of root growth, the sensitivity of photoinhibition also depended on age, and was most sensitive in the period of 48–96 h AIG when seedlings were irradiated for 24 h. Using rice phytochrome mutants,5 we found that far-red light for root growth inhibition was perceived exclusively by phyA, that red light was perceived by both phyA and phyB, and that phyC had little or no role in growth inhibition. Furthermore, the fluence rate required for phyB-mediated inhibition was more than 10,000-fold greater than that required for phyA-mediated inhibition. These characteristics of photoinhibition in seminal roots are similar to those found in coleoptiles at the late stage of development.3 In seminal roots, photoinhibition appeared to be mediated by photoreceptors in the root itself.Interestingly, coiling of the root tips always occurred when root growth was inhibited under the light condition (Fig. 1B). Under continuous light irradiation, rice seeds germinated ∼30 h AIG. Seminal roots formed a coil at the root tips during the 48–96 h period AIG, and stopped growing. When they were irradiated for only 24 h on the 3rd day AIG, coils started to form just after the end of irradiation. The roots continued to coil for ∼28 h and then began growing straight again (Fig. 1C). The coils were larger and looser than those formed under continuous light condition (Fig. 1, Open in a separate windowFigure 1Light irradiation induces coiling of root tips in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare). A rice seedling was grown in the dark (A), or in continuous white light (55 µole m−2 s−1) (B) for 7 d at 28°C. In (C), it was irradiated by white light for 24 h during the 48–72 h period after inducing germination, and kept in the dark again until the 7th day. Arrows and arrowheads indicate the seminal and crown roots, respectively. Seedlings were grown in glass tubes of 3-cm diameter.

Table 1

The size of coil of root tips formed after white light irradiation
Light irradiationDiameter* (mm)Length* (mm)Number of turns*
Continuous irradiation for 7 d1.96 ± 0.412.70 ± 0.634.6 ± 0.8
24 h-long irradiation during the 48–72 h period after inducing germination2.60 ± 0.443.33 ± 0.192.3 ± 0.5
Open in a separate window* Mean and SD of 4-7 seedlings.We also found that light exposure had an opposite effect on the growth of the seminal and crown roots of rice seedlings. Light inhibited the growth of seminal roots, whereas it promoted the growth of crown roots. In fact, light was found to promote growth of Arabidopsis primary roots, in which phyA and phyB were found to be responsible for photoperception as well as photosynthetic activity.6 In rice seedlings, growth orientation of the crown roots is also affected by light exposure, whereas growth orientation of the seminal roots is controlled solely by the gravity vector. The crown roots grow in a horizontal direction in the dark, while they grow toward the gravity vector in the light.7 The contrasting responses to light in the seminal and crown roots are likely to help the transition of rice seedlings from the embryonic root system, in which the seminal roots are predominant, to the fibrous root system, which contains numerous crown roots.  相似文献   

The ability of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) to alter ion absorption, respiration, carbon metabolism, and the permeability of the cell membranes of excised barley roots has been examined. Roots pretreated in either H2O, KCl, or TIBA followed by treatment in KCl, TIBA, or KCl and TIBA demonstrated that inhibition of ion uptake due to TIBA was reversible. These studies also suggest that ions already accumulated within the vacuole remain sequestered after the addition of TIBA, whereas cytoplasmic ions leak out into the external medium. A 20-minute lag period was present prior to the onset of inhibition of O2 consumption by TIBA. A b-type cytochrome from corn that is apparently associated with the plasmalemma and possibly involved in respiration or ion uptake, or both, was unaffected by TIBA. The addition of TIBA to treatment solutions resulted in the synthesis and accumulation of ethanol. Analysis of organic acids showed that only the malate concentration was affected by treatment with TIBA. A reduction of 26% was noted for malate in the presence of 2 micromolar TIBA. These combined results suggest that the inhibitory action of TIBA in barley roots involves an alteration of mitochondrial respiration and not a direct depolarization of the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

Gibberellin-binding proteins (GBPs) were purified ca. 230,000 fold. The characteristics of adzuki GBP were examined and compared with those of a recombinant gibberellin 2-oxidase (rVaGA2oxA1) that was fused with glutathione S-transferase (GST). VaGA2oxA1 was most abundantly expressed in etiolated adzuki bean seedlings, and VaGA2oxA1 and GBPs from adzuki bean seedlings showed gibberellin-binding activity when incubated with 2-oxoglutarate and Co2+. Both rVaGA2oxA1 and partially purified GBPs from adzuki bean seedlings showed very similar selectivity to gibberellins in binding assays, where biologically active gibberellins such as GA4, GA3, GA7, and GA1 showed higher binding affinity than biologically inactive gibberellins such as GA8, GA34, and 3-epi-GA4. The polyclonal antibody raised against rVaGA2oxA1 cross-reacted with all rVaGA2oxs (rVaGA2oxA1, rVaGA2oxA2, rVaGA2oxB1, rVaGA2oxB2, and rVaGA2oxB3) whose cDNAs were cloned from adzuki bean seedlings. Treated with the antibody, the recombinants that originally showed gibberellin-binding activity lost both binding activity and enzymatic activity. In contrast to the recombinants, the gibberellin-binding activity of GBPs from adzuki bean seedlings was hardly affected by the antibody treatment. The GBPs showed very weak gibberellin 2-oxidase-like activity, and it was not affected by the antibody treatment either. These observations suggest that a major component that showed GA-binding activity was apparently different from any gibberellin 2-oxidase cloned from the seedlings.  相似文献   

The undifferentiated mature embryos of someUtricularia studied consist of large polygonal cells which contain many starch grains. Later, they consist mostly of large polygonal cells with some small cells in one or more regions adjacent to the seed coat, which lack starch grains but have rather easily visible nuclei. After these small cells divide and produce more cells of the same type toward the midcenter of the embryo, they form one or more primordia which grow into the primary structures of the seedling. The primordia of the embryo seem to have no pattern as to which primary vegetative structure they will develop into. However, the terrestrial species ofUtricularia studied showed some non-cotyledonous, primary differences in germination patterns; some form primary foliar units, some form stolons, and some form bladders. The first and second primary foliar units of aquaticUtricularia radiata andV. gibba subsp.gibba do not follow in the same manner as cotyledons. No cotyledon could be distinguished in any of theUtricularia seedlings studied. In the seedlings ofU. gibba subsp.gibba andU. radiata, appearance and differentiation of the vascular elements occur simultaneously in more than one direction, toward the meristematic tissues of primary vegetative structures and toward the midcenter of the embryos. Lloyd’s proposed term: “cotyledonoids” (1942) and that of Kumazawa: “cotyledons” (1967) should not be used for the first and second primary foliar units in either aquatic or terrestrial to terrestrial-epiphyticUtricularia, unless further supportive evidence is accumulated.  相似文献   

The effects of three growth regulators, namely gibberellic acid (GA3), kinetin (6-furfuryl-aminopurine) and α-naphthyl-acetic acid (NAA), each at five concentrations (0, 25, 50,102 and 103 mg/litre) on the growth of coconut seedlings (Cocos nucifera) were examined. GA3 at 25 mg/litre increased growth in height; higher concentrations had no significant effect. Kinetin at 102 and 103 mg/litre and NAA at all concentrations reduced height growth compared with the control. No treatment caused a significant increase in total dry weight.  相似文献   

广东松幼苗存活率和生长特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年5月至2008年7月,在南岭国家级自然保护区测定了不同年龄、不同种植方式的广东松(Pinus kwangtungensis)幼苗的存活率、株高和基径等指标,以期为国家保护植物广东松的保育提供资料。结果表明,实验期间袋栽苗存活率下降明显,从开始时的100%下降到结束时的50%;裸植苗与移植苗的存活率从100%下降到80%左右。总月均株高、基径的增量,袋栽苗、裸植苗、移植苗依次为1.01、1.39、2.76cm;0.17、0.20、0.64mm。年均株高、基径增值,移植苗、裸植苗、移植苗依次为32.91、17.22、12.77cm;7.64、2.31、2.0mm。随着年龄的增长,各组幼苗的株高和基径增长均加快,株高与基径之间存在着极显著的线性相关关系,广东松幼苗至10a生仍属快速生长期。  相似文献   

The effect of gamma-, 14 MeV neutron- and fission neutron irradiation was investigated on the growth rate and degrading enzyme activities of pea seedlings. Both dormant pea seeds and 4-day-old growing seedlings were used for the experiments. Depending on the gamma dose between 15 and 300 Gy the height of pea seedlings was found shorter, and parallel with this the endogenous RNase and peroxidase activities were higher than in the unirradiated controls. Seedlings proved to be more sensitive by about one order of magnitude than seeds. Irradiation of seeds between 5 and 10 Gy slightly enhanced the growth rate of seedlings (10 per cent) and parallel with this, the RNase activity measured was lower than that in the controls. On irradiation of seedlings with 14 MeV neutrons the growth inhibition and RNase activity enhancement was only 1.3 times more effective than in the case of irradiation of seeds. The following RBE values were obtained after irradiation of seeds, related to the biological effect of gamma rays: in growth inhibition, 6 for 14 MeV neutrons and 12 for fission neutrons, and the enhancement of two enzyme activities was 15-30 for 14 MeV neutrons and 45-58 for fission neutrons. In the case of seedling irradiation with 14 MeV neutrons the RBE was 1.0 for growth inhibition and between 3 and 6 for enhancement of enzyme activity. The isoenzyme pattern of RNase also changed: two isoenzymes became predominant after the gamma irradiation of seeds, characterized by molecular weights of 21,000 and 30,000, respectively. As a result of enhanced RNase activity, the degradation of longer polysomes to monomeric ribosomes occurred. Thus after ionizing irradiation of pea seeds and seedlings an inverse correlation was found between the growth rate of pea seedlings and the activities of degrading enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of two mutants of flax (Linum usitatissimum), having altered proportions of the C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic, was examined. Both lines, M1589 and M1722, are homozygous for a single gene mutation which reduces linolenic acid content from 34% to 22% and raises linoleic acid from 15% to 27%. Genetic analysis of crosses involving M1589, M1722 and their parental cultivar Glenelg revealed that these mutations are in different unlinked genes and exhibit additive (codominant) gene action. The symbolsLn1 andLn2 are proposed for the mutated genes in M1589 and M1722, respectively. Recombinant genotypes homozygous for the mutant alleles at both loci are very low in linolenic acid (2%) and high in linoleic acid (48%), with unaltered proportions of other fatty acids. The complete inverse correlation between linoleic and linolenic acids (r=-0.98) indicates that the mutations block the synthesis of linolenic acid at the linoleic desaturation step.  相似文献   

以滇润楠一年生实生苗为试验材料,研究在良好水分条件(土壤含水量为70%~75%田间持水量)、轻度干旱胁迫及重度干旱胁迫处理下(50%~55%和30%~35%田间持水量)进行外源脱落酸(ABA)喷施对其生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明: 干旱胁迫使得滇润楠幼苗叶片的相对含水量、株高和生物量显著下降,净光合速率及叶绿素荧光参数(PSⅡ最大光化学效率,Fv/Fm)有不同程度的下降,而根冠比、膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量显著增加。外源ABA的喷施可提高干旱胁迫下滇润楠幼苗的适应性,尤其是重度干旱下,外源ABA显著提高了叶片相对含水量21.0%,同时增加了植株株高和生物量的累积,提高了根冠比,为良好水分条件的2.1倍;减少了干旱下膜脂过氧化产物MDA的累积,提高了抗氧化酶过氧化氢酶、超氧化物岐化酶的活性,显著增加了脯氨酸的含量,为良好水分条件的7.7倍。外源ABA的喷施显著缓解了干旱胁迫对植株光合器官的不利影响,减少干旱引起的叶片净光合速率及气孔导度的下降,并且减轻了PSⅡ受到干旱的伤害程度,重度干旱下喷施ABA的植株的Fv/Fm显著高于未喷施ABA的植株。外源ABA的喷施可以减轻干旱对滇润楠植株的伤害,提高其抗旱性。  相似文献   

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