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Kiwifruit vines are perennial plants grown in climates varying from maritime to continental. To determine key responses to temperature, vines were heated at different stages of fruit development, and vine growth and fruit composition examined. Heating vines during fruit starch accumulation caused a major shift in partitioning towards vegetative growth and dramatically reduced fruit carbohydrate and vitamin C. In the following season, growth and flowering were severely reduced. Heating vines during fruit cell division had minimal long‐term effects, whereas heating during fruit maturation delayed starch degradation and fruit ripening and affected growth in the following season. When vines were removed from heat, fruit dry matter, starch and sugar levels were always reduced but hexose : sucrose ratios and inositol were raised. Heating vines affected expression of two sucrose synthase genes, but this did not correlate with reduction in fruit carbohydrate. Activity and expression of l ‐galactose dehydrogenase decreased as fruit developed, suggesting some vitamin C biosynthesis must take place in the fruit. Activity and expression of actinidin increased in response to heat. The results of this study have demonstrated both short and long‐term plant responses to elevated temperatures in woody perennials, and that the timing of heat exposure has severe consequences for vitamin C levels in fruit.  相似文献   

Papaya is a major fruit crop in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. It has long been recognized as a nutritious and healthy fruit rich in vitamins A and C. Its small genome, unique aspects of nascent sex chromosomes, and agricultural importance are justifications for sequencing the genome. A female plant of the transgenic variety SunUp was selected for sequencing its genome to avoid the complication of assembling the XY chromosomes in a male or hermaphrodite plant. The draft genome revealed fewer genes than sequenced genomes of flowering plants, partly due to its lack of genome wide duplication since the ancient triplication event shared by eudicots. Most gene families have fewer members in papaya, including significantly fewer disease resistance genes. However, striking amplifications in gene number were found in some functional groups, including MADS-box genes, starch synthases, and volatiles that might affect the speciation and adaptation of papaya. The draft genome was used to clone a gene controlling fruit flesh color and to accelerate the construction of physical maps of sex chromosomes in papaya. Finishing the papaya genome and re-sequencing selected genomes in the family will further facilitate papaya improvement and the study of genome and sex chromosome evolution in angiosperms, particularly in Caricaceae.  相似文献   

The propensity of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae Giles (Diptera: Culicidae) to ingest sugars from various plants, and subsequent survival rates, were assessed with laboratory-reared males and females offered eight species of plants commonly cultivated and/or growing wild in western Kenya. In cages (no-choice bioassay), mosquitoes given the opportunity to feed on castorbean (Ricinus communis L.) had the longest survival times (mean and median survival time of 6.99 +/- 0.23 and 5.67 +/- 0.17 days, respectively), comparable to mosquitoes given 6% glucose (mean and median survival time of 8.70 +/- 0.23 and 6.67 +/- 0.33 days, respectively). Survival rates of An. gambiae were low on the other plants, comparable to mosquitoes given only water. Three plants: sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), wild sage (Lantana camara L.) and castorbean provided levels of sugar ingestion by both sexes of An. gambiae detectable using the cold anthrone method, showing a positive correlation between median survival and sugar consumption (Spearman rank correlation coefficient = 0.905, P < 0.0001). Equal numbers of males and females were released in an enclosed semi-field screenhouse system containing a range of local plants, but no host for blood, and allowed to feed ad libitum: 6.7 +/- 0.5% (11/64) of those recaptured were found to contain detectable fructose (all females). Common plants are clearly a viable source of nutrition for adult female An. gambiae, as well as males, and may constitute and important resource for this important malaria vector.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the physiological functions of protease inhibitors (PIs) the PI activity in buds and flower organs of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) was investigated. Trypsin and papain inhibitory activities were analyzed in soluble protein extracts from buds at different developmental stages and floral tissues in anthesis. These analyses identified high levels of inhibitory activity against both types of enzymes at all bud stages. Intriguingly, the inhibitory activity against both proteases differed remarkably in some floral tissues. While all organs tested were very effective against trypsin, only sepal and petal tissues exhibited strong inhibitory activity against papain. The sexual reproductive tissues (ovary, stigma-style and stamen) showed either significantly lower activity against papain or practically none. Gelatin–SDS–PAGE assay established that various trypsin inhibitors (TIs) homogenously accumulated in developing buds, although some were differentially present in floral organs. The N-terminal sequence analysis of purified inhibitors from stamen demonstrated they had homology to the Kunitz family of serine PIs. Western-blot analysis established presence of a ∼60 kDa cystatin, whose levels progressively increased during bud development. A positive correlation between this protein and strong papain inhibitory activity was observed in buds and floral tissues, except for the stigma-style. Differences in temporal and spatial accumulation of both types of PIs in passion fruit flowers are thus discussed in light of their potential roles in defense and development.  相似文献   

Fruit of Olea europea L. was examined by light and electron microscopy to determine whether commencement of lipid accumulation depended upon the fruit achieving structural maturity. Maturation of fruit develops progressively from the smallest changes towards the largest in cellular structures. Important metabolic and structural changes have been observed: oil body formation, changes in the structural and reserve lipid biosynthesis and in the fatty acid of total lipid content, as well as in G6PDH and LOX activities. The labelling of fruit lipids by previously incubating the leaves with (1-14C)-acetate and (1,5-14C)-citrate or by putting the labelled substrates directly on the fruit surface, shows a 14C assimilate derived from acetate greater than that from citrate; the incorporation of the latter is higher in the methanol-water fractions. At the beginning of fruit development the lipid biosynthesis with both substrates is greater in polar lipids; on the contrary, the incorporation of 14C into neutral lipids increases during fruit maturation. Additionally, a maximum of substrate export from leaves to fruit coincides with an increase in the lipoxygenase and, above all, in the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities. The transported 14C from leaves begins its activity before the small oil bodies close to the tonoplast can be observed in the fruit, and well before the beginning of maturation. The results suggest that structural development and some other rate controlling metabolic steps can govern the initiation of lipid accumulation in olive fruit.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis no. 24 was used as a microorganism which hydrolyzes geniposide and forms a blue pigment. This microorganism possessed β-glucosidase activity during aerobic growth (log phase) and assimilated geniposide as a carbon source. The growth of this cell was depressed by genipin formed by the hydrolysis of geniposide. Blue pigment was formed continuously for 20 d in medium containing geniposide, yeast extract and Polypepton, using growing cells immobilized in calcium-alginate gel.  相似文献   

The use of benzyladenine in orchard fruit growing: a mini review.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Plant growth regulators (PGRs) can be well integrated into orchard production systems. Benzyladenine (BA) can be considered to be an endogenous-like compound which provides very little risk to the environment. A precondition of precocious bearing in young trees is the development of a canopy structure which has good cropping potential and this can be achieved by using BA. Fruit thinning with BA in mature trees can result in larger fruit size and increased return bloom the following year. However, the temperature dependence of the thinning response remains a problem to be resolved. The efficiency of PGRs is determined by the physiological age of trees, by the environmental conditions at application and by the application methods used.  相似文献   

Passion flowers     
Williams N 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(19):R750-R751

We studied the spatial and temporal variation in fruit abundance and frugivorous bird densities in a large-sized (135ha), a medium-sized (95ha) and five small-sized (each 2–8ha) forest fragments in the Taita Hills, Kenya. The large and medium patches were respectively divided into six and three plots, while the small patches were each treated as a single plot. A pilot analysis established that the plots were sufficiently independent. Three separate census-rounds were conducted in all plots. We found significant variation in fruit density amongst the three fragment-size categories, but no significant temporal variation. Five 'common frugivores' provided sufficient data for detailed analyses. Spatially, we found significant variation in their densities, but no significant temporal variation. Overall, frugivore numbers did not appear to track fruit supplies across different fragments over time. These findings suggest that the distribution and movements of birds were most likely related to, and/or limited by, other factors such as nesting needs and fragmentation effects rather than fruit. The absence of long-distance resource tracking suggests a lack of long-distance dispersal, which implies (along with obvious ramifications for gene flow) minimal chances for recolonisation following local extinctions for tree species that depend on these birds for seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Fruit cuticle composition and their mechanical performance have a special role during ripening because internal pressure is no longer sustained by the degraded cell walls of the pericarp but is directly transmitted to epidermis and cuticle which could eventually crack. We have studied fruit growth, cuticle modifications and its biomechanics, and fruit cracking in tomato; tomato has been considered a model system for studying fleshy fruit growth and ripening. Tomato fruit cracking is a major disorder that causes severe economic losses and, in cherry tomato, crack appearance is limited to the ripening process. As environmental conditions play a crucial role in fruit growing, ripening and cracking, we grow two cherry tomato cultivars in four conditions of radiation and relative humidity (RH). High RH and low radiation decreased the amount of cuticle and cuticle components accumulated. No effect of RH in cuticle biomechanics was detected. However, cracked fruits had a significantly less deformable (lower maximum strain) cuticle than non‐cracked fruits. A significant and continuous fruit growth from mature green to overripe has been detected with special displacement sensors. This growth rate varied among genotypes, with cracking‐sensitive genotypes showing higher growth rates than cracking‐resistant ones. Environmental conditions modified this growth rate during ripening, with higher growing rates under high RH and radiation. These conditions corresponded to those that favored fruit cracking. Fruit growth rate during ripening, probably sustained by an internal turgor pressure, is a key parameter in fruit cracking, because fruits that ripened detached from the vine did not crack.  相似文献   

A pear (Pyrus communis L. cv Passe Crassane) cell suspension was used as a model system to study the influence of gibberellin on processes related to fruit ripening. Growth of the cell cultures was inhibited and their loss of viability was accelerated when 0.5 millimolar gibberllic acid (GA3) was added to suspensions at two stages of cell development, namely, growth and quiescence. Cell respiration rate was unaffected up to 2 millimolar GA3 but ethylene production, both basal and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid-induced, was inhibited at all stages of cell development. However, the degree of inhibition decreased as the cell cultures aged. The site of ethylene inhibition by GA3 appeared to be related to the ethylene-forming enzyme. The coincident acceleration of cell senescence and inhibition of ethylene production indicate that the pear cell suspension cannot serve as an analogous model for studying the mode of action of gibberellin in delaying ripening and senescence of fruits in its entirety, although certain specific effects might be relevant.  相似文献   

Four Bupleurum species, representing two sections, were collected from their natural habitats and the fatty acid and sterol compositions and α-tocopherol contents of their fruit oils examined. The major fatty acids were oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids in all species (41.13–79.92%, 11.07–23.21% and 3.52–7.60%, respectively). Δ-5-Avenasterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol, Δ-5,24-stigmastadienol and campesterol exhibited in significant concentrations in all species (9.63–48.79%, 15.42–33.44%, 16.11–25.35%, 12.67–22.97% and 3.10–4.86%, respectively). Higher α-tocopherol concentrations were quantified in both species from section Eubupleura (2.55–2.70 mg/100 g) than in section Perfoliata. Significant correlations were found among the fatty acid and phytosterol quantities observed in the Bupleurum accessions. The results indicated that these species have potential as alternative raw materials and nutraceutical sources through the selection of high yield cultivars and agricultural production.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in Kakamega forest, in the western region of Kenya, to evaluate the effectiveness of the stingless bee Hypotrigona gribodoi (Magretti, 1884) on the pollination of green pepper. Three treatments were applied and consisted of self‐pollination, pollination by feral pollinators in the open field and pollination by H. gribodoi in a net cage. The differences in fruit yield and seed quality were compared among treatments. Flowers pollinated by H. gribodoi produced the heaviest fruits with the highest seed numbers followed by feral pollinators and lastly self‐pollinated flowers. Moreover, seeds were significantly bigger in size in fruits resulting from flowers pollinated by H. gribodoi compared to fruits obtained from self‐pollinated flowers or flowers pollinated by feral insects. We, therefore, conclude that H. gribodoi is an efficient pollinator of green pepper in the tropical region of East Africa.  相似文献   

Changes in tomato fruit expansion rate and carbohydrate content have been assessed during treatments designed to alter the carbon import rate. Because fruit expansion is sensitive to plant water status, the relationship with carbon import is difficult to assess, and thus, the diameter growth rate of young fruit was measured on plants maintained at positive water potentials. The detached top metre of a tomato plant was supplied with water, through the cut stem base, at a pressure of 0.08 MPa. Developing fruit on the stem continued to grow at high rates for up to 2 d. Fruit diameter growth rate after plant detachment was directly proportional to temperature. Plants acclimated to different continuous irradiances for 5 d before detachment gave fruit growth rates after plant detachment which were directly proportional to the irradiance up to 7 MJ m−2d−1 photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). In continuous darkness, fruit growth rate remained unchanged for 20 h and then declined to less than 40% of the original rate over the following 30 h. On re-exposure to light, about 5 h elapsed before fruit growth rate increased but the growth rate stabilized at approximately 50% of the rate in continuously illuminated plants. During darkness, both fruit starch and hexose content decreased in comparison to illuminated controls, but on re-illumination, carbohydrate content increased before carbon was allocated to structural growth. Heat-killing the phloem of the fruit pedicel caused an immediate, but temporary, cessation of growth. After a partial recovery, expansion growth continued, but more slowly than in untreated fruit and at steadily declining rates. Starch and hexose sugars were not used to provide substrates for growth and starch synthesis was maintained. Continuing cell expansion was assumed to have been supported by water import via the xylem. Thus, fruit expansion may be related to carbon accumulation in most circumstances, but the changing allocation of imported carbon to storage and cell expansion may modify this relationship.  相似文献   

Exposure of heavy metals to human beings has risen dramatically in the last 50 years. In today’s urban and industrial society, there is no escaping from exposure to toxic chemicals and heavy metals. Humans are more likely to be exposed to heavy metal contamination from the dust that adheres to edible plants than from bioaccumulation. This is because it is very difficult to wash off all the dust particles from the plant material before ingesting them. The objectives of this experiment were to determine the concentrations of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in washing residues and in the tissues of fruits of date palm growing in 14 sites of Riyadh and also to assess whether the fruits were safe for human consumption. The washing residues and tissue of date palm fruits collected from different sites showed the presence of significant amounts of the Pb and Cd. The concentration of Pb in the dust and fruit tissue increased with increasing anthropogenic sources. Therefore, fruits of date palm might be used as a pollution indicator; it might be recommend that fruits of date palm could be safe for human consumption after washing. The mean concentration of Pb and Cd in all the samples collected from different sites is within the safe limits recommended by FAO/WHO.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Irrigation strategies for glasshouse tomato are often based on solar radiation sums. However, due to new energy-saving climate control, current strategies might result in inappropriate irrigation. Because of the limited water buffering capacity of soilless growing media like rockwool, this could have adverse effects on fruit production and quality. We present an overview of tomato plant ecophysiological responses to substrate water availability to allow the evaluation of mechanistic hypotheses about internal plant water storage and depletion and reversible stem-fruit water transport.


The hydraulic properties of the growing medium were determined and plant water uptake, stem and fruit diameter variations were studied.


A low substrate matric suction (?2 to ?3?kPa) had a significant effect on stem and fruit growth dynamics. The substrate water retention curve indicated a sharp decrease in hydraulic conductivity, limiting the water availability for plant roots significantly.


The hydraulic properties of the growing medium are of utmost importance for plant water uptake, and should therefore be incorporated in plant models describing water flow. Internally stored water responds instantaneously to varying water availability and rates of water backflow from tomato fruits can be quite substantial.  相似文献   

Dieback of Passion Fruit in Surinam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Surinam, the commercial cultivation of the yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) is difficult due to the occurrence of dieback. Symptoms referred to as dieback include a decrease in elongation of the shoot end internodes after a period of normal growth leading to wilting and death of the shoots. Fruits from plants showing dieback symptoms are much smaller than those from healthy plants. From shoots with dieback symptoms, three fungi were isolated including Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. However, inoculation experiments with these fungi on shoots of vigorously growing plants were negative, even after wound inoculation. It appeared that plants with dieback symptoms had a poorly developed root system, From these roots Fusarium solani was isolated, which appeared to be highly pathogenic to roots of the yellow passion fruit. After inoculation of the roots of 3-month-old plants, roots became infected and the aerial plant parts showed typical dieback symptoms. Plants with their root system reduced either by inoculating with F. solani or by clipping, and subsequently inoculated with C. gloeosporioides on the aerial parts 2 weeks later, showed dieback symptoms and infection by C. gloeosporioides in shoots with these symptoms. Thus, a badly functioning root system, for example caused by infection of F. solani leads to dieback and predisposes plants to infection by C. gloeosporioides. The latter fungus itself is not a primary pathogen of shoots of the yellow passion fruit in Surinam.  相似文献   

This paper examines the rheological properties of the fruit epidermis of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). This research was conducted because previous work had demonstrated that the rate of tomato fruit growth is determined by the interaction of tissue pressure and epidermal properties. A constant-load (or 'creep') extensiometer was employed in these experiments and the results interpreted using a model which describes creep retardation using a limited number of rheological elements, one of which appears analogous to plant growth and is of similar magnitude to fruit growth rate in vivo. The effects of pH, applied force and boiling upon the individual components of the model have been examined and indicate that several elements are strongly pH-dependent and that this dependency is eliminated by boiling. These results suggest that enzyme activity (plausibly that of one or more expansins) reduces the viscosity of the cell wall over a wide range of time scales. Further consideration of the creep of tomato epidermis in terms of models developed to describe the behaviour of artificial polymers suggests that the types of molecular event described by each rheological element can tentatively be identified and that pH-dependent enzyme activity facilitates both conformer rotation and macromolecular movement within the plant cell wall. These interpretations ascribe considerable importance to the time scale over which creep occurs.  相似文献   

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