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Resonance Raman spectroscopy has been employed to probe the effects of proximal base strain on the bonding of O2 and CO in three synthetic hemins with covalently linked imidazole ligands. The strain is introduced by varying the length of the imidazole-containing side chain and by restricting the side chain flexibility with a phenyl ring. These hemins are abbreviated as "long," "short," and "stiff" hemins, respectively. In the deoxy state, the iron-imidazole stretching frequencies [nu(Fe--N epsilon)] for long, short, and stiff hemins are detected at 200, 207, and 204 cm-1, respectively. The strain induced in the iron-imidazole bond by the short hemin results in a higher nu(Fe--N epsilon) frequency, in contrast to the strain induced by sterically hindered 2-methylimidazole or 1,2-dimethylimidazole complexes in which the Fe--N epsilon bond is tilted and lengthened, but the imidazole ring remains perpendicular to the heme plane. However, in the short hemin, the plane of the imidazole ring may not be perpendicular to the plane of the porphyrin, altering the amount of pi-interaction (hence the strength of Fe--N epsilon bond) and the nature of normal mode containing Fe--N epsilon bond stretching. Upon CO binding, we have observed the nu(Fe--CO) stretching frequencies at 497 (long), 499 (short), and 496 cm-1 (stiff), somewhat lower than those reported by Mitchell et al. (Inorg. Chem., 1985, 24:967) for the chelated-heme X CO complexes (i.e., 501-506 cm-1). This is the first report of an iron-oxygen-associated vibration observed in solution for an unprotected heme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Examination was made of CO binding reactions to four kinds of modified sperm whale myoglobin (Mb), whose heme was reconstituted by iron complexes of synthetic porphyrins such as porphine (Por), meso-tetramethylporphyrin (TMeP), meso-tetraethylporphyrin (TEtP) and meso-tetra(n-propyl)porphyrin (TnPrP), using flash photolysis and stopped-flow methods. The CO association rate was found to be 5- to 20-times and dissociation rate 10- to 36-times accelerated by replacement with synthetic hemes. These features could be explained based on characteristic structures of modified Mbs indicated by X-ray crystallography. The side chain of Arg-45 protruded from the heme vicinity into the solvent region and heme was tilted by interactions of meso-alkyl side chains with surrounding peptides, resulting in the formation of widely opened channels and pockets for ligand passage. These structural features indicate the CO ligand to more easily enter or exit from heme pockets of reconstituted myoglobins, compared to native Mb.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of chemical modifications of the vinyl groups of heme on oxygen and carbon monoxide binding to myoglobin, apomyoglobins from horse heart were reconstituted with six different hemins with various side chains. Laser flash photolysis experiments of these reconstituted myoglobins showed that the combination rate constants for oxygen (k') and carbon monoxide (l') were closely related to the electron-attractive properties of the side chains. The k' values obtained in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, at 20 degrees were 0.83 (meso-), 2.4 (deutero-), 1.1 (reconstituted proto-), 1.2 (native proto-), 1.5 (2-formyl-4-vinyl-), 1.9 (2-vinyl-4-formyl-), and 2.7 X 10(7) M-1 S-1 (2,4-diformylmyoglobins), and the corresponding l' values were 2.8, 18, 4.8, 5.1, 7.1, 15, and 35 X 10(5) M-1 S-1, respectively. These rate constants tend to increase as the electron-withdrawing power of the side chains increases, indicating that reduced electron density of the iron atom of heme in myoglobin favors the combination reaction for both oxygen and carbon monoxide. Equilibrium constants (L) between carbon monoxide and various myoglobins were also determined by measuring the partition coefficients (M) between oxygen and carbon monoxide for the myoglobins, and were also found to be closely related to the electronic properties (pK3 of porphyrin) of the heme side chains. The equilibrium association constants for carbon monoxide thus obtained increased with a decrease in pK3 value of the porphyrin. This order was completely opposite to the case of the oxygen binding reaction. The dissociation rate constants for oxygen (k) and carbon monoxide (l) were calculated from the equilibrium and the combination rate constants. The dissociation rate constants showed a similar characteristic to the combination rate constants and increased with the increase in electron attractivity of heme side chains. The concomitant increase in both the combination and dissociation rate constants with increase in electronegativity of the iron atom suggests that these reactions have different rate determining steps, although such a reaction process is contradictory to the generally accepted concept that in a reversible reaction, both on and off reactions proceed through the same transition state. In the on reaction sigma bond formation appears to be dominant, while in the off reaction eta bond break-up is more important.  相似文献   

NMR studies of chloride binding to the main components of trout blood, Hb Trout I and Hb Trout IV, indicate that although the affinity of chloride is high for both hemoglobins, the characteristics of the binding process are markedly differnet. In Hb Trout IV chemical exchange at the chloride binding site(s) is fast and quadrupole effects determine the linewidth; chloride binding has a definite pH dependence, but there is no significant oxygen linkage. In contrast Hb Trout I represents a unique case of slow chemical exchange, which may depend on unusual stereoche mical characteristics of the chloride binding site; chloride binding is pH independent, but shows a significant oxygen linkage, which may be attributed to changes of the lifetime of chloride at the binding site. The chloride binding properties displayed by Hb Trout I and IV have been compared with those of normal and modified human hemoglobins and discussed in terms of the structural differences in the C- and N-terminal regions of the alpha- and beta-chains.  相似文献   

A thin-layer gas-solution microcalorimeter has been developed to study the binding reactions of gaseous ligands with ligand binding macromolecules. We have measured the enthalpy of binding oxygen and carbon monoxide to horse myoglobin, human hemoglobin A0 and sperm whale myoglobin in phosphate buffer at pH 7.6, with the enzyme reducing system of Hayashi. Reactions of human hemoglobin were also done under various buffer conditions in order to elucidate the Bohr effect. These binding reactions were found not to exhibit a detectable enthalpy change over the temperature range of 10 degrees C to 25 degrees C. The enzyme reducing system was shown to react with oxygen in a manner that releases a substantial amount of heat. This problem was corrected by using a minimum amount and by placing the buffer and enzyme system in the reference cell effectively cancelling the oxygen enzyme reaction heat as well as the heat of gas dissolution. It was also demonstrated that glucose-6-phosphate, one of the reducing system components, in 50 mM concentrations can influence the heat of binding oxygen and carbon monoxide to hemoglobin. This effect was shown to be absent in the myoglobins and also with hemoglobin at glucose-6-phosphate concentrations less than 5 mM.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase (CODH/ACS) is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the reversible reduction of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and the coupled synthesis of acetyl-CoA from the carbon monoxide produced. Exposure of CODH/ACS from Moorella thermoacetica to carbon monoxide gives rise to several infrared bands in the 2100-1900 cm(-1) spectral region that are attributed to the formation of metal-coordinated carbon monoxide species. Infrared bands attributable to M-CO are not detected in the as-isolated enzyme, suggesting that the enzyme does not contain intrinsic metal-coordinated CO ligands. A band detected at 1996 cm(-1) in the CO-flushed enzyme is assigned as arising from CO binding to a metal center in cluster A of the ACS subunit. The frequency of this band is most consistent with it arising from a terminally coordinated Ni(I) carbonyl. Multiple infrared bands at 2078, 2044, 1970, 1959, and 1901 cm(-1) are attributed to CO binding at cluster C of the CODH subunit. All infrared bands attributed to metal carbonyls decay in a time-dependent fashion as CO(2) appears in the solution. These observations are consistent with the enzyme-catalyzed oxidation of carbon monoxide until it is completely depleted from solution during the course of the experiments.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Liophis miliaris and Helicops modestus are water snakes having different respiratory adaptiations to their specific habitats. L. miliaris is more active and spends more time on land than H. modestus. Knowledge of the equilibrium and kinetics of ligand binding to their hemoglobins leads to better understanding of molecular aspects of this adaptation.
  • 2.2. Both snakes contain several hemoglobin types in their blood. Studies on the kinetics of oxygen dissociation and carbon monoxide combination with these hemoglobins were performed by stopped-flow and flash-photolysis experiments at various pH values, both in the presence and absence of adenosine triphosphate.
  • 3.3. The oxygen dissociation kinetics of L. miliaris hemoglobins show a strong pH dependence and cooperative interactions between chains are indicated by autocatalytic time-courses at pH 7.0. In contrast, H. moledstus hemoglobins show nearly pH independent rate constants for oxygen dissociation and cooperative interactions between chains were not apparent. The hemoglobins of H. modestus show increased pH dependence in the presence of adenosine triphosphate.
  • 4.4. The carbon monoxide combination kinetics differ for the hemoglobins of L. miliaris and H. modestus in general agreement with the differences found in the kinetics and equilibria of oxygen binding. Both the kinetic and steady-state difference between these hemoglobins may be advantageous in light of the behavioral differences of these two water snakes.

Two high precision techniques, titration microcalorimetry and thin-layer optical binding measurements, have made possible the evaluation of enthalpy changes for the overall oxygenation reactions for human hemoglobin (HbAo). Although the heat of adding three oxygen molecules could not be evaluated due to the indeterminate contribution of this species to the oxygen binding curve of the protein (Gill, S. J., Di Cera, E., Doyle, M. L., Bishop, G. A., and Robert, C. H. (1987) Biochemistry, 26, 3995-4002), the heats for binding two and four oxygen molecules were found to be simple multiples of the first binding heat. A direct consequence of equal stepwise heats is invariance of the shape of the binding curve with temperature, as pointed out by Wyman (Wyman, J. (1939) J. Biol. Chem. 127, 581-599). Titration microcalorimetry was also performed for the binding of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin. While the tight binding of CO precludes high-precision binding measurements, it does allow one to accurately determine the heat of ligation as a function of the CO bound. In these titrations a uniform heat of reaction is not observed, but the heat of binding increases markedly near the end point. This implies that the stepwise binding enthalpy for adding the third CO molecule is anomalously endothermic and for adding the fourth strongly exothermic. A similar phenomenon cannot be ruled out in the case of oxygen because of imprecision intrinsic in the analysis of the weaker ligand binding.  相似文献   

The vibrational bands of carbon monoxide bound to hemes or metal surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Infrared spectra of imidazole carbonyl complexes of 2,4-substituted hemes are presented. An increased CO stretch frequency is accompanied by a lowered FeC vibrational energy. Hartree-Fock-Slater electron structure calculations discern pi and sigma contributions to the observed shifts of vibrational energies. We conclude that an enhanced electron availability manifests itself as a lowered ferric/ferrous reduction potential, increased filling of the 2 pi orbital of liganded CO which in turn reduces nu CO and increases nu Fec, and increased basicity of the liganded CO. Analogies between CO liganded to heme and CO adsorbed onto metal surfaces are discussed.  相似文献   

Physicochemical studies on the binding of etomidate, a fast acting anaesthetic, with lipid bilayers have been carried out. ESR spin labeling studies indicate that the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) vesicles retains its cooperative nature on incorporation of the anaesthetic. For a 5:1 lipid to drug molar ratio, the phase transition occurs at an unusually lower temperature than those observed with other drug-DPPC systems. Results of 13C NMR and 1H NOE experiments suggest that the drug molecules reside in the close proximity of the terminal of hydrocarbon chains of the lipid molecules. 31P NMR and Electron Microscopic experiments indicate that the presence of etomidate alters the normal lamellar structure of DPPC vesicles into hexagonal (HII) type. Based on these observations, a model for drug-lipid binding has been proposed.  相似文献   

Fructose and glutamate metabolism was monitored in cell suspensions of streptomyces parvulus by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. The experiments were performed for cells grown with various 13C sources in a growth medium containing D-[U-13C]fructose, L-[13C]glutamate, or L-[U-13C]aspartate and with nonlabeled precursors to compare intracellular pools in S. parvulus cells at different periods of the cell life cycle. The transport of fructose into the cells was biphasic in nature; during rapid transport, mannitol, fructose, and glucose 6-phosphate were accumulated intracellularly, whereas during the passive diffusion of fructose, the intracellular carbohydrate pool comprised mainly trehalose (1,1'-alpha-alpha-D-glucose). The regulation of fructokinase activity by the intracellular intermediates may play an important role in fructose catabolism in S. parvulus. Transaldolase activity in S. parvulus was determined from the 13C nuclear magnetic resonance labeling pattern of trehalose carbons obtained from cells grown in medium containing either L-[U-13C]aspartate or L-[U-13C]glutamate. Only carbons 4, 5, and 6 of the disaccharide were labeled. Isotopomer analysis of the trehalose carbons led us to conclude that the flux through the reverse glycolytic pathway, condensation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate with dihydroxyacetone phosphate, makes at best a minor contribution to the 13C-labeled glucose units observed in trehalose. The pentose pathway and transaldolase activity can explain the labeling pattern of 4,5,6-13C3 of trehalose. Moreover, the transfer of the 13C label of L-[U-13C]aspartate into the different isotopomers of trehalose C4, C5, and C6 by the transaldolase activity allowed us to calculate the relative fluxes from oxaloacetate via gluconeogenesis and through the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The ratio of the two fluxes is approximately 1. However, the main carbon source for trehalose synthesis in S. parvulus is fructose and not glutamate or aspartate. The 13C enrichment and isotopomer population, measured by nuclear magnetic resonance and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, of the actinomycin D peptide ring enabled us to specify the origins of the five amino acids of actinomycin D. Threonine and proline exhibited isotopomer populations similar to that of the extracellular L-[13C]glutamate, indicating that protein catabolism is the origin of their 13C label, whereas the isotopomer populations of sarcosine and N-methylvaline were similar to those of the new intracellular pool of S. parvulus that originated from D-[U-13C]fructose during the production of actinomycin D.  相似文献   

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