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Investigations on the impact of chemicals on the environment and human health have led to the development of an exposome concept. The exposome refers to the totality of exposures received by a person during life, including exposures to life-style factors, from the prenatal period to death. The exposure to genotoxic chemicals and their reactive metabolites can induce chemical modifications of DNA, such as, for example, DNA adducts, which have been extensively studied and which play a key role in chemically induced carcinogenesis. Development of different methods for the identification of DNA adducts has led to adopting DNA adductomic approaches. The ability to simultaneously detect multiple PAH-derived DNA adducts may allow for the improved assessment of exposure, and offer a mechanistic insight into the carcinogenic process following exposure to PAH mixtures. The major advantage of measuring chemical-specific DNA adducts is the assessment of a biologically effective dose. This review provides information about the occurrence of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their influence on human exposure and biological effects, including PAH-derived DNA adduct formation and repair processes. Selected methods used for determination of DNA adducts have been presented.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as benzo(a)pyrene (BP) are ubiquitous environmental carcinogenic contaminants exerting deleterious effects toward cells acting in the immune defense such as monocytic cells. To investigate the cellular basis involved, we have examined the consequences of PAH exposure on macrophagic differentiation of human blood monocytes. Treatment by BP markedly inhibited the formation of adherent macrophagic cells deriving from monocytes upon the action of either GM-CSF or M-CSF. Moreover, it reduced expression of macrophagic phenotypic markers such as CD71 and CD64 in GM-CSF-treated monocytic cells, without altering cell viability or inducing an apoptotic process. Exposure to BP also strongly altered functional properties characterizing macrophagic cells such as endocytosis, phagocytosis, LPS-triggered production of TNF-alpha and stimulation of allogeneic lymphocyte proliferation. Moreover, formation of adherent macrophagic cells was decreased in response to PAHs distinct from BP such as dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and 3-methylcholanthrene, which interact, like BP, with the arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) known to mediate many PAH effects. In contrast, benzo(e)pyrene, a PAH not activating AhR, had no effect. In addition, AhR was demonstrated to be present and functional in cultured monocytic cells, and the use of its antagonist alpha-naphtoflavone counteracted inhibitory effects of BP toward macrophagic differentiation. Overall, these data demonstrate that exposure to PAHs inhibits functional in vitro differentiation of blood monocytes into macrophages, likely through an AhR-dependent mechanism. Such an effect may contribute to the immunotoxicity of these environmental carcinogens owing to the crucial role played by macrophages in the immune defense.  相似文献   

The design and synthesis of a potentially more therapeutically-viable azinomycin analogue 4 based upon 3 has been completed. It involved coupling of a piperidine mustard to the acid chloride of the azinomycin chromophore. Both the designed azinomycin analogue 4 and the natural product 3 bind to DNA and cause unwinding, supporting an intercalative mode of binding.  相似文献   

Ross JA  Nesnow S 《Mutation research》1999,424(1-2):155-166
This review describes a series of studies on the tumorigenic activities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in various experimental animal model systems, their abilities to form PAH-DNA adducts in target tissues, and their abilities to mutate ras oncogenes in PAH-induced tumors. The review is limited to those PAHs that do not contain nitrogen, for which ras mutations have been detected in induced tumors, and for which some information is available about the structures of the DNA adducts induced in the target tissue. In general, PAHs that form DNA adducts at deoxyadenosine induce mutations at codon 61, whereas those PAHs that form DNA adducts at deoxyguanosine primarily induce mutations at codons 12 or 13. Those PAHs that induce adducts at both bases induce both types of mutations. These correlations provide evidence for the involvement of adduct-directed mutations in ras in the etiology of these tumors. The induced mutation spectra in ras may in fact point back to the identity of the type of adduct formed.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the diet.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
D H Phillips 《Mutation research》1999,443(1-2):139-147
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), of which benzo[a]pyrene is the most commonly studied and measured, are formed by the incomplete combustion of organic matter. They are widely distributed in the environment and human exposure to them is unavoidable. A number of them, such as benzo[a]pyrene, are carcinogenic and mutagenic, and they are widely believed to make a substantial contribution to the overall burden of cancer in humans. Their presence in the environment is reflected in their presence at detectable levels in many types of uncooked food. In addition, cooking processes can generate PAHs in food. PAHs can also be formed during the curing and processing of raw food prior to cooking. Several studies have been carried out to determine the levels of exposure to PAHs from representative human diets, and the proportion of the overall burden of environmental exposure to PAHs that is attributable to the diet. In most cases, it is concluded that diet is the major source of human exposure to PAHs. The major dietary sources of PAHs are cereals and vegetables, rather than meat, except where there is high consumption of meat cooked over an open flame. More recently, biomonitoring procedures have been developed to assess human exposure to PAHs and these have also indicated that diet is a major source of exposure. Exposure to nitro-PAHs through food consumption appears to be very low.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: environmental pollution and bioremediation   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widely distributed and relocated in the environment as a result of the incomplete combustion of organic matter. Many PAHs and their epoxides are highly toxic, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic to microorganisms as well as to higher systems including humans. Although various physicochemical methods have been used to remove these compounds from our environment, they have many limitations. Xenobiotic-degrading microorganisms have tremendous potential for bioremediation but new modifications are required to make such microorganisms effective and efficient in removing these compounds, which were once thought to be recalcitrant. Metabolic engineering might help to improve the efficiency of degradation of toxic compounds by microorganisms. However, efficiency of naturally occurring microorganisms for field bioremediation could be significantly improved by optimizing certain factors such as bioavailability, adsorption and mass transfer. Chemotaxis could also have an important role in enhancing biodegradation of pollutants. Here, we discuss the problems of PAH pollution and PAH degradation, and relevant bioremediation efforts.  相似文献   

Aromatic molecules delivered to the young Earth during the heavy bombardment phase in the early history of our solar system were likely to be among the most abundant and stable organic compounds available. The Aromatic World hypothesis suggests that aromatic molecules might function as container elements, energy transduction elements and templating genetic components for early life forms. To investigate the possible role of aromatic molecules as container elements, we incorporated different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the membranes of fatty acid vesicles. The goal was to determine whether PAH could function as a stabilizing agent, similar to the role that cholesterol plays in membranes today. We studied vesicle size distribution, critical vesicle concentration and permeability of the bilayers using C(6)-C(10) fatty acids mixed with amphiphilic PAH derivatives such as 1-hydroxypyrene, 9-anthracene carboxylic acid and 1,4 chrysene quinone. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) spectroscopy was used to measure the size distribution of vesicles and incorporation of PAH species was established by phase-contrast and epifluorescence microscopy. We employed conductimetric titration to determine the minimal concentration at which fatty acids could form stable vesicles in the presence of PAHs. We found that oxidized PAH derivatives can be incorporated into decanoic acid (DA) vesicle bilayers in mole ratios up to 1:10 (PAH:DA). Vesicle size distribution and critical vesicle concentration were largely unaffected by PAH incorporation, but 1-hydroxypyrene and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid lowered the permeability of fatty acid bilayers to small solutes up to 4-fold. These data represent the first indication of a cholesterol-like stabilizing effect of oxidized PAH derivatives in a simulated prebiotic membrane.  相似文献   

Frignani  M.  Bellucci  L. G.  Favotto  M.  Albertazzi  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):283-290
Three sediment cores were collected in the Venice Lagoon: two from mud flats (E, F) and one from the San Giuliano Canal (I1), which borders the industrial district. Samples were analysed for the 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) listed as priority pollutants by the U.S. EPA. Sediment chronologies were established using both 137Cs and 210Pb activity-depth profiles, and confirmed by independent information. The highest levels of PAHs, up to 16,474 g kg–1, characterise the sediment from the industrial canal. In lagoon sediments maximums were 618–1,531 g kg–1, while surficial values were 315 and 810 g kg–1. Dated concentration-depth profiles suggest that highest inputs occurred in the first half of last century and were followed by significant decreases. The industrial activities played a major role in the PAH contamination of lagoon sediments, as suggested by the high concentration gradients in the study area. The main source, based on the information provided by the relative abundance of congeners, is represented by high temperature combustion processes. Petrogenic sources may have influenced some samples, whereas the effects of selective transport and diagenesis are difficult to assess. The sediment of the industrial canal has the potential to occasionally cause adverse effects in sensitive species.  相似文献   

Approximately 2% of the DNA of the mouse genome reassociates at infinitely low C 0 t values, 10-7 to 10-6 moles 1-1 s. The melting profile of the reassociation product, which is resistant to nuclease S1 digestion, has been characterized by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The properties of these nuclease resistant sequences suggest that they exist as DNA-hairpins and that they originate from reverted base sequences within the genome.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals in seawater and sediment in Kostrena coastal area, as well as their toxicity using bioluminescence based tests. Total PAH concentration in seawater ranged 1.7-155.3 ng/L. The share of carcinogenetic PAH was relatively high, ranging 22-48.3%. Nickel concentrations in seawater were beyond detection limits (< 0.1 microg/L), vanadium concentrations ranged 0.66-1.96 microg/L, chrome concentrations were beyond detection limits, and copper concentrations were also beyond detection limits or extremely low (up to 0.32 microg/L). EC50 values in seawater ranged 23.80-90.90 ng/L. Correlation between total PAH concentration and toxicity of seawater showed strong connection between them (r = 0.9579). Total PAH concentration in marine sediment ranged 58.02-1116 microg/kg dry weight (d.w.). The share of carcinogenetic PAH was extremely high ranging 10-53%. Nickel concentrations in marine sediment ranged 8-24 mg/kg d.w., vanadium concentrations ranged 24-42 mg/kg d.w., chrome concentrations ranged 11-19 mg/kg d.w., and copper concentrations ranged 7-25 mg/kg d.w. EC50 values in marine sediment ranged 818-4596 microg/kg d.w. Correlation between total PAH concentration and toxicity of marine sediment showed weak connection between them (r = 0.2590). Previous studies of seawater samples from areas of the Adriatic sea under the direct influence of oil industry did not include concentrations of heavy metals, which makes our study the first to present such comprehensive results. Our results point out the need for further evaluations and following of marine environment pollution and its consequences on living organisms and marine ecosystem in whole.  相似文献   

微生物降解多环芳烃的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
多环芳烃是一类长久存在于环境中,具有毒性、致突变与致癌等特性的环境优先污染物。本文对降解多环芳烃的微生物类群进行了阐述,介绍了在土壤与厌氧条件下细菌降解多环芳烃的研究情况,最后介绍了降解多环芳烃的相关酶类以及分子生物学的研究,并对消除环境中多环芳烃的相关生物技术提出展望。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as benzo(a)pyrene (BP) are environmental carcinogens exhibiting potent immunosuppressive properties. To determine the cellular bases of this immunotoxicity, we have studied the effects of PAHs on differentiation, maturation, and function of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). Exposure to BP during monocyte differentiation into DC upon the action of GM-CSF and IL-4 markedly inhibited the up-regulation of markers found in DC such as CD1a, CD80, and CD40, without altering cell viability. Besides BP, PAHs such as dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and benzanthracene also strongly altered CD1a levels. Moreover, DC generated in the presence of BP displayed decreased endocytic activity. Features of LPS-mediated maturation of DC, such as CD83 up-regulation and IL-12 secretion, were also impaired in response to BP treatment. BP-exposed DC poorly stimulated T cell proliferation in mixed leukocyte reactions compared with their untreated counterparts. In contrast to BP, the halogenated arylhydrocarbon 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, which shares some features with PAHs, including interaction with the arylhydrocarbon receptor, failed to phenotypically alter differentiation of monocytes into DC, suggesting that binding to the arylhydrocarbon receptor cannot mimic PAH effects on DC. Overall, these data demonstrate that exposure to PAHs inhibits in vitro functional differentiation and maturation of blood monocyte-derived DC. Such an effect may contribute to the immunotoxicity of these environmental contaminants due to the major role that DC play as potent APC in the development of the immune response.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to examine the impact of vehicular traffic on the contamination status of urban traffic sites in Beijing with respect to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The soil and Pinus pinea needle samples were collected at 12 sites on Three Ring Road in Beijing, China, from July 2009 to March 2010. Total PAH concentrations at traffic sites ranged from 113.86 to 2226.24 ng g?1 with an average value of 658.71 ± 742.41 ng g?1 in soil samples and 112.03 to 2016.80ng g?1 with an average value of 680.29 ± 485.61 ng g?1 in needle samples. The PAH pattern was dominated by two- and three-ring PAHs (contributing >80% to the total PAHs) at all the 12 traffic sites. Seasonal variations of PAHs compounds indicated the PAHs concentrations in autumn and winter were higher than those in spring and summer due to temperature effects. This work indicates that the low ring PAHs were the major profile at the roadside of a busy street with heavy traffic in Beijing.  相似文献   

S A Chow  S K Chiu  B C Wong 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):157-161
RecA protein promotes homologous pairing and symmetrical strand exchange between partially single-stranded duplex DNA and fully duplex molecules. We constructed circular gapped DNA with a defined gap length and studied the pairing reaction between the gapped substrate and fully duplex DNA. RecA protein polymerizes onto the single-stranded and duplex regions of the gapped DNA to form a nucleoprotein filament. The formation of such filaments requires a stoichiometric amount of RecA protein. Both the rate and yield of joint molecule formation were reduced when the pairing reaction was carried out in the presence of a sub-saturating amount of RecA protein. The amount of RecA protein required for optimal pairing corresponds to the binding site size of RecA protein at saturation on duplex DNA. The result suggests that in the 4-stranded system the single-stranded as well as the duplex regions are involved in pairing. By using fully duplex DNA that shares different lengths and regions of homology with the gapped molecule, we directly showed that the duplex region of the gapped DNA increased both the rate and yield of joint molecule formation. The present study indicates that even though strand exchange in the 4-stranded system must require the presence of a single-stranded region, the pairing that occurs in duplex regions between DNA molecules is functionally significant and contributes to the overall activity of the gapped DNA.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to prepare the bio-crudes from agricultural wastes (i.e., rice straw, rice husk, sugarcane bagasse and coconut shell) by using induction-heating pyrolysis at specified conditions. The quantitative analysis of 21 priority pollutant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bio-crudes examined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) revealed that the PAHs in bio-crudes were primarily dominant in the low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs, including naphthalene (1.10-2.45 mg/L) and acenaphthene (0.72-7.61 mg/L). However, by considering carcinogenic potency, the bio-crudes from rice husk and sugarcane bagasse contained higher contents of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) (0.52 and 0.92 mg/L, respectively) as compared to those from rice straw and coconut shell.  相似文献   

The major photoproduct formed between benzo[a]pyrene and thymine is identified as 1-(benzo[a]pyren-6-yl)-thymine by means of spectroscopic analysis and isotopic syntheses. Irradiation of 1-methylcytosine hydrochloride and anthracene gives two isolable photoproducts of which one is assigned the structure 5-(anthracen-9-yl)-1-methylcytosine.  相似文献   

Novel 1,3,9-trisubstituted beta-carboline derivatives were found to exhibit DNA photocleavage properties under visible light irradiation in a cell-free system, which could be reduced by antioxidant vitamin E. Their photo-cytotoxicity to human tumor cell line HeLa was confirmed, in which apoptosis only contributed a small part to the cell death, and necrosis was the dominating outcome of HeLa cells in photodynamic therapy (PDT) using beta-carboline derivatives. Different from other clinical PDT drugs, beta-carboline derivatives were demonstrated to be able to distribute in the nucleus and intercalate into DNA, and consequently cause direct DNA damage by photochemical reaction products in PDT, which was proved by the distinct DNA tails in the comet assay and the considerable amount of DNA damaged cells quantified by flow cytometry. This mechanism could be the explanation for the delay of cell proliferation at DNA synthesis and mitosis.  相似文献   

Agrocybe sp. CU-43, a white-rot fungus isolated from Thailand, showed a high potential for degrading both low- and high-molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. At 100 ppm fluorene was degraded by 99% within six days while at the same concentration 99 and 92% degradation of phenanthrene and anthracene, respectively, occurred in 21 days, and fluoranthene and pyrene were reduced by 80 and 75%, respectively, in 30 days. In a soil model, Agrocybe sp. CU-43 completely degraded 250 ppm fluorene at room temperature within four weeks. Laccase and manganese peroxidase activities, but not lignin peroxidase activity, were detected during the biodegradation of fluorene. Two of the metabolites from fluorene degradation by the fungus were identified via reversed-phase HPLC as 9-fluorenol and 9-fluorenone, the less toxic intermediates of fluorene. However, 9-fluorenol is not an end product for the degradation. These results suggest that fluorene degradation by Agrocybe sp. CU-43 may take place via the same pathway(s) employed by other ligninolytic and non-ligninolytic fungi. This is the first report of fluorene biodegradation by a fungus belonging to the genus Agrocybe.  相似文献   

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