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A flavoprotein from Rhodobacter capsulatus was purified as a recombinant (His)6-tag fusion from an Escherichia coli clone over-expressing the fprA structural gene. The FprA protein is a homodimer containing one molecule of FMN per 48-kDa monomer. Reduction of the flavoprotein by dithionite showed biphasic kinetics, starting with a fast step of semiquinone (SQ) formation, and followed by a slow reduction of the SQ. This SQ was in the anionic form as shown by EPR and optical spectroscopies. Spectrophotometric titration gave a midpoint redox potential for the oxidized/SQ couple of Em1 = +20 mV (pH 8.0), whereas the SQ/hydroquinone couple could not be titrated due to the thermodynamic instability of SQ associated with its slow reduction process. The inability to detect the intermediate form, SQ, upon oxidative titration confirmed this instability and led to an estimate of Em2 - Em1 of > 80 mV. The reduction of SQ by dithionite was significantly accelerated when the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin FdIV was used as redox mediator. The midpoint redox potential of this ferredoxin was determined to be -275 +/- 2 mV at pH 7.5, consistent with FdIV serving as electron donor to FprA in vivo. FdIV and FprA were found to cross-react when incubated together with the 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, giving a covalent complex with an Mr of approximately 60 000. Formation of this complex was unaffected by the redox states of the two proteins. Other [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins, including FdV and FdVI from R. capsulatus, were ineffective as electron carriers to FprA, and cross-reacted poorly with the flavoprotein. The possible function of FprA with regard to nitrogen fixation was investigated using an fprA-deleted mutant. Although nitrogenase activity was significantly reduced in the mutant compared with the wild-type strain, nitrogen fixation was apparently unaffected by the fprA deletion even under iron limitation or microaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli contains a soluble, [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin of unknown function (Knoell, H.-E., and Knappe, J. (1974) Eur. J. Biochem. 50, 245-252). Using antiserum to the purified protein to screen E. coli genomic expression libraries, we have cloned a gene (designated fdx) encoding this protein. The DNA sequence of the gene predicts a polypeptide of 110 residues after removal of the initiator methionine (polypeptide M(r) = 12,186, holoprotein M(r) = 12,358). The deduced amino acid sequence is strikingly similar to those of the ferredoxins found in animal mitochondria which function with cytochrome P450 enzymes and to the ferredoxin from Pseudomonas putida which functions with P450cam. The overall sequence identity is approximately 36% when compared with human mitochondrial and P. putida ferredoxins, and the identities include 4 cysteine residues proposed to coordinate the iron cluster. The protein was overproduced approximately 500-fold using an expression plasmid, and the holoprotein was assembled and accumulated in amounts exceeding 30% of the total cell protein. The overexpressed ferredoxin exhibits absorption, circular dichroism, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra closely resembling those of the animal ferredoxins and P. putida ferredoxin.  相似文献   

Different strategies have been used to express synthetic genes all encoding Clostridium pasteurianum 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin (Fd) in Escherichia coli. The polypeptide can be produced as the C-terminal addition to a hybrid Cro::Protein A fusion protein lacking the metallic centers. The incorporation of the [4Fe-4S] clusters into the cleaved apoFd cannot be carried out in the same conditions as those affording holoFd from purified C. pasteurianum apoFd. In contrast, fully functional Fds can be produced from non-fused synthetic genes under the dependence of strong promoters. The yields of recombinant Fd, although sufficient to purify significant quantities of protein, are limited by the very short half-life of the 2[4Fe-4S] Fd in E. coli, irrespective of the expression system used. These features are characteristic of 2[4Fe-4S] Fds when compared with the far more stable recombinant rubredoxin, and probably other small iron-sulfur proteins which have already been produced in high yields. The reasons for the high turnover of 2[4Fe-4S] Fds are discussed.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the exact sequence of Clostridium pasteurianum 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin and containing 11 unique restriction endonuclease cleavage sites has been synthesized and cloned in Escherichia coli. The synthetic gene is efficiently expressed in E. coli and its product has been purified and characterized. The N-terminal sequence is identical to that of the protein isolated from C. pasteurianum and the recombinant ferredoxin contains the exact amount of [4Fe-4S] clusters (2 per monomer) expected for homogeneous holoferredoxin. It displays reduction potential and kinetic parameters as electron donor to C. pasteurianum hydrogenase I identical to those determined for the native ferredoxin. All of these properties demonstrate that the 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin expressed in E. coli is identical to the parent clostridial protein.  相似文献   

The 2.3 A resolution crystal structure of a [2Fe-2S] cluster containing ferredoxin from Aquifex aeolicus reveals a thioredoxin-like fold that is novel among iron-sulfur proteins. The [2Fe-2S] cluster is located near the surface of the protein, at a site corresponding to that of the active-site disulfide bridge in thioredoxin. The four cysteine ligands are located near the ends of two surface loops. Two of these ligands can be substituted by non-native cysteine residues introduced throughout a stretch of the polypeptide chain that forms a protruding loop extending away from the cluster. The presence of homologs of this ferredoxin as components of more complex anaerobic and aerobic electron transfer systems indicates that this is a versatile fold for biological redox processes.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutants of Escherichia coli fumarate reductase in which FrdB Cys204, Cys210, and Cys214 were individually replaced by Ser and in which Val207 was replaced by Cys were constructed and overexpressed in a strain of E. coli lacking a wild-type copy of fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase. The consequences of these mutations on bacterial growth, enzymatic activity, and the EPR properties of the constituent iron-sulfur clusters were investigated. The FrdB Cys204Ser, Cys210Ser, and Cys214Ser mutations result in enzymes with negligible activity that have dissociated from the membrane and consequently are incapable of supporting cell growth under conditions requiring a functional fumarate reductase. EPR studies indicate that these effects are associated with loss of both the [3Fe-4S] and [4Fe-4S] clusters, centers 3 and 2, respectively. In contrast, the FrdB Val207Cys mutation results in a functional membrane-bound enzyme that is able to support growth under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. However, EPR studies indicate that the indigenous [3Fe-4S]+,0 cluster (Em = -70 mV), center 3, has been replaced by a much lower potential [4Fe-4S]2+,+ cluster (Em = -350 mV), indicating that the primary sequence of the polypeptide determines the type of clusters assembled. The results of these studies afford new insights into the role of centers 2 and 3 in mediating electron transfer from menaquinol, the residues that ligate these clusters, and the intercluster magnetic interactions in the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

L-Serine deaminases catalyze the deamination of L-serine, producing pyruvate and ammonia. Two families of these proteins have been described and are delineated by the cofactor that each employs in catalysis. These are the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent deaminases and the deaminases that are activated in vitro by iron and dithiothreitol. In contrast to the enzymes that employ pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, detailed physical and mechanistic characterization of the iron-dependent deaminases is limited, primarily because of their extreme instability. We report here the characterization of L-serine deaminase from Escherichia coli, which is the product of the sdaA gene. When purified anaerobically, the isolated protein contains 1.86 +/- 0.46 eq of iron and 0.670 +/- 0.019 eq of sulfide per polypeptide and displays a UV-visible spectrum that is consistent with a [4Fe-4S] cluster. Reconstitution of the protein with iron and sulfide generates considerably more of the cluster, and treatment of the reconstituted protein with dithionite gives rise to an axial EPR spectrum, displaying g axially = 2.03 and g radially = 1.93. M?ssbauer spectra of the (57)Fe-reconstituted protein reveal that the majority of the iron is in the form of [4Fe-4S](2+) clusters, as evidenced by the typical M?ssbauer parameters-isomer shift, delta = 0.47 mm/s, quadrupole splitting of Delta E(Q) = 1.14 mm/s, and a diamagnetic (S = 0) ground state. Treatment of the dithionite-reduced protein with L-serine results in a slight broadening of the feature at g = 2.03 in the EPR spectrum of the protein, and a dramatic loss in signal intensity, suggesting that the amino acid interacts directly with the cluster.  相似文献   

The ferredoxin of the extreme haloarchaeon Halobacterium salinarum requires high (>2 M) concentration of salt for its stability. We have used a variety of spectroscopic probes for identifying the structural elements which necessitate the presence of high salt for its stability. Titration of either the fluorescence intensity of the tryptophan residues or the circular dichroism (CD) at 217 nm with salt has identified a structural form at low (<0.1 M) concentration of salt. This structural form (L) exhibits increased solvent exposure of W side chain(s) and decreased level of secondary structure compared to the native (N) protein at high concentrations of salt. The L-form, however, contains significantly higher levels of both secondary and tertiary structures compared to the form (U) found in highly denaturing conditions such as 8 M urea. The structural integrity of the L-form was highly pH dependent while that of N- or U-form was not. The pH dependence of either fluorescence intensity or CD of the L-form showed the presence of two apparent pK values: approximately 5 and approximately 10. The structural integrity of the L-form at low (<5) pH was very similar to that of the N-form. However, titration with denaturants showed that the low pH L-form is significantly less stable than the N-form. The increased destabilization of the L-form with the increase in pH was interpreted to be due to mutual Coulombic repulsion of carboxylate side chains (pK approximately 6) and due to the disruption of salt bridge(s) between ionized carboxylates and protonated amino groups (pK approximately 10). Estimation of solvent accessibility of W residues by fluorescence quenching, and measurement of decay kinetics of fluorescence intensity and anisotropy strongly support the above model. Polylysine interacted stoichiometrically with the L-form of ferredoxin resulting in nativelike structure. In conclusion, our studies show that high concentration of salt stabilizes the haloarchaeal ferredoxin in two ways: (i) neutralization of Coulombic repulsion among carboxyl groups of the acidic residues, and (ii) salting out of hydrophobic residues leading to their burial and stronger interaction.  相似文献   

Redox titrations of the iron-sulphur clusters in fumarate reductase purified from Escherichia coli, monitored by ESR spectroscopy, identified three redox events, similar to those observed in other fumarate reductases and succinate dehydrogenases: Centre 1, a [2Fe-2S] cluster, at g = 2.03, 1.93, appeared on reduction with Em = -20 mV. Centre 3, probably a [3Fe-xS] cluster, at g = 2.02 appeared in the oxidized state with Em = -70 mV. Centre 2 has been observed as an increase in the electron-spin relaxation of Centre 1. It titrates as an n = 1 species with Em = -320 mV, but in our hands did not appear to contribute significant intensity to the g = 2.03, 1.93 signal. It therefore appears to be an additional centre which undergoes spin-spin interaction with Centre 1. The reduction of Centre 2 coincided with the appearance of an extremely broad ESR spectrum, observed at temperatures below 20 K, with features at g = 2.17, 1.9, 1.68. The broad signal was observed in both soluble and membrane-bound preparations. Its midpoint potential was -320 mV. Its integrated intensity was approximately equal to that of Centre 1, if its broad outer wings were taken into account. Consideration of the ESR properties of this signal, together with the amino acid sequence of the frdB subunit of the enzyme, indicates that Centre 2 is a [4Fe-4S] cluster which, in its reduced state, enhances the spin relaxation of the [2Fe-2S] Centre 1.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin from Chromatium vinosum has been solved by molecular replacement using data recorded with synchrotron radiation. The crystals were hexagonal prisms that showed a strong tendency to develop into long tubes. The hexagonal prisms diffracted to 2.1 A resolution at best, and a structural model for C. vinosum ferredoxin has been built with a final R of 19.2%. The N-terminal domain coordinates the two [4Fe-4S] clusters in a fold that is almost identical to that of other known ferredoxins. However, the structure has two unique features. One is a six-residue insertion between two ligands of one cluster forming a two-turn external loop; this short loop changes the conformation of the Cys 40 ligand compared to other ferredoxins and hampers the building of one NH...S H-bond to one of the inorganic sulfurs. The other remarkable structural element is a 3.5-turn alpha-helix at the C-terminus that covers one side of the same cluster and is linked to the cluster-binding domain by a six-residue external chain segment. The charge distribution is highly asymmetric over the molecule. The structure of C. vinosum ferredoxin strongly suggests divergent evolution for bacterial [3/4Fe-4S] ferredoxins from a common ancestral cluster-binding core. The unexpected slow intramolecular electron transfer rate between the clusters in C. vinosum ferredoxin, compared to other similar proteins, may be attributed to the unusual electronic properties of one of the clusters arising from localized changes in its vicinity rather than to a global structural rearrangement.  相似文献   

The use of standard 2D NMR experiments in combination with 1D NOE experiments allowed the assignment of 51 of the 58 spin systems of oxidised [3Fe-4S] ferredoxin isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas. The NMR solution structure was determined using data from 1D NOE and 2D NOESY spectra, as distance constraints, and information from the X-ray structure for the spin systems not detected by NMR in torsion angle dynamics calculations to produce a family of 15 low target function structures. The quality of the NMR family, as judged by the backbone r.m.s.d. values, was good (0.80?Å), with the majority of φ/ψ angles falling within the allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. A comparison with the X-ray structure indicated that the overall global fold is very similar in solution and in the solid state. The determination of the solution structure of ferredoxin II (FdII) in the oxidised state (FdIIox) opens the way for the determination of the solution structure of the redox intermediate state of FdII (FdIIint), for which no X-ray structure is available.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The complete amino acid sequence of the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from the saccharolytic anaerobe Clostridium pasteurianum has been determined by automated Edman degradation of the whole protein and of peptides obtained by tryptic and by staphylococcal protease digestion. The polypeptide chain consists of 102 amino acids, including 5 cysteine residues in positions 11, 14, 24, 56, and 60. The sequence has been analyzed for hydrophilicity and for secondary structure predictions. In its native state the protein is a dimer, each subunit containing one [2Fe-2S] cluster, and it has a molecular weight of 23,174, including the four iron and inorganic sulfur atoms. The extinction coefficient of the native protein is 19,400 M-1 cm-1 at 463 nm. The positions of the cysteine residues, four of which are most probably the ligands of the [2Fe-2S] cluster, on the polypeptide chain of this protein are very different from those found in other [2Fe-2S] proteins, and in other ferredoxins in general. In addition, whole sequence comparisons of the [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from C. pasteurianum with a number of other ferredoxins did not reveal any significant homologies. The likely occurrence of several phylogenetically unrelated ferredoxin families is discussed in the light of these observations.  相似文献   

Aquifex aeolicus is the only hyperthermophile that is known to contain a plant- and mammalian-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin (Aae Fd1). This unique protein contains two cysteines, in addition to the four that act as ligands of the [2Fe-2S] cluster, which form a disulfide bridge. We have investigated the stability of Aae Fd1 with (wild-type) and without (C87A variant) the disulfide bond, with respect to pH, thermal and chemical perturbation, and compared the results to those for the mesophilic [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from spinach. Unfolding reactions of all three proteins are irreversible due to cluster decomposition in the unfolded state. Wild-type and C87A Aae Fd1 proteins are extremely stable: unfolding at 20 degrees C requires high concentrations of the chemical denaturant and long incubation times. Moreover, their thermal-unfolding midpoints are 40-50 degrees higher than that for spinach ferredoxin (pH 7). The stability of the Aae Fd1 protein is significantly lower at pH 2.5 than pH 7 and 10, suggesting that ionic interactions play a role in structural integrity. Interestingly, the iron-sulfur cluster in C87A Aae Fd1 rearranges into a transient species with absorption bands at 520 and 610 nm, presumably a linear three-iron cluster, in the high-pH unfolded state.  相似文献   

Duan X  Yang J  Ren B  Tan G  Ding H 《The Biochemical journal》2009,417(3):783-789
Although the NO (nitric oxide)-mediated modification of iron-sulfur proteins has been well-documented in bacteria and mammalian cells, specific reactivity of NO with iron-sulfur proteins still remains elusive. In the present study, we report the first kinetic characterization of the reaction between NO and iron-sulfur clusters in protein using the Escherichia coli IlvD (dihydroxyacid dehydratase) [4Fe-4S] cluster as an example. Combining a sensitive NO electrode with EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy and an enzyme activity assay, we demonstrate that NO is rapidly consumed by the IlvD [4Fe-4S] cluster with the concomitant formation of the IlvD-bound DNIC (dinitrosyl-iron complex) and inactivation of the enzyme activity under anaerobic conditions. The rate constant for the initial reaction between NO and the IlvD [4Fe-4S] cluster is estimated to be (7.0+/-2.0)x10(6) M(-2) x s(-1) at 25 degrees C, which is approx. 2-3 times faster than that of the NO autoxidation by O2 in aqueous solution. Addition of GSH failed to prevent the NO-mediated modification of the IlvD [4Fe-4S] cluster regardless of the presence of O2 in the medium, further suggesting that NO is more reactive with the IlvD [4Fe-4S] cluster than with GSH or O2. Purified aconitase B [4Fe-4S] cluster from E. coli has an almost identical NO reactivity as the IlvD [4Fe-4S] cluster. However, the reaction between NO and the endonuclease III [4Fe-4S] cluster is relatively slow, apparently because the [4Fe-4S] cluster in endonuclease III is less accessible to solvent than those in IlvD and aconitase B. When E. coli cells containing recombinant IlvD, aconitase B or endonuclease III are exposed to NO using the Silastic tubing NO delivery system under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, the [4Fe-4S] clusters in IlvD and aconitase B, but not in endonuclease III, are efficiently modified forming the protein-bound DNICs, confirming that NO has a higher reactivity with the [4Fe-4S] clusters in IlvD and aconitase B than with O2 or GSH. The results suggest that the iron-sulfur clusters in proteins such as IlvD and aconitase B may constitute the primary targets of the NO cytotoxicity under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

A [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin (Fd1) from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus has been obtained by heterologous expression of the encoding gene in Escherichia coli. Sequence comparisons show that this protein belongs to the extended family of plant- and mammalian-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins but also indicate that it is not closely similar to either the plant-type or mammalian-type subfamilies. Instead, it appears to bear some similarity to novel members of this family, in particular the Isc-type ferredoxins involved in the assembly of iron-sulfur clusters in vivo. The two redox levels of the [2Fe-2S](2+/+) metal site of A. aeolicus ferredoxin have been studied by UV-visible, resonance Raman, EPR, variable temperature magnetic circular dichroism, and M?ssbauer spectroscopies. A full-spin Hamiltonian analysis is given for the M?ssbauer spectra. In aggregate, the spectroscopic data reveal differences with both the plant-type and mammalian-type ferredoxins, in keeping with the sequence comparisons. The midpoint potential of the [2Fe-2S](2+/+) couple, at -375 mV versus the normal hydrogen electrode, is more negative than those of mammalian-type ferredoxins and at the upper end of the range covered by plant-type ferredoxins. A. aeolicus ferredoxin contains two cysteines in addition to the four that are committed as ligands of the [2Fe-2S] cluster. These two residues have been shown by chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis to form a disulfide bridge in the native protein. While that cystine unit plays a significant role in the exceptional thermostability of A. aeolicus ferredoxin (T(m) = 121 degrees C at pH 7 versus T(m) = 113 degrees C in a molecular variant where the disulfide bridge has been removed), it does not bear on the properties of the [2Fe-2S](2+/+) chromophore. This observation is consistent with the large distance (ca. 20 A) that is predicted to separate the iron-sulfur chromophore from the disulfide bridge.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA region with four consecutive open reading frames, including an fdxH-type gene, has been sequenced and initially characterized for the nonheterocystous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Plectonema boryanum PCC 73110. The fdxH gene encodes a [2Fe-2S]-type ferredoxin, 98 amino acids in length, with a deduced molecular mass of 10.9 kDa. Conserved residues include two characteristic lysines at positions 10 and 11, shown recently to be important for interaction with nitrogenase reductase (S. Schmitz, B. Schrautermeier, and H. Böhme, Mol. Gen. Genet. 240:455-460, 1993). The gene is transcribed only under anaerobic nitrogenase-inducing conditions, whereas the Plectonema petF gene, encoding a different (type 1) [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin, is only transcribed in cultures growing with combined nitrogen. The fdxH gene was expressed in Escherichia coli as a holoprotein. The purified protein was able to effectively donate electrons to cyanobacterial nitrogenase, whereas PetF from the same organism was not. The occurrence of FdxH in the nonheterocystous genus Plectonema demonstrates for the first time that FdxH-type ferredoxins are not exclusively expressed within heterocysts, as is true for cyanobacteria differentiating these cells for nitrogen fixation under aerobic growth conditions. Two open reading frames that precede fdxH have high similarity to those found at a corresponding location in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. In the latter organism, they are transcribed only under nitrogen-fixing conditions, but the functions of their gene products remain unclear (D. Borthakur, M. Basche, W. J. Buikema, P. B. Borthakur, and R. Haselkorn, Mol. Gen. Genet. 221:227-234, 1990). An fdxB-type gene encoding a 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin not previously identified in cyanobacteria is located immediately downstream of fdxH in P. boryanum.  相似文献   

Putidaredoxin (Pdx), a vertebrate-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from Pseudomonas putida, transfers electrons from NADH-putidaredoxin reductase to cytochrome P450cam. Pdx exhibits redox-dependent binding affinities for P450cam and is thought to play an effector role in the monooxygenase reaction catalyzed by this hemoprotein. To understand how the reduced form of Pdx is stabilized and how reduction of the [2Fe-2S] cluster affects molecular properties of the iron-sulfur protein, crystal structures of reduced C73S and C73S/C85S Pdx were solved to 1.45 angstroms and 1.84 angstroms resolution, respectively, and compared to the corresponding 2.0 angstroms and 2.03 angstroms X-ray models of the oxidized mutants. To prevent photoreduction, the latter models were determined using in-house radiation source and the X-ray dose received by Pdx crystals was significantly decreased. Structural analysis showed that in reduced Pdx the Cys45-Ala46 peptide bond flip initiates readjustment of hydrogen bonding interactions between the [2Fe-2S] cluster, the Sgamma atoms of the cysteinyl ligands, and the backbone amide nitrogen atoms that results in tightening of the Cys39-Cys48 metal cluster binding loop around the prosthetic group and shifting of the metal center toward the Cys45-Thr47 peptide. From the metal center binding loop, the redox changes are transmitted to the linked Ile32-Asp38 peptide triggering structural rearrangement between the Tyr33-Asp34, Ser7-Asp9 and Pro102-Asp103 fragments of Pdx. The newly established hydrogen bonding interactions between Ser7, Asp9, Tyr33, Asp34, and Pro102, in turn, not only stabilize the tightened conformation of the [2Fe-2S] cluster binding loop but also assist in formation of a specific structural patch on the surface of Pdx that can be recognized by P450cam. This redox-linked change in surface properties is likely to be responsible for different binding affinity of oxidized and reduced Pdx to the hemoprotein.  相似文献   

J M Moulis  J Meyer 《Biochemistry》1982,21(19):4762-4771
The sulfur atoms of the two [4Fe-4S] clusters present in the ferredoxin from Clostridium pasteurianum have been replaced by selenium. The substitution is readily carried out by incubating the apoferredoxin with excess amounts of Fe3+, selenite, and dithiothreitol under anaerobic conditions. The UV-visible absorption spectrum of the Se-substituted ferredoxin, the core extrusion of its active sites, and analyses of its iron and selenium contents show that it contains two [4Fe-4Se] clusters. The Se-substituted ferredoxin is considerably less resistant to oxygen or to acidic and alkaline pH than the native ferredoxin: the half-lives of the former are 20-500 times shorter than those of the latter. The native ferredoxin and the Se-substituted ferredoxin display similar kinetic properties when used as electron donors to the hydrogenase from C. pasteurianum. It is of note, however, that the Km and Vmax values are lower for the 2[4Fe-4Se] ferredoxin than for the 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin. Reductive and oxidative titrations with dithionite and with thionine, respectively, show that both ferredoxins are two-electron carriers. The redox potentials of the ferredoxins have been measured by equilibrating them with the H2/H+ couple via hydrogenase: values of -423 and -417 mV have been found for the 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin and 2[4Fe-4Se] ferredoxin, respectively. Ferredoxins containing both chalcogenides in their [4Fe-4X] (X = S, Se) clusters have been prepared by reconstitution reactions involving mixtures of sulfide and selenide: the latter experiments show that sulfide and selenide are equally reactive in the incorporation of [4Fe-4X] (X = S, Se) sites into ferredoxin. The present report, together with former studies, establishes the general feasibility of the Se/S substitution in [2Fe-2S] and in [4Fe-4S] clusters of proteins and of synthetic analogues.  相似文献   

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