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We have developed radioimmunoassays that detect idiotypic (variable region) differences among the alpha(1 leads to 3) dextran-binding meyloma proteins U102, J558, and M104 as well as an assay that detects variable region determinants common to all three proteins. Using these assays, we have examined 7S and 19S anti-alpha(1 leads to 3) dextran antibodies induced in five murine strains of the a1 IgCH linkage group and the recombinant strain BAB/14. All idiotypes were expressed in both 19S and 7S antibodies from all strains, but with considerable strain-specific variability in penetrance. In two strains, one additional type of antibody, which lacked all four idiotypic determinants, generally constituted the bulk of total anti-alpha(1 leads to 3) dextran antibodies.  相似文献   

Mice immunized with a combination of dextran B1355 in adjuvant followed by three injections of 2 x 10(9) Escherichia coli B organisms produced an average of 14.5 mg/ml of anti-dextran antibodies. It was demonstrated that the stimulating effect of E. coli B was due to antigenic determinants cross-reactive with B1355 and not solely because of adjuvant properties of the organism. The anti-dextran antibodies were distributed among both 7S and 19S components. Isoelectric focusing of the 7S antibodies showed several spectrotypes of antibody, most of which were shared by the majority of the individual sera. The limited spectrotypic heterogeneity of the 7S antibodies was supported by idiotypic studies. Thus, a heterologous, anti-idiotypic serum, rabbit anti-M104, was prepared which distinguished between two closely related myeloma proteins, M104 and J558,with specificity for alpha-(1 leads to 3) dextran. This antiserum demonstrated that some, but not all, of the 7S and 19S anti-dextran antibodies possessed variable region determinants cross-reactive with M104.  相似文献   

The bacterial dextran B1355, which is normally a potent thymus-independent immunogen, was made tolerogenic by oxidation. The injection of the oxidized dextran into BALB/c mice before, at the same time, or up to 4 days after the injection of the immunogenic form of the dextran resulted in a marked immunologically specific suppression of the number of anti-dextran antibody-forming cells found in the spleen. This suppression resulted from a direct inactivation of antibody-forming cell precursors rather than from either inhibition of antibody secretion or the exhaustive utilization of precursor B cells that have been observed in other tolerance systems. A substantial degree of tolerance was achieved after only a 1-hr in vivo exposure of the spleen cells to the tolerogen. At a dose of 1 mg of oxidized dextran per mouse, tolerance persised for at least 3 weeks. A complete recovery was apparent by 10 weeks. The stability of the tolerance was demonstrated by transferring tolerant spleen cells to irradiated recipients. The response in the recipient animals to an immunogenic dextran challenge remained suppressed. It appears that the tolerogenicity of the oxidized dextran is due to its ability to couple covalently with free amino groups in or near the receptor site of the cell membrane via the reactive dialdehyde groups of the dextran.  相似文献   

HLA antigens are composed of two polypeptide chains, the heavy chain carrying the alloantigenic determinants and the light chain identified as β2-microglobulin. By the use of microsequencing techniques, the amino terminal sequences of two HLA heavy chain preparations carrying different HLA allospecificities (A2 and B7, 14) have been determined through position 22. With the exception of one position, the two are identical through 22 residues. There is also a considerable degree of homology with mouse H-2 antigens. These data support the hypothesis that the HLA-A and B gene products have evolved by gene duplication from a common ancestral gene and that these gene products have great homology in the primary structure.  相似文献   

The primary antibody response of different mouse strains challenged with two antigenic forms of alpha (1-3) dextran, dextran B1355S and dextran-hemocyanin, was examined. Only BALB/c mice responded with both kappa and lambda antibodies. The kappa to lambda ratio was affected by factors such as the antigenic form of dextran, the time at which the serum was analyzed, and the priming regimen. Surprisingly, priming with hemocyanin in adjuvant increased the kappa portion of the response not only to dextran-hemocyanin but also to dextran B1355S. Other strains of mice responded with only lambda antibodies. These results extend our previous results on the analysis of dextran-specific B cell precursors.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal sequences and amino acid compositions of the three major and two minor polypeptides constituting the filaments of Spirochaeta aurantia periplasmic flagella were determined. The amino-terminal sequence of the major 37.5-kDa outer layer polypeptide is identical to the sequence downstream of the proposed signal peptide of the protein encoded by the S. aurantia flaA gene. However, the amino acid composition of the 37.5-kDa polypeptide is not in agreement with that inferred from the sequence of flaA. The 34- and 31.5-kDa major filament core polypeptides and the 33- and 32-kDa minor core polypeptides show a striking similarity to each other, and the amino-terminal sequences of these core polypeptides show extensive identity with homologous proteins from members of other genera of spirochetes. An additional 36-kDa minor polypeptide that occurs occasionally in preparations of S. aurantia periplasmic flagella appears to be mixed with the 37.5-kDa outer layer polypeptide or a degradation product of this polypeptide.  相似文献   

The dichain type E botulinum neurotoxin, a product of nicking the single chain protein by trypsin, is composed of a heavy and light chains. Sequence of the first 13 and 20 N-terminal residues of these two chains were determined. Also, proof is provided here that (i) the light chain of the nicked (dichain) is derived from the N-terminal one-third of the parent single chain neurotoxin, and (ii) molecular events leading to the activation, of the single chain neurotoxin cannot involve tryptic cleavage at or very close to the N-terminal of the single chain protein. The partial amino acid sequence of the light chain of botulinum type E and tetanus neurotoxins show significant similarity between the two clostridial neurotoxins.  相似文献   

Human liver cathepsin L consists of a heavy chain and a light chain with Mr values of 25,000 and 5000 respectively. The chains have been purified and their N-terminal amino acid sequences have been determined. The 40 amino acids determined from the heavy chain and 42 amino acids sequenced in the light chain are homologous with the N-terminal and C-terminal regions respectively of the superfamily of cysteine proteinases. Therefore it is likely that the two chains of cathepsin L are derived by proteolysis of a single polypeptide precursor. Of the amino acids sequenced, 81% are identical with the homologous portions of a protein sequence for a major cysteine proteinase predicted from a cDNA clone from a mouse macrophage cell line. This is the closest relative amongst the known sequences in the superfamily and strongly indicates that the protein encoded by this mRNA is cathepsin L. The mouse protein is also probably the major excreted protein of a transformed cell line [Gal & Gottesman (1986) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 139, 156-162]. The heavy chain is identical in only 71% of its residues with the sequence of ox cathepsin S, providing further evidence that this latter enzyme is probably not a species variant of cathepsin L. The relationship with a second unidentified cathepsin cDNA clone from a bovine library is much weaker (41% identity), and so this clone remains unidentified.  相似文献   

This is the first report of nucleotide and translated amino acid sequences of the variable region light (VL) and heavy (VH) chains of mouse monoclonal hybridoma anti-blood group A and B substances, the combining sites of which have been mapped. Monoclonal hybridoma anti-A and anti-B produced in BALB/c mice by immunization with A or B blood group substances, with A1 erythrocytes, and water-soluble blood group A substance or with synthetic B determinants coupled to bovine serum albumin or to O erythrocytes have been characterized immunochemically. To relate the immunochemical properties of the monoclonals to their primary structures, we have cloned and sequenced cDNAs of variable regions of light and heavy chains of two anti-A and two anti-B. The anti-A hybridomas have very similar combining site specificities and have almost identical VH sequences belonging to the J558 germ-line family, but their VL are from different germ-line VK gene families. The two anti-B hybridomas have different combining site specificities and use the same VL which differs completely from the anti-A VL; their VH are derived from different VH germ-line genes belonging to the J606 family. The results suggest that the heavy chains play a major role in determining the specificities of the antibody combining sites, with only minor contribution of VL. Additional sequence data on monoclonal antibodies of defined specificity for blood group substances are needed for further insights into the genetic and structural basis for their specificities.  相似文献   

The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the hemopexins purified from the plasma of rat, rabbit and chicken were compared with each other and with that of human hemopexin. Although the N-terminal sequences differ among these species, residues 2, 3 and 14 are identical in all four hemopexins. Ten of the first 28 residues are identical in all but the chicken protein. When introducing gaps into the sequence, a much greater homology is observed between the human and rat or rabbit hemopexins (60%) than when the sequences were compared directly (40%).  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the N-terminal 139 residues of the L (light) chain derived from a homogeneous rabbit antibody to type III pneumococci was determined. This L chain, designated BS-5, exhibits a greater degree of homology with the basic sequence of human kappa chains of subgroup I (72%) than with subgroups II and III. L-chain BS-5 differs from another L chain (BS-1), also derived from an antibody to type III pneumococci (Jaton, 1974), by eight amino acid residues, even though the chains are identical within the N-terminal 30 residues. Six of these eight substitutions are located within the three hypervariable sections of the variable half: Asn/Ser in position 31, Glu/Ala in position 55, Asx/Thr, Thr/Gly, Thr/Gly and Val/Tyr in positions 92, 94, 96 and 97 respectively. The two anti-pneumococcal L chains BS-1 and BS-5 are much more similar to each other than to an anti-azobenzoate L chain (Appella et al., 1973), from which they differ by 30 and 29 residues respectively. Of these interchanges 13-15 are confined to the three hypervariable sections, and 11 occur within the N-terminal 27 positions. The three chains have an identical sequence from residue 98 to residue 139, except for a possible inversion of two residues in positions 130-131 of the anti-azobenzoate chain.  相似文献   

DNA-binding proteins specific to Chlamydia trachomatis elementary bodies have been described and recently characterized as procaryotic histone analogs. I have developed an affinity purification procedure for the 18-kDa histone analog, Hc1, based on its affinity for polyanions. The availability of highly purified Hc1 has allowed for determination of its N-terminal amino acid sequence and should prove useful in studies of its biological function. The variable C. trachomatis histone analog not obtained by this procedure was electrophoresed onto Immobilon paper for sequencing. The N terminus of the variable histone was conserved among C. trachomatis serotypes L2, D, and B and was distinct from that of Hc1.  相似文献   

The existence of precursors for TI and TD alpha 1 leads to 3 dextran antigens in BALB/c mice was demonstrated. A T-dependent dextran antigen was prepared by coupling dextran B1355S to hemocyanin and subsequent digestion with dextranase. The PFC response of BALB/c mice primed with hemocyanin to dextran-hemocyanin was found to be 8 times higher than in unprimed animals. The splenic focus assay was adapted for the analysis of precursors responding to T-dependent and T-independent dextran antigens. Pretreatment of recipients with anti-thymocyte serum abolished the response in fragment cultures to dextran-hemocyanin but did not affect the response to dextran B1355S. The frequencies of precursors in the adult BALB/c mouse responding to dextran and dextran-hemocyanin were determined by limiting dilution analysis. The frequency of T-dependent precursors was found to be almost 3 times greater than the frequency of T-independent precursors.  相似文献   

We predicted gamma-turns from amino acid sequences using the first-order Markov chain theory and enlarged representative data sets corresponding to protein chains selected from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The following data sets were used for training and deriving the probability values: (1) an initial data set containing 315 protein chains comprising 904 gamma-turns and (2) a later data set in order to include new entries in the PDB, containing 434 protein chains and comprising 1053 gamma-turns. By excluding 93 protein chains that were common to these two training data sets, we generated two mutually exclusive data sets containing 222 and 341 protein chains for testing our predictions. Applying amino acid probability values derived from training data sets on to testing data sets yielded overall prediction accuracies in the range 54-57%. We recommend the use of probability values derived from the data set comprising 315 protein chains that represents more gamma-turns and also provides better predictions.  相似文献   

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