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During the past decade the relationship between biodiversity and human diversity has received increased attention, resulting in the identification of what the Declaration of Belém calls an ‘inextricable link’ between biological and cultural diversity. Although the term biocultural diversity, introduced to denote this link, is being used increasingly, there has been little critical reflection on what it precisely refers to. I argue that it is used with particular reference to ‘indigenous traditional’ people, but that there is scope for extending its application within biocultural discourse. I therefore review the concept of culture and discuss what constitutes cultural values of the natural environment. I conclude that the concept of culture must be understood as involving a dynamic process of transcultural exchange and constant re-articulations of tradition resulting in the persistence of certain cultural practices. This approach ultimately reveals that the concept of biocultural diversity is also applicable to non-indigenous traditional communities.  相似文献   

Wind illness is a very common complaint among the Northern Thai, yet is rarely recognized by Thai physicians trained in biomedicine. Persons most susceptible to wind illness are adult women who have ever borne a child. Consequently, data were obtained from 415 everparous women, 43% of whom reported ever having had wind illness and 57%, never having had it. In addition, 20 individuals who had ever had the syndrome were followed for case study, and 13 indigenous healers who traditionally treat clients suffering wind illness were interviewed. Their perceptions of the etiology, symptomatology and treatment of wind illness are reported in Part I. Part II is an attempt to define wind illness in terms of biomedicine and as a consequence of fertility. Part III synthesizes the emic and etic accounts with explanations for the perdurance of wind illness despite the advances of biomedicine and the recent fertility decline in Northern Thailand.  相似文献   

As three of the members of the delegation of the Botanical Society of America, the authors participated in a 28-day tour of the People’s Republic of China in May and June, 1978. Botanical institutes and universities were visited in nine cities. A list of names and addresses of the collaborators and editors of family treatments for theFlora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae is supplemented with a bibliography of published floras and significant taxonomic literature issued primarily since the end of the Cultural Revolution. A few observations on herbaria and herbarium practices are included.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is the structural and narrative reconstruction of representations of ‘nature’, ‘wildlife’ and ‘landscape’, held by rural residents of the Dadia Forest Reserve. Data collection involved in-depth interviews. Employing a social representations’ approach, we recovered representational elements that are expected in the case of rural belief systems, such as negative dispositions towards wolves and foxes, as well as elements of an urban adherence, such as nature’s independence. Representational elements refer to visual aspects of the countryside, which seem compatible with the figurative nucleus of the rural idyll. Concerning ‘wildlife’, residents focused on vultures, which comprise the main tourist attraction of the reserve. Scientific knowledge adds to the complexity of the narrative schema, which corresponds to the representation of ‘wildlife’. Interviewees perceived the rural landscape as an interface between the natural and the human-conditioned environment. Our study shows that interviewees make no reference to environmental conservation or quality of life issues, as it could be expected according to relatively wide definitions of the term ‘environmentalism’. Environmental messages reinforced by ecotourism development seem to be recalled primarily in terms of their compatibility with the perceived economic benefit of local people. Despite ecotourism development, representational elements that diverge from a tourist version of ‘nature’, ‘wildlife’ and ‘landscape’ were not pronounced within rural belief-systems. Further interventions within the study area are needed, in order to address a variety of topics under the environmental conservation discourse and raise the environmental awareness of rural residents.  相似文献   

Gregory L. Forth 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):232-248
In this article the author attempts to show the rationale behind the ideology of the Fijian political movement called Taukei, i.e. “owners of the land”. The fundamentalist current within the Fijian political scene in later years has made powerful use of indigenous concepts related to the land (vanua). In contrast to other ethnic groups in the country Fijians consider themselves to be upholders of indisputable moral principles also embraced by the concept vanua. On the one hand their preoccupation with everything that vanua stands for makes Fijians easy prey to political manipulation. On the other hand, the moral standards represented by vanua give them a sense of identity in a situation of rapid social and political change.  相似文献   

Williams  J. D. H.  Walker  T. W. 《Plant and Soil》1967,27(3):457-459
Summary Ignition markedly increased the solubility in dilute acid of iron- and aluminium-bound inorganic phosphate in samples of weathered New Zealand greywacke rock. This observation supports the view that ignition methods may sometimes overestimate the total organic phosphate of soils.  相似文献   


Museums around the globe have experienced important changes in recent years in response to decolonisation processes and the demands of indigenous peoples. French museums are no exception, but the transformations have certain French hallmarks. This article explores the way France is dealing with its colonial legacy and, by means of two case studies, unravels the diverse political and historical particularities of the French context. The first looks at the results of a comparative analysis of the French and Québécois public’s response to the travelling exhibition E tū ake: Standing Strong produced by the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. The second focuses on the repatriation ceremony of Māori toi moko (tattooed preserved heads) that took place in Paris in January 2012. These two case studies examine the French uses of concepts such as ‘community’, ‘minority’, and ‘indigeneity’ as well as the complex relations between religion and rationality, ancestral presence and materialism in French public life. The article investigates how these concepts participate in the fabric of French society, and thus in shaping contemporary museum landscapes.  相似文献   

While ‘ethnicity and everyday life’ is a familiar collocation, sociologists concerned with racism and ethnicity have not engaged very much with the extensive body of social theory that takes the ‘everyday’ as its central problematic. In this essay, I consider some of the ways in which the sociology of the everyday might be of use to those concerned with investigating ethnicity and racism. For its part, however, the sociology of the everyday has tended to be remarkably blind to the role played by racism and racialization in the modern world. It is thus no less crucial to consider how the experiences of racialized groups might help us rethink influential accounts of the everyday. To this end, I provide a discussion of pioneering texts by C. L. R. James and W. E. B. du Bois, both of whom were driven by their reflections on racism and resistance to recognize the everyday not as an unremarked context, but as, precisely, a problematic one.  相似文献   

Recently we found two highly conserved structural motifs in the proteins of the EF-hand calcium binding protein family. These motifs provide a supporting scaffold for the Ca2+ binding loops and contribute to the hydrophobic core of the EF-hand domain. Each structural motif forms a cluster of three amino acids called cluster I (‘black’ cluster) and cluster II (‘grey’ cluster). Cluster I is much more conserved and mostly incorporates aromatic amino acids. In contrast, cluster II includes a mix of aromatic, hydrophobic, and polar amino acids. The ‘black’ and ‘gray’ clusters in rat β-parvalbumin consist of F48, A100, F103 and G61, L64, M87, respectively. In the present work, we sequentially substituted these amino acids residues by Ala, except Ala100, which was substituted by Val. Physical properties of the mutants were studied by circular dichroism, scanning calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, chemical crosslinking, and fluorescent probe methods. The Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding affinities of these mutants were evaluated by intrinsic fluorescence and equilibrium dialysis methods. In spite of a rather complicated pattern of contributions of separate amino acid residues of the ‘black’ and ‘gray’ clusters into maintenance of rat β-parvalbumin structural and functional status, the alanine substitutions in the cluster I cause noticeably more pronounced changes in various structural parameters of proteins, such as hydrodynamic radius of apo-form, thermal stability of Ca2+/Mg2+-loaded forms, and total energy of Ca2+ binding in comparison with the changes caused by amino acid substitutions in the cluster II. These findings were further supported by the outputs of computational analysis of the effects of these mutations on the intrinsic disorder predisposition of rat β-parvalbumin, which also indicated that local intrinsic disorder propensities and the overall levels of predicted disorder were strongly affected by mutations in the cluster I, whereas mutations in cluster II had less pronounced effects. These results demonstrate that amino acids of the cluster I provide more essential contribution to the maintenance of structuraland functional properties of the protein in comparison with the residues of the cluster II.  相似文献   

Lynne Sigler 《Mycopathologia》1989,108(3):155-161
A woman suffering from acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis was admitted to the hospital ten days after deliberate intoxication by ingestion of Cortinarius orellanus. Orellanine, the main toxin responsible for orellanine poisoning, was detected in biological fluids and renal biopsies. It was assayed by direct spectrofluorimetry on two-dimensional thin-layer chromatograms after specific photodecomposition into orelline. The orellanine concentration was 6.12 mg/l in the plasma (10 days after ingestion). Orellanine levels in renal biopsies were 7 g per 25 mm3 of the first biopsy (13 days after ingestion) and 24 g per 8 mm3 of the second biopsy (6 months later).Taken in part from the doctorate thesis of S. Rapior.  相似文献   

Halorhodospira halophila, one of the most-xerophilic halophiles, inhabits biophysically stressful and energetically expensive, salt-saturated alkaline brines. Here, we report an additional stress factor that is biotic: a diminutive Candidate-Phyla-Radiation bacterium, that we named ‘Ca. Absconditicoccus praedator’ M39-6, which predates H. halophila M39-5, an obligately photosynthetic, anaerobic purple-sulfur bacterium. We cultivated this association (isolated from the hypersaline alkaline Lake Hotontyn Nur, Mongolia) and characterized their biology. ‘Ca. Absconditicoccus praedator’ is the first stably cultivated species from the candidate class-level lineage Gracilibacteria (order-level lineage Absconditabacterales). Its closed-and-curated genome lacks genes for the glycolytic, pentose phosphate- and Entner–Doudoroff pathways which would generate energy/reducing equivalents and produce central carbon currencies. Therefore, ‘Ca. Absconditicoccus praedator’ is dependent on host-derived building blocks for nucleic acid-, protein-, and peptidoglycan synthesis. It shares traits with (the uncultured) ‘Ca. Vampirococcus lugosii’, which is also of the Gracilibacteria lineage. These are obligate parasitic lifestyle, feeding on photosynthetic anoxygenic Gammaproteobacteria, and absorption of host cytoplasm. Commonalities in their genomic composition and structure suggest that the entire Absconditabacterales lineage consists of predatory species which act to cull the populations of their respective host bacteria. Cultivation of vampire : host associations can shed light on unresolved aspects of their metabolism and ecosystem dynamics at life-limiting extremes.  相似文献   

Tang S  Dai W  Li M  Zhang Y  Geng Y  Wang L  Zhong Y 《Genetica》2008,134(1):21-30
Abies ziyuanensis is a highly endangered fir species endemic to South China. Unlike other Abies species that are distributed in areas with cold climates, A. ziyuanensis is restricted to several isolated island-like localities at subtropical mountains. In this study, we used dominant amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and co-dominant simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers to infer the genetic structure of A. ziyuanensis. Seven populations consisting of 139 individuals were sampled across their whole distribution. A. ziyuanenesis has a relatively low level of genetic variation, with a mean genetic diversity per population (He) of 0.136 (AFLP) and 0.337 (SSR), which is lower than that of other reported endemic species based on the same kind of marker. We observed high population differentiation, with Gst = 0.482 (AFLP) and Fst = 0.250 (SSR), among the seven populations. AMOVA also detected significant differentiation among populations (Φst (AFLP) = 0.550 and Φst (SSR) = 0.289) and among regions (Φct (AFLP) = 0.139 and Φct (SSR) = 0.135) in both marker types. Both ongoing evolutionary forces (e.g., genetic drift resulting from small population size) and historical events (e.g., population contraction and fragmentation during and after the Quaternary glacial cycles) may have contributed to the genetic structure in A. ziyuanensis.  相似文献   

Wedekind C  Evanno G  Urbach D  Jacob A  Müller R 《Genetica》2008,132(2):199-208
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.  相似文献   

When, in the 1980s, Alzheimer's disease became a disease of major public concern, 'personhood' also became an important, related topic of discussion. Those in caring professions (psychology, social work, etc.) and caregiver groups advocated for the 'person within' who was getting lost in a forgetful body and in a reductionist biomedical system. This essay aims to critically approach the dualism of this kind of argument by focusing on the moral positioning of claims such as personhood or biomedical reductionism.  相似文献   

Michurinist biology was introduced to China in 1948; granted a state supported monopoly in 1952; and reduced to parity with western genetics from 1956. The Soviets exported it through the propaganda agencies Sino Soviet Friendship Association (SSFA) and VOKS (Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries). China’s Ministry of Agriculture achieved broad public awareness and acceptance of Michurinist biology through a translation, publication, and Soviet guest speakers campaign – all managed by a team of agriculturalists led by Luo Tianyu, a veteran CCP (Communist Party) cadre. The campaign grew exponentially, but did not affect university or Chinese Academy of Sciences biology. Luo Tianyu’s failed attempt to force Michurinist biology on a Beijing university triggered its second stage: monopoly status and a ban on “Mendelist-Morganist” biology in teaching, research, and publication. The CCP Central Committee supported this policy believing that Michurinst biology would increase agricultural production for the forthcoming first Five Year Plan; whereas, western genetics had no practical value. Michurinist biology flourished at all levels of education, research, and science literature; Western genetics was completely shut down. This only began to change when the CCP Central Committee became wary of China’s dependency on Soviet technical expertise and failure to fully utilize that of China. Change was further promoted by significant attacks on Michurinist biology by Soviet and East German biologists. Soon, these developments informed China’s “genetics question,” which became a test case for larger questions about the definition of science and the relationship between scientists and the state. Under the guidance of Lu Dingyi’s Central Committee Propaganda Department, the CCP eventually decided that, henceforth, science controversies would only be resolved by the science community; and that monopolies or ideological orthodoxies would not be imposed on science. At the same time, the CCP rescinded Michurinist biology’s monopoly and the ban on western genetics. By the mid-1960s western genetics had successfully restored itself, largely due to the leadership of C. C. Tan, a former student of Dobzhansky. Michurinist biology’s presence shrank and it became marginalized.  相似文献   

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