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Conclusion It should be clear by now the extent to which many features of Thorpe's interpretation of animal behavior and of the animal mind rested, at bottom, not simply on conventional scientific proofs but on interpretive inferences, which in turn rested on a willingress to make extensions of human experience to animals. This, in turn, rested on his view of evolution and his view of reality. And these were governed by his natural theology, which was the fundamental stratum of his intellectual experience.Contrary to the scientific ethos, which restricts theory choice to scientific issues alone, Thorpe's career suggests that the actual reasons for theory choice among scientists often are not limited to science, but are multiple and may sometimes be difficult to discover. It is largely because Thorpe took a public part in the natural theology enterprise that we can know something about his religious beliefs and so can see their probable influence on his scientific decisions. Similar beliefs of other scientists are sometimes harder to get at. Most may be practically beyond discovery, for the ethos of science has discouraged public professions of personal belief in relation to scientific work.101 Yet does it seem plausible that, for example, the restriction of self-consciousness to humans by some scientists is a purely scientific decision?102 Surely not, any more than that the strong influence of natural theology on Thorpe's thought means that he was not a good scientist. His natural theology may have led him into incautious enthusiasms regarding the animal mind — such as the potential if unrealizable linguistic ability of chimpanzees — through a bias in favor of the continuity of emergents in a progressive evolutionary system, just as it led him to advocate animal consciousness long before the recent upsurge of interest, but the scientific integrity of his work overall is unimpeachable. And yet, that work is not comprehensible historically as science alone. Personal philosophy must not be discounted in writing the history of recent science. This somewhat obvious conclusion (obvious to historians of science) needs emphasis, for we are still prone to think that the sciences of our own time provide their own internal dynamic that is in itself sufficient to account for their content and development.  相似文献   

Tick borne diseases (TBDs), though neglected, are possibly the major constraints for livestock and agricultural production in southern Italy. The diseases affect mainly the livestock imported from foreign Northern countries. But now, very timidly indeed, the awareness that the use of native breeds could contribute to reduce the ravages of these diseases is growing. Over a period of many centuries Apulian farm animals have naturally developed the ability to thrive in TBDs endemic areas. This trait, which can be defined as tolerance to TBDs is associated with the ability to control parasitaemia and to resist the development of anaemia in the face of infection. It is a matter of fact that the hematological features of Apulian native farm animals are rather peculiar as the authors highlighted by studying the blood of these animals over a period of more than ten years. In the light of their experience the authors considered that the phenomenon of tolerance is a broad-based one and possibly not unrelated to the erythropoietic system of the Apulian animals. Thus the ability to resist anaemia per se was tested in four Altamurana sheep compared to that of four Romanov sheep. This work summarises the results obtained from the experimental anaemization of the above two breed groups and discusses the findings on the basis of a review of the authors' experience in studying TBDs in sheep.  相似文献   

Beadle's success in establishing biochemical genetics on a firm foundation was due to a combination of several circumstances. These include the following: 1. Apt timing of his work, which Garrod's work clearly lacked, was important. Geneticists were receptive to his ideas and conclusions. As Beadle (1967, 1974) himself acknowledged, much ground was prepared earlier by Garrod and Haldane, who discussed gene action in terms of biochemical reactions, although it was largely ignored. The physiology of gene action was discussed and speculated on to a great extent in the preceding years by Bridges, Goldschmidt, Muller, and Wright. 2. Beadle's selection of Neurospora was most appropriate. It was a haploid organism (with no complications of dominance and recessivity) that could be grown and manipulated easily for isolating mutants to study their segregation and recombination within a short time. Its cytogenetics and the method of growing on chemically defined media were already worked out. It was devoid of the long generation time and more complex sex cycle (among other problems) that complicated the biochemical study of higher plants (e.g., Primula), which Haldane and Scott-Moncrieff had attempted earlier. 3. Beadle's striking ability to shift from one organism to another--from corn to Drosophila to Neurospora--must be acknowledged. He saw the limitations of existing methods and had the courage and skill to move on to more successful methods: from conventional breeding to tissue transplants to microbiological techniques. 4. Beadle's own curiosity about the biochemical nature of gene action and his good fortune in having had such outstanding teachers as Emerson, as well as his ability to collaborate with Ephrussi and Tatum, contributed largely to his success.  相似文献   

Conceptual styles are rule-sets for the selection and organization of sense data. Two mutually incompatible conceptual styles are identified—relational and analytic. Relational and analytic methods of conceptual organization appear to have been developed and reinforced in shared-function and formally organized primary groups, respectively, as socialization settings. Each style affects its carrier's ability to deal effectively with the alternate kind of group process requirements. A distinction is drawn between culture conflict and related notions of deprivation and culture difference. When the conceptual styles used between individuals and groups are mutually incompatible, culture conflict may be said to exist, whether or not the other phenomena are also present. It is found that highly relational pupils in the analytic school environment represent this type of culture conflict regardless of their native ability or the variety and relevance of their experience backgrounds. This difficulty is not obviated by developing context-free situations. Item solution requirements for common nonverbal tests of intelligence, for instance, focus directly on expertise in using the analytic rule-set as a measure of intelligence. Their culture bias has, thus, not been reduced but has been moved to a higher level of abstraction. Conceptual rule-sets also affect the assimulation of experience content. They determine to a great extent the number and nature of contextual attributes that will appear relevant to individuals. In addition, because a wide variety of social and psychological behaviors are meaningful only when they follow from these rule-sets, conceptual styles contribute to the formation of logically derived normative systems.  相似文献   

一种作物种植的气候适应性模糊综合评价方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种作物种植的气候适应性的模糊综合评价方法.作物种植的气候适应性可定义为一定地理环境下,其自然气候条件能满足作物生长所需适宜气候条件的能力.在相同的地理环境下,作物种植的气候适应性因作物种类不同而表现不一,并可表示为该地理环境提供的自然气候条件对不同作物生长所需适宜气候条件的满足程度.作物种植的气候适应性的模糊综合评价包括以下主要步骤:确定影响作物种植的主要气候因子,确定各因子的权重,建立评价因子集并确定气候因子评价标准、建立评价矩阵和计算作物生长气候适应性等.采用该方法对武夷山北坡不同海拔高度柑桔和茶树种植的气候适应性进行了综合评价.  相似文献   

As suggested in previous publications, freedom may be defined quantitatively as a restriction upon the choice of a number of activities. If the choice is determined by maximizing the satisfaction function, it is suggested that freedom may be defined in terms of the satisfaction function. If an individual is isolated and no physical restrictions limit his choice of activities, he is free to choose any activity in an amount which maximizes his satisfaction. This isolated state may be considered therefore as that of maximum freedom. If the individual interacts with another, he will choose different amounts of his object of satisfaction depending on whether he behaves egoistically or altruistically. But in either case the value chosen will not maximize his satisfaction function considered alone. A simple analytical expression is suggested as a measure of freedom in this case, and some problems which arise from this suggestion are mentioned.  相似文献   

Summary The asymptotic efficiency of partial diallel crosses is defined, and circulant plans having such a property are identified. In the absence of an optimal plan to suit his requirements, the breeder should opt for suggested plans to derive maximum information for given resources.  相似文献   

It is known from the pedagogic, didactic and experience coordinates that a man doesn't become better by using words but by his actions. They are matchless examples for the self-apprehension process and the perception of the action itself as well as the only worthy and accurate offer for the assessment of the range and the significance of the achieved result. From the earliest stage of their life, from the childhood and then later on in different stages of their development and growth, the human being as a social being has a double need: to feel himself in the range of his "I" and to feel himself as a member of a group, a family and of the society in general. Satisfying the sense and the level of those needs doubtlessly depends on the examples given by the life itself and the circumstances of the living within the family, the school and finally the society, that is, the surroundings where the individual is affirming himself by his individual creative capability and skills with which he realizes himself as a subject on its own as well as within the social group he lives and works in. The conditions of the life and work of the elderly are necessary for this important and precious task in the development of a young man so that the applications of their experiences could ensure reliable guidelines for the harmony and success of the life and work of the young. On this bridge of generations the experience of the old is affirmed along with the need for its aimed, creative and fruitful offer to the young in the dynamic process of their development to the maturity and creativity.  相似文献   

Interviewing offers the biographer unique opportunities for gathering data. I offer three examples. The emphatic bacterial geneticist Norton Zinder confronted me with an interpretation of Barbara McClintock’s science that was as surprising as it proved to be robust. The relaxed setting of the human geneticist Walter Nance’s rural summer home contributed to an unusually improvisational oral history that produced insights into his experimental and thinking style. And “embedding” myself with the biochemical geneticist Charles Scriver in his home, workplace, and city enabled me to experience the social networks that drive the practical events of his career, which in turn helped me explain the theoretical basis of his science. Face-to-face interaction and multisensory experience will shape each biographer’s experience uniquely. Recent developments in sensory physiology suggest that the experience of integrating sense data encourages different patterns of observation and reflection. It is reasonable, then, to think that biography based on face-to-face interviews will, for a given author, have a different character than one based entirely on documents. I reflect on how interviewing shapes my own writing and I encourage the reader to do the same.  相似文献   

Deng K  Chu T 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19014
The inconsistency of predictions from solution concepts of conventional game theory with experimental observations is an enduring question. These solution concepts are based on the canonical rationality assumption that people are exclusively self-regarding utility maximizers. In this article, we think this assumption is problematic and, instead, assume that rational economic agents act as if they were maximizing their implicit utilities, which turns out to be a natural extension of the canonical rationality assumption. Implicit utility is defined by a player's character to reflect his personal weighting between cooperative, individualistic, and competitive social value orientations. The player who actually faces an implicit game chooses his strategy based on the common belief about the character distribution for a general player and the self-estimation of his own character, and he is not concerned about which strategies other players will choose and will never feel regret about his decision. It is shown by solving five paradigmatic games, the Dictator game, the Ultimatum game, the Prisoner's Dilemma game, the Public Goods game, and the Battle of the Sexes game, that the framework of implicit game and its corresponding solution concept, implicit equilibrium, based on this alternative assumption have potential for better explaining people's actual behaviors in social decision making situations.  相似文献   

The rotavirus nonstructural glycoprotein NSP4 functions as the receptor for the inner capsid particle (ICP) which buds into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum during virus maturation. The structure of the cytoplasmic domain of NSP4 from rotavirus strain SA11 has been investigated by using limited proteolysis and mass spectrometry. Digestion with trypsin and V8 protease reveals a C-terminal protease-sensitive region that is 28 amino acids long. The minimal sequence requirements for receptor function have been defined by constructing fusions with glutathione S-transferase and assessing their ability to bind ICPs. These experiments demonstrate that 17 to 20 amino acids from the extreme C terminus are necessary and sufficient for ICP binding and that this binding is cooperative. These observations are consistent with a model for the structure of the NSP4 cytoplasmic region in which four flexible regions of 28 amino acids are presented by a protease-resistant coiled-coil tetramerization domain, with only the last approximately 20 amino acids of each peptide interacting with the surface binding sites on the ICP.  相似文献   

Based upon the IOM report and the reaction it has already generated, as well as any new requirements that could emerge, we can expect to see increased pressure on health care to learn from its mistakes over the next few years. Clinical engineering professionals, who bring a breadth of experience and understanding in engineering, management and clinical principles to the table, have the ability to be an essential part of the team working to make the recommendations in the IOM report a reality. It is up to each of us to prepare ourselves to assume a prominent role within our hospitals as they tackle the challenge of reducing medical errors and improving patient safety.  相似文献   

Route learning by insects   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Ants and other insects often follow fixed routes from their nest to a foraging site. The shape of an ant's route is set, initially, by navigational strategies, such as path integration and the ant's innate responses to landmarks, which depend minimally on memory. With increasing experience, these early routes are stabilised through the learning of views of landmarks and of associated actions. The substitution of memory-based strategies makes an insect's route more robust and precise. The ability to select between different learnt routes might incur additional memory requirements to those needed for performing a route, and lead to the associative grouping of those memories that relate to a particular route.  相似文献   

Comparative studies suggest that at least some bird species have evolved mental skills similar to those found in humans and apes. This is indicated by feats such as tool use, episodic-like memory, and the ability to use one's own experience in predicting the behavior of conspecifics. It is, however, not yet clear whether these skills are accompanied by an understanding of the self. In apes, self-directed behavior in response to a mirror has been taken as evidence of self-recognition. We investigated mirror-induced behavior in the magpie, a songbird species from the crow family. As in apes, some individuals behaved in front of the mirror as if they were testing behavioral contingencies. When provided with a mark, magpies showed spontaneous mark-directed behavior. Our findings provide the first evidence of mirror self-recognition in a non-mammalian species. They suggest that essential components of human self-recognition have evolved independently in different vertebrate classes with a separate evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Suggested structural requirements for auxin activity are defined in terms of the receptor site with which the auxins interact. It is suggested that the site may be planar but for the portion which accepts the oxygen atoms of the carboxylic acid, and that compounds which have appropriate atoms covering postulated critical areas will have auxin activity. It is postulated that the area which accepts the indole nucleus is electrophilic in nature.  相似文献   

Reliable information on bird population trends is required to inform management and policy decisions. The ability to accurately identify species is therefore essential, yet there have been few studies on this subject. This study investigated accuracy of bird vocalisation identification via the use of a computer-based quiz, to provide data on difficult-to-identify species which may be used to inform training requirements and data analyses. Identification accuracy was highly variable, and for several species some vocalisation types were more difficult to identify accurately than others. Analysis of incorrect responses revealed that confusion was usually between species with similar vocalisations. A comparison of participants’ perceived identification ability (via self-assessment) to their actual ability, as determined from their quiz score showed that advanced participants usually assessed their ability accurately, whilst the remaining participants (intermediate, novice and no experience) generally underestimated their ability, demonstrating the need for an objective means of bird identification skill assessment.  相似文献   

This paper reviews in detail Francisco Varela's work on subjectivity and consciousness in the biological sciences. His original approach to this "hard problem" presents a subjectivity that is radically intertwined with its biological and physical roots. It must be understood within the framework of his theory of a concrete, embodied dynamics, grounded in his general theory of autonomous systems. Through concepts and paradigms such as biological autonomy, embodiment and neurophenomenology, the article explores the multiple levels of circular causality assumed by Varela to play a fundamental role in the emergence of human experience. The concept of biological autonomy provides the necessary and sufficient conditions for characterizing biological life and identity as an emergent and circular self-producing process. Embodiment provides a systemic and dynamical framework for understanding how a cognitive self--a mind--can arise in an organism in the midst of its operational cycles of internal regulation and ongoing sensorimotor coupling. Global subjective properties can emerge at different levels from the interactions of components and can reciprocally constrain local processes through an ongoing, recursive morphodynamics. Neurophenomenology is a supplementary step in the study of consciousness. Through a rigorous method, it advocates the careful examination of experience with first-person methodologies. It attempts to create heuristic mutual constraints between biophysical data and data produced by accounts of subjective experience. The aim is to explicitly ground the active and disciplined insight the subject has about his/her experience in a biophysical emergent process. Finally, we discuss Varela's essential contribution to our understanding of the generation of consciousness in the framework of what we call his "biophysics of being."  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry is capable of examining very large, dynamic proteins and this ability, coupled with its relatively high throughput and low sample requirements, is reflected by its increasing importance for the characterisation of protein structure. Recent developments in mass spectrometry, in particular the refinement of the electrospray process and its coupling with time-of-flight mass analysis, mean that it is poised to contribute not only as a complementary tool but also with a defined role in many areas of chemical biology.  相似文献   

Fetal and adult testosterone may be vital in the establishment and maintenance of sex-dependent abilities associated with male physical competitiveness. It has been shown that digit ratio (2D:4D) is negatively associated with prenatal testosterone, and it is also negatively associated with ability in sports such as football, skiing, middle distance running, and endurance running, which are dependent upon an efficient cardiovascular system. The relationship between digit ratio and sports requiring high power (physical strength) output in addition to well-developed cardiovascular systems has not been defined. This study investigated this association in male and female young adult rowers. Participants (77 male and 70 female) were student rowers encompassing a range of abilities from the University of Cambridge. Bilateral digit measurements were taken blind from each subject using Mitutoyo vernier calipers. Rowing performance over 2,000 m was assessed using the Concept 2 rowing ergometer. Significant negative correlations were observed between 2,000 m ergometer performance and male digit ratios, which persisted following adjustment for rowing experience and height. However, no such significant association was found in females despite a comparable sample size. Our data indicate that digit ratio is a predictor of ability in rowing, a sport which requires both cardiovascular efficiency and high power output, in males but not females. This in turn suggests that fetal testosterone exposure has long-term effects on traits associated with physical power in males but not females, suggesting a sex-difference in the capacity to respond to such exposures.  相似文献   

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